Universal Types with BER/DER Decoder and DER Encoder

The asn1crypto library is a combination of universal type classes that implement BER/DER decoding and DER encoding, a PEM encoder and decoder, and a number of pre-built cryptographic type classes. This document covers the universal type classes.

For a general overview of ASN.1 as used in cryptography, please see A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER.

Universal Types

For general purpose ASN.1 parsing, the asn1crypto.core module is used. It contains the following classes, that parse, represent and serialize all of the ASN.1 universal types:

ClassNative TypeImplementation Notes
Integerintmay be long on Python 2
BitStringtuple of int or set of unicodeset used if _map present
OctetStringbytes (str)
ObjectIdentifierstr (unicode)string is dotted integer format
ObjectDescriptorno native conversion
InstanceOfno native conversion
Realno native conversion
Enumeratedstr (unicode)_map must be set
UTF8Stringstr (unicode)
RelativeOidstr (unicode)string is dotted integer format
EmbeddedPdvOrderedDictno named field parsing
NumericStringstr (unicode)no charset limitations
PrintableStringstr (unicode)no charset limitations
TeletexStringstr (unicode)
VideotexStringbytes (str)no unicode conversion
IA5Stringstr (unicode)
GeneralizedTimedatetime.datetimetreated as UTC when no timezone
GraphicStringstr (unicode)unicode conversion as latin1
VisibleStringstr (unicode)no charset limitations
GeneralStringstr (unicode)unicode conversion as latin1
UniversalStringstr (unicode)
CharacterStringstr (unicode)unicode conversion as latin1
BMPStringstr (unicode)

For Native Type, the Python 3 type is listed first, with the Python 2 type in parentheses.

As mentioned next to some of the types, value parsing may not be implemented for types not currently used in cryptography (such as ObjectDescriptor, InstanceOf and Real). Additionally some of the string classes don't enforce character set limitations, and for some string types that accept all different encodings, the default encoding is set to latin1.

In addition, there are a few overridden types where various specifications use a BitString or OctetString type to represent a different type. These include:

ClassNative TypeImplementation Notes
OctetBitStringbytes (str)
IntegerBitStringintmay be long on Python 2
IntegerOctetStringintmay be long on Python 2

Basic Usage

All of the universal types implement two methods, the class method .load() for parsing and the instance method .dump() for serialization.

from asn1crypto.core import Sequence

parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)
serialized = parsed.dump()

In addition to the two primary methods, every instance has a .native property that converts the data into a native Python data type.

import pprint
from asn1crypto.core import Sequence

parsed = Sequence.load(der_byte_string)


One of the core structures when dealing with ASN.1 is the Sequence type. The Sequence class can handle field with universal data types, however in most situations the _fields property will need to be set with the expected definition of each field in the Sequence.


The _fields property must be set to a list of 2-3 element tuples. The first element in the tuple must be a unicode string of the field name. The second must be a type class - either a universal type, or a custom type. The third, and optional, element is a dict with parameters to pass to the type class for things like default values, marking the field as optional, or implicit/explicit tagging.

from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, Integer, OctetString, IA5String

class MySequence(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('field_one', Integer),
        ('field_two', OctetString),
        ('field_three', IA5String, {'optional': True}),

Implicit and explicit tagging will be covered in more detail later, however the following are options that can be set for each field type class:

  • {'default: 1} sets the field's default value to 1, allowing it to be omitted from the serialized form
  • {'optional': True} set the field to be optional, allowing it to be omitted


To access values of the sequence, use dict-like access via [] and use the name of the field:

seq = MySequence.load(der_byte_string)

The values of fields can be set by assigning via []. If the value assigned is of the correct type class, it will be used as-is. If the value is not of the correct type class, a new instance of that type class will be created and the value will be passed to the constructor.

seq = MySequence.load(der_byte_string)
# These statements will result in the same state
seq['field_one'] = Integer(5)
seq['field_one'] = 5

When fields are complex types such as Sequence or SequenceOf, there is no way to construct the value out of a native Python data type.

Optional Fields

When a field is configured via the optional parameter, not present in the Sequence, but accessed, an instance of the NoValue class will be returned. This class is serialized to an empty byte string and returns None when .native is accessed.


The Set class is configured in the same was as Sequence, however it allows serialized fields to be in any order, per the ASN.1 standard.

from asn1crypto.core import Set, Integer, OctetString, IA5String

class MySet(Set):
    _fields = [
        ('field_one', Integer),
        ('field_two', OctetString),
        ('field_three', IA5String, {'optional': True}),


The SequenceOf class is used to allow for zero or more instances of a type. The class uses the _child_spec property to define the instance class type.

from asn1crypto.core import SequenceOf, Integer

class Integers(SequenceOf):
    _child_spec = Integer

Values in the SequenceOf can be accessed via [] with an integer key. The length of the SequenceOf is determined via len().

values = Integers.load(der_byte_string)
for i in range(0, len(values)):


The SetOf class is an exact duplicate of SequenceOf. According to the ASN.1 standard, the difference is that a SequenceOf is explicitly ordered, however SetOf may be in any order. This is an equivalent comparison of a Python list and set.

from asn1crypto.core import SetOf, Integer

class Integers(SetOf):
    _child_spec = Integer


The Integer class allows values to be named. An Integer with named values may contain any integer, however special values with named will be represented as those names when .native is called.

Named values are configured via the _map property, which must be a dict with the keys being integers and the values being unicode strings.

from asn1crypto.core import Integer

class Version(Integer):
    _map = {
        1: 'v1',
        2: 'v2',

# Will print: "v1"

# Will print: 4


The Enumerated class is almost identical to Integer, however only values in the _map property are valid.

from asn1crypto.core import Enumerated

class Version(Enumerated):
    _map = {
        1: 'v1',
        2: 'v2',

# Will print: "v1"

# Will raise a ValueError exception


The ObjectIdentifier class represents values of the ASN.1 type of the same name. ObjectIdentifier instances are converted to a unicode string in a dotted-integer format when .native is accessed.

While this standard conversion is a reasonable baseline, in most situations it will be more maintainable to map the OID strings to a unicode string containing a description of what the OID repesents.

The mapping of OID strings to name strings is configured via the _map property, which is a dict object with keys being unicode OID string and the values being a unicode string.

from asn1crypto.core import ObjectIdentifier

class MyType(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'value_name',
        '': 'other_value',

# Will print: "value_name"

# Will print: ""


When no _map is set for a BitString class, the native representation is a tuple of ints (being either 1 or 0).

from asn1crypto.core import BitString

b1 = BitString((1, 0, 1))

Additionally, it is possible to set the _map property to a dict where the keys are bit indexes and the values are unicode string names. This allows checking the value of a given bit by item access, and the native representation becomes a set of unicode strings.

from asn1crypto.core import BitString

class MyFlags(BitString):
    _map = {
        0: 'edit',
        1: 'delete',
        2: 'manage_users',

permissions = MyFlags({'edit', 'delete'})

# This will be printed
if permissions['edit'] and permissions['delete']:
    print('Can edit and delete')

# This will not
if 'manage_users' in permissions.native:
    print('Is admin')


ASN.1 contains quite a number of string types:

TypeStandard EncodingImplementation EncodingNotes
NumericStringASCII [0-9 ]ISO 8859-1The implementation is a superset of supported characters
PrintableStringASCII [a-zA-Z0-9 '()+,\\-./:=?]ISO 8859-1The implementation is a superset of supported characters
TeletexStringITU T.61CustomThe implementation is based off of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITU_T.61
VideotexString?NoneThis has no set encoding, and it not used in cryptography
IA5StringITU T.50 (very similar to ASCII)ISO 8859-1The implementation is a superset of supported characters
GraphicString*ISO 8859-1This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1
VisibleStringASCII (printable)ISO 8859-1The implementation is a superset of supported characters
GeneralString*ISO 8859-1This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1
CharacterString*ISO 8859-1This has not set encoding, but seems to often contain ISO 8859-1

As noted in the table above, many of the implementations are supersets of the supported characters. This simplifies parsing, but puts the onus of using valid characters on the developer. However, in general UTF8String, BMPString or UniversalString should be preferred when a choice is given.

All string types other than VideotexString are created from unicode strings.

from asn1crypto.core import IA5String



The class UTCTime accepts a unicode string in one of the formats:

  • %y%m%d%H%MZ
  • %y%m%d%H%M%SZ
  • %y%m%d%H%M%z
  • %y%m%d%H%M%S%z

or a datetime.datetime instance. See the Python datetime strptime() reference for details of the formats.

When .native is accessed, it returns a datetime.datetime object with a tzinfo of asn1crypto.core.timezone.utc.


The class GeneralizedTime accepts a unicode string in one of the formats:

  • %Y%m%d%H
  • %Y%m%d%H%M
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f
  • %Y%m%d%HZ
  • %Y%m%d%H%MZ
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%SZ
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S.%fZ
  • %Y%m%d%H%z
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%z
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S%z
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f%z

or a datetime.datetime instance. See the Python datetime strptime() reference for details of the formats.

When .native is accessed, it returns a datetime.datetime object with a tzinfo of asn1crypto.core.timezone.utc. For formats where the time has a timezone offset is specified ([+-]\d{4}), the time is converted to UTC. For times without a timezone, the time is assumed to be in UTC.


The Choice class allows handling ASN.1 Choice structures. The _alternatives property must be set to a list containing 2-3 element tuples. The first element in the tuple is the alternative name. The second element is the type class for the alternative. The, optional, third element is a dict of parameters to pass to the type class constructor. This is used primarily for implicit and explicit tagging.

from asn1crypto.core import Choice, Integer, OctetString, IA5String

class MyChoice(Choice):
    _alternatives = [
        ('option_one', Integer),
        ('option_two', OctetString),
        ('option_three', IA5String),

Choice objects has two extra properties, .name and .chosen. The .name property contains the name of the chosen alternative. The .chosen property contains the instance of the chosen type class.

parsed = MyChoice.load(der_bytes)

The .native property and .dump() method work as with the universal type classes. Under the hood they just proxy the calls to the .chosen object.


The Any class implements the ASN.1 Any type, which allows any data type. By default objects of this class do not perform any parsing. However, the .parse() instance method allows parsing the contents of the Any object, either into a universal type, or to a specification pass in via the spec parameter.

This type is not used as a top-level structure, but instead allows Sequence and Set objects to accept varying contents, usually based on some sort of ObjectIdentifier.

from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, ObjectIdentifier, Any, Integer, OctetString

class MySequence(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('type', ObjectIdentifier),
        ('value', Any),

Specification via OID

Throughout the usage of ASN.1 in cryptography, a pattern is present where an ObjectIdenfitier is used to determine what specification should be used to interpret another field in a Sequence. Usually the other field is an instance of Any, however ocassionally it is an OctetString.

asn1crypto provides the _oid_pair and _oid_specs properties of the Sequence class to allow handling these situations.

The _oid_pair is a tuple with two unicode string elements. The first is the name of the field that is an ObjectIdentifier and the second if the name of the field that has a variable specification based on the first field.

The _oid_specs property is a dict object with ObjectIdentifier values as the keys (either dotted or mapped notation) and a type class as the value. When the first field in _oid_pair has a value equal to one of the keys in _oid_specs, then the corresponding type class will be used as the specification for the second field of _oid_pair.

from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, ObjectIdentifier, Any, OctetString, Integer

class MyId(ObjectIdentifier):
    _map = {
        '': 'initialization_vector',
        '': 'iterations',

class MySequence(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('type', MyId),
        ('value', Any),

    _oid_pair = ('type', 'value')
    _oid_specs = {
        'initialization_vector': OctetString,
        'iterations': Integer,

In some situations, the second field in _oid_pair is not an instance of Any, but instead is an instance of OctetString. This is dictated by the ASN.1 specification of the data structures being worked with.

Explicit and Implicit Tagging

When working with Sequence, Set and Choice it is often necessary to disambiguate between fields because of a number of factors:

  • In Sequence the presence of an optional field must be determined by tag number
  • In Set, each field must have a different tag number since they can be in any order
  • In Choice, each alternative must have a different tag number to determine which is present

The universal types all have unique tag numbers. However, if a Sequence, Set or Choice has more than one field with the same universal type, tagging allows a way to keep the semantics of the original type, but with a different tag number.

Implicit tagging simply changes the tag number of a type to a different value. However, Explicit tagging wraps the existing type in another tag with the specified tag number.

In general, most situations allow for implicit tagging, with the notable exception than a field that is a Choice type must always be explicitly tagged. Otherwise, using implicit tagging would modify the tag of the chosen alternative, breaking the mechanism by which Choice works.

Here is an example of implicit and explicit tagging where explicit tagging on the Sequence allows a Choice type field to be optional, and where implicit tagging in the Choice structure allows disambiguating between two string of the same type.

from asn1crypto.core import Sequence, Choice, IA5String, UTCTime, ObjectIdentifier

class Person(Choice):
    _alternatives = [
        ('name', IA5String),
        ('email', IA5String, {'tag_type': 'implicit', 'tag': 0}),

class Record(Sequence):
    _fields = [
        ('id', ObjectIdentifier),
        ('created', UTCTime),
        ('creator', Person, {'tag_type': 'explicit', 'tag': 0, 'optional': True}),

As is shown above, the keys tag_type and tag are used for tagging, and are passed to a type class constructor via the optional third element of a field or alternative tuple. The tag_type may be the unicode strings 'implicit' or 'explicit' and the tag may be any integer.