SF bug 728097:  tmpnam problems on windows 2.3b, breaks test.test_os.
tmpnam() appears essentially useless on Windows, and it finally broke
the test for Irmen de Jong.  Read the long new comment in test_tmpnam()
for details.  Since the MS implementation is insane, it might be good
if we supplied a different implementation.

Bugfix candidate.
diff --git a/Doc/lib/libos.tex b/Doc/lib/libos.tex
index c92aa4d..6a1223f 100644
--- a/Doc/lib/libos.tex
+++ b/Doc/lib/libos.tex
@@ -1025,7 +1025,11 @@
 \warning{Use of \function{tmpnam()} is vulnerable to symlink attacks;
 consider using \function{tmpfile()} instead.}
-Availability: \UNIX, Windows.
+Availability: \UNIX, Windows.  This function probably shouldn't be used
+on Windows, though:  Microsoft's implementation of \function{tmpnam()}
+always creates a name in the root directory of the current drive, and
+that's generally a poor location for a temp file (depending on
+privileges, you may not even be able to open a file using this name).