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diff --git a/Doc/mac/libmacic.tex b/Doc/mac/libmacic.tex
index fd16002..d797cfa 100644
--- a/Doc/mac/libmacic.tex
+++ b/Doc/mac/libmacic.tex
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 The \code{ic} module defines the following functions:
-\begin{funcdesc}{IC}{\optional{signature\, ic}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{IC}{\optional{signature, ic}}
 Create an internet config object. The signature is a 4-char creator
 code of the current application (default \code{'Pyth'}) which may
 influence some of ICs settings. The optional \var{ic} argument is a
@@ -30,14 +30,13 @@
 you want to get preferences from a different config file, etc.
-\begin{funcdesc}{launchurl}{url \optional{\, hint}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{launchurl}{url \optional{, hint}}
-\begin{funcdesc}{parseurl}{data \optional{\, start\, end\, hint}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{parseurl}{data \optional{, start, end, hint}}
-\begin{funcdesc}{maptypecreator}{type\, creator \optional{\,
-	filename}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{maptypecreator}{type, creator \optional{, filename}}
 These functions are ``shortcuts'' to the methods of the same name,
@@ -66,14 +65,14 @@
 \renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(IC object attribute)}
-\begin{funcdesc}{launchurl}{url \optional{\, hint}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{launchurl}{url \optional{, hint}}
 Parse the given URL, lauch the correct application and pass it the
 URL. The optional \var{hint} can be a scheme name such as
 \code{mailto:}, in which case incomplete URLs are completed with this
 scheme (otherwise incomplete URLs are invalid). 
-\begin{funcdesc}{parseurl}{data \optional{\, start\, end\, hint}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{parseurl}{data \optional{, start, end, hint}}
 Find an URL somewhere in \var{data} and return start position, end
 position and the URL. The optional \var{start} and \var{end} can be
 used to limit the search, so for instance if a user clicks in a long
@@ -88,9 +87,10 @@
 as either a filename or an \var{FSSpec} object, and which need not
-The mapping entry is returned as a tuple \code{(version\, type\,
-creator\, postcreator\, flags\, extension\, appname\, postappname\,
-mimetype\, entryname)}, where \var{version} is the entry version
+The mapping entry is returned as a tuple \code{(}\var{version},
+\var{type}, \var{creator}, \var{postcreator}, \var{flags},
+\var{extension}, \var{appname}, \var{postappname}, \var{mimetype},
+\var{entryname}\code{)}, where \var{version} is the entry version
 number, \var{type} is the 4-char filetype, \var{creator} is the 4-char
 creator type, \var{postcreator} is the 4-char creator code of an
 optional application to post-process the file after downloading,
@@ -102,8 +102,7 @@
 file and \var{entryname} is the name of this entry.
-\begin{funcdesc}{maptypecreator}{type\, creator \optional{\,
-	filename}}
+\begin{funcdesc}{maptypecreator}{type, creator \optional{, filename}}
 Return the mapping entry for files with given 4-char \var{type} and
 \var{creator} codes. The optional \var{filename} may be specified to
 further help finding the correct entry (if the creator code is