Add changelog for 3.0.0-alpha2 release.

Change-Id: I4cbb3374e351c31611de472c7d5d78e4ce2b0f3b
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 0d4ce0e..02c964c 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,43 @@
+2015-2-22 version 3.0.0-alpha-2 (Ruby/JavaNano):
+  General
+  * Introduced two new language implementations (Ruby and JavaNano) to proto3.
+  * Various bug fixes since 3.0.0-alpha-1
+  Ruby:
+    TODO(cfallin): Add descriptions here.
+  JavaNano:
+    JavaNano is a special code generator and runtime library designed especially
+    for resource-restricted systems, like Android. It is very resource-friendly
+    in both the amount of code and the runtime overhead. Here is an an overview
+    of JavaNano features compared with the official Java protobuf:
+    - No descriptors or message builders.
+    - All messages are mutable; fields are public Java fields.
+    - For optional fields only, encapsulation behind setter/getter/hazzer/
+      clearer functions is opt-in, which provide proper 'has' state support.
+    - For proto2, if not opted in, has state (field presence) is not available.
+      Serialization outputs all fields not equal to their defaults.
+      The behavior is consistent with proto3 semantics.
+    - Required fields (proto2 only) are always serialized.
+    - Enum constants are integers; protection against invalid values only
+      when parsing from the wire.
+    - Enum constants can be generated into container interfaces bearing
+      the enum's name (so the referencing code is in Java style).
+    - CodedInputByteBufferNano can only take byte[] (not InputStream).
+    - Similarly CodedOutputByteBufferNano can only write to byte[].
+    - Repeated fields are in arrays, not ArrayList or Vector. Null array
+      elements are allowed and silently ignored.
+    - Full support for serializing/deserializing repeated packed fields.
+    - Support  extensions (in proto2).
+    - Unset messages/groups are null, not an immutable empty default
+      instance.
+    - toByteArray(...) and mergeFrom(...) are now static functions of
+      MessageNano.
+    - The 'bytes' type translates to the Java type byte[].
+    See javanano/README.txt for details.
 2014-12-01 version 3.0.0-alpha-1 (C++/Java):