Patch #1185447: binascii.b2a_qp() now correctly quotes binary characters
with ASCII value less than 32. Also, it correctly quotes dots only if
they occur on a single line, as opposed to the previous behavior of
quoting dots if they are the second character of any line.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index d9bf14f..355a827 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -525,6 +525,11 @@
 Extension Modules
+- Patch #1185447: binascii.b2a_qp() now correctly quotes binary characters
+  with ASCII value less than 32. Also, it correctly quotes dots only if
+  they occur on a single line, as opposed to the previous behavior of
+  quoting dots if they are the second character of any line.
 - Bug #1622896: fix a rare corner case where the bz2 module raised an
   error in spite of a succesful compression.