Push out changes from internal codebase.

All Languages
* Repeated fields of primitive types (types other that string, group, and
  nested messages) may now use the option [packed = true] to get a more
  efficient encoding.  In the new encoding, the entire list is written
  as a single byte blob using the "length-delimited" wire type.  Within
  this blob, the individual values are encoded the same way they would
  be normally except without a tag before each value (thus, they are
  tightly "packed").

* UnknownFieldSet now supports STL-like iteration.
* Message interface has method ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream() which parses
  a limited number of bytes from an input stream rather than parsing until

* Fixed bug where Message.mergeFrom(Message) failed to merge extensions.
* Message interface has new method toBuilder() which is equivalent to
* All enums now implement the ProtocolMessageEnum interface.
* Setting a field to null now throws NullPointerException.
* Fixed tendency for TextFormat's parsing to overflow the stack when
  parsing large string values.  The underlying problem is with Java's
  regex implementation (which unfortunately uses recursive backtracking
  rather than building an NFA).  Worked around by making use of possesive

* Updated RPC interfaces to allow for blocking operation.  A client may
  now pass None for a callback when making an RPC, in which case the
  call will block until the response is received, and the response
  object will be returned directly to the caller.  This interface change
  cannot be used in practice until RPC implementations are updated to
  implement it.

diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 7cc10e1..2a86a63 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,41 @@
-version 2.0.4:
+????-??-?? version 2.0.4:
+  General
+  * Repeated fields of primitive types (types other that string, group, and
+    nested messages) may now use the option [packed = true] to get a more
+    efficient encoding.  In the new encoding, the entire list is written
+    as a single byte blob using the "length-delimited" wire type.  Within
+    this blob, the individual values are encoded the same way they would
+    be normally except without a tag before each value (thus, they are
+    tightly "packed").
+  C++
+  * UnknownFieldSet now supports STL-like iteration.
+  * Message interface has method ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream() which parses
+    a limited number of bytes from an input stream rather than parsing until
+    EOF.
+  Java
+  * Fixed bug where Message.mergeFrom(Message) failed to merge extensions.
+  * Message interface has new method toBuilder() which is equivalent to
+    newBuilderForType().mergeFrom(this).
+  * All enums now implement the ProtocolMessageEnum interface.
+  * Setting a field to null now throws NullPointerException.
+  * Fixed tendency for TextFormat's parsing to overflow the stack when
+    parsing large string values.  The underlying problem is with Java's
+    regex implementation (which unfortunately uses recursive backtracking
+    rather than building an NFA).  Worked around by making use of possesive
+    quantifiers.
   * Added slicing support for repeated scalar fields. Added slice retrieval and
     removal of repeated composite fields.
+  * Updated RPC interfaces to allow for blocking operation.  A client may
+    now pass None for a callback when making an RPC, in which case the
+    call will block until the response is received, and the response
+    object will be returned directly to the caller.  This interface change
+    cannot be used in practice until RPC implementations are updated to
+    implement it.
 2008-11-25 version 2.0.3: