Extension to Findertools by Erik van Blokland. In Contrib because I don't have the time to merge it into findertools before the distribution.
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertools.py b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8616e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+"""Utility routines depending on the finder,
+inspired by findertools, but extended.
+Most events have been captured from
+Lasso Capture AE and than translated to python code.
+Note that the processes() function returns different values
+depending on the OS version it is running on. On MacOS 9
+the Finder returns the process *names* which can then be
+used to find out more about them. On MacOS 8.6 and earlier
+the Finder returns a code which does not seem to work.
+So bottom line: the processes() stuff does not work on < MacOS9
+Written by erik@letterror.com
+import Finder_7_0_Suite, Finder_Suite
+import AppleEvents
+import aetools
+import MacOS
+import sys
+import macfs
+import aetypes
+from types import *
+__version__ = '1.0'
+morefindertoolserror = 'morefindertools Error'
+class Finder(aetools.TalkTo, Finder_Suite.Finder_Suite, Finder_7_0_Suite.Finder_7_0_Suite):
+	pass
+_finder_talker = None
+def _getfinder():
+	"""returns basic (recyclable) Finder AE interface object"""
+	global _finder_talker
+	if not _finder_talker:
+		_finder_talker = Finder(SIGNATURE)
+	_finder_talker.send_flags = ( _finder_talker.send_flags | 
+		AppleEvents.kAECanInteract | AppleEvents.kAECanSwitchLayer)
+	return _finder_talker
+#	The original findertools
+def launch(file):
+	"""Open a file thru the finder. Specify file by name or fsspec"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+	vRefNum, parID, name = fss.as_tuple()
+	dir_fss = macfs.FSSpec((vRefNum, parID, ''))
+	file_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	dir_alias = dir_fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.open(dir_alias, items=[file_alias])
+def Print(file):
+	"""Print a file thru the finder. Specify file by name or fsspec"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+	vRefNum, parID, name = fss.as_tuple()
+	dir_fss = macfs.FSSpec((vRefNum, parID, ''))
+	file_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	dir_alias = dir_fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder._print(dir_alias, items=[file_alias])
+def copy(src, dstdir):
+	"""Copy a file to a folder"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	src_fss = macfs.FSSpec(src)
+	dst_fss = macfs.FSSpec(dstdir)
+	src_alias = src_fss.NewAlias()
+	dst_alias = dst_fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.copy_to(dst_alias, _from=[src_alias])
+def move(src, dstdir):
+	"""Move a file to a folder"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	src_fss = macfs.FSSpec(src)
+	dst_fss = macfs.FSSpec(dstdir)
+	src_alias = src_fss.NewAlias()
+	dst_alias = dst_fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.move_to(dst_alias, _from=[src_alias])
+def sleep():
+	"""Put the mac to sleep"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	finder.sleep()
+def shutdown():
+	"""Shut the mac down"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	finder.shut_down()
+def restart():
+	"""Restart the mac"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	finder.restart()
+#	Additional findertools
+def reveal(file):
+	"""Reveal a file in the finder. Specify file by name or fsspec."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+	file_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.reveal(file_alias)
+def select(file):
+	"""select a file in the finder. Specify file by name or fsspec."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+	file_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.select(file_alias)
+def update(file):
+	"""Update the display of the specified object(s) to match 
+	their on-disk representation. Specify file by name or fsspec."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(file)
+	file_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	return finder.update(file_alias)
+#	More findertools
+def comment(object, comment=None):
+	"""comment: get or set the Finder-comment of the item, displayed in the ³Get Info² window."""
+	object = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	if comment == None:
+		return _getcomment(object_alias)
+	else:
+		return _setcomment(object_alias, comment)
+def _setcomment(object_alias, comment):
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cobj'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('comt'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	args["data"] = comment
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "setd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def _getcomment(object_alias):
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cobj'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('comt'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+#	Get information about current processes in the Finder.
+def processes():
+	"""processes returns a list of all active processes running on this computer and their creators."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	processnames = []
+	processnumbers = []
+	creators = []
+	partitions = []
+	used = []
+	## get the processnames or else the processnumbers
+	args['----'] = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prcs'), form="indx", seld=aetypes.Unknown('abso', "all "), fr=None)
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send('core', 'getd', args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	p = []
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		p =  args['----']
+		for proc in p:
+			if hasattr(proc, 'seld'):
+				# it has a real name
+				processnames.append(proc.seld)
+			elif hasattr(proc, 'type'):
+				if proc.type == "psn ":
+					# it has a process number
+					processnumbers.append(proc.data)
+	## get the creators
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prcs'), form="indx", seld=aetypes.Unknown('abso', "all "), fr=None)
+	args['----'] =  aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('fcrt'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send('core', 'getd', args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(_arg)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		p =  args['----']
+		for proc in p:
+			creators.append(proc.type)
+	## concatenate in one dict
+	result = []
+	if len(processnames) > len(processnumbers):
+		data = processnames
+	else:
+		data = processnumbers
+	for i in range(len(creators)):
+		result.append((data[i], creators[i]))
+	return result
+class _process:
+	pass
+def isactiveprocess(processname):
+	"""Check of processname is active. MacOS9"""
+	all = processes()
+	ok = 0
+	for n, c in all:
+		if n == processname:
+			return 1
+	return 0
+def processinfo(processname):
+	"""Return an object with all process properties as attributes for processname. MacOS9"""
+	p = _process()
+	if processname == "Finder":
+		p.partition = None
+		p.used = None
+	else:
+		p.partition = _processproperty(processname, 'appt')
+		p.used = _processproperty(processname, 'pusd')
+	p.visible = _processproperty(processname, 'pvis')		#Is the process' layer visible?
+	p.frontmost = _processproperty(processname, 'pisf')	#Is the process the frontmost process?
+	p.file = _processproperty(processname, 'file')			#the file from which the process was launched
+	p.filetype  = _processproperty(processname, 'asty')		#the OSType of the file type of the process
+	p.creatortype = _processproperty(processname, 'fcrt')	#the OSType of the creator of the process (the signature)
+	p.accepthighlevel = _processproperty(processname, 'revt')	#Is the process high-level event aware (accepts open application, open document, print document, and quit)?
+	p.hasscripting = _processproperty(processname, 'hscr')		#Does the process have a scripting terminology, i.e., can it be scripted?
+	return p
+def _processproperty(processname, property):
+	"""return the partition size and memory used for processname"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prcs'), form="name", seld=processname, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type(property), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+#	Mess around with Finder windows.
+def openwindow(object):
+	"""Open a Finder window for object, Specify object by name or fsspec."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	object = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	_code = 'aevt'
+	_subcode = 'odoc'
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_0
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send(_code, _subcode, args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+def closewindow(object):
+	"""Close a Finder window for folder, Specify by path."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	_code = 'core'
+	_subcode = 'clos'
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_0
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send(_code, _subcode, args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+def location(object, pos=None):
+	"""Set the position of a Finder window for folder to pos=(w, h). Specify file by name or fsspec.
+	If pos=None, location will return the current position of the object."""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	if not pos:
+		return _getlocation(object_alias)
+	return _setlocation(object_alias, pos)
+def _setlocation(object_alias, (x, y)):
+	"""_setlocation: Set the location of the icon for the object."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('posn'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	args["data"] = [x, y]
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "setd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	return (x,y)
+def _getlocation(object_alias):
+	"""_getlocation: get the location of the icon for the object."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('posn'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		pos = args['----']
+		return pos.h, pos.v
+def label(object, index=None):
+	"""label: set or get the label of the item. Specify file by name or fsspec."""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	if index == None:
+		return _getlabel(object_alias)
+	if index < 0 or index > 7:
+		index = 0
+	return _setlabel(object_alias, index)
+def _getlabel(object_alias):
+	"""label: Get the label for the object."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cobj'), form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('labi'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def _setlabel(object_alias, index):
+	"""label: Set the label for the object."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	_code = 'core'
+	_subcode = 'setd'
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'),
+			form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'),
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('labi'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_1
+	args["data"] = index
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send(_code, _subcode, args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	return index
+def windowview(folder, view=None):
+	"""windowview: Set the view of the window for the folder. Specify file by name or fsspec.
+	0 = by icon (default)
+	1 = by name
+	2 = by button
+	"""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(folder)
+	folder_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	if view == None:
+		return _getwindowview(folder_alias)
+	return _setwindowview(folder_alias, view)
+def _setwindowview(folder_alias, view=0):
+	"""set the windowview"""
+	attrs = {}
+	args = {}
+	if view == 1:
+		_v = aetypes.Type('pnam')
+	elif view == 2:
+		_v = aetypes.Type('lgbu')
+	else:
+		_v = aetypes.Type('iimg')
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want = aetypes.Type('cfol'), 
+			form = 'alis', seld = folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want = aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form = 'prop', seld = aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	aeobj_2 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want = aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form = 'prop', seld = aetypes.Type('pvew'), fr=aeobj_1)
+	aeobj_3 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want = aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form = 'prop', seld = _v, fr=None)
+	_code = 'core'
+	_subcode = 'setd'
+	args['----'] = aeobj_2
+	args['data'] = aeobj_3
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send(_code, _subcode, args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def _getwindowview(folder_alias):
+	"""get the windowview"""
+	attrs = {}
+	args = {}
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), form="alis", seld=folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	aeobj_02 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('pvew'), fr=aeobj_01)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_02
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	views = {'iimg':0, 'pnam':1, 'lgbu':2}
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return views[args['----'].enum]
+def windowsize(folder, size=None):
+	"""Set the size of a Finder window for folder to size=(w, h), Specify by path.
+	If size=None, windowsize will return the current size of the window.
+	Specify file by name or fsspec.
+	"""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(folder)
+	folder_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	openwindow(fss)
+	if not size:
+		return _getwindowsize(folder_alias)
+	return _setwindowsize(folder_alias, size)
+def _setwindowsize(folder_alias, (w, h)):
+	"""Set the size of a Finder window for folder to (w, h)"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	_code = 'core'
+	_subcode = 'setd'
+	aevar00 = [w, h]
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'),
+			form="alis", seld=folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	aeobj_2 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('ptsz'), fr=aeobj_1)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_2
+	args["data"] = aevar00
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send(_code, _subcode, args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	return (w, h)
+def _getwindowsize(folder_alias):
+	"""Set the size of a Finder window for folder to (w, h)"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), 
+			form="alis", seld=folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	aeobj_2 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('posn'), fr=aeobj_1)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_2
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send('core', 'getd', args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def windowposition(folder, pos=None):
+	"""Set the position of a Finder window for folder to pos=(w, h)."""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(folder)
+	folder_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	openwindow(fss)
+	if not pos:
+		return _getwindowposition(folder_alias)
+	if type(pos) == InstanceType:
+		# pos might be a QDPoint object as returned by _getwindowposition
+		pos = (pos.h, pos.v)
+	return _setwindowposition(folder_alias, pos)
+def _setwindowposition(folder_alias, (x, y)):
+	"""Set the size of a Finder window for folder to (w, h)."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), 
+			form="alis", seld=folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	aeobj_2 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('posn'), fr=aeobj_1)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_2
+	args["data"] = [x, y]
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send('core', 'setd', args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def _getwindowposition(folder_alias):
+	"""Get the size of a Finder window for folder, Specify by path."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_0 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cfol'), 
+			form="alis", seld=folder_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_1 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('cwnd'), fr=aeobj_0)
+	aeobj_2 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('ptsz'), fr=aeobj_1)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_2
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send('core', 'getd', args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def icon(object, icondata=None):
+	"""icon sets the icon of object, if no icondata is given,
+	icon will return an AE object with binary data for the current icon.
+	If left untouched, this data can be used to paste the icon on another file.
+	Development opportunity: get and set the data as PICT."""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(object)
+	object_alias = fss.NewAlias()
+	if icondata == None:
+		return _geticon(object_alias)
+	return _seticon(object_alias, icondata)
+def _geticon(object_alias):
+	"""get the icondata for object. Binary data of some sort."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cobj'), 
+			form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('iimg'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def _seticon(object_alias, icondata):
+	"""set the icondata for object, formatted as produced by _geticon()"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cobj'), 
+			form="alis", seld=object_alias, fr=None)
+	aeobj_01 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), 
+			form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('iimg'), fr=aeobj_00)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_01
+	args["data"] = icondata
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "setd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----'].data
+#	Volumes and servers.
+def mountvolume(volume, server=None, username=None, password=None):
+	"""mount a volume, local or on a server on AppleTalk.
+	Note: mounting a ASIP server requires a different operation.
+	server is the name of the server where the volume belongs
+	username, password belong to a registered user of the volume."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	if password:
+		args["PASS"] = password
+	if username:
+		args["USER"] = username
+	if server:
+		args["SRVR"] = server
+	args['----'] = volume
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("aevt", "mvol", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def unmountvolume(volume):
+	"""unmount a volume that's on the desktop"""
+	putaway(volume)
+def putaway(object):
+	"""puth the object away, whereever it came from."""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	args['----'] = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('cdis'), form="name", seld=object, fr=None)
+	_reply, args, attrs = talker.send("fndr", "ptwy", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+#	Miscellaneous functions
+def volumelevel(level):
+	"""set the audio output level, parameter between 0 (silent) and 7 (full blast)"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	if level < 0:
+		level = 0
+	elif level > 7:
+		level = 7
+	args['----'] = level
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("aevt", "stvl", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def OSversion():
+	"""return the version of the system software"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	aeobj_00 = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('ver2'), fr=None)
+	args['----'] = aeobj_00
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		return args['----']
+def filesharing():
+	"""return the current status of filesharing and whether it is starting up or not:
+		-1	file sharing is off and not starting up
+		0	file sharing is off and starting up
+		1	file sharing is on"""
+	status = -1
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	# see if it is on
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	args['----'] = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('fshr'), fr=None)
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		if args['----'] == 0:
+			status = -1
+		else:
+			status = 1
+	# is it starting up perchance?
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	args['----'] = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('fsup'), fr=None)
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("core", "getd", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise morefindertoolserror, aetools.decodeerror(args)
+	if args.has_key('----'):
+		if args['----'] == 1:
+			status = 0
+	return status
+def movetotrash(path):
+	"""move the object to the trash"""
+	fss = macfs.FSSpec(path)
+	trashfolder = macfs.FSSpec(macfs.FindFolder(fss.as_tuple()[0], 'trsh', 0) + ("",)).as_pathname()
+	findertools.move(path, trashfolder)
+def emptytrash():
+	"""empty the trash"""
+	finder = _getfinder()
+	args = {}
+	attrs = {}
+	args['----'] = aetypes.ObjectSpecifier(want=aetypes.Type('prop'), form="prop", seld=aetypes.Type('trsh'), fr=None)
+	_reply, args, attrs = finder.send("fndr", "empt", args, attrs)
+	if args.has_key('errn'):
+		raise aetools.Error, aetools.decodeerror(args)
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertoolstest.py b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertoolstest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..179d25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/morefindertoolstest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+"""Some tests of various morefindertools functions.
+This does not test the functions that are already defined and tested in findertools.
+10 10 2000 erik@letterror.com
+import morefindertools
+import os.path
+import MacOS
+import random
+mft = morefindertools
+print '\nmorefindertools version %s\nTests coming upŠ' %mft.__version__
+# miscellaneous
+print '\tfilesharing on?',	mft.filesharing()		# is file sharing on, off, starting up?
+print '\tOS version', 		mft.OSversion()		# the version of the system software
+# set the soundvolume in a simple way
+print '\tSystem beep volume'
+for i in range(0, 7):
+	mft.volumelevel(i)		
+	MacOS.SysBeep()
+# Finder's windows, file location, file attributes
+f = __file__				# get a path name that is innocent to play with and always works
+mft.reveal(f)				# reveal this file in a Finder window
+mft.select(f)				# select this file
+base, file = os.path.split(f)
+mft.closewindow(base)	# close the window this file is in	(opened by reveal)
+mft.openwindow(base)		# open it again
+mft.windowview(base, 1)	# set the view by list
+mft.label(f, 2)				# set the label of this file to something orange
+print '\tlabel', mft.label(f)	# get the label of this file
+# the file location only works in a window with icon view!
+print 'Random locations for an icon'
+mft.windowview(base, 0)		# set the view by icon
+mft.windowsize(base, (600, 600))
+for i in range(50):
+	mft.location(f, (random.randint(10, 590), random.randint(10, 590)))
+mft.windowsize(base, (200, 400))
+mft.windowview(base, 1)		# set the view by icon
+orgpos = mft.windowposition(base)
+print 'Animated window location'
+for i in range(10):
+	pos = (100+i*10, 100+i*10)
+	mft.windowposition(base, pos)
+	print '\twindow position', pos
+mft.windowposition(base, orgpos)	# park it where it was beforeŠ
+print 'Put a comment in file', f, ':'
+print '\t', mft.comment(f)		# print the Finder comment this file has
+s = 'This is a comment no one reads!'
+mft.comment(f, s)			# set the Finder comment
+#	the following code does not work on MacOS versions older than MacOS 9.
+if 0:
+	print 'MacOS9 or better specific functions'
+	# processes
+	pr = mft.processes()		# return a list of tuples with (active_processname, creatorcode)
+	print 'Return a list of current active processes:'
+	for p in pr:
+		print '\t', p
+	# get attributes of the first process in the list
+	print 'Attributes of the first process in the list:'
+	pinfo = mft.processinfo(pr[0][0])
+	print '\t', pr[0][0]
+	print '\t\tmemory partition', pinfo.partition		# the memory allocated to this process
+	print '\t\tmemory used', pinfo.used			# the memory actuall used by this process
+	print '\t\tis visible', pinfo.visible			# is the process visible to the user
+	print '\t\tis frontmost', pinfo.frontmost		# is the process the front most one?
+	print '\t\thas scripting', pinfo.hasscripting		# is the process scriptable?
+	print '\t\taccepts high level events', 	pinfo.accepthighlevel	# does the process accept high level appleevents?
+print 'Done.'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/readme.txt b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b31ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mac/Contrib/morefindertools/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The morefindertools module is an extension to findertools, donated by Erik
+van Blokland, erik@letterror.com. The reason it is included in Contrib in stead
+of incorporated in findertools is lack of time before the release, it will be
+incorporated in the next release.