#3743: PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T is designed for the OS "printf" functions, not for
PyString_FromFormat which has an independent implementation, and uses "%zd".

This makes a difference on win64, where printf needs "%Id" to display
64bit values. For example, queue.__repr__ was incorrect.

Reviewed by Martin von Loewis.
diff --git a/Python/Python-ast.c b/Python/Python-ast.c
index f958145..1c78515 100644
--- a/Python/Python-ast.c
+++ b/Python/Python-ast.c
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
     if (PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) > 0) {
         if (numfields != PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args)) {
             PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%.400s constructor takes %s"
-                         "%" PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T "d positional argument%s",
+                         "%zd positional argument%s",
                          numfields == 0 ? "" : "either 0 or ",
                          numfields, numfields == 1 ? "" : "s");