Integrate google internal changes.
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
index 422eb73..61dc283 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
@@ -51,6 +51,189 @@
 namespace cpp {
 namespace {
+// A CodeGenerator that captures the FileDescriptor it's passed as a
+// FileDescriptorProto.
+class DescriptorCapturingGenerator : public CodeGenerator {
+ public:
+  // Does not own file; file must outlive the Generator.
+  explicit DescriptorCapturingGenerator(FileDescriptorProto* file)
+      : file_(file) {}
+  virtual bool Generate(const FileDescriptor* file, const string& parameter,
+                        GeneratorContext* context, string* error) const {
+    file->CopyTo(file_);
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  FileDescriptorProto* file_;
+class CppMetadataTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+  // Adds a file with name `filename` and content `data`.
+  void AddFile(const string& filename, const string& data) {
+    GOOGLE_CHECK_OK(File::SetContents(TestTempDir() + "/" + filename, data,
+                               true));
+  }
+  // Tries to capture a FileDescriptorProto, GeneratedCodeInfo, and output
+  // code from the previously added file with name `filename`. Returns true on
+  // success. If pb_h is non-null, expects a .pb.h and a .pb.h.meta (copied to
+  // pb_h and pb_h_info respecfively); similarly for proto_h and proto_h_info.
+  bool CaptureMetadata(const string& filename, FileDescriptorProto* file,
+                       string* pb_h, GeneratedCodeInfo* pb_h_info,
+                       string* proto_h, GeneratedCodeInfo* proto_h_info,
+                       string* pb_cc) {
+    google::protobuf::compiler::CommandLineInterface cli;
+    cli.SetInputsAreProtoPathRelative(true);
+    CppGenerator cpp_generator;
+    DescriptorCapturingGenerator capturing_generator(file);
+    cli.RegisterGenerator("--cpp_out", &cpp_generator, "");
+    cli.RegisterGenerator("--capture_out", &capturing_generator, "");
+    string proto_path = "-I" + TestTempDir();
+    string cpp_out =
+        "--cpp_out=annotate_headers=true,"
+        "annotation_pragma_name=pragma_name,"
+        "annotation_guard_name=guard_name:" +
+        TestTempDir();
+    string capture_out = "--capture_out=" + TestTempDir();
+    const char* argv[] = {"protoc", proto_path.c_str(), cpp_out.c_str(),
+                          capture_out.c_str(), filename.c_str()};
+    if (cli.Run(5, argv) != 0) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    string output_base = TestTempDir() + "/" + StripProto(filename);
+    if (pb_cc != NULL) {
+          File::GetContents(output_base + "", pb_cc, true));
+    }
+    if (pb_h != NULL && pb_h_info != NULL) {
+          File::GetContents(output_base + ".pb.h", pb_h, true));
+      if (!DecodeMetadata(output_base + ".pb.h.meta", pb_h_info)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    if (proto_h != NULL && proto_h_info != NULL) {
+      GOOGLE_CHECK_OK(File::GetContents(output_base + ".proto.h", proto_h,
+                                 true));
+      if (!DecodeMetadata(output_base + ".proto.h.meta", proto_h_info)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  // Decodes GeneratedCodeInfo stored in path and copies it to info.
+  // Returns true on success.
+  bool DecodeMetadata(const string& path, GeneratedCodeInfo* info) {
+    string data;
+    GOOGLE_CHECK_OK(File::GetContents(path, &data, true));
+    io::ArrayInputStream input(, data.size());
+    return info->ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&input);
+  }
+const char kSmallTestFile[] =
+    "syntax = \"proto2\";\n"
+    "package foo;\n"
+    "enum Enum { VALUE = 0; }\n"
+    "message Message { }\n";
+// Finds the Annotation for a given source file and path (or returns null if it
+// couldn't).
+const GeneratedCodeInfo::Annotation* FindAnnotationOnPath(
+    const GeneratedCodeInfo& info, const string& source_file,
+    const vector<int>& path) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < info.annotation_size(); ++i) {
+    const GeneratedCodeInfo::Annotation* annotation = &info.annotation(i);
+    if (annotation->source_file() != source_file ||
+        annotation->path_size() != path.size()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    int node = 0;
+    for (; node < path.size(); ++node) {
+      if (annotation->path(node) != path[node]) {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (node == path.size()) {
+      return annotation;
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
+// Returns true if the provided annotation covers a given substring in
+// file_content.
+bool AnnotationMatchesSubstring(const string& file_content,
+                                const GeneratedCodeInfo::Annotation* annotation,
+                                const string& expected_text) {
+  uint32 begin = annotation->begin();
+  uint32 end = annotation->end();
+  if (end < begin || end > file_content.size()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return file_content.substr(begin, end - begin) == expected_text;
+TEST_F(CppMetadataTest, CapturesEnumNames) {
+  FileDescriptorProto file;
+  GeneratedCodeInfo info;
+  string pb_h;
+  AddFile("test.proto", kSmallTestFile);
+      CaptureMetadata("test.proto", &file, &pb_h, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+  EXPECT_EQ("Enum", file.enum_type(0).name());
+  vector<int> enum_path;
+  enum_path.push_back(FileDescriptorProto::kEnumTypeFieldNumber);
+  enum_path.push_back(0);
+  const GeneratedCodeInfo::Annotation* enum_annotation =
+      FindAnnotationOnPath(info, "test.proto", enum_path);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != enum_annotation);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AnnotationMatchesSubstring(pb_h, enum_annotation, "Enum"));
+TEST_F(CppMetadataTest, AddsPragma) {
+  FileDescriptorProto file;
+  GeneratedCodeInfo info;
+  string pb_h;
+  AddFile("test.proto", kSmallTestFile);
+      CaptureMetadata("test.proto", &file, &pb_h, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(pb_h.find("#ifdef guard_name") != string::npos);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(pb_h.find("#pragma pragma_name \"test.pb.h.meta\"") !=
+              string::npos);
+TEST_F(CppMetadataTest, CapturesMessageNames) {
+  FileDescriptorProto file;
+  GeneratedCodeInfo info;
+  string pb_h;
+  AddFile("test.proto", kSmallTestFile);
+      CaptureMetadata("test.proto", &file, &pb_h, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL));
+  EXPECT_EQ("Message", file.message_type(0).name());
+  vector<int> message_path;
+  message_path.push_back(FileDescriptorProto::kMessageTypeFieldNumber);
+  message_path.push_back(0);
+  const GeneratedCodeInfo::Annotation* message_annotation =
+      FindAnnotationOnPath(info, "test.proto", message_path);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != message_annotation);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(AnnotationMatchesSubstring(pb_h, message_annotation, "Message"));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace cpp
 }  // namespace compiler