Patch supplied by Burton Radons for his own SF bug #487390: Modifying
type.__module__ behavior.

This adds the module name and a dot in front of the type name in every
type object initializer, except for built-in types (and those that
already had this).  Note that it touches lots of Mac modules -- I have
no way to test these but the changes look right.  Apologies if they're
not.  This also touches the weakref docs, which contains a sample type
object initializer.  It also touches the mmap test output, because the
mmap type's repr is included in that output.  It touches object.h to
put the correct description in a comment.
diff --git a/Modules/mmapmodule.c b/Modules/mmapmodule.c
index a4ec2d0..933e972 100644
--- a/Modules/mmapmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/mmapmodule.c
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@
 static PyTypeObject mmap_object_type = {
 	PyObject_HEAD_INIT(0) /* patched in module init */
 	0,					/* ob_size */
-	"mmap",					/* tp_name */
+	"mmap.mmap",				/* tp_name */
 	sizeof(mmap_object),			/* tp_size */
 	0,					/* tp_itemsize */
 	/* methods */