Down-integrate from internal code base.
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 3447602..c84ecae 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-# Only test one combination: "Visual Studio 12 + Win64 + Debug + DLL". We can

-# test more combinations but AppVeyor just takes too long to finish (each

-# combination takes ~15mins).


-  - Win64



-  - Debug



-  matrix:

-    - language: cpp

-      BUILD_DLL: ON


-    - language: csharp



-  - ps: Start-FileDownload

-  - 7z x

-  - rename gmock-1.7.0 gmock



-  - if %platform%==Win32 set generator=Visual Studio 12

-  - if %platform%==Win64 set generator=Visual Studio 12 Win64

-  - if %platform%==Win32 set vcplatform=Win32

-  - if %platform%==Win64 set vcplatform=x64



-  - CALL appveyor.bat



-  message: /.*\[skip appveyor\].*/

+# Only test one combination: "Visual Studio 12 + Win64 + Debug + DLL". We can
+# test more combinations but AppVeyor just takes too long to finish (each
+# combination takes ~15mins).
+  - Win64
+  - Debug
+  matrix:
+    - language: cpp
+      BUILD_DLL: ON
+    - language: csharp
+  - ps: Start-FileDownload
+  - 7z x
+  - rename gmock-1.7.0 gmock
+  - if %platform%==Win32 set generator=Visual Studio 12
+  - if %platform%==Win64 set generator=Visual Studio 12 Win64
+  - if %platform%==Win32 set vcplatform=Win32
+  - if %platform%==Win64 set vcplatform=x64
+  - CALL appveyor.bat
+  message: /.*\[skip appveyor\].*/