Remove code and docs for the OldProfile and HotProfile classes:  code
hasn't worked in years, docs were wrong, and they aren't interesting
anymore regardless.
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libprofile.tex b/Doc/lib/libprofile.tex
index 193f5aa..9e4f91b 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libprofile.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libprofile.tex
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 p.print_callers(.5, 'init')
-and you would get a list of callers for each of the listed functions. 
+and you would get a list of callers for each of the listed functions.
 If you want more functionality, you're going to have to read the
 manual, or guess what the following functions do:
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 \item[ncalls ]
-for the number of calls, 
+for the number of calls,
 \item[tottime ]
 for the total time spent in the given function (and excluding time
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
 Abbreviations can be used for any key names, as long as the
 abbreviation is unambiguous.  The following are the keys currently
 \begin{tableii}{l|l}{code}{Valid Arg}{Meaning}
   \lineii{'calls'}{call count}
@@ -628,181 +628,34 @@
 \nodename{Profiler Extensions}
 The \class{Profile} class of module \module{profile} was written so that
-derived classes could be developed to extend the profiler.  Rather
-than describing all the details of such an effort, I'll just present
-the following two examples of derived classes that can be used to do
-profiling.  If the reader is an avid Python programmer, then it should
-be possible to use these as a model and create similar (and perchance
-better) profile classes.
+derived classes could be developed to extend the profiler.  The details
+are not described here, as doing this successfully requires an expert
+understanding of how the \class{Profile} class works internally.  Study
+the source code of module \module{profile} carefully if you want to
+pursue this.
-If all you want to do is change how the timer is called, or which
-timer function is used, then the basic class has an option for that in
-the constructor for the class.  Consider passing the name of a
-function to call into the constructor:
+If all you want to do is change how current time is determined (for
+example, to force use of wall-clock time or elapsed process time),
+pass the timing function you want to the \class{Profile} class
 pr = profile.Profile(your_time_func)
-The resulting profiler will call \code{your_time_func()} instead of
-\function{os.times()}.  The function should return either a single number
-or a list of numbers (like what \function{os.times()} returns).  If the
-function returns a single time number, or the list of returned numbers
-has length 2, then you will get an especially fast version of the
-dispatch routine.
+The resulting profiler will then call \code{your_time_func()}.
+The function should return a single number, or a list of
+numbers whose sum is the current time (like what \function{os.times()}
+returns).  If the function returns a single time number, or the list of
+returned numbers has length 2, then you will get an especially fast
+version of the dispatch routine.
-Be warned that you \emph{should} calibrate the profiler class for the
+Be warned that you should calibrate the profiler class for the
 timer function that you choose.  For most machines, a timer that
 returns a lone integer value will provide the best results in terms of
 low overhead during profiling.  (\function{os.times()} is
-\emph{pretty} bad, as it returns a tuple of floating point values,
-so all arithmetic is floating point in the profiler!).  If you want to
-substitute a better timer in the cleanest fashion, you should derive a
-class, and simply put in the replacement dispatch method that better
+\emph{pretty} bad, as it returns a tuple of floating point values).  If
+you want to substitute a better timer in the cleanest fashion,
+derive a class and hardwire a replacement dispatch method that best
 handles your timer call, along with the appropriate calibration
-Note that subclasses which override any of the
-\method{trace_dispatch_call()}, \method{trace_dispatch_exception()},
-or \method{trace_dispatch_return()} methods also need to specify a
-dispatch table as well.  The table, named \member{dispatch}, should
-have the three keys \code{'call'}, \code{'exception'}, and
-\code{'return'}, each giving the function of the corresponding
-handler.  Note that best performance is achieved by using the
-\emph{function} objects for the handlers and not bound methods.  This
-is preferred since calling a simple function object executes less code
-in the runtime than calling either bound or unbound methods.  For
-example, if the derived profiler overrides only one method, the
-\member{dispatch} table can be built like this:
-from profile import Profile
-class MyProfiler(Profile):
-    def trace_dispath_call(self, frame, t):
-        # do something interesting here
-        ...
-    dispatch = {
-        'call': trace_dispatch_call,
-        'exception': Profile.__dict__['trace_dispatch_exception'],
-        'return': Profile.__dict__['trace_dispatch_return'],
-    }
-\subsection{OldProfile Class \label{profile-old}}
-The following derived profiler simulates the old style profiler,
-providing errant results on recursive functions. The reason for the
-usefulness of this profiler is that it runs faster (less
-overhead) than the new profiler.  It still creates all the caller
-stats, and is quite useful when there is \emph{no} recursion in the
-user's code.  It is also a lot more accurate than the old profiler, as
-it does not charge all its overhead time to the user's code.
-class OldProfile(Profile):
-    def trace_dispatch_exception(self, frame, t):
-        rt, rtt, rct, rfn, rframe, rcur = self.cur
-        if rcur and not rframe is frame:
-            return self.trace_dispatch_return(rframe, t)
-        return 0
-    def trace_dispatch_call(self, frame, t):
-        fn = `frame.f_code`
-        self.cur = (t, 0, 0, fn, frame, self.cur)
-        if self.timings.has_key(fn):
-            tt, ct, callers = self.timings[fn]
-            self.timings[fn] = tt, ct, callers
-        else:
-            self.timings[fn] = 0, 0, {}
-        return 1
-    def trace_dispatch_return(self, frame, t):
-        rt, rtt, rct, rfn, frame, rcur = self.cur
-        rtt = rtt + t
-        sft = rtt + rct
-        pt, ptt, pct, pfn, pframe, pcur = rcur
-        self.cur = pt, ptt+rt, pct+sft, pfn, pframe, pcur
-        tt, ct, callers = self.timings[rfn]
-        if callers.has_key(pfn):
-            callers[pfn] = callers[pfn] + 1
-        else:
-            callers[pfn] = 1
-        self.timings[rfn] = tt+rtt, ct + sft, callers
-        return 1
-    dispatch = {
-        "call": trace_dispatch_call,
-        "exception": trace_dispatch_exception,
-        "return": trace_dispatch_return,
-        }
-    def snapshot_stats(self):
-        self.stats = {}
-        for func in self.timings.keys():
-            tt, ct, callers = self.timings[func]
-            callers = callers.copy()
-            nc = 0
-            for func_caller in callers.keys():
-                nc = nc + callers[func_caller]
-            self.stats[func] = nc, nc, tt, ct, callers
-\subsection{HotProfile Class \label{profile-HotProfile}}
-This profiler is the fastest derived profile example.  It does not
-calculate caller-callee relationships, and does not calculate
-cumulative time under a function.  It only calculates time spent in a
-function, so it runs very quickly (re: very low overhead).  In truth,
-the basic profiler is so fast, that is probably not worth the savings
-to give up the data, but this class still provides a nice example.
-class HotProfile(Profile):
-    def trace_dispatch_exception(self, frame, t):
-        rt, rtt, rfn, rframe, rcur = self.cur
-        if rcur and not rframe is frame:
-            return self.trace_dispatch_return(rframe, t)
-        return 0
-    def trace_dispatch_call(self, frame, t):
-        self.cur = (t, 0, frame, self.cur)
-        return 1
-    def trace_dispatch_return(self, frame, t):
-        rt, rtt, frame, rcur = self.cur
-        rfn = `frame.f_code`
-        pt, ptt, pframe, pcur = rcur
-        self.cur = pt, ptt+rt, pframe, pcur
-        if self.timings.has_key(rfn):
-            nc, tt = self.timings[rfn]
-            self.timings[rfn] = nc + 1, rt + rtt + tt
-        else:
-            self.timings[rfn] =      1, rt + rtt
-        return 1
-    dispatch = {
-        "call": trace_dispatch_call,
-        "exception": trace_dispatch_exception,
-        "return": trace_dispatch_return,
-        }
-    def snapshot_stats(self):
-        self.stats = {}
-        for func in self.timings.keys():
-            nc, tt = self.timings[func]
-            self.stats[func] = nc, nc, tt, 0, {}