Add four library items
diff --git a/Doc/whatsnew/whatsnew25.tex b/Doc/whatsnew/whatsnew25.tex
index d5f0056..302d9a5 100644
--- a/Doc/whatsnew/whatsnew25.tex
+++ b/Doc/whatsnew/whatsnew25.tex
@@ -1384,6 +1384,12 @@
code snippets that are usage examples intended for the reader and
aren't actually test cases.
+An \var{encoding} parameter was added to the \function{testfile()}
+function and the \class{DocFileSuite} class to specify the file's
+encoding. This makes it easier to use non-ASCII characters in
+tests contained within a docstring. (Contributed by Bjorn Tillenius.)
+% Patch 1080727
\item The \module{fileinput} module was made more flexible.
Unicode filenames are now supported, and a \var{mode} parameter that
defaults to \code{"r"} was added to the
@@ -1540,6 +1546,9 @@
performing many different operations and reducing the result to a
single number as \file{} does.
+\item The \module{pyexpat} module now uses version 2.0 of the Expat parser.
+(Contributed by Trent Mick.)
\item The old \module{regex} and \module{regsub} modules, which have been
deprecated ever since Python 2.0, have finally been deleted.
Other deleted modules: \module{statcache}, \module{tzparse},
@@ -1682,6 +1691,14 @@
(Contributed by Ka-Ping Yee.)
+\item The \module{weakref} module's \class{WeakKeyDictionary} and
+\class{WeakValueDictionary} types gained new methods for iterating
+over the weak references contained in the dictionary.
+\method{iterkeyrefs()} and \method{keyrefs()} methods were
+added to \class{WeakKeyDictionary}, and
+\method{itervaluerefs()} and \method{valuerefs()} were added to
+\class{WeakValueDictionary}. (Contributed by Fred L.~Drake, Jr.)
\item The \module{webbrowser} module received a number of
It's now usable as a script with \code{python -m webbrowser}, taking a
@@ -1705,6 +1722,12 @@
(Contributed by Skip Montanaro.)
% Patch 1120353
+\item The \module{zipfile} module now supports the ZIP64 version of the
+format, meaning that a .zip archive can now be larger than 4 GiB and
+can contain individual files larger than 4 GiB. (Contributed by
+Ronald Oussoren.)
+% Patch 1446489
\item The \module{zlib} module's \class{Compress} and \class{Decompress}
objects now support a \method{copy()} method that makes a copy of the
object's internal state and returns a new