New modules mimetools and rfc822.
Minor, minor changes to and
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f2fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# RFC-822 message manipulation class.
+# XXX This is only a very rough sketch of a full RFC-822 parser;
+# additional methods are needed to parse addresses and dates, and to
+# tokenize lines according to various other syntax rules.
+# Directions for use:
+# To create a Message object: first open a file, e.g.:
+#   fp = open(file, 'r')
+# (or use any other legal way of getting an open file object, e.g. use
+# sys.stdin or call os.popen()).
+# Then pass the open file object to the init() method of Message:
+#   m = Message().init(fp)
+# To get the text of a particular header there are several methods:
+#   str = m.getheader(name)
+#   str = m.getrawheader(name)
+# where name is the name of the header, e.g. 'Subject'.
+# The difference is that getheader() strips the leading and trailing
+# whitespace, while getrawheader() doesn't.  Both functions retain
+# embedded whitespace (including newlines) exactly as they are
+# specified in the header, and leave the case of the text unchanged.
+# See the class definition for lower level access methods.
+# There are also some utility functions here.
+import regex
+import string
+class Message:
+	# Initialize the class instance and read the headers.
+	def init(self, fp):
+		self.fp = fp
+		#
+		try:
+			self.startofheaders = self.fp.tell()
+		except IOError:
+			self.startofheaders = None
+		#
+		self.readheaders()
+		#
+		try:
+			self.startofbody = self.fp.tell()
+		except IOError:
+			self.startofbody = None
+		#
+		return self
+	# Rewind the file to the start of the body (if seekable).
+	def rewindbody(self):
+	# Read header lines up to the entirely blank line that
+	# terminates them.  The (normally blank) line that ends the
+	# headers is skipped, but not included in the returned list.
+	# If a non-header line ends the headers, (which is an error),
+	# an attempt is made to backspace over it; it is never
+	# included in the returned list.
+	#
+	# The variable self.status is set to the empty string if all
+	# went well, otherwise it is an error message.
+	# The variable self.headers is a completely uninterpreted list
+	# of lines contained in the header (so printing them will
+	# reproduce the header exactly as it appears in the file).
+	def readheaders(self):
+		self.headers = list = []
+		self.status = ''
+		headerseen = 0
+		while 1:
+			line = self.fp.readline()
+			if not line:
+				self.status = 'EOF in headers'
+				break
+			if self.islast(line):
+				break
+			elif headerseen and line[0] in ' \t':
+				# It's a continuation line.
+				list.append(line)
+			elif regex.match('^[!-9;-~]+:', line):
+				# It's a header line.
+				list.append(line)
+				headerseen = 1
+			else:
+				# It's not a header line; stop here.
+				if not headerseen:
+					self.status = 'No headers'
+				else:
+					self.status = 'Bad header'
+				# Try to undo the read.
+				try:
+, 1)
+				except IOError:
+					self.status = \
+						self.status + '; bad seek'
+				break
+	# Method to determine whether a line is a legal end of
+	# RFC-822 headers.  You may override this method if your
+	# application wants to bend the rules, e.g. to accept lines
+	# ending in '\r\n', to strip trailing whitespace, or to
+	# recognise MH template separators ('--------'). 
+	def islast(self, line):
+		return line == '\n'
+	# Look through the list of headers and find all lines matching
+	# a given header name (and their continuation lines).
+	# A list of the lines is returned, without interpretation.
+	# If the header does not occur, an empty list is returned.
+	# If the header occurs multiple times, all occurrences are
+	# returned.  Case is not important in the header name.
+	def getallmatchingheaders(self, name):
+		name = string.lower(name) + ':'
+		n = len(name)
+		list = []
+		hit = 0
+		for line in self.headers:
+			if string.lower(line[:n]) == name:
+				hit = 1
+			elif line[:1] not in string.whitespace:
+				hit = 0
+			if hit:
+				list.append(line)
+		return list
+	# Similar, but return only the first matching header (and its
+	# continuation lines).
+	def getfirstmatchingheader(self, name):
+		name = string.lower(name) + ':'
+		n = len(name)
+		list = []
+		hit = 0
+		for line in self.headers:
+			if string.lower(line[:n]) == name:
+				hit = 1
+			elif line[:1] not in string.whitespace:
+				if hit:
+					break
+			if hit:
+				list.append(line)
+		return list
+	# A higher-level interface to getfirstmatchingheader().
+	# Return a string containing the literal text of the header
+	# but with the keyword stripped.  All leading, trailing and
+	# embedded whitespace is kept in the string, however.
+	# Return None if the header does not occur.
+	def getrawheader(self, name):
+		list = self.getfirstmatchingheader(name)
+		if not list:
+			return None
+		list[0] = list[0][len(name) + 1:]
+		return string.joinfields(list, '')
+	# Going one step further: also strip leading and trailing
+	# whitespace.
+	def getheader(self, name):
+		text = self.getrawheader(name)
+		if text == None:
+			return None
+		return string.strip(text)
+	# XXX The next step would be to define self.getaddr(name)
+	# and self.getaddrlist(name) which would parse a header
+	# consisting of a single mail address and a number of mail
+	# addresses, respectively.  Lower level functions would be
+	# parseaddr(string) and parseaddrlist(string).
+	# XXX Similar, there would be a function self.getdate(name) to
+	# return a date in canonical form (perhaps a number compatible
+	# to time.time()) and a function parsedate(string).
+	# XXX The inverses of the parse functions may also be useful.
+# Utility functions
+# -----------------
+# Remove quotes from a string.
+# XXX Should fix this to be really conformant.
+def unquote(str):
+	if len(str) > 1:
+		if str[0] == '"' and str[-1:] == '"':
+			return str[1:-1]
+		if str[0] == '<' and str[-1:] == '>':
+			return str[1:-1]
+	return str