Instead of returning CRL URLs, we return the whole DistributionPoint object for CRL validation
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1a7c4bc..13b3d2a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1165,29 +1165,84 @@
     #pylint: disable=C0326
-    def crl_urls_info():
+    def crl_distribution_points_info():
         return (
             ('keys/test-der.crt',                          []),
             ('keys/test-inter-der.crt',                    []),
             ('keys/test-third-der.crt',                    []),
             ('geotrust_certs/GeoTrust_Universal_CA.crt',   []),
             ('geotrust_certs/GeoTrust_Primary_CA.crt',     []),
-            ('geotrust_certs/GeoTrust_EV_SSL_CA_-_G4.crt', ['']),
-            ('geotrust_certs/codex.crt',                   ['']),
+            (
+                'geotrust_certs/GeoTrust_EV_SSL_CA_-_G4.crt',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
+            (
+                'geotrust_certs/codex.crt',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
             ('lets_encrypt/isrgrootx1.pem',                []),
-            ('lets_encrypt/letsencryptauthorityx1.pem',    ['']),
-            ('lets_encrypt/letsencryptauthorityx2.pem',    ['']),
-            ('globalsign_example_keys/IssuingCA-der.cer',  ['']),
-            ('globalsign_example_keys/rootCA.cer',         ['']),
+            (
+                'lets_encrypt/letsencryptauthorityx1.pem',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
+            (
+                'lets_encrypt/letsencryptauthorityx2.pem',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
+            (
+                'globalsign_example_keys/IssuingCA-der.cer',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
+            (
+                'globalsign_example_keys/rootCA.cer',
+                [
+                    OrderedDict([
+                        ('distribution_point', ['']),
+                        ('reasons', None),
+                        ('crl_issuer', None)
+                    ])
+                ]
+            ),
             ('globalsign_example_keys/SSL1.cer',           []),
             ('globalsign_example_keys/SSL2.cer',           []),
             ('globalsign_example_keys/SSL3.cer',           []),
-    @data('crl_urls_info')
-    def crl_urls(self, relative_path, crl_url):
+    @data('crl_distribution_points_info')
+    def crl_distribution_points(self, relative_path, crl_distribution_point):
         cert = self._load_cert(relative_path)
-        self.assertEqual(crl_url, cert.crl_urls)
+        points = [point.native for point in cert.crl_distribution_points]
+        self.assertEqual(crl_distribution_point, points)
     #pylint: disable=C0326