initial checkin for my Python stuff.
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3faf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# Written by Greg Stein. Public Domain.
+# No Copyright, no Rights Reserved, and no Warranties.
+# Utilities to help out with custom import mechanisms.
+# Additional modifications were contribed by Marc-Andre Lemburg and
+# Gordon McMillan.
+__version__ = '0.3'
+# note: avoid importing non-builtin modules
+import imp
+import sys
+import strop
+import __builtin__	### why this instead of just using __builtins__ ??
+# for the DirectoryImporter
+import struct
+import marshal
+class Importer:
+  "Base class for replacing standard import functions."
+  def install(self):
+    self.__chain_import = __builtin__.__import__
+    self.__chain_reload = __builtin__.reload
+    __builtin__.__import__ = self._import_hook
+    __builtin__.reload = self._reload_hook
+  ######################################################################
+  #
+  #
+  def _import_hook(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
+    """Python calls this hook to locate and import a module.
+    This method attempts to load the (dotted) module name. If it cannot
+    find it, then it delegates the import to the next import hook in the
+    chain (where "next" is defined as the import hook that was in place
+    at the time this Importer instance was installed).
+    """
+    ### insert a fast-path check for whether the module is already
+    ### loaded? use a variant of _determine_import_context() which
+    ### returns a context regardless of Importer used. generate an
+    ### fqname and look in sys.modules for it.
+    # determine the context of this import
+    parent = self._determine_import_context(globals)
+    # import the module within the context, or from the default context
+    top, tail = self._import_top_module(parent, name)
+    if top is None:
+      # the module was not found; delegate to the next import hook
+      return self.__chain_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist)
+    # the top module may be under the control of a different importer.
+    # if so, then defer to that importer for completion of the import.
+    # note it may be self, or is undefined so we (self) may as well
+    # finish the import.
+    importer = top.__dict__.get('__importer__', self)
+    return importer._finish_import(top, tail, fromlist)
+  def _finish_import(self, top, tail, fromlist):
+    # if "a.b.c" was provided, then load the ".b.c" portion down from
+    # below the top-level module.
+    bottom = self._load_tail(top, tail)
+    # if the form is "import a.b.c", then return "a"
+    if not fromlist:
+      # no fromlist: return the top of the import tree
+      return top
+    # the top module was imported by self, or it was not imported through
+    # the Importer mechanism and self is simply handling the import of
+    # the sub-modules and fromlist.
+    #
+    # this means that the bottom module was also imported by self, or we
+    # are handling things in the absence of a prior Importer
+    #
+    # ### why the heck are we handling it? what is the example scenario
+    # ### where this happens? note that we can't determine is_package()
+    # ### for non-Importer modules.
+    #
+    # since we imported/handled the bottom module, this means that we can
+    # also handle its fromlist (and reliably determine is_package()).
+    # if the bottom node is a package, then (potentially) import some modules.
+    #
+    # note: if it is not a package, then "fromlist" refers to names in
+    #       the bottom module rather than modules.
+    # note: for a mix of names and modules in the fromlist, we will
+    #       import all modules and insert those into the namespace of
+    #       the package module. Python will pick up all fromlist names
+    #       from the bottom (package) module; some will be modules that
+    #       we imported and stored in the namespace, others are expected
+    #       to be present already.
+    if self._is_package(bottom.__dict__):
+      self._import_fromlist(bottom, fromlist)
+    # if the form is "from a.b import c, d" then return "b"
+    return bottom
+  def _reload_hook(self, module):
+    "Python calls this hook to reload a module."
+    # reloading of a module may or may not be possible (depending on the
+    # importer), but at least we can validate that it's ours to reload
+    importer = module.__dict__.get('__importer__', None)
+    if importer is not self:
+      return self.__chain_reload(module)
+    # okay. it is ours, but we don't know what to do (yet)
+    ### we should blast the module dict and do another get_code(). need to
+    ### flesh this out and add proper docco...
+    raise SystemError, "reload not yet implemented"
+  def _determine_import_context(self, globals):
+    """Returns the context in which a module should be imported.
+    The context could be a loaded (package) module and the imported module
+    will be looked for within that package. The context could also be None,
+    meaning there is no context -- the module should be looked for as a
+    "top-level" module.
+    """
+    if not globals or \
+       globals.get('__importer__', None) is not self:
+      # globals does not refer to one of our modules or packages.
+      # That implies there is no relative import context, and it
+      # should just pick it off the standard path.
+      return None
+    # The globals refer to a module or package of ours. It will define
+    # the context of the new import. Get the module/package fqname.
+    parent_fqname = globals['__name__']
+    # for a package, return itself (imports refer to pkg contents)
+    if self._is_package(globals):
+      parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
+      assert globals is parent.__dict__
+      return parent
+    i = strop.rfind(parent_fqname, '.')
+    # a module outside of a package has no particular import context
+    if i == -1:
+      return None
+    # for a module in a package, return the package (imports refer to siblings)
+    parent_fqname = parent_fqname[:i]
+    parent = sys.modules[parent_fqname]
+    assert parent.__name__ == parent_fqname
+    return parent
+  def _import_top_module(self, parent, name):
+    """Locate the top of the import tree (relative or absolute).
+    parent defines the context in which the import should occur. See
+    _determine_import_context() for details.
+    Returns a tuple (module, tail). module is the loaded (top-level) module,
+    or None if the module is not found. tail is the remaining portion of
+    the dotted name.
+    """
+    i = strop.find(name, '.')
+    if i == -1:
+      head = name
+      tail = ""
+    else:
+      head = name[:i]
+      tail = name[i+1:]
+    if parent:
+      fqname = "%s.%s" % (parent.__name__, head)
+    else:
+      fqname = head
+    module = self._import_one(parent, head, fqname)
+    if module:
+      # the module was relative, or no context existed (the module was
+      # simply found on the path).
+      return module, tail
+    if parent:
+      # we tried relative, now try an absolute import (from the path)
+      module = self._import_one(None, head, head)
+      if module:
+        return module, tail
+    # the module wasn't found
+    return None, None
+  def _import_one(self, parent, modname, fqname):
+    "Import a single module."
+    # has the module already been imported?
+    try:
+      return sys.modules[fqname]
+    except KeyError:
+      pass
+    # load the module's code, or fetch the module itself
+    result = self.get_code(parent, modname, fqname)
+    if result is None:
+      return None
+    # did get_code() return an actual module? (rather than a code object)
+    is_module = type(result[1]) is type(sys)
+    # use the returned module, or create a new one to exec code into
+    if is_module:
+      module = result[1]
+    else:
+      module = imp.new_module(fqname)
+    ### record packages a bit differently??
+    module.__importer__ = self
+    module.__ispkg__ = result[0]
+    # if present, the third item is a set of values to insert into the module
+    if len(result) > 2:
+      module.__dict__.update(result[2])
+    # the module is almost ready... make it visible
+    sys.modules[fqname] = module
+    # execute the code within the module's namespace
+    if not is_module:
+      exec result[1] in module.__dict__
+    # insert the module into its parent
+    if parent:
+      setattr(parent, modname, module)
+    return module
+  def _load_tail(self, m, tail):
+    """Import the rest of the modules, down from the top-level module.
+    Returns the last module in the dotted list of modules.
+    """
+    if tail:
+      for part in strop.splitfields(tail, '.'):
+        fqname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, part)
+        m = self._import_one(m, part, fqname)
+        if not m:
+          raise ImportError, "No module named " + fqname
+    return m
+  def _import_fromlist(self, package, fromlist):
+    'Import any sub-modules in the "from" list.'
+    # if '*' is present in the fromlist, then look for the '__all__' variable
+    # to find additional items (modules) to import.
+    if '*' in fromlist:
+      fromlist = list(fromlist) + list(package.__dict__.get('__all__', []))
+    for sub in fromlist:
+      # if the name is already present, then don't try to import it (it
+      # might not be a module!).
+      if sub != '*' and not hasattr(package, sub):
+        subname = "%s.%s" % (package.__name__, sub)
+        submod = self._import_one(package, sub, subname)
+        if not submod:
+          raise ImportError, "cannot import name " + subname
+  def _is_package(self, module_dict):
+    """Determine if a given module (dictionary) specifies a package.
+    The package status is in the module-level name __ispkg__. The module
+    must also have been imported by self, so that we can reliably apply
+    semantic meaning to __ispkg__.
+    ### weaken the test to issubclass(Importer)?
+    """
+    return module_dict.get('__importer__', None) is self and \
+           module_dict['__ispkg__']
+  ######################################################################
+  #
+  #
+  def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
+    """Find and retrieve the code for the given module.
+    parent specifies a parent module to define a context for importing. It
+    may be None, indicating no particular context for the search.
+    modname specifies a single module (not dotted) within the parent.
+    fqname specifies the fully-qualified module name. This is a (potentially)
+    dotted name from the "root" of the module namespace down to the modname.
+    If there is no parent, then modname==fqname.
+    This method should return None, a 2-tuple, or a 3-tuple.
+    * If the module was not found, then None should be returned.
+    * The first item of the 2- or 3-tuple should be the integer 0 or 1,
+      specifying whether the module that was found is a package or not.
+    * The second item is the code object for the module (it will be
+      executed within the new module's namespace). This item can also
+      be a fully-loaded module object (e.g. loaded from a shared lib).
+    * If present, the third item is a dictionary of name/value pairs that
+      will be inserted into new module before the code object is executed.
+      This provided in case the module's code expects certain values (such
+      as where the module was found). When the second item is a module
+      object, then these names/values will be inserted *after* the module
+      has been loaded/initialized.
+    """
+    raise RuntimeError, "get_code not implemented"
+# Simple function-based importer
+class FuncImporter(Importer):
+  "Importer subclass to use a supplied function rather than method overrides."
+  def __init__(self, func):
+    self.func = func
+  def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
+    return self.func(parent, modname, fqname)
+def install_with(func):
+  FuncImporter(func).install()
+# Base class for archive-based importing
+class PackageArchiveImporter(Importer):
+  "Importer subclass to import from (file) archives."
+  def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
+    if parent:
+      # if a parent "package" is provided, then we are importing a sub-file
+      # from the archive.
+      result = self.get_subfile(parent.__archive__, modname)
+      if result is None:
+        return None
+      if type(result) == type(()):
+        return (0,) + result
+      return 0, result
+    # no parent was provided, so the archive should exist somewhere on the
+    # default "path".
+    archive = self.get_archive(modname)
+    if archive is None:
+      return None
+    return 1, "", {'__archive__':archive}
+  def get_archive(self, modname):
+    """Get an archive of modules.
+    This method should locate an archive and return a value which can be
+    used by get_subfile to load modules from it. The value may be a simple
+    pathname, an open file, or a complex object that caches information
+    for future imports.
+    Return None if the archive was not found.
+    """
+    raise RuntimeError, "get_archive not implemented"
+  def get_subfile(self, archive, modname):
+    """Get code from a subfile in the specified archive.
+    Given the specified archive (as returned by get_archive()), locate
+    and return a code object for the specified module name.
+    A 2-tuple may be returned, consisting of a code object and a dict
+    of name/values to place into the target module.
+    Return None if the subfile was not found.
+    """
+    raise RuntimeError, "get_subfile not implemented"
+class PackageArchive(PackageArchiveImporter):
+  "PackageArchiveImporter subclass that refers to a specific archive."
+  def __init__(self, modname, archive_pathname):
+    self.__modname = modname
+    self.__path = archive_pathname
+  def get_archive(self, modname):
+    if modname == self.__modname:
+      return self.__path
+    return None
+  # get_subfile is passed the full pathname of the archive
+# Emulate the standard directory-based import mechanism
+class DirectoryImporter(Importer):
+  "Importer subclass to emulate the standard importer."
+  def __init__(self, dir):
+    self.dir = dir
+    self.ext_char = __debug__ and 'c' or 'o'
+    self.ext = '.py' + self.ext_char
+  def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
+    if parent:
+      dir = parent.__pkgdir__
+    else:
+      dir = self.dir
+    # pull the os module from our instance data. we don't do this at the
+    # top-level, because it isn't a builtin module (and we want to defer
+    # loading non-builtins until as late as possible).
+    try:
+      os = self.os
+    except AttributeError:
+      import os
+      self.os = os
+    pathname = os.path.join(dir, modname)
+    if os.path.isdir(pathname):
+      values = { '__pkgdir__' : pathname }
+      ispkg = 1
+      pathname = os.path.join(pathname, '__init__')
+    else:
+      values = { }
+      ispkg = 0
+    t_py = self._timestamp(pathname + '.py')
+    t_pyc = self._timestamp(pathname + self.ext)
+    if t_py is None and t_pyc is None:
+      return None
+    code = None
+    if t_py is None or (t_pyc is not None and t_pyc >= t_py):
+      f = open(pathname + self.ext, 'rb')
+      if == imp.get_magic():
+        t = struct.unpack('<I',[0]
+        if t == t_py:
+          code = marshal.load(f)
+      f.close()
+    if code is None:
+      code = self._compile(pathname + '.py', t_py)
+    return ispkg, code, values
+  def _timestamp(self, pathname):
+    try:
+      s = self.os.stat(pathname)
+    except OSError:
+      return None
+    return long(s[8])
+  def _compile(self, pathname, timestamp):
+    codestring = open(pathname, 'r').read()
+    if codestring and codestring[-1] != '\n':
+      codestring = codestring + '\n'
+    code = __builtin__.compile(codestring, pathname, 'exec')
+    # try to cache the compiled code
+    try:
+      f = open(pathname + self.ext_char, 'wb')
+      f.write('\0\0\0\0')
+      f.write(struct.pack('<I', timestamp))
+      marshal.dump(code, f)
+      f.flush()
+, 0)
+      f.write(imp.get_magic())
+      f.close()
+    except OSError:
+      pass
+    return code
+  def __repr__(self):
+    return '<%s.%s for "%s" at 0x%x>' % (self.__class__.__module__,
+                                         self.__class__.__name__,
+                                         self.dir,
+                                         id(self))
+def _test_dir():
+  "Debug/test function to create DirectoryImporters from sys.path."
+  path = sys.path[:]
+  path.reverse()
+  for d in path:
+    DirectoryImporter(d).install()