_Py_PrintReferenceAddresses():  also print the type name.  In real use
I'm finding some pretty baffling output, like reprs consisting entirely
of three left parens.  At least this will let us know what type the object
is (it's not str -- there's no quote character in the repr).

New tool combinerefs.py, to combine the two output blocks produced via
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 7a40c52..3a19a20 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@
+- New script combinerefs.py helps analyze new PYTHONDUMPREFS output.
+  See the module docstring for details.
diff --git a/Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt b/Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt
index a3d3558..fc41767 100644
--- a/Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt
+++ b/Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt
@@ -62,7 +62,16 @@
     If this envar exists, Py_Finalize() arranges to print a list of
-    all still-live heap objects.
+    all still-live heap objects.  This is printed twice, in different
+    formats, before and after Py_Finalize has cleaned up everything it
+    can clean up.  The first output block produces the repr() of each
+    object so is more informative; however, a lot of stuff destined to
+    die is still alive then.  The second output block is much harder
+    to work with (repr() can't be invoked anymore -- the interpreter
+    has been torn down too far), but doesn't list any objects that will
+    die.  The tool script combinerefs.py can be run over this to combine
+    the info from both output blocks.  The second output block, and
+    combinerefs.py, were new in Python 2.3b1.
 PYMALLOC_DEBUG                                            introduced in 2.3
diff --git a/Objects/object.c b/Objects/object.c
index 49b9839..93057c0 100644
--- a/Objects/object.c
+++ b/Objects/object.c
@@ -2047,7 +2047,8 @@
 	PyObject *op;
 	fprintf(fp, "Remaining object addresses:\n");
 	for (op = refchain._ob_next; op != &refchain; op = op->_ob_next)
-		fprintf(fp, "%p [%d]\n", op, op->ob_refcnt);
+		fprintf(fp, "%p [%d] %s\n", op, op->ob_refcnt,
+					    op->ob_type->tp_name);
 PyObject *
diff --git a/Tools/scripts/combinerefs.py b/Tools/scripts/combinerefs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fafd9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/scripts/combinerefs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+combinerefs path
+A helper for analyzing PYTHONDUMPREFS output.
+When the PYTHONDUMPREFS envar is set in a debug build, at Python shutdown
+time Py_Finalize() prints the list of all live objects twice:  first it
+prints the repr() of each object while the interpreter is still fully intact.
+After cleaning up everything it can, it prints all remaining live objects
+again, but the second time just prints their addresses, refcounts, and type
+Save all this output into a file, then run this script passing the path to
+that file.  The script finds both output chunks, combines them, then prints
+a line of output for each object still alive at the end:
+    address refcnt typename repr
+address is the address of the object, in whatever format the platform C
+produces for a %p format code.
+refcnt is of the form
+    "[" ref "]"
+when the object's refcount is the same in both PYTHONDUMPREFS output blocks,
+    "[" ref_before "->" ref_after "]"
+if the refcount changed.
+typename is object->ob_type->tp_name, extracted from the second PYTHONDUMPREFS
+output block.
+repr is repr(object), extracted from the first PYTHONDUMPREFS output block.
+The objects are listed in allocation order, with most-recently allocated
+printed first, and the first object allocated printed last.
+Simple examples:
+    00857060 [14] str '__len__'
+The str object '__len__' is alive at shutdown time, and both PYTHONDUMPREFS
+output blocks said there were 14 references to it.  This is probably due to
+C modules that intern the string "__len__" and keep a reference to it in a
+file static.
+    00857038 [46->5] tuple ()
+46-5 = 41 references to the empty tuple were removed by the cleanup actions
+between the times PYTHONDUMPREFS produced output.
+    00858028 [1025->1456] str '<dummy key>'
+The string '<dummy key>', which is used in dictobject.c as the name of the
+dummy key that overwrites a real key that gets deleted, actually grew
+several hundred references during cleanup.  It suggests that stuff did get
+removed from dicts by cleanup, but that the dicts themselves are staying
+alive for some reason.
+import re
+import sys
+# Generate lines from fileiter.  If whilematch is true, continue reading
+# while the regexp object pat matches line.  If whilematch is false, lines
+# are read so long as pat doesn't match them.  In any case, the first line
+# that doesn't match pat (when whilematch is true), or that does match pat
+# (when whilematch is false), is lost, and fileiter will resume at the line
+# following it.
+def read(fileiter, pat, whilematch):
+    result = []
+    for line in fileiter:
+        if bool(pat.match(line)) == whilematch:
+            result.append(line)
+        else:
+            break
+    return result
+def combine(fname):
+    f = file(fname)
+    fi = iter(f)
+    for line in read(fi, re.compile(r'^Remaining objects:$'), False):
+        pass
+    crack = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z\d]+) \[(\d+)\] (.*)')
+    addr2rc = {}
+    addr2guts = {}
+    before = 0
+    for line in read(fi, re.compile(r'^Remaining object addresses:$'), False):
+        m = crack.match(line)
+        if m:
+            addr, addr2rc[addr], addr2guts[addr] = m.groups()
+            before += 1
+        else:
+            print '??? skipped:', line
+    after = 0
+    for line in read(fi, crack, True):
+        after += 1
+        m = crack.match(line)
+        assert m
+        addr, rc, guts = m.groups() # guts is type name here
+        if addr not in addr2rc:
+            print '??? new object created while tearing down:', line
+            continue
+        print addr,
+        if rc == addr2rc[addr]:
+            print '[%s]' % rc,
+        else:
+            print '[%s->%s]' % (addr2rc[addr], rc),
+        print guts, addr2guts[addr]
+    f.close()
+    print "%d objects before, %d after" % (before, after)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    combine(sys.argv[1])