blob: 107e222b820ad35feca4450e82ebfb82f658ae60 [file] [log] [blame]
"""PyPI and direct package downloading"""
import sys, os.path, re, urlparse, urllib2, shutil, random, socket
from pkg_resources import *
from distutils import log
from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
from md5 import md5
from fnmatch import translate
EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.]+)$')
HREF = re.compile("""href\\s*=\\s*['"]?([^'"> ]+)""", re.I)
# this is here to fix emacs' cruddy broken syntax highlighting
PYPI_MD5 = re.compile(
'<a href="([^"#]+)">([^<]+)</a>\n\s+\\(<a href="[^?]+\?:action=show_md5'
URL_SCHEME = re.compile('([-+.a-z0-9]{2,}):',re.I).match
EXTENSIONS = ".tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tar .zip .tgz".split()
__all__ = [
'PackageIndex', 'distros_for_url', 'parse_bdist_wininst',
def parse_bdist_wininst(name):
"""Return (base,pyversion) or (None,None) for possible .exe name"""
lower = name.lower()
base, py_ver = None, None
if lower.endswith('.exe'):
if lower.endswith('.win32.exe'):
base = name[:-10]
elif lower.startswith('.win32-py',-16):
py_ver = name[-7:-4]
base = name[:-16]
return base,py_ver
def egg_info_for_url(url):
scheme, server, path, parameters, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)
base = urllib2.unquote(path.split('/')[-1])
if '#' in base: base, fragment = base.split('#',1)
return base,fragment
def distros_for_url(url, metadata=None):
"""Yield egg or source distribution objects that might be found at a URL"""
base, fragment = egg_info_for_url(url)
dists = distros_for_location(url, base, metadata)
if fragment and not dists:
match = EGG_FRAGMENT.match(fragment)
if match:
return interpret_distro_name(
url,, metadata, precedence = CHECKOUT_DIST
return dists
def distros_for_location(location, basename, metadata=None):
"""Yield egg or source distribution objects based on basename"""
if basename.endswith(''):
basename = basename[:-4] # strip the .zip
if basename.endswith('.egg'): # only one, unambiguous interpretation
return [Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata)]
if basename.endswith('.exe'):
win_base, py_ver = parse_bdist_wininst(basename)
if win_base is not None:
return interpret_distro_name(
location, win_base, metadata, py_ver, BINARY_DIST, "win32"
# Try source distro extensions (.zip, .tgz, etc.)
for ext in EXTENSIONS:
if basename.endswith(ext):
basename = basename[:-len(ext)]
return interpret_distro_name(location, basename, metadata)
return [] # no extension matched
def distros_for_filename(filename, metadata=None):
"""Yield possible egg or source distribution objects based on a filename"""
return distros_for_location(
normalize_path(filename), os.path.basename(filename), metadata
def interpret_distro_name(location, basename, metadata,
py_version=None, precedence=SOURCE_DIST, platform=None
"""Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name
Note: if `location` is a filesystem filename, you should call
``pkg_resources.normalize_path()`` on it before passing it to this
# Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name
# Because some packages are ambiguous as to name/versions split
# e.g. "adns-python-1.1.0", "egenix-mx-commercial", etc.
# So, we generate each possible interepretation (e.g. "adns, python-1.1.0"
# "adns-python, 1.1.0", and "adns-python-1.1.0, no version"). In practice,
# the spurious interpretations should be ignored, because in the event
# there's also an "adns" package, the spurious "python-1.1.0" version will
# compare lower than any numeric version number, and is therefore unlikely
# to match a request for it. It's still a potential problem, though, and
# in the long run PyPI and the distutils should go for "safe" names and
# versions in distribution archive names (sdist and bdist).
parts = basename.split('-')
for p in range(1,len(parts)+1):
yield Distribution(
location, metadata, '-'.join(parts[:p]), '-'.join(parts[p:]),
py_version=py_version, precedence = precedence,
platform = platform
class PackageIndex(Environment):
"""A distribution index that scans web pages for download URLs"""
def __init__(self,index_url="",hosts=('*',),*args,**kw):
self.index_url = index_url + "/"[:not index_url.endswith('/')]
self.scanned_urls = {}
self.fetched_urls = {}
self.package_pages = {}
self.allows = re.compile('|'.join(map(translate,hosts))).match
self.to_scan = []
def process_url(self, url, retrieve=False):
"""Evaluate a URL as a possible download, and maybe retrieve it"""
url = fix_sf_url(url)
if url in self.scanned_urls and not retrieve:
self.scanned_urls[url] = True
if not URL_SCHEME(url):
dists = list(distros_for_url(url))
if dists:
if not self.url_ok(url):
self.debug("Found link: %s", url)
if dists or not retrieve or url in self.fetched_urls:
map(self.add, dists)
return # don't need the actual page
if not self.url_ok(url):
self.fetched_urls[url] = True
return"Reading %s", url)
f = self.open_url(url)
self.fetched_urls[url] = self.fetched_urls[f.url] = True
if 'html' not in f.headers['content-type'].lower():
f.close() # not html, we can't process it
base = f.url # handle redirects
page =
if url.startswith(self.index_url):
page = self.process_index(url, page)
for match in HREF.finditer(page):
link = urlparse.urljoin(base,
def process_filename(self, fn, nested=False):
# process filenames or directories
if not os.path.exists(fn):
self.warn("Not found: %s", url)
if os.path.isdir(fn) and not nested:
path = os.path.realpath(fn)
for item in os.listdir(path):
self.process_filename(os.path.join(path,item), True)
dists = distros_for_filename(fn)
if dists:
self.debug("Found: %s", fn)
map(self.add, dists)
def url_ok(self, url, fatal=False):
if self.allows(urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]):
return True
msg = "\nLink to % s ***BLOCKED*** by --allow-hosts\n"
if fatal:
raise DistutilsError(msg % url)
self.warn(msg, url)
def process_index(self,url,page):
"""Process the contents of a PyPI page"""
def scan(link):
# Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
if link.startswith(self.index_url):
parts = map(
urllib2.unquote, link[len(self.index_url):].split('/')
if len(parts)==2:
# it's a package page, sanitize and index it
pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
ver = safe_version(parts[1])
self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(),{})[link] = True
return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
return None, None
if url==self.index_url or 'Index of Packages</title>' in page:
# process an index page into the package-page index
for match in HREF.finditer(page):
scan( urlparse.urljoin(url, )
pkg,ver = scan(url) # ensure this page is in the page index
# process individual package page
for tag in ("<th>Home Page", "<th>Download URL"):
pos = page.find(tag)
if pos!=-1:
match =,pos)
if match:
# Process the found URL
new_url = urlparse.urljoin(url,
base, frag = egg_info_for_url(new_url)
if base.endswith('.py') and not frag:
if pkg and ver:
new_url+='#egg=%s-%s' % (pkg,ver)
return PYPI_MD5.sub(
lambda m: '<a href="%s#md5=%s">%s</a>' %,3,2), page
def need_version_info(self, url):
"Page at %s links to .py file(s) without version info; an index "
"scan is required.", url
def scan_all(self, msg=None, *args):
if self.index_url not in self.fetched_urls:
if msg: self.warn(msg,*args)
"Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)"
def find_packages(self, requirement):
self.scan_url(self.index_url + requirement.unsafe_name+'/')
if not self.package_pages.get(requirement.key):
# Fall back to safe version of the name
self.scan_url(self.index_url + requirement.project_name+'/')
if not self.package_pages.get(requirement.key):
# We couldn't find the target package, so search the index page too
"Couldn't find index page for %r (maybe misspelled?)",
for url in self.package_pages.get(requirement.key,()):
# scan each page that might be related to the desired package
def obtain(self, requirement, installer=None):
self.prescan(); self.find_packages(requirement)
for dist in self[requirement.key]:
if dist in requirement:
return dist
self.debug("%s does not match %s", requirement, dist)
return super(PackageIndex, self).obtain(requirement,installer)
def check_md5(self, cs, info, filename, tfp):
if re.match('md5=[0-9a-f]{32}$', info):
self.debug("Validating md5 checksum for %s", filename)
if cs.hexdigest()<>info[4:]:
raise DistutilsError(
"MD5 validation failed for "+os.path.basename(filename)+
"; possible download problem?"
def add_find_links(self, urls):
"""Add `urls` to the list that will be prescanned for searches"""
for url in urls:
if (
self.to_scan is None # if we have already "gone online"
or not URL_SCHEME(url) # or it's a local file/directory
or url.startswith('file:')
or list(distros_for_url(url)) # or a direct package link
# then go ahead and process it now
# otherwise, defer retrieval till later
def prescan(self):
"""Scan urls scheduled for prescanning (e.g. --find-links)"""
if self.to_scan:
map(self.scan_url, self.to_scan)
self.to_scan = None # from now on, go ahead and process immediately
def download(self, spec, tmpdir):
"""Locate and/or download `spec` to `tmpdir`, returning a local path
`spec` may be a ``Requirement`` object, or a string containing a URL,
an existing local filename, or a project/version requirement spec
(i.e. the string form of a ``Requirement`` object). If it is the URL
of a .py file with an unambiguous ``#egg=name-version`` tag (i.e., one
that escapes ``-`` as ``_`` throughout), a trivial ```` is
automatically created alongside the downloaded file.
If `spec` is a ``Requirement`` object or a string containing a
project/version requirement spec, this method returns the location of
a matching distribution (possibly after downloading it to `tmpdir`).
If `spec` is a locally existing file or directory name, it is simply
returned unchanged. If `spec` is a URL, it is downloaded to a subpath
of `tmpdir`, and the local filename is returned. Various errors may be
raised if a problem occurs during downloading.
if not isinstance(spec,Requirement):
scheme = URL_SCHEME(spec)
if scheme:
# It's a url, download it to tmpdir
found = self._download_url(, spec, tmpdir)
base, fragment = egg_info_for_url(spec)
if base.endswith('.py'):
found = self.gen_setup(found,fragment,tmpdir)
return found
elif os.path.exists(spec):
# Existing file or directory, just return it
return spec
spec = Requirement.parse(spec)
except ValueError:
raise DistutilsError(
"Not a URL, existing file, or requirement spec: %r" %
return getattr(self.fetch_distribution(spec, tmpdir),'location',None)
def fetch_distribution(self,
requirement, tmpdir, force_scan=False, source=False, develop_ok=False
"""Obtain a distribution suitable for fulfilling `requirement`
`requirement` must be a ``pkg_resources.Requirement`` instance.
If necessary, or if the `force_scan` flag is set, the requirement is
searched for in the (online) package index as well as the locally
installed packages. If a distribution matching `requirement` is found,
the returned distribution's ``location`` is the value you would have
gotten from calling the ``download()`` method with the matching
distribution's URL or filename. If no matching distribution is found,
``None`` is returned.
If the `source` flag is set, only source distributions and source
checkout links will be considered. Unless the `develop_ok` flag is
set, development and system eggs (i.e., those using the ``.egg-info``
format) will be ignored.
# process a Requirement"Searching for %s", requirement)
skipped = {}
def find(req):
# Find a matching distribution; may be called more than once
for dist in self[req.key]:
if dist.precedence==DEVELOP_DIST and not develop_ok:
if dist not in skipped:
self.warn("Skipping development or system egg: %s",dist)
skipped[dist] = 1
if dist in req and (dist.precedence<=SOURCE_DIST or not source):"Best match: %s", dist)
return dist.clone(, tmpdir)
if force_scan:
dist = find(requirement)
if dist is None and self.to_scan is not None:
dist = find(requirement)
if dist is None and not force_scan:
dist = find(requirement)
if dist is None:
"No local packages or download links found for %s%s",
(source and "a source distribution of " or ""),
return dist
def fetch(self, requirement, tmpdir, force_scan=False, source=False):
"""Obtain a file suitable for fulfilling `requirement`
DEPRECATED; use the ``fetch_distribution()`` method now instead. For
backward compatibility, this routine is identical but returns the
``location`` of the downloaded distribution instead of a distribution
dist = self.fetch_distribution(requirement,tmpdir,force_scan,source)
if dist is not None:
return dist.location
return None
def gen_setup(self, filename, fragment, tmpdir):
match = EGG_FRAGMENT.match(fragment); #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
dists = match and [d for d in
interpret_distro_name(filename,, None) if d.version
] or []
if len(dists)==1: # unambiguous ``#egg`` fragment
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
# Make sure the file has been downloaded to the temp dir.
if os.path.dirname(filename) != tmpdir:
dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, basename)
from setuptools.command.easy_install import samefile
if not samefile(filename, dst):
shutil.copy2(filename, dst)
file = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), 'w')
"from setuptools import setup\n"
"setup(name=%r, version=%r, py_modules=[%r])\n"
% (
dists[0].project_name, dists[0].version,
return filename
elif match:
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't unambiguously interpret project/version identifier %r; "
"any dashes in the name or version should be escaped using "
"underscores. %r" % (fragment,dists)
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't process plain .py files without an '#egg=name-version'"
" suffix to enable automatic setup script generation."
dl_blocksize = 8192
def _download_to(self, url, filename):
self.url_ok(url,True) # raises error if not allowed"Downloading %s", url)
# Download the file
fp, tfp, info = None, None, None
if '#' in url:
url, info = url.split('#', 1)
fp = self.open_url(url)
if isinstance(fp, urllib2.HTTPError):
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't download %s: %s %s" % (url, fp.code,fp.msg)
cs = md5()
headers =
blocknum = 0
bs = self.dl_blocksize
size = -1
if "content-length" in headers:
size = int(headers["Content-Length"])
self.reporthook(url, filename, blocknum, bs, size)
tfp = open(filename,'wb')
while True:
block =
if block:
blocknum += 1
self.reporthook(url, filename, blocknum, bs, size)
if info: self.check_md5(cs, info, filename, tfp)
return headers
if fp: fp.close()
if tfp: tfp.close()
def reporthook(self, url, filename, blocknum, blksize, size):
pass # no-op
def retry_sf_download(self, url, filename):
return self._download_to(url, filename)
scheme, server, path, param, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if server!='':
mirror = get_sf_ip()
while _sf_mirrors:
self.warn("Download failed: %s", sys.exc_info()[1])
url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, mirror, path, param, '', frag))
return self._download_to(url, filename)
_sf_mirrors.remove(mirror) # don't retry the same mirror
mirror = get_sf_ip()
raise # fail if no mirror works
def open_url(self, url):
return urllib2.urlopen(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError, v:
return v
except urllib2.URLError, v:
raise DistutilsError("Download error: %s" % v.reason)
def _download_url(self, scheme, url, tmpdir):
# Determine download filename
name = filter(None,urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/'))
if name:
name = name[-1]
while '..' in name:
name = name.replace('..','.').replace('\\','_')
name = "__downloaded__" # default if URL has no path contents
if name.endswith(''):
name = name[:-4] # strip the extra .zip before download
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,name)
# Download the file
if scheme=='svn' or scheme.startswith('svn+'):
return self._download_svn(url, filename)
headers = self.retry_sf_download(url, filename)
if 'html' in headers['content-type'].lower():
return self._download_html(url, headers, filename, tmpdir)
return filename
def scan_url(self, url):
self.process_url(url, True)
def _download_html(self, url, headers, filename, tmpdir):
file = open(filename)
for line in file:
if line.strip():
# Check for a subversion index page
if'<title>Revision \d+:', line):
# it's a subversion index page:
return self._download_svn(url, filename)
break # not an index page
raise DistutilsError("Unexpected HTML page found at "+url)
def _download_svn(self, url, filename):
url = url.split('#',1)[0] # remove any fragment for svn's sake"Doing subversion checkout from %s to %s", url, filename)
os.system("svn checkout -q %s %s" % (url, filename))
return filename
def debug(self, msg, *args):
log.debug(msg, *args)
def info(self, msg, *args):, *args)
def warn(self, msg, *args):
log.warn(msg, *args)
def fix_sf_url(url):
scheme, server, path, param, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if server!='':
return url
return urlparse.urlunparse(
(scheme, '', 'sourceforge'+path, param, '', frag)
_sf_mirrors = []
def get_sf_ip():
if not _sf_mirrors:
_sf_mirrors[:] = socket.gethostbyname_ex('')[-1]
except socket.error:
# DNS-bl0ck1n9 f1r3w4llz sUx0rs!
_sf_mirrors[:] = ['']
return random.choice(_sf_mirrors)