some new dialogs and support files for new about and configuration implementations
diff --git a/Lib/idlelib/CREDITS.txt b/Lib/idlelib/CREDITS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c2073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/CREDITS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+IDLEfork Credits
+Guido van Rossum, as well as being the creator of the Python language, was
+the original creator of IDLE. His great work continues as both a contributor
+to, and 'benevolent dictator for life' of Python and IDLE/IDLEfork.
+The main developers who have been so far active on IDLEfork version 0.8.1 
+and greater are, Guido van Rossum, Stephen M. Gava and Kurt B. Kaiser.
+The IDLE fork project was initiated and brought up to version 0.7.1 by
+David Scherer, Peter Schneider-Kamp and Nicholas Riley.
+There are doubtless others who should be included here, especially those
+who may have contributed to IDLE versions prior ot 0.8. Please contact
+the IDLEfork coordinator to have yourself included here if you are one of
+those I have missed! (contact details at 
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85cbe46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+## idle - about box 
+## elguavas
+about box for idle
+from Tkinter import *
+import string
+import textView
+import idlever
+class AboutDialog(Toplevel):
+  """
+  modal about dialog for idle
+  """ 
+  def __init__(self,parent,title):
+    Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
+    self.configure(borderwidth=5)
+    self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+30,
+        parent.winfo_rooty()+30))
+    #elguavas - config placeholders til config stuff completed
+    self.fg="#ffffff"
+    #no ugly bold default text font on *nix
+    self.textFont=tuple(Label().cget('font').split())[0:2]+('normal',) 
+    self.CreateWidgets()
+    self.resizable(height=FALSE,width=FALSE)
+    self.title(title)
+    self.transient(parent)
+    self.grab_set()
+    self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Ok)
+    self.parent = parent
+    self.buttonOk.focus_set()
+    #key bindings for this dialog
+    self.bind('<Alt-c>',self.CreditsButtonBinding) #credits button
+    #self.bind('<Alt-l>',self.LicenseButtonBinding) #license button
+    self.bind('<Alt-r>',self.LicenseButtonBinding) #readme button
+    self.bind('<Return>',self.Ok) #dismiss dialog
+    self.bind('<Escape>',self.Ok) #dismiss dialog
+    self.wait_window()
+  def CreateWidgets(self):
+    frameMain = Frame(self,borderwidth=2,relief=SUNKEN)
+    frameButtons = Frame(self)
+    frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill=X)
+    frameMain.pack(side=TOP,expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
+    self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons,text='Ok',
+        command=self.Ok)#,default=ACTIVE
+    self.buttonOk.pack(padx=5,pady=5)
+    #self.picture = Image('photo',data=self.pictureData)
+    frameBg = Frame(frameMain,
+    frameBg.pack(expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
+    labelTitle = Label(frameBg,text='IDLEfork',fg=self.fg,,
+        font=('courier', 24, 'bold'))
+    labelTitle.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=10)
+    #labelPicture = Label(frameBg,text='[picture]')
+    #image=self.picture,
+    #labelPicture.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky=W,rowspan=2,padx=0,pady=3)
+    labelVersion = Label(frameBg,text='version  '+idlever.IDLE_VERSION,
+        fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelVersion.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=5)
+    labelCopyright = Label(frameBg,
+        text="A development version of Python's lightweight\n"+
+        'Integrated DeveLopment Environment, IDLE.',
+        justify=LEFT,fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelCopyright.grid(row=2,column=0,sticky=W,columnspan=3,padx=10,pady=5)
+    labelLicense = Label(frameBg,
+        text='Licenced under the Python 2.1.1 PSF Licence\n'+
+        '(a GPL compatible licence with extra freedoms)',
+        justify=LEFT,fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelLicense.grid(row=3,column=0,sticky=W,columnspan=3,padx=10,pady=5)
+    framePad = Frame(frameBg,height=5,,column=0)
+    labelEmail = Label(frameBg,text='email:',
+        justify=LEFT,fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelEmail.grid(row=5,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=0)
+    labelWWW = Label(frameBg,text='www:',
+        justify=LEFT,fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelWWW.grid(row=6,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=0)
+    frameDivider = Frame(frameBg,borderwidth=1,relief=SUNKEN,
+        height=2,,column=0,sticky=(E,W),columnspan=3,
+        padx=5,pady=5)
+    labelPythonVer = Label(frameBg,text='Python version:  '+
+        sys.version.split()[0],fg=self.fg,,font=self.textFont)
+    labelPythonVer.grid(row=8,column=0,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=0)
+    #handle weird tk version num in windoze python >= 1.6 (?!?)
+    tkVer = `TkVersion`.split('.')
+    tkVer[len(tkVer)-1] = str('%.3g' % (float('.'+tkVer[len(tkVer)-1])))[2:]
+    if tkVer[len(tkVer)-1] == '': 
+      tkVer[len(tkVer)-1] = '0'
+    tkVer = string.join(tkVer,'.')
+    labelTkVer = Label(frameBg,text='Tk version:  '+tkVer,fg=self.fg,,
+        font=self.textFont)
+    labelTkVer.grid(row=8,column=1,sticky=W,padx=2,pady=0)
+    #labelOs = Label(frameBg,text='python os name: '+pyching.os,
+    #       font=self.fontText,fg=self.fg,
+    #labelOs.grid(row=6,column=0,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=0)
+    #labelOsType = Label(frameBg,text='python os type: '+pyching.osType,
+    #       font=self.fontText,fg=self.fg,
+    #labelOsType.grid(row=6,column=1,sticky=W,padx=5,pady=0)
+    #framePad = Frame(frameBg,,height=5).grid(row=7,column=0)
+    self.buttonLicense = Button(frameBg,text='View Readme',underline=5,
+        width=14,,command=self.ShowLicense)#takefocus=FALSE
+    self.buttonLicense.grid(row=9,column=0,sticky=W,padx=10,pady=10)
+    self.buttonCredits = Button(frameBg,text='View Credits',underline=5,
+        width=14,,command=self.ShowCredits)#takefocus=FALSE
+    self.buttonCredits.grid(row=9,column=1,columnspan=2,sticky=E,padx=10,pady=10)
+  def CreditsButtonBinding(self,event):
+    self.buttonCredits.invoke()
+  def LicenseButtonBinding(self,event):
+    self.buttonLicense.invoke()
+  def ShowLicense(self):
+    textView.TextViewer(self,title='About - Readme',
+          fileName='./README.txt')
+  def ShowCredits(self):
+    textView.TextViewer(self,title='About - Credits',
+          fileName='./CREDITS.txt')
+  def Ok(self, event=None):
+    self.destroy()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  #test the dialog
+  root=Tk()
+  Button(root,text='About',command=lambda:AboutDialog(root,'About')).pack()
+  root.mainloop()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46f95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+## idle - configuration dialog 
+## elguavas
+configuration dialog
+from Tkinter import *
+import tkMessageBox
+class ConfigDialog(Toplevel):
+  """
+  configuration dialog for idle
+  """ 
+  def __init__(self,parent,title,configDict):
+    """
+    configDict - dictionary of configuration items
+    """
+    Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
+    self.configure(borderwidth=5)
+    self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+20,
+        parent.winfo_rooty()+30))
+    self.config=configDict
+    #elguavas - config placeholders til config stuff completed
+    self.fg=None
+    #no ugly bold default text font on *nix
+    self.textFont=tuple(Label().cget('font').split())[0:2]+('normal',) 
+    self.CreateWidgets()
+    self.resizable(height=FALSE,width=FALSE)
+    self.ChangePage()
+    self.transient(parent)
+    self.grab_set()
+    self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Cancel)
+    self.parent = parent
+    self.framePages.focus_set()
+    #key bindings for this dialog
+#    self.bind('<Return>',self.Ok) #dismiss dialog
+    self.bind('<Escape>',self.CancelBinding) #dismiss dialog, no save
+    self.bind('<Alt-s>',self.SaveBinding) #dismiss dialog, save
+    self.bind('<Alt-r>',self.RevertBinding) #revert to defaults
+    self.bind('<Alt-f>',self.ChangePageBinding)
+    self.bind('<Alt-c>',self.ChangePageBinding)
+    self.bind('<Alt-k>',self.ChangePageBinding)
+    self.bind('<Alt-g>',self.ChangePageBinding)
+    self.wait_window()
+  def Cancel(self):
+    self.destroy()
+  def Save(self):
+    pass
+  def Revert(self):
+    pass
+  def ChangePage(self):
+    self.pages[self.pageNum.get()].lift()
+    self.title('Settings - '+self.pageButtons[self.pageNum.get()].cget('text'))
+  def CancelBinding(self,event):
+    self.Cancel()
+  def SaveBinding(self,event):
+    self.Save()
+  def RevertBinding(self,event):
+    self.Revert()
+  def ChangePageBinding(self,event):
+    pageKeys=('f','c','k','g')
+    pos=0
+    for key in pageKeys:
+      if event.char == key:
+        self.pageNum.set(pos)
+        self.ChangePage()
+        return
+      pos=pos+1
+  def CreateWidgets(self):
+    self.framePages = Frame(self,borderwidth=2,relief=SUNKEN)
+    frameActionButtons = Frame(self)
+    framePageButtons = Frame(self.framePages,borderwidth=1,relief=SUNKEN)
+    #action buttons
+    self.buttonRevert = Button(frameActionButtons,text='Revert',
+        command=self.Revert,underline=0,takefocus=FALSE)
+    self.buttonSave = Button(frameActionButtons,text='Save',
+        command=self.Save,underline=0,takefocus=FALSE)
+    self.buttonCancel = Button(frameActionButtons,text='Cancel',
+        command=self.Cancel,takefocus=FALSE)
+    #page buttons
+    self.pageNum=IntVar()
+    self.pageNum.set(0)
+    buttonPageFonts = Radiobutton(framePageButtons,value=0,text='Fonts')
+    buttonPageColours = Radiobutton(framePageButtons,value=1,text='Colours')
+    buttonPageKeys = Radiobutton(framePageButtons,value=2,text='Keys')
+    buttonPageGeneral = Radiobutton(framePageButtons,value=3,text='General')
+    self.pageButtons=(buttonPageFonts,buttonPageColours,
+        buttonPageKeys,buttonPageGeneral)
+    for button in self.pageButtons:
+      button.config(command=self.ChangePage,underline=0,takefocus=FALSE,
+      indicatoron=FALSE,highlightthickness=0,variable=self.pageNum,
+      button.pack(side=LEFT)
+    #pages
+    framePageFonts=Frame(self.framePages)
+    framePageColours=Frame(self.framePages)
+    framePageKeys=Frame(self.framePages)
+    framePageGeneral=Frame(self.framePages)
+    self.pages=(framePageFonts,framePageColours,framePageKeys,framePageGeneral)
+    #pageFonts
+    Button(framePageFonts,text='fonts page test').pack(padx=30,pady=30)
+    #pageColours
+    Button(framePageColours,text='colours page test').pack(padx=60,pady=60)
+    #pageKeys
+    Button(framePageKeys,text='keys page test').pack(padx=90,pady=90)
+    #pageGeneral
+    Button(framePageGeneral,text='general page test').pack(padx=110,pady=110)
+    #grid in framePages so we can overlap pages
+    framePageButtons.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=W)
+    for page in self.pages: page.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=(N,S,E,W))
+    self.buttonRevert.pack(side=LEFT,padx=5,pady=5)
+    self.buttonSave.pack(side=LEFT,padx=5,pady=5)
+    self.buttonCancel.pack(side=LEFT,padx=5,pady=5)
+    frameActionButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM)
+    self.framePages.pack(side=TOP,expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  #test the dialog
+  root=Tk()
+  Button(root,text='Dialog',
+      command=lambda:ConfigDialog(root,'Settings',None)).pack()
+  root.mainloop()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d8b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/idlelib/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+## idle - simple text view dialog 
+## elguavas
+simple text browser for idle
+from Tkinter import *
+import tkMessageBox
+class TextViewer(Toplevel):
+  """
+  simple text viewer dialog for idle
+  """ 
+  def __init__(self,parent,title,fileName):
+    """
+    fileName - string,should be an absoulute filename
+    """
+    Toplevel.__init__(self, parent)
+    self.configure(borderwidth=5)
+    self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+10,
+        parent.winfo_rooty()+10))
+    #elguavas - config placeholders til config stuff completed
+    self.fg=None
+    self.CreateWidgets()
+    self.title(title)
+    self.transient(parent)
+    self.grab_set()
+    self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Ok)
+    self.parent = parent
+    self.textView.focus_set()
+    #key bindings for this dialog
+    self.bind('<Return>',self.Ok) #dismiss dialog
+    self.bind('<Escape>',self.Ok) #dismiss dialog
+    self.LoadTextFile(fileName)
+    self.textView.config(state=DISABLED)
+    self.wait_window()
+  def LoadTextFile(self, fileName):
+    textFile = None
+    try:
+      textFile = open(fileName, 'r')
+    except IOError:
+      tkMessageBox.showerror(title='File Load Error',
+          message='Unable to load file '+`fileName`+' .')
+    else:
+      self.textView.insert(0.0,
+  def CreateWidgets(self):
+    frameText = Frame(self)
+    frameButtons = Frame(self)
+    self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons,text='Ok',
+        command=self.Ok,takefocus=FALSE,default=ACTIVE)
+    self.scrollbarView = Scrollbar(frameText,orient=VERTICAL,
+        takefocus=FALSE,highlightthickness=0)
+    self.textView = Text(frameText,wrap=WORD,highlightthickness=0)
+    self.scrollbarView.config(command=self.textView.yview)
+    self.textView.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbarView.set)
+    self.buttonOk.pack(padx=5,pady=5)
+    self.scrollbarView.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y)
+    self.textView.pack(side=LEFT,expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
+    frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill=X)
+    frameText.pack(side=TOP,expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH)
+  def Ok(self, event=None):
+    self.destroy()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  #test the dialog
+  root=Tk()
+  Button(root,text='View',
+      command=lambda:TextViewer(root,'Text','./')).pack()
+  root.mainloop()