removed old IDE stuff -- jvr
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b14bcd..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 1997 Just van Rossum, Letterror.
-import Splash
-import FrameWork
-import WFrameWorkPatch
-import Win
-import W
-import os
-import macfs
-class PythonIDE(WFrameWorkPatch.Application):
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.preffilepath = ":Python:PythonIDE preferences"
-		WFrameWorkPatch.Application.__init__(self, 'Pyth')
-		import AE, AppleEvents
-		AE.AEInstallEventHandler(AppleEvents.kCoreEventClass, AppleEvents.kAEOpenApplication, 
-				self.ignoreevent)
-		AE.AEInstallEventHandler(AppleEvents.kCoreEventClass, AppleEvents.kAEPrintDocuments, 
-				self.ignoreevent)
-		AE.AEInstallEventHandler(AppleEvents.kCoreEventClass, AppleEvents.kAEOpenDocuments, 
-				self.opendocsevent)
-		AE.AEInstallEventHandler(AppleEvents.kCoreEventClass, AppleEvents.kAEQuitApplication, 
-				self.quitevent)
-		import PyConsole, PyEdit
-		Splash.wait()
-		PyConsole.installconsole()
-		PyConsole.installoutput()
-		import sys
-		for path in sys.argv[1:]:
-			self.opendoc(path)
-		self.mainloop()
-	def makeusermenus(self):
-		m = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self.menubar, "File")
-		newitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "New", "N", 'new')
-		openitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "OpenŠ", "O", 'open')
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		closeitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Close", "W", 'close')
-		saveitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Save", "S", 'save')
-		saveasitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Save asŠ", None, 'save_as')
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		quititem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Quit", "Q", 'quit')
-		m = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self.menubar, "Edit")
-		undoitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Undo", 'Z', "undo")
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		cutitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Cut", 'X', "cut")
-		copyitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Copy", "C", "copy")
-		pasteitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Paste", "V", "paste")
-		FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Clear", None,  "clear")
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		selallitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Select all", "A", "selectall")
-		sellineitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Select line", "L", "selectline")
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		finditem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "FindŠ", "F", "find")
-		findagainitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Find again", 'G', "findnext")
-		enterselitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Enter search string", "E", "entersearchstring")
-		replaceitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Replace", None, "replace")
-		replacefinditem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Replace & find again", 'T', "replacefind")
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		shiftleftitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Shift left", "[", "shiftleft")
-		shiftrightitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Shift right", "]", "shiftright")
-		m = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self.menubar, "Python")
-		runitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Run window", "R", 'run')
-		runselitem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Run selection", None, 'runselection')
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		moditem = FrameWork.MenuItem(m, "Module browserŠ", "M", self.domenu_modulebrowser)
-		FrameWork.Separator(m)
-		mm = FrameWork.SubMenu(m, "Preferences")
-		FrameWork.MenuItem(mm, "Set Scripts folderŠ", None, self.do_setscriptsfolder)
-		self.openwindowsmenu = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self.menubar, 'Windows')
-		self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
-		self._menustocheck = [closeitem, saveitem, saveasitem,
-				undoitem, cutitem, copyitem, pasteitem, 
-				selallitem, sellineitem, 
-				finditem, findagainitem, enterselitem, replaceitem, replacefinditem,
-				shiftleftitem, shiftrightitem, 
-				runitem, runselitem]
-		prefs = self.getprefs()
-		if prefs.scriptsfolder:
-			fss, fss_changed = macfs.RawAlias(prefs.scriptsfolder).Resolve()
-			self.scriptsfolder = fss.NewAlias()
-			prefs.scriptsfolder =
-			self.scriptsfoldermodtime = fss.GetDates()[1]
-		else:
-			path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Scripts')
-			if not os.path.exists(path):
-				os.mkdir(path)
-			fss = macfs.FSSpec(path)
-			self.scriptsfolder = fss.NewAlias()
-			self.scriptsfoldermodtime = fss.GetDates()[1]
-		self._scripts = {}
-		self.scriptsmenu = None
-		self.makescriptsmenu()
-	def quitevent(self, theAppleEvent, theReply):
-		import AE
-		AE.AEInteractWithUser(50000000)
-		self._quit()
-	def suspendresume(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			fss, fss_changed = self.scriptsfolder.Resolve()
-			modtime = fss.GetDates()[1]
-			if self.scriptsfoldermodtime <> modtime or fss_changed:
-				self.scriptsfoldermodtime = modtime
-				W.SetCursor('watch')
-				self.makescriptsmenu()
-	def ignoreevent(self, theAppleEvent, theReply):
-		pass
-	def opendocsevent(self, theAppleEvent, theReply):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		import aetools
-		parameters, args = aetools.unpackevent(theAppleEvent)
-		docs = parameters['----']
-		if type(docs) <> type([]):
-			docs = [docs]
-		for doc in docs:
-			fss, a = doc.Resolve()
-			path = fss.as_pathname()
-			self.opendoc(path)
-	def opendoc(self, path):
-		fcreator, ftype = macfs.FSSpec(path).GetCreatorType()
-		if ftype == 'TEXT':
-			self.openscript(path)
-		else:
-			W.Message("Can¹t open file of type '%s'." % ftype)
-	def getabouttext(self):
-		return "About Python IDEŠ"
-	def do_about(self, id, item, window, event):
-		Splash.about()
-	def do_setscriptsfolder(self, *args):
-		fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory("Select Scripts Folder")
-		if ok:
-			prefs = self.getprefs()
-			alis = fss.NewAlias()
-			prefs.scriptsfolder =
-			self.scriptsfolder = alis
-			self.makescriptsmenu()
-	def domenu_modulebrowser(self, *args):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		import ModuleBrowser
-		ModuleBrowser.ModuleBrowser()
-	def domenu_open(self, *args):
-		fss, ok = macfs.StandardGetFile("TEXT")
-		if ok:
-			self.openscript(fss.as_pathname())
-	def domenu_new(self, *args):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		import PyEdit
-		return PyEdit.Editor()
-	def makescriptsmenu(self):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		if self._scripts:
-			for id, item in self._scripts.keys():
-				if self.menubar.menus.has_key(id):
-					m = self.menubar.menus[id]
-					m.delete()
-			self._scripts = {}
-		if self.scriptsmenu:
-			if hasattr(self.scriptsmenu, 'id') and self.menubar.menus.has_key(
-				self.scriptsmenu.delete()
-		self.scriptsmenu = FrameWork.Menu(self.menubar, "Scripts")
-		#FrameWork.MenuItem(self.scriptsmenu, "New script", None, self.domenu_new)
-		#self.scriptsmenu.addseparator()
-		fss, fss_changed = self.scriptsfolder.Resolve()
-		self.scriptswalk(fss.as_pathname(), self.scriptsmenu)
-	def makeopenwindowsmenu(self):
-		for i in range(len(self.openwindowsmenu.items)):
-			self.openwindowsmenu.items = []
-		windows = []
-		self._openwindows = {}
-		for window in self._windows.keys():
-			title = window.GetWTitle()
-			if not title:
-				title = "<no title>"
-			windows.append(title, window)
-		windows.sort()
-		for title, window in windows:
-			item = FrameWork.MenuItem(self.openwindowsmenu, title, callback = self.domenu_openwindows)
-			self._openwindows[item.item] = window
-		self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
-		self.checkopenwindowsmenu()
-	def domenu_openwindows(self, id, item, window, event):
-		w = self._openwindows[item]
-		w.ShowWindow()
-		w.SelectWindow()
-	def domenu_quit(self):
-		self._quit()
-	def domenu_save(self, *args):
-		print "Save"
-	def _quit(self):
-		import PyConsole, PyEdit
-		PyConsole.console.writeprefs()
-		PyEdit.searchengine.writeprefs()
-		for window in self._windows.values():
-			if window.close() > 0:
-				return
-		self.quitting = 1
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Resources/Widgets.rsrc b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Resources/Widgets.rsrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4791bdf..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Resources/Widgets.rsrc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 99a36fa..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-import Dlg
-import Res
-splash = Dlg.GetNewDialog(468, -1)
-import Qd, TE, Fm, sys
-_real__import__ = None
-def install_importhook():
-	global _real__import__
-	import __builtin__
-	if _real__import__ is None:
-		_real__import__ = __builtin__.__import__
-		__builtin__.__import__ = my__import__
-def uninstall_importhook():
-	global _real__import__
-	if _real__import__ is not None:
-		import __builtin__
-		__builtin__.__import__ = _real__import__
-		_real__import__ = None
-_progress = 0
-def importing(module):
-	global _progress
-	Qd.SetPort(splash)
-	fontID = Fm.GetFNum("Python-Sans")
-	if not fontID:
-		fontID = geneva
-	Qd.TextFont(fontID)
-	Qd.TextSize(9)
-	rect = (35, 260, 365, 276)
-	if module:
-		TE.TETextBox('Importing: ' + module, rect, 0)
-		if not _progress:
-			Qd.FrameRect((35, 276, 365, 284))
-		pos = min(36 + 330 * _progress / 44, 364)
-		Qd.PaintRect((36, 277, pos, 283))
-		_progress = _progress + 1
-	else:
-		Qd.EraseRect(rect)
-		Qd.PaintRect((36, 277, pos, 283))
-def my__import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None):
-	try:
-		return sys.modules[name]
-	except KeyError:
-		try:
-			importing(name)
-		except:
-			try:
-				rv = _real__import__(name)
-			finally:
-				uninstall_importhook()
-			return rv
-		return _real__import__(name)
-kHighLevelEvent = 23
-import Win
-from Fonts import *
-from QuickDraw import *
-from TextEdit import *
-import string
-import sys
-import random
-_keepsplashscreenopen = 0
-abouttext1 = """The Python Integrated Developement Environment for the Macintosh
-Version: %s
-Copyright 1997 Just van Rossum, Letterror. <>
-Python %s
-Written by Guido van Rossum with Jack Jansen (and others)
-See: <> for information and documentation."""
-flauwekul = [	'Goodday, Bruce.', 
-			'What¹s new?', 
-			'Nudge, nudge, say no more!', 
-			'No, no sir, it¹s not dead. It¹s resting.',
-			'Albatros!',
-			'It¹s . . .',
-			'Is your name not Bruce, then?',
-			"""But Mr F.G. Superman has a secret identity . . . 
-when trouble strikes at any time . . . 
-at any place . . . he is ready to become . . . 
-Bicycle Repair Man!"""
-			]
-def nl2return(text):
-	return string.join(string.split(text, '\n'), '\r')
-def UpdateSplash(drawdialog = 0, what = 0):
-	if drawdialog:
-		splash.DrawDialog()
-	drawtext(what)
-	Win.ValidRect(splash.GetWindowPort().portRect)
-def drawtext(what = 0):
-	Qd.SetPort(splash)
-	fontID = Fm.GetFNum("Python-Sans")
-	if not fontID:
-		fontID = geneva
-	Qd.TextFont(fontID)
-	Qd.TextSize(9)
-	rect = (10, 125, 390, 260)
-	if not what:
-		import __main__
-		abouttxt = nl2return(abouttext1  \
-			% (__main__.__version__, sys.version, sys.copyright))
-	else:
-		abouttxt = nl2return(random.choice(flauwekul))
-	TE.TETextBox(abouttxt, rect, teJustCenter)
-def wait():
-	import Evt
-	from Events import *
-	global splash
-	try:
-		splash
-	except NameError:
-		return
-	Qd.InitCursor()
-	time = Evt.TickCount()
-	whattext = 0
-	while _keepsplashscreenopen:
-		ok, event = Evt.EventAvail(highLevelEventMask)
-		if ok:
-			# got apple event, back to mainloop
-			break
-		ok, event = Evt.EventAvail(mDownMask | keyDownMask | updateMask)
-		if ok:
-			ok, event = Evt.WaitNextEvent(mDownMask | keyDownMask | updateMask, 30)
-			if ok:
-				(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-				if what == updateEvt:
-					if Win.WhichWindow(message) == splash:
-						UpdateSplash(1, whattext)
-				else:
-					break
-		if Evt.TickCount() - time > 360:
-			whattext = not whattext
-			drawtext(whattext)
-			time = Evt.TickCount()
-	del splash
-	#Res.CloseResFile(splashresfile)
-def about():
-	global splash, splashresfile, _keepsplashscreenopen
-	_keepsplashscreenopen = 1
-	splash = Dlg.GetNewDialog(468, -1)
-	splash.DrawDialog()
-	wait()
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a331df..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-newsettings = print FontDialog(('Chicago', 0, 12, (0, 0, 0)))	# font name or id, style flags, size, color (color is ignored)
-if newsettings:
-	font, style, size, color = newsettings	# 'font' is always the font name, not the id number
-	# do something
-import W
-import PyEdit
-import TextEdit
-import string
-import types
-_stylenames = ["Plain", "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Outline", "Shadow", "Condensed", "Extended"]
-class _FontDialog:
-	def __init__(self, fontsettings):
-		leftmargin = 46
-		self.w = W.ModalDialog((440, 180), 'Font settings')
-		self.w.fonttitle = W.TextBox((10, 12, 30, 14), "Font:", TextEdit.teJustRight)
-		self.w.pop = W.FontMenu((leftmargin, 10, 16, 16), self.setfont)
-		self.w.fontname = W.TextBox((leftmargin + 20, 12, 150, 14))
-		self.w.sizetitle = W.TextBox((10, 38, 30, 14), "Size:", TextEdit.teJustRight)
-		self.w.sizeedit = W.EditText((leftmargin, 35, 40, 20), "", self.checksize)
-		styletop = 64
-		self.w.styletitle = W.TextBox((10, styletop + 2, 30, 14), "Style:", TextEdit.teJustRight)
-		for i in range(len(_stylenames)):
-			top = styletop + (i % 4) * 20
-			left = leftmargin + 80 * (i > 3) - 2
-			if i:
-				self.w[i] = W.CheckBox((left, top, 76, 16), _stylenames[i], self.dostyle)
-			else:
-				self.w[i] = W.CheckBox((left, top, 70, 16), _stylenames[i], self.doplain)
-		self.w.cancelbutton = W.Button((-180, -26, 80, 16), "Cancel", self.cancel)
-		self.w.donebutton = W.Button((-90, -26, 80, 16), "Done", self.done)
-		sampletext = "Sample text."
-		self.w.sample = W.EditText((230, 10, -10, 130), sampletext, fontsettings = fontsettings)
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.donebutton)
-		self.w.bind('cmd.', self.w.cancelbutton.push)
-		self.w.bind('cmdw', self.w.donebutton.push)
-		self.lastsize = fontsettings[2]
-		self._rv = None
-		self.set(fontsettings)
-	def set(self, fontsettings):
-		font, style, size, color = fontsettings
-		if type(font) <> types.StringType:
-			import Res
-			res = Res.GetResource('FOND', font)
-			font = res.GetResInfo()[2]
-		self.w.fontname.set(font)
-		self.w.sizeedit.set(str(size))
-		if style:
-			for i in range(1, len(_stylenames)):
-				self.w[i].set(style & 0x01)
-				style = style >> 1
-		else:
-			self.w[0].set(1)
-	def get(self):
-		font = self.w.fontname.get()
-		style = 0
-		if not self.w[0].get():
-			flag = 0x01
-			for i in range(1, len(_stylenames)):
-				if self.w[i].get():
-					style = style | flag
-				flag = flag << 1
-		size = self.lastsize
-		return (font, style, size, (0, 0, 0))
-	def doit(self):
-		if self.w[0].get():
-			style = 0
-		else:
-			style = 0
-			for i in range(1, len(_stylenames)):
-				if self.w[i].get():
-					style = style | 2 ** (i - 1)
-		#self.w.sample.set(`style`)
-		self.w.sample.setfontsettings(self.get())
-	def checksize(self):
-		size = self.w.sizeedit.get()
-		if not size:
-			return
-		try:
-			size = string.atoi(size)
-		except (ValueError, OverflowError):
-			good = 0
-		else:
-			good = 1 <= size <= 500
-		if good:
-			if self.lastsize <> size:
-				self.lastsize = size
-				self.doit()
-		else:
-			# beep!
-			self.w.sizeedit.set(`self.lastsize`)
-			self.w.sizeedit.selectall()
-	def doplain(self):
-		for i in range(1, len(_stylenames)):
-			self.w[i].set(0)
-		self.w[0].set(1)
-		self.doit()
-	def dostyle(self):
-		for i in range(1, len(_stylenames)):
-			if self.w[i].get():
-				self.w[0].set(0)
-				break
-		else:
-			self.w[0].set(1)
-		self.doit()
-	def cancel(self):
-		self.w.close()
-	def done(self):
-		self._rv = self.get()
-		self.w.close()
-	def setfont(self, fontname):
-		self.w.fontname.set(fontname)
-		self.doit()
-def FontDialog(fontsettings):
-	fd = _FontDialog(fontsettings)
-	return fd._rv
-def test():
-	print FontDialog(('Zapata-Light', 0, 25, (0, 0, 0)))
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deleted file mode 100644
index caf71b8..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-import macfs
-import marshal
-import os
-import macostools
-import types
-kOnSystemDisk = 0x8000
-class PrefObject:
-	def __init__(self, dict = None):
-		if dict == None:
-			self._prefsdict = {}
-		else:
-			self._prefsdict = dict
-	def __len__(self):
-		return len(self._prefsdict)
-	def __delattr__(self, attr):
-		if self._prefsdict.has_key(attr):
-			del self._prefsdict[attr]
-		else:
-			raise AttributeError, 'delete non-existing instance attribute'
-	def __getattr__(self, attr):
-		if attr == '__members__':
-			keys = self._prefsdict.keys()
-			keys.sort()
-			return keys
-		try:
-			return self._prefsdict[attr]
-		except KeyError:
-			raise AttributeError, attr
-	def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
-		if attr[0] <> '_':
-			self._prefsdict[attr] = value
-		else:
-			self.__dict__[attr] = value
-	def getprefsdict(self):
-		return self._prefsdict
-class PrefFile(PrefObject):
-	def __init__(self, path, creator = 'Pyth'):
-		# Find the preferences folder and our prefs file, create if needed.
-		self.__path = path
-		self.__creator = creator
-		self._prefsdict = {}
-		try:
-			prefdict = marshal.load(open(self.__path, 'rb'))
-		except IOError:
-			pass
-		else:
-			for key, value in prefdict.items():
-				if type(value) == types.DictType:
-					self._prefsdict[key] = PrefObject(value)
-				else:
-					self._prefsdict[key] = value
-	def save(self):
-		prefdict = {}
-		for key, value in self._prefsdict.items():
-			if type(value) == types.InstanceType:
-				prefdict[key] = value.getprefsdict()
-				if not prefdict[key]:
-					del prefdict[key]
-			else:
-				prefdict[key] = value
-		marshal.dump(prefdict, open(self.__path, 'wb'))
-		fss = macfs.FSSpec(self.__path)
-		fss.SetCreatorType(self.__creator, 'pref')
-	def __getattr__(self, attr):
-		if attr == '__members__':
-			keys = self._prefsdict.keys()
-			keys.sort()
-			return keys
-		try:
-			return self._prefsdict[attr]
-		except KeyError:
-			if attr[0] <> '_':
-				self._prefsdict[attr] = PrefObject()
-				return self._prefsdict[attr]
-			else:
-				raise AttributeError, attr
-_prefscache = {}
-def GetPrefs(prefname, creator = 'Pyth'):
-	if _prefscache.has_key(prefname):
-		return _prefscache[prefname]
-	# Find the preferences folder and our prefs file, create if needed.
-	vrefnum, dirid = macfs.FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, 'pref', 0)
-	prefsfolder_fss = macfs.FSSpec((vrefnum, dirid, ''))
-	prefsfolder = prefsfolder_fss.as_pathname()
-	path = os.path.join(prefsfolder, prefname)
-	head, tail = os.path.split(path)
-	# make sure the folder(s) exist
-	macostools.mkdirs(head)
-	preffile = PrefFile(path, creator)
-	_prefscache[prefname] = preffile
-	return preffile
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index 67685b8..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-import W
-import sys
-__version__ = "0.2"
-__author__ = "jvr"
-class _modulebrowser:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.editmodules = []
-		self.modules = []
-		self.window = W.Window((194, 1000), "Module Browser", minsize = (194, 160), maxsize = (340, 20000))
-		self.window.openbutton = W.Button((10, 8, 80, 16), "Open", self.openbuttonhit)
-		self.window.browsebutton = W.Button((100, 8, 80, 16), "BrowseŠ", self.browsebuttonhit)
-		self.window.reloadbutton = W.Button((10, 32, 80, 16), "Reload", self.reloadbuttonhit)
-		self.window.openotherbutton = W.Button((100, 32, 80, 16), "Open otherŠ", self.openother)
-		self.window.openbutton.enable(0)
-		self.window.reloadbutton.enable(0)
-		self.window.browsebutton.enable(0)
-		self.window.setdefaultbutton(self.window.browsebutton)
-		self.window.bind("cmdr", self.window.reloadbutton.push)
-		self.window.bind("cmdb", self.window.browsebutton.push)
-		self.window.bind("<activate>", self.activate)
-		self.window.bind("<close>", self.close)
-		self.window.list = W.List((-1, 56, 1, -14), [], self.listhit)
-		self.checkbuttons()
-	def close(self):
-		global _browser
-		_browser = None
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			self.makelist()
-	def listhit(self, isdbl):
-		self.checkbuttons()
-		if isdbl:
-			if self.window._defaultbutton:
-				self.window._defaultbutton.push()
-	def checkbuttons(self):
-		sel = self.window.list.getselection()
-		if sel:
-			for i in sel:
-				if self.editmodules[i]:
-					self.window.openbutton.enable(1)
-					self.window.reloadbutton.enable(1)
-					self.window.setdefaultbutton(self.window.openbutton)
-					break
-			else:
-				self.window.openbutton.enable(0)
-				self.window.reloadbutton.enable(0)
-				self.window.setdefaultbutton(self.window.browsebutton)
-			self.window.browsebutton.enable(1)
-		else:
-			#self.window.setdefaultbutton(self.window.browsebutton)
-			self.window.openbutton.enable(0)
-			self.window.reloadbutton.enable(0)
-			self.window.browsebutton.enable(0)
-	def openbuttonhit(self):
-		import imp
-		sel = self.window.list.getselection()
-		W.SetCursor("watch")
-		for i in sel:
-			modname = self.window.list[i]
-			try:
-				self.openscript(sys.modules[modname].__file__, modname)
-			except IOError:
-				try:
-					file, path, description = imp.find_module(modname)
-				except ImportError:
-					W.SetCursor("arrow")
-					W.Message("Can¹t find file for module ³%s²." 
-							% modname)
-				else:
-					self.openscript(path, modname)					
-	def openscript(self, path, modname):
-		if path[-3:] == '.py':
-			W.getapplication().openscript(path)
-		else:
-			W.Message("Can¹t edit ³%s²; it might be a shared library or a .pyc file." 
-					% modname)
-	def openother(self):
-		import imp
-		import EasyDialogs
-		modname = EasyDialogs.AskString("Open module:")
-		if modname:
-			try:
-				file, path, description = imp.find_module(modname)
-			except ImportError:
-				if modname in sys.builtin_module_names:
-					alerttext = "³%s² is a builtin module, which you can¹t edit." % modname
-				else:
-					alerttext = "No module named ³%s²." % modname
-				raise W.AlertError, alerttext
-			self.openscript(path, modname)
-	def reloadbuttonhit(self):
-		sel = self.window.list.getselection()
-		W.SetCursor("watch")
-		for i in sel:
-			m = sys.modules[self.window.list[i]]
-			reload(m)
-	def browsebuttonhit(self):
-		sel = self.window.list.getselection()
-		if not sel:
-			return
-		import PyBrowser
-		for i in sel:
-			PyBrowser.Browser(sys.modules[self.window.list[i]])
-	def makelist(self):
-		editmodules, modules = getmoduleslist()
-		if modules == self.modules:
-			return
-		self.editmodules, self.modules = editmodules, modules
-		self.window.list.setdrawingmode(0)
-		sel = self.window.list.getselectedobjects()
-		self.window.list.set(self.modules)
-		self.window.list.setselectedobjects(sel)
-		self.window.list.setdrawingmode(1)
-def getmoduleslist():
-	import PyBrowser	# for caselesssort function
-	modules = sys.modules.keys()
-	modules = PyBrowser.caselesssort(modules)
-	editmodules = []
-	sysmodules = sys.modules
-	modulesappend = editmodules.append
-	for m in modules:
-		module = sysmodules[m]
-		try:
-			if sysmodules[m].__file__[-3:] == '.py':
-				modulesappend(1)
-			else:
-				modulesappend(0)
-		except AttributeError:
-			modulesappend(0)
-	return editmodules, modules
-_browser = None
-def ModuleBrowser():
-	global _browser
-	if _browser is not None:
-	else:
-		_browser = _modulebrowser()
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index 710481c..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import W
-import Evt
-import sys
-import StringIO
-import string
-def timer(TickCount = Evt.TickCount):
-	return TickCount() / 60.0
-class ProfileBrowser:
-	def __init__(self, stats = None):
-		self.sortkeys = ('calls',)
-		self.setupwidgets()
-		self.setstats(stats)
-	def setupwidgets(self): 
-		self.w = W.Window((580, 400), "Profile Statistics", minsize = (200, 100), tabbable = 0)
-		self.w.divline = W.HorizontalLine((0, 20, 0, 0))
-		self.w.titlebar = W.TextBox((4, 4, 40, 12), 'Sort by:')
-		self.buttons = []
-		self.w.button_calls = W.RadioButton((54, 4, 45, 12), 'calls', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_time = W.RadioButton((104, 4, 40, 12), 'time', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_cumulative = W.RadioButton((154, 4, 75, 12), 'cumulative', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_stdname = W.RadioButton((234, 4, 60, 12), 'stdname', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_calls.set(1)
-		self.w.button_file = W.RadioButton((304, 4, 40, 12), 'file', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_line = W.RadioButton((354, 4, 50, 12), 'line', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_module = W.RadioButton((404, 4, 55, 12), 'module', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.button_name = W.RadioButton((464, 4, 50, 12), 'name', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-##		self.w.button_nfl = W.RadioButton((4, 4, 12, 12), 'nfl', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-##		self.w.button_pcalls = W.RadioButton((4, 4, 12, 12), 'pcalls', self.buttons, self.setsort)
-		self.w.text = W.TextEditor((0, 21, -15, -15), inset = (6, 5), 
-				readonly = 1, wrap = 0, fontsettings = ('Monaco', 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)))
-		self.w._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 20, 16, -14), self.w.text.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.w._barx = W.Scrollbar((-1, -15, -14, 16), self.w.text.hscroll, max = 32767)
-	def setstats(self, stats):
-		self.stats = stats
-		self.stats.strip_dirs()
-		self.displaystats()
-	def setsort(self):
-		# Grmpf. The callback doesn't give us the button:-(
-		for b in self.buttons:
-			if b.get():
-				if b._title == self.sortkeys[0]:
-					return
-				self.sortkeys = (b._title,) + self.sortkeys[:3]
-				break
-		self.displaystats()
-	def displaystats(self):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		apply(self.stats.sort_stats, self.sortkeys)
-		saveout = sys.stdout
-		try:
-			s = sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-			self.stats.print_stats()
-		finally:
-			sys.stdout = saveout
-		text = string.join(string.split(s.getvalue(), '\n'), '\r')
-		self.w.text.set(text)
-def main():
-	import pstats
-	args = sys.argv[1:]
-	for i in args:
-		stats = pstats.Stats(i)
-		browser = ProfileBrowser(stats)
-	else:
-		import macfs
-		fss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile('Profiler data')
-		if not ok: sys.exit(0)
-		stats = pstats.Stats(fss.as_pathname())
-		browser = ProfileBrowser(stats)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-	main()
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index 8d5f46c..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-import W, SpecialKeys
-import struct
-import string
-import types
-import regex
-nullid = '\0\0'
-closedid = struct.pack('h', 468)
-openid = struct.pack('h', 469)
-closedsolidid = struct.pack('h', 470)
-opensolidid = struct.pack('h', 471)
-arrows = (nullid, closedid, openid, closedsolidid, opensolidid)
-has_ctlcharsRE = regex.compile('[\000-\037\177-\377]')
-def double_repr(key, value, truncvalue = 0, 
-			type = type, StringType = types.StringType,
-			has_ctlchars =, _repr = repr, str = str):
-	if type(key) == StringType and has_ctlchars(key) < 0:
-		key = str(key)
-	else:
-		key = _repr(key)
-	if type(value) == StringType and has_ctlchars(value) < 0:
-		value = str(value)
-	elif key == '__builtins__':
-		value = "<" + type(value).__name__ + " '__builtin__'>"
-	elif key == '__return__':
-		# bleh, when returning from a class codeblock we get infinite recursion in repr. 
-		# Use safe repr instead.
-		import repr
-		value = repr.repr(value)
-	else:
-		try:
-			value = _repr(value)
-			'' + value	# test to see if it is a string, in case a __repr__ method is buggy
-		except:
-			value = '€€€ exception in repr()'
-	if truncvalue:
-		return key + '\t' + value[:255]
-	return key + '\t' + value
-class BrowserWidget(W.List):
-	LDEF_ID = 471
-	def __init__(self, possize, object = None, col = 100, closechildren = 0):
-		W.List.__init__(self, possize, callback = self.listhit)
-		self.object = None,
-		self.indent = 16
-		self.lastmaxindent = 0
-		self.closechildren = closechildren
-		self.children = []
-		self.mincol = 64
-		self.setcolumn(col)
-		self.bind('return', self.openselection)
-		self.bind('enter', self.openselection)
-		if object is not None:
-			self.set(object)
-	def set(self, object):
-		if self.object[0] <> object:
-			self.object = object,
-			self[:] = self.unpack(object, 0)
-		elif self._parentwindow is not None and self._parentwindow.wid:
-			self.update()
-	def unpack(self, object, indent):
-		return unpack_object(object, indent)
-	def update(self):
-		# for now...
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		self.setdrawingmode(0)
-		sel = self.getselectedobjects()
-		fold = self.getunfoldedobjects()
-		topcell = self.gettopcell()
-		self[:] = self.unpack(self.object[0], 0)
-		self.unfoldobjects(fold)
-		self.setselectedobjects(sel)
-		self.settopcell(topcell)
-		self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def setcolumn(self, col):
-		self.col = col
-		self.colstr = struct.pack('h', col)
-		if self._list:
-			sel = self.getselection()
-			self.setitems(self.items)
-			self.setselection(sel)
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		if char in (SpecialKeys.leftarrowkey, SpecialKeys.rightarrowkey):
-			sel = self.getselection()
-			sel.reverse()
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			for index in sel:
-				self.fold(index, char == SpecialKeys.rightarrowkey)
-			self.setdrawingmode(1)
-		else:
-			W.List.key(self, char, event)
-	def rollover(self, (x, y), onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			if self.incolumn((x, y)):
-				W.SetCursor('hmover')
-			else:
-				W.SetCursor('arrow')
-	def inarrow(self, (x, y)):
-		cl, ct, cr, cb = self._list.LRect((0, 0))
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		if (x - cl) < 16:
-			cellheight = cb - ct
-			index = (y - ct) / cellheight
-			if index < len(self.items):
-				return 1, index
-		return None, None
-	def incolumn(self, (x, y)):
-		l, t, r, b = self._list.LRect((0, 0))
-		abscol = l + self.col
-		return abs(abscol - x) < 3
-	def trackcolumn(self, (x, y)):
-		import Qd, QuickDraw, Evt
-		self.SetPort()
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		bounds = l, t, r, b = l + 1, t + 1, r - 16, b - 1
-		abscol = l + self.col
-		mincol = l + self.mincol
-		maxcol = r - 10
-		diff = abscol - x
-		Qd.PenPat('\000\377\000\377\000\377\000\377')
-		Qd.PenMode(QuickDraw.srcXor)
-		rect = abscol - 1, t, abscol, b
-		Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-		lastpoint = (x, y)
-		newcol = -1
-		#W.SetCursor('fist')
-		while Evt.Button():
-			(x, y) = Evt.GetMouse()
-			if (x, y) <> lastpoint:
-				newcol = x + diff
-				newcol = max(newcol, mincol)
-				newcol = min(newcol, maxcol)
-				Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-				rect = newcol - 1, t, newcol, b
-				Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-				lastpoint = (x, y)
-		Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-		Qd.PenPat(
-		Qd.PenNormal()
-		if newcol > 0 and newcol <> abscol:
-			self.setcolumn(newcol - l)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if point == (-1, -1):	# gross.
-, point ,modifiers)
-			return
-		hit, index = self.inarrow(point)
-		if hit:
-			(key, value, arrow, indent) = self.items[index]
-			self.fold(index, arrow == 1)
-		elif self.incolumn(point):
-			self.trackcolumn(point)
-		else:
-, point, modifiers)
-	# for W.List.key
-	def findmatch(self, tag):
-		lower = string.lower
-		items = self.items
-		taglen = len(tag)
-		match = '\377' * 100
-		match_i = -1
-		for i in range(len(items)):
-			item = lower(str(items[i][0]))
-			if tag <= item < match:
-				match = item
-				match_i = i
-		if match_i >= 0:
-			return match_i
-		else:
-			return len(items) - 1
-	def close(self):
-		if self.closechildren:
-			for window in self.children:
-				window.close()
-		self.children = []
-		W.List.close(self)
-	def fold(self, index, onoff):
-		(key, value, arrow, indent) = self.items[index]
-		if arrow == 0 or (onoff and arrow == 2) or (not onoff and arrow == 1):
-			return
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		topcell = self.gettopcell()
-		if onoff:
-			self[index] = (key, value, 4, indent)
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			self[index+1:index+1] = self.unpack(value, indent + 1)
-			self[index] = (key, value, 2, indent)
-		else:
-			self[index] = (key, value, 3, indent)
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			count = 0
-			for i in range(index + 1, len(self.items)):
-				(dummy, dummy, dummy, subindent) = self.items[i]
-				if subindent <= indent:
-					break
-				count = count + 1
-			self[index+1:index+1+count] = []
-			self[index] = (key, value, 1, indent)
-		maxindent = self.getmaxindent()
-		if maxindent <> self.lastmaxindent:
-			newabsindent = self.col + (maxindent - self.lastmaxindent) * self.indent
-			if newabsindent >= self.mincol:
-				self.setcolumn(newabsindent)
-			self.lastmaxindent = maxindent
-		self.settopcell(topcell)
-		self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def unfoldobjects(self, objects):
-		for obj in objects:
-			try:
-				index = self.items.index(obj)
-			except ValueError:
-				pass
-			else:
-				self.fold(index, 1)
-	def getunfoldedobjects(self):
-		curindent = 0
-		objects = []
-		for index in range(len(self.items)):
-			(key, value, arrow, indent) = self.items[index]
-			if indent > curindent:
-				(k, v, a, i) = self.items[index - 1]
-				objects.append((k, v, 1, i))
-				curindent = indent
-			elif indent < curindent:
-				curindent = indent
-		return objects
-	def listhit(self, isdbl):
-		if isdbl:
-			self.openselection()
-	def openselection(self):
-		import os
-		sel = self.getselection()
-		for index in sel:
-			(key, value, arrow, indent) = self[index]
-			if arrow:
-				self.children.append(Browser(value))
-			elif type(value) == types.StringType and '\0' not in value:
-				editor = self._parentwindow.parent.getscript(value)
-				if editor:
-					return
-				elif os.path.exists(value) and os.path.isfile(value):
-					import macfs
-					fss = macfs.FSSpec(value)
-					if fss.GetCreatorType()[1] == 'TEXT':
-						W.getapplication().openscript(value)
-	def itemrepr(self, (key, value, arrow, indent), str = str, double_repr = double_repr, 
-			arrows = arrows, pack = struct.pack):
-		arrow = arrows[arrow]
-		return arrow + pack('h', self.indent * indent) + self.colstr + \
-				double_repr(key, value, 1)
-	def getmaxindent(self, max = max):
-		maxindent = 0
-		for item in self.items:
-			maxindent = max(maxindent, item[3])
-		return maxindent
-	def domenu_copy(self, *args):
-		sel = self.getselectedobjects()
-		selitems = []
-		for key, value, dummy, dummy in sel:
-			selitems.append(double_repr(key, value))
-		text = string.join(selitems, '\r')
-		if text:
-			import Scrap
-			Scrap.ZeroScrap()
-			Scrap.PutScrap('TEXT', text)
-class Browser:
-	def __init__(self, object = None, title = None, closechildren = 0):
-		if hasattr(object, '__name__'):
-			name = object.__name__
-		else:
-			name = ''
-		if title is None:
-			title = 'Object browser'
-			if name:
-				title = title + ': ' + name
-		self.w = w = W.Window((300, 400), title, minsize = (100, 100))
- = W.TextBox((18, 8, -70, 15))
-		w.updatebutton = W.Button((-64, 4, 50, 16), 'Update', self.update)
-		w.browser = BrowserWidget((-1, 24, 1, -14), None)
-		w.bind('cmdu', w.updatebutton.push)
-		self.set(object, name)
-	def close(self):
-		if self.w.wid:
-			self.w.close()
-	def set(self, object, name = ''):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		tp = type(object).__name__
-		try:
-			length = len(object)
-		except:
-			length = -1
-		if not name and hasattr(object, '__name__'):
-			name = object.__name__
-		if name:
-			info = name + ': ' + tp
-		else:
-			info = tp
-		if length >= 0:
-			if length == 1:
-				info = info + ' (%d element)' % length
-			else:
-				info = info + ' (%d elements)' % length
-		self.w.browser.set(object)
-	def update(self):
-		self.w.browser.update()
-	types.NoneType,
-	types.IntType,
-	types.LongType,
-	types.FloatType,
-	types.ComplexType,
-	types.StringType
-	types.TupleType,
-	types.ListType,
-	types.DictionaryType
-def unpack_object(object, indent = 0):
-	tp = type(object)
-	if tp in SIMPLE_TYPES and tp is not types.NoneType:
-		raise TypeError, 'can¹t browse simple type: %s' % tp.__name__
-	elif tp == types.DictionaryType:
-		return unpack_dict(object, indent)
-	elif tp in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
-		return unpack_sequence(object, indent)
-	elif tp == types.InstanceType:
-		return unpack_instance(object, indent)
-	elif tp == types.ClassType:
-		return unpack_class(object, indent)
-	elif tp == types.ModuleType:
-		return unpack_dict(object.__dict__, indent)
-	else:
-		return unpack_other(object, indent)
-def unpack_sequence(seq, indent = 0):
-	items = map(None, range(len(seq)), seq)
-	items = map(lambda (k, v), type = type, simp = SIMPLE_TYPES, indent = indent: 
-				(k, v, not type(v) in simp, indent), items)
-	return items
-def unpack_dict(dict, indent = 0):
-	items = dict.items()
-	return pack_items(items, indent)
-def unpack_instance(inst, indent = 0):
-	if hasattr(inst, '__pybrowse_unpack__'):
-		return unpack_object(inst.__pybrowse_unpack__(), indent)
-	else:
-		items = [('__class__', inst.__class__)] + inst.__dict__.items()
-		return pack_items(items, indent)
-def unpack_class(clss, indent = 0):
-	items = [('__bases__', clss.__bases__), ('__name__', clss.__name__)] + clss.__dict__.items()
-	return pack_items(items, indent)
-def unpack_other(object, indent = 0):
-	attrs = []
-	if hasattr(object, '__members__'):
-		attrs = attrs + object.__members__
-	if hasattr(object, '__methods__'):
-		attrs = attrs + object.__methods__
-	items = []
-	for attr in attrs:
-		items.append((attr, getattr(object, attr)))
-	return pack_items(items, indent)
-def pack_items(items, indent = 0):
-	items = map(lambda (k, v), type = type, simp = SIMPLE_TYPES, indent = indent: 
-				(k, v, not type(v) in simp, indent), 
-			items)
-	return tuple_caselesssort(items)
-def caselesssort(alist):
-	"""Return a sorted copy of a list. If there are only strings in the list, 
-	it will not consider case"""
-	try:
-		# turn ['FOO',  'aaBc', 'ABcD'] into [('foo', 'FOO'), ('aabc', 'aaBc'), ('abcd', 'ABcD')], if possible
-		tupledlist = map(lambda item, lower = string.lower: (lower(item), item), alist)
-	except TypeError:
-		# at least one element in alist is not a string, proceed the normal way...
-		alist = alist[:]
-		alist.sort()
-		return alist
-	else:
-		tupledlist.sort()
-		# turn [('aabc', 'aaBc'), ('abcd', 'ABcD'), ('foo', 'FOO')] into ['aaBc', 'ABcD', 'FOO']
-		return map(lambda x: x[1], tupledlist)
-def tuple_caselesssort(items):
-	try:
-		tupledlist = map(lambda tuple, lower = string.lower: (lower(tuple[0]), tuple), items)
-	except TypeError:
-		items = items[:]
-		items.sort()
-		return items
-	else:
-		tupledlist.sort()
-		return map(lambda (low, tuple): tuple, tupledlist)
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb2e4b..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-import W
-import Fm
-from WASTEconst import *
-from SpecialKeys import *
-from types import *
-import Events
-import string
-import sys,os
-import traceback
-import MacOS
-import MacPrefs
-import PyInteractive
-if not hasattr(sys, 'ps1'):
-	sys.ps1 = '>>> '
-if not hasattr(sys, 'ps2'):
-	sys.ps2 = '... '
-class ConsoleTextWidget(W.EditText):
-	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-		apply(W.EditText.__init__, (self,) + args, kwargs)
-		self._inputstart = 0
-		self._buf = ''
-		self.pyinteractive = PyInteractive.PyInteractive()
-		import __main__
-		self._namespace = __main__.__dict__
-	def insert(self, text):
-		self.checkselection()
-		self.ted.WEInsert(text, None, None)
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-	def set_namespace(self, dict):
-		if type(dict) <> DictionaryType:
-			raise TypeError, "The namespace needs to be a dictionary"
-		self._namespace = dict
-	def open(self):
-		self.write('Python ' + sys.version + '\n' + sys.copyright + '\n')
-		self.write(sys.ps1)
-		self.flush()
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		if self._enabled and not modifiers & Events.cmdKey or char in arrowkeys:
-			if char not in navigationkeys:
-				self.checkselection()
-			if char == enterkey:
-				char = returnkey
-			selstart, selend = self.getselection()
-			if char == backspacekey:
-				if selstart <= (self._inputstart - (selstart <> selend)):
-					return
-			self.ted.WEKey(ord(char), modifiers)
-			if char not in navigationkeys:
-				self.changed = 1
-			if char not in scrollkeys:
-				self.selchanged = 1
-			self.updatescrollbars()
-			if char == returnkey:
-				text = self.get()[self._inputstart:selstart]
-				saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
-				self.pyinteractive.executeline(text, self, self._namespace)
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
-				selstart, selend = self.getselection()
-				self._inputstart = selstart
-	def domenu_save_as(self, *args):
-		import macfs
-		fss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('Save console text as:', 'console.txt')
-		if not ok:
-			return
-		f = open(fss.as_pathname(), 'wb')
-		f.write(self.get())
-		f.close()
-		fss.SetCreatorType(W._signature, 'TEXT')
-	def write(self, text):
-		self._buf = self._buf + text
-		if '\n' in self._buf:
-			self.flush()
-	def flush(self):
-		stuff = string.split(self._buf, '\n')
-		stuff = string.join(stuff, '\r')
-		self.setselection_at_end()
-		self.ted.WEInsert(stuff, None, None)
-		selstart, selend = self.getselection()
-		self._inputstart = selstart
-		self._buf = ""
-		self.ted.WEClearUndo()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def selection_ok(self):
-		selstart, selend = self.getselection()
-		return not (selstart < self._inputstart or selend < self._inputstart)
-	def checkselection(self):
-		if not self.selection_ok():
-			self.setselection_at_end()
-	def setselection_at_end(self):
-		end = self.ted.WEGetTextLength()
-		self.setselection(end, end)
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def domenu_cut(self, *args):
-		if not self.selection_ok():
-			return
-		W.EditText.domenu_cut(self)
-	def domenu_paste(self, *args):
-		if not self.selection_ok():
-			self.setselection_at_end()
-		W.EditText.domenu_paste(self)
-	def domenu_clear(self, *args):
-		if not self.selection_ok():
-			return
-		W.EditText.domenu_clear(self)
-class PyConsole(W.Window):
-	def __init__(self, bounds, show = 1, fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)), unclosable = 0):
-		W.Window.__init__(self,
-					bounds, 
-					"Python Interactive", 
-					minsize = (200, 100), 
-					tabbable = 0, 
-					show = show)
-		self._unclosable = unclosable
-		consoletext = ConsoleTextWidget((-1, -1, -14, 1), inset = (6, 5), fontsettings = fontsettings)
-		self._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 14, 16, -14), consoletext.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.consoletext = consoletext
-		self.namespacemenu = W.PopupMenu((-15, -1, 16, 16), [], self.consoletext.set_namespace)
-		self.namespacemenu.bind('<click>', self.makenamespacemenu)
-	def makenamespacemenu(self, *args):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		namespacelist = self.getnamespacelist()
-		self.namespacemenu.set([("Font settingsŠ", self.dofontsettings), 
-				["Namespace"] + namespacelist, ("Clear buffer", self.clearbuffer), ("Browse namespaceŠ", self.browsenamespace)])
-		currentname = self.consoletext._namespace["__name__"]
-		for i in range(len(namespacelist)):
-			if namespacelist[i][0] == currentname:
-				break
-		else:
-			return
-		# XXX this functionality should be generally available in Wmenus
-		submenuid =
-		menu =[submenuid]
- + 1, 1)
-	def browsenamespace(self):
-		import PyBrowser, W
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		PyBrowser.Browser(self.consoletext._namespace, self.consoletext._namespace["__name__"])
-	def clearbuffer(self):
-		import Res
-		self.consoletext.ted.WEUseText(Res.Resource(''))
-		self.consoletext.write(sys.ps1)
-		self.consoletext.flush()
-	def getnamespacelist(self):
-		import __main__
-		editors = filter(lambda x: x.__class__.__name__ == "Editor", self.parent._windows.values())
-		namespaces = [ ("__main__",__main__.__dict__) ]
-		for ed in editors:
-			modname = os.path.splitext(ed.title)[0]
-			if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
-				module = sys.modules[modname] 
-				namespaces.append((modname, module.__dict__))
-			else:
-				if ed.title[-3:] == '.py':
-					modname = ed.title[:-3]
-				else:
-					modname = ed.title
-				ed.globals["__name__"] = modname
-				namespaces.append((modname, ed.globals))
-		return namespaces
-	def dofontsettings(self):
-		import FontSettings
-		fontsettings = FontSettings.FontDialog(self.consoletext.getfontsettings())
-		if fontsettings:
-			self.consoletext.setfontsettings(fontsettings)
-	def show(self, onoff = 1):
-, onoff)
-		if onoff:
-	def close(self):
-		if self._unclosable:
-			return -1
-		W.Window.close(self)
-	def writeprefs(self):
-		prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath)
- = self.isvisible()
-		prefs.console.windowbounds = self.getbounds()
-		prefs.console.fontsettings = self.consoletext.getfontsettings()
-class OutputTextWidget(W.EditText):
-	def _getflags(self):
-		import WASTEconst
-		return WASTEconst.weDoAutoScroll | WASTEconst.weDoMonoStyled | \
-				WASTEconst.weDoUndo
-class PyOutput:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.w = None
-		self.closed = 1
-		self._buf = ''
-		# should be able to set this
-		self.savestdout, self.savestderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr
-		sys.stderr = sys.stdout = self
-	def write(self, text):
-		self._buf = self._buf + text
-		if '\n' in self._buf:
-			self.flush()
-	def flush(self):
-		stuff = string.split(self._buf, '\n')
-		stuff = string.join(stuff, '\r')
-		end = self.w.outputtext.ted.WEGetTextLength()
-		self.w.outputtext.setselection(end, end)
-		self.w.outputtext.ted.WEInsert(stuff, None, None)
-		self._buf = ""
-		self.w.outputtext.ted.WEClearUndo()
-		self.w.outputtext.updatescrollbars()
-	def show(self):
-		if self.closed:
-			if not self.w:
-				self.setupwidgets()
-				self.closed = 0
-			else:
-				self.closed = 0
-	def setupwidgets(self): 
-		self.w = W.Window((450, 200), "Output", minsize = (200, 100), tabbable = 0)
-		self.w.outputtext = OutputTextWidget((-1, -1, -14, 1), inset = (6, 5))
-		self.w._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, -1, 16, -14), self.w.outputtext.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.w.bind("<close>", self.close)
-		self.w.bind("<activate>", self.activate)
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			self.closed = 0
-	def close(self):
-		self.closed = 1
-		return -1
-def installconsole(defaultshow = 1):
-	global console
-	prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath)
-	if not prefs.console or not hasattr(prefs.console, 'show'):
- = defaultshow
-	if not hasattr(prefs.console, "windowbounds"):
-		prefs.console.windowbounds = (450, 250)
-	if not hasattr(prefs.console, "fontsettings"):
-		prefs.console.fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0))
-	console = PyConsole(prefs.console.windowbounds,, prefs.console.fontsettings, 1)
-def installoutput():
-	global output
-	output = PyOutput()
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1f5ce0..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import bdb
-import types
-import os
-import W
-import WASTEconst
-import PyBrowser
-import Qd
-import Evt
-import Lists
-import MacOS
-_filenames = {}
-	types.NoneType,
-	types.IntType,
-	types.LongType,
-	types.FloatType,
-	types.ComplexType,
-	types.StringType
-class Debugger(bdb.Bdb):
-	def __init__(self, title = 'Debugger'):
-		bdb.Bdb.__init__(self)
-		self.closed = 1
-		self.title = title
-		self.breaksviewer = None
-		self.reset()
-		self.tracing = 0
-		self.tracingmonitortime = Evt.TickCount()
-		prefs = W.getapplication().getprefs()
-		if prefs.debugger:
-			self.breaks = prefs.debugger.breaks
-			self.bounds, self.horpanes, self.verpanes = prefs.debugger.windowsettings
-			self.tracemagic = prefs.debugger.tracemagic
-			for key in self.breaks.keys():
-				if key[:1] == '<' and key[-1:] == '>':
-					del self.breaks[key]
-		else:
-			self.breaks = {}
-			self.horpanes = (0.4, 0.6)
-			self.verpanes = (0.3, 0.35, 0.35)
-			self.bounds = (600, 400)
-			self.tracemagic = 0
-		self.laststacksel = None
-		self.editors = {}
-	def reset(self):
-		self.currentframe = None
-		self.file = None
-		self.laststack = None
-		self.reason = 'Not running'
-		self.continuewithoutdebugger = 0
-		bdb.Bdb.reset(self)
-		self.forget()
-	def start(self, bottomframe = None, running = 0):
-		W.getapplication().DebuggerQuit = bdb.BdbQuit
-		import Menu
-		Menu.HiliteMenu(0)
-		if self.closed:
-			self.setupwidgets(self.title)
-			self.closed = 0
-		if not self.w.parent.debugger_quitting:
-			raise W.AlertError, 'There is another debugger session busy.'
-		self.reset()
-		self.botframe = bottomframe
-		if running:
-			self.set_continue()
-			self.reason = 'RunningŠ'
-			self.setstate('running')
-		else:
-			self.set_step()
-			self.reason = 'stopped'
-			self.setstate('stopped')
-		sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch)
-	def stop(self):
-		self.set_quit()
-		if self.w.parent:
-			self.exit_mainloop()
-			self.resetwidgets()
-	def set_continue_without_debugger(self):
-		sys.settrace(None)
-		self.set_quit()
-		self.clear_tracefuncs()
-		self.continuewithoutdebugger = 1
-		if self.w.parent:
-			self.exit_mainloop()
-			self.resetwidgets()
-	def clear_tracefuncs(self):
-		try:
-			raise 'spam'
-		except:
-			pass
-		frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame
-		while frame is not None:
-			del frame.f_trace
-			frame = frame.f_back
-	def postmortem(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-		if self.closed:
-			self.setupwidgets(self.title)
-			self.closed = 0
-		if not self.w.parent.debugger_quitting:
-			raise W.AlertError, 'There is another debugger session busy.'
-		self.reset()
-		if traceback:
-			self.botframe = traceback.tb_frame
-			while traceback.tb_next <> None:
-				traceback = traceback.tb_next
-			frame = traceback.tb_frame
-		else:
-			self.botframe = None
-			frame = None
-		self.w.panes.bottom.buttons.killbutton.enable(1)
-		self.reason = '(dead) ' + self.formatexception(exc_type, exc_value)
-		self.setup(frame, traceback)
-		self.setstate('dead')
-		self.showstack(self.curindex)
-		self.showframe(self.curindex)
-	def setupwidgets(self, title):
-		self.w = w = W.Window(self.bounds, title, minsize = (500, 300))
-		w.panes = W.HorizontalPanes((8, 4, -8, -8), self.horpanes)
-		w.panes.browserpanes = browserpanes = W.VerticalPanes(None, self.verpanes)
-		browserpanes.stacklist = W.Group(None)
-		browserpanes.stacklist.title = W.TextBox((4, 0, 0, 12), 'Stack')
-		browserpanes.stacklist.stack = W.List((0, 16, 0, 0), callback = self.do_stack, flags = Lists.lOnlyOne)
-		browserpanes.locals = W.Group(None)
-		browserpanes.locals.title = W.TextBox((4, 0, 0, 12), 'Local variables')
-		browserpanes.locals.browser = PyBrowser.BrowserWidget((0, 16, 0, 0))
-		browserpanes.globals = W.Group(None)
-		browserpanes.globals.title = W.TextBox((4, 0, 0, 12), 'Global variables')
-		browserpanes.globals.browser = PyBrowser.BrowserWidget((0, 16, 0, 0))
-		w.panes.bottom = bottom = W.Group(None)
-		bottom.src = src = W.Group((0, 52, 0, 0))
-		source = SourceViewer((1, 1, -15, -15), readonly = 1, debugger = self)
-		src.optionsmenu = W.PopupMenu((-16, 0, 16, 16), [])
-		src.optionsmenu.bind('<click>', self.makeoptionsmenu)
-		src._barx = W.Scrollbar((0, -16, -15, 16), source.hscroll, max = 32767)
-		src._bary = W.Scrollbar((-16, 15, 16, -15), source.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		src.source = source
-		src.frame = W.Frame((0, 0, -15, -15))
-		bottom.tracingmonitor = TracingMonitor((0, 23, 6, 6))
-		bottom.state = W.TextBox((12, 20, 0, 16), self.reason)
-		bottom.srctitle = W.TextBox((12, 36, 0, 14))
-		bottom.buttons = buttons = W.Group((12, 0, 0, 16))
-		buttons.runbutton = W.Button((0, 0, 50, 16), "Run", self.do_run)
-		buttons.stopbutton = W.Button((58, 0, 50, 16), "Stop", self.do_stop)
-		buttons.killbutton = W.Button((116, 0, 50, 16), "Kill", self.do_kill)
-		buttons.line = W.VerticalLine((173, 0, 0, 0))
-		buttons.stepbutton = W.Button((181, 0, 50, 16), "Step", self.do_step)
-		buttons.stepinbutton = W.Button((239, 0, 50, 16), "Step in", self.do_stepin)
-		buttons.stepoutbutton = W.Button((297, 0, 50, 16), "Step out", self.do_stepout)
-		w.bind('cmdr', buttons.runbutton.push)
-		w.bind('cmd.', buttons.stopbutton.push)
-		w.bind('cmdk', buttons.killbutton.push)
-		w.bind('cmds', buttons.stepbutton.push)
-		w.bind('cmdt', buttons.stepinbutton.push)
-		w.bind('cmdu', buttons.stepoutbutton.push)
-		w.bind('<close>', self.close)
-		w.xxx___select(w.panes.bottom.src.source)
-	def makeoptionsmenu(self):
-		options = [('Clear breakpoints', self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.clearbreakpoints), 
-				('Clear all breakpoints', self.clear_all_breaks),
-				('Edit breakpointsŠ', self.edit_breaks), '-',
-				(self.tracemagic and 
-					'Disable __magic__ tracing' or 'Enable __magic__ tracing', self.togglemagic)]
-		self.w.panes.bottom.src.optionsmenu.set(options)
-	def edit_breaks(self):
-		if self.breaksviewer:
-		else:
-			self.breaksviewer = BreakpointsViewer(self)
-	def togglemagic(self):
-		self.tracemagic = not self.tracemagic
-	def setstate(self, state):
-		self.w.panes.bottom.tracingmonitor.reset()
-		self.w.panes.bottom.state.set(self.reason)
-		buttons = self.w.panes.bottom.buttons
-		if state == 'stopped':
-			buttons.runbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stopbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.killbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stepbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stepinbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stepoutbutton.enable(1)
-		elif state == 'running':
-			buttons.runbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stopbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.killbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stepbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepinbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepoutbutton.enable(0)
-		elif state == 'idle':
-			buttons.runbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stopbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.killbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepinbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepoutbutton.enable(0)
-		elif state == 'dead':
-			buttons.runbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stopbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.killbutton.enable(1)
-			buttons.stepbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepinbutton.enable(0)
-			buttons.stepoutbutton.enable(0)
-		else:
-			print 'unknown state:', state
-	def resetwidgets(self):
-		self.reason = ''
-		self.w.panes.bottom.srctitle.set('')
-		self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set('')
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.stacklist.stack.set([])
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.locals.browser.set({})
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.globals.browser.set({})
-		self.setstate('idle')
-	# W callbacks
-	def close(self):
-		self.set_quit()
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-		self.closed = 1
-		self.unregister_editor(self.w.panes.bottom.src.source, 
-				self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.file)
-		self.horpanes = self.w.panes.getpanesizes()
-		self.verpanes = self.w.panes.browserpanes.getpanesizes()
-		self.bounds = self.w.getbounds()
-		prefs = W.getapplication().getprefs()
-		prefs.debugger.breaks = self.breaks
-		prefs.debugger.windowsettings = self.bounds, self.horpanes, self.verpanes
-		prefs.debugger.tracemagic = self.tracemagic
-	# stack list callback
-	def do_stack(self, isdbl):
-		sel = self.w.panes.browserpanes.stacklist.stack.getselection()
-		if isdbl:
-			if sel:
-				frame, lineno = self.stack[sel[0] + 1]
-				filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
-				editor = self.w._parentwindow.parent.openscript(filename, lineno)
-				if self.breaks.has_key(filename):
-					editor.showbreakpoints(1)
-		else:
-			if sel and sel <> self.laststacksel:
-				self.showframe(sel[0] + 1)
-			self.laststacksel = sel
-	def geteditor(self, filename):
-		if filename[:1] == '<' and filename[-1:] == '>':
-			editor = W.getapplication().getscript(filename[1:-1])
-		else:
-			editor = W.getapplication().getscript(filename)
-		return editor
-	# button callbacks
-	def do_run(self):
-		self.running()
-		self.set_continue()
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-	def do_stop(self):
-		self.set_step()
-	def do_kill(self):
-		self.set_quit()
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-		self.resetwidgets()
-	def do_step(self):
-		self.running()
-		self.set_next(self.curframe)
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-	def do_stepin(self):
-		self.running()
-		self.set_step()
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-	def do_stepout(self):
-		self.running()
-		self.set_return(self.curframe)
-		self.exit_mainloop()
-	def running(self):
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		self.reason = 'RunningŠ'
-		self.setstate('running')
-		#self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set('')
-		#self.w.panes.browserpanes.stacklist.stack.set([])
-		#self.w.panes.browserpanes.locals.browser.set({})
-		#self.w.panes.browserpanes.globals.browser.set({})
-	def exit_mainloop(self):
-		self.w.parent.debugger_quitting = 1
-	#
-	def showframe(self, stackindex):
-		(frame, lineno) = self.stack[stackindex]
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
-		if filename <> self.file:
-			editor = self.geteditor(filename)
-			if editor:
-				self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set(editor.get(), filename)
-			else:
-				try:
-					f = open(filename, 'rb')
-					data =
-					f.close()
-				except IOError:
-					if filename[-3:] == '.py':
-						import imp
-						modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-3]
-						try:
-							f, filename, (suff, mode, dummy) = imp.find_module(modname)
-						except ImportError:
-							self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set('can¹t find file')
-						else:
-							f.close()
-							if suff == '.py':
-								f = open(filename, 'rb')
-								data =
-								f.close()
-								self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set(data, filename)
-							else:
-								self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set('can¹t find file')
-					else:
-						self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set('can¹t find file')
-				else:
-					self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.set(data, filename)
-			self.file = filename
-		self.w.panes.bottom.srctitle.set('Source: ' + filename + ((lineno > 0) and (' (line %d)' % lineno) or ' '))
-		self.goto_line(lineno)
-		self.lineno = lineno
-		self.showvars((frame, lineno))
-	def showvars(self, (frame, lineno)):
-		if frame.f_locals is not frame.f_globals:
-			locals = frame.f_locals
-		else:
-			locals = {'Same as Globals':''}
-		filteredlocals = {}
-		for key, value in locals.items():
-			# empty key is magic for Python 1.4; '.' is magic for 1.5...
-			if not key or key[0] <> '.':
-				filteredlocals[key] = value
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.locals.browser.set(filteredlocals)
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.globals.browser.set(frame.f_globals)
-	def showstack(self, stackindex):
-		stack = []
-		for frame, lineno in self.stack[1:]:
-			filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
-			try:
-				filename = _filenames[filename]
-			except KeyError:
-				if filename[:1] + filename[-1:] <> '<>':
-					filename = os.path.basename(filename)
-				_filenames[frame.f_code.co_filename] = filename
-			funcname = frame.f_code.co_name
-			if funcname == '?':
-				funcname = '<toplevel>'
-			stack.append(filename + ': ' + funcname)
-		if stack <> self.laststack:
-			self.w.panes.browserpanes.stacklist.stack.set(stack)
-			self.laststack = stack
-		sel = [stackindex - 1]
-		self.w.panes.browserpanes.stacklist.stack.setselection(sel)
-		self.laststacksel = sel
-	def goto_line(self, lineno):
-		if lineno > 0:
-			self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.selectline(lineno - 1)
-		else:
-			self.w.panes.bottom.src.source.setselection(0, 0)
-	# bdb entry points
-#	def user_call(self, frame, argument_list):
-#		self.reason = 'Calling'
-#		self.interaction(frame, None)
-	def user_line(self, frame):
-		# This function is called when we stop or break at this line
-		self.reason = 'Stopped'
-		self.interaction(frame, None)
-	def user_return(self, frame, return_value):
-		# This function is called when a return trap is set here
-		fname = frame.f_code.co_name
-		if fname <> '?':
-			self.reason = 'Returning from %s()' % frame.f_code.co_name
-			frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value
-		elif frame.f_back is self.botframe:
-			self.reason = 'Done'
-		else:
-			self.reason = 'Returning'
-		self.interaction(frame, None, 1)
-	def user_exception(self, frame, (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)):
-		# This function is called when we stop or break at this line
-		self.reason = self.formatexception(exc_type, exc_value)
-		self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback)
-	def formatexception(self, exc_type, exc_value):
-		if exc_type == SyntaxError:
-			try:
-				value, (filename, lineno, charno, line) = exc_value
-			except:
-				pass
-			else:
-				return str(exc_type) + ': ' + str(value)
-		if type(exc_type) == types.ClassType:
-			nice = exc_type.__name__
-		else:
-			nice = str(exc_type)
-		value = str(exc_value)
-		if exc_value and value:
-			nice = nice + ": " + value
-		return nice
-	def forget(self):
-		self.stack = []
-		self.curindex = 0
-		self.curframe = None
-	def setup(self, f, t, isreturning = 0):
-		self.forget()
-		self.stack, self.curindex = self.get_stack(f, t)
-		self.curframe = self.stack[self.curindex - isreturning][0]
-	def interaction(self, frame, traceback, isreturning = 0):
-		saveport = Qd.GetPort()
-		try:
-			self.setup(frame, traceback, isreturning)
-			self.setstate('stopped')
-			stackindex = self.curindex
-			if isreturning:
-				if frame.f_back is not self.botframe:
-					stackindex = stackindex - 1
-			self.showstack(stackindex)
-			self.showframe(stackindex)
-			self.w.parent.debugger_mainloop()
-			self.forget()
-		finally:
-			Qd.SetPort(saveport)
-	# bdb customization
-	def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg, TickCount = Evt.TickCount):
-		if TickCount() - self.tracingmonitortime > 15:
-			self.tracingmonitortime = TickCount()
-			self.w.panes.bottom.tracingmonitor.toggle()
-		try:
-			try:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
-				if self.quitting:
-					# returning None is not enough, a former BdbQuit exception
-					# might have been eaten by the print statement
-					raise bdb.BdbQuit
-				if event == 'line':
-					return self.dispatch_line(frame)
-				if event == 'call':
-					return self.dispatch_call(frame, arg)
-				if event == 'return':
-					return self.dispatch_return(frame, arg)
-				if event == 'exception':
-					return self.dispatch_exception(frame, arg)
-				print 'bdb.Bdb.dispatch: unknown debugging event:', `event`
-				return self.trace_dispatch
-			finally:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-		except KeyboardInterrupt:
-			self.set_step()
-			return self.trace_dispatch
-		except bdb.BdbQuit:
-			if self.continuewithoutdebugger:
-				self.clear_tracefuncs()
-				return
-			else:
-				raise bdb.BdbQuit
-		except:
-			print 'XXX Exception during debugger interaction.', \
-					self.formatexception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
-			return self.trace_dispatch
-	def dispatch_call(self, frame, arg):
-		if not self.tracemagic and \
-				frame.f_code.co_name[:2] == '__' == frame.f_code.co_name[-2:] and \
-				frame.f_code.co_name <> '__init__':
-			return
-		if self.botframe is None:
-			# First call of dispatch since reset()
-			self.botframe = frame.f_back	# xxx !!! added f_back
-			return self.trace_dispatch
-		if not (self.stop_here(frame) or self.break_anywhere(frame)):
-			# No need to trace this function
-			return # None
-		self.user_call(frame, arg)
-		if self.quitting:
-			raise bdb.BdbQuit
-		return self.trace_dispatch
-	def set_continue(self):
-		# Don't stop except at breakpoints or when finished
-		self.stopframe = self.botframe
-		self.returnframe = None
-		self.quitting = 0
-		# unlike in bdb/pdb, there's a chance that breakpoints change 
-		# *while* a program (this program ;-) is running. It's actually quite likely.
-		# So we don't delete frame.f_trace until the bottom frame if there are no breakpoints.
-	def set_break(self, filename, lineno):
-		if not self.breaks.has_key(filename):
-			self.breaks[filename] = []
-		list = self.breaks[filename]
-		if lineno in list:
-			return 'There is already a breakpoint there!'
-		list.append(lineno)
-		list.sort()	# I want to keep them neatly sorted; easier for drawing
-		self.update_breaks(filename)
-	def clear_break(self, filename, lineno):
-		bdb.Bdb.clear_break(self, filename, lineno)
-		self.update_breaks(filename)
-	def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename):
-		bdb.Bdb.clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename)
-		self.update_breaks(filename)
-	def clear_all_breaks(self):
-		bdb.Bdb.clear_all_breaks(self)
-		for editors in self.editors.values():
-			for editor in editors:
-				editor.drawbreakpoints()
-	# special
-	def toggle_break(self, filename, lineno):
-		if self.get_break(filename, lineno):
-			self.clear_break(filename, lineno)
-		else:
-			self.set_break(filename, lineno)
-	def clear_breaks_above(self, filename, above):
-		if not self.breaks.has_key(filename):
-			return 'There are no breakpoints in that file!'
-		for lineno in self.breaks[filename][:]:
-			if lineno > above:
-				self.breaks[filename].remove(lineno)
-		if not self.breaks[filename]:
-			del self.breaks[filename]
-	# editor stuff
-	def update_breaks(self, filename):
-		if self.breaksviewer:
-			self.breaksviewer.update()
-		if self.editors.has_key(filename):
-			for editor in self.editors[filename]:
-				if editor._debugger:	# XXX
-					editor.drawbreakpoints()
-				else:
-					print 'xxx dead editor!'
-	def update_allbreaks(self):
-		if self.breaksviewer:
-			self.breaksviewer.update()
-		for filename in self.breaks.keys():
-			if self.editors.has_key(filename):
-				for editor in self.editors[filename]:
-					if editor._debugger:	# XXX
-						editor.drawbreakpoints()
-					else:
-						print 'xxx dead editor!'
-	def register_editor(self, editor, filename):
-		if not filename:
-			return
-		if not self.editors.has_key(filename):
-			self.editors[filename] = [editor]
-		elif editor not in self.editors[filename]:
-			self.editors[filename].append(editor)
-	def unregister_editor(self, editor, filename):
-		if not filename:
-			return
-		try:
-			self.editors[filename].remove(editor)
-			if not self.editors[filename]:
-				del self.editors[filename]
-				# if this was an untitled window, clear the breaks.
-				if filename[:1] == '<' and filename[-1:] == '>' and \
-						self.breaks.has_key(filename):
-					self.clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
-		except (KeyError, ValueError):
-			pass
-class SourceViewer(W.PyEditor):
-	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-		apply(W.PyEditor.__init__, (self,) + args, kwargs)
-		self.bind('<click>', self.clickintercept)
-	def clickintercept(self, point, modifiers):
-		if self._parentwindow._currentwidget <> self and not self.pt_in_breaks(point):
-			self._parentwindow.xxx___select(self)
-			return 1
-	def _getviewrect(self):
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		if self._debugger:
-			return (l + 12, t + 2, r - 1, b - 2)
-		else:
-			return (l + 5, t + 2, r - 1, b - 2)
-	def select(self, onoff, isclick = 0):
-		if, onoff):
-			return
-		self.SetPort()
-		#if onoff:
-		#	self.ted.WEActivate()
-		#else:
-		#	self.ted.WEDeactivate()
-		self.drawselframe(onoff)
-	def drawselframe(self, onoff):
-		pass
-class BreakpointsViewer:
-	def __init__(self, debugger):
-		self.debugger = debugger
-		import Lists
-		self.w = W.Window((300, 250), 'Breakpoints', minsize = (200, 200))
-		self.w.panes = W.HorizontalPanes((8, 8, -8, -32), (0.3, 0.7))
-		self.w.panes.files = W.List(None, callback = self.filehit)		#, flags = Lists.lOnlyOne)
- = W.Group(None)
- = W.List((0, 0, -130, 0), callback = self.linehit)	#, flags = Lists.lOnlyOne)
- = W.Button((-80, 4, 0, 16), 'ViewŠ', self.openbuttonhit)
- = W.Button((-80, 28, 0, 16), 'Delete', self.deletebuttonhit)
-		self.w.bind('<close>', self.close)
-		self.w.bind('backspace',
-		self.setup()
-		self.curfile = None
-	def deletebuttonhit(self):
-		if self.w._currentwidget == self.w.panes.files:
-			self.del_filename()
-		else:
-			self.del_number()
-		self.checkbuttons()
-	def del_number(self):
-		if self.curfile is None:
-			return
-		sel =
-		for lineno in sel:
-			self.debugger.clear_break(self.curfile, lineno)
-	def del_filename(self):
-		sel = self.w.panes.files.getselectedobjects()
-		for filename in sel:
-			self.debugger.clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
-		self.debugger.update_allbreaks()
-	def setup(self):
-		files = self.debugger.breaks.keys()
-		files.sort()
-		self.w.panes.files.set(files)
-	def close(self):
-		self.debugger.breaksviewer = None
-		self.debugger = None
-	def update(self):
-		sel = self.w.panes.files.getselectedobjects()
-		self.setup()
-		self.w.panes.files.setselectedobjects(sel)
-		sel = self.w.panes.files.getselection()
-		if len(sel) == 0 and self.curfile:
-			self.w.panes.files.setselectedobjects([self.curfile])
-		self.filehit(0)
-	def select(self):
-	def selectfile(self, file):
-		self.w.panes.files.setselectedobjects([file])
-		self.filehit(0)			
-	def openbuttonhit(self):
-		self.filehit(1)
-	def filehit(self, isdbl):
-		sel = self.w.panes.files.getselectedobjects()
-		if isdbl:
-			for filename in sel:
-				lineno = None
-				if filename == self.curfile:
-					linesel =
-					if linesel:
-						lineno = linesel[-1]
-					elif
-						lineno =[0]
-				editor = self.w._parentwindow.parent.openscript(filename, lineno)
-				editor.showbreakpoints(1)
-			return
-		if len(sel) == 1:
-			file = sel[0]
-			filebreaks = self.debugger.breaks[file][:]
-			if self.curfile == file:
-				linesel =
-			if self.curfile == file:
-			self.curfile = file
-		else:
-			if len(sel) <> 0:
-				self.curfile = None
-		self.checkbuttons()
-	def linehit(self, isdbl):
-		if isdbl:
-			files = self.w.panes.files.getselectedobjects()
-			if len(files) <> 1:
-				return
-			filename = files[0]
-			linenos =
-			if not linenos:
-				return
-			lineno = linenos[-1]
-			editor = self.w._parentwindow.parent.openscript(filename, lineno)
-			editor.showbreakpoints(1)
-		self.checkbuttons()
-	def checkbuttons(self):
-		if self.w.panes.files.getselection():
-			self.w._parentwindow.setdefaultbutton(
-			if self.w._currentwidget == self.w.panes.files:
-				if self.w.panes.files.getselection():
-				else:
-			else:
-				if
-				else:
-		else:
-class TracingMonitor(W.Widget):
-	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-		apply(W.Widget.__init__, (self,) + args, kwargs)
-		self.state = 0
-	def toggle(self):
-		if hasattr(self, "_parentwindow") and self._parentwindow is not None:
-			self.state = self.state % 2 + 1
-			port = Qd.GetPort()
-			self.SetPort()
-			self.draw()
-			Qd.SetPort(port)
-	def reset(self):
-		if self._parentwindow:
-			self.state = 0
-			port = Qd.GetPort()
-			self.SetPort()
-			self.draw()
-			Qd.SetPort(port)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self.state == 2:
-			Qd.PaintOval(self._bounds)
-		else:
-			Qd.EraseOval(self._bounds)
-# convenience funcs
-def postmortem(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
-	d = getdebugger()
-	d.postmortem(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
-def start(bottomframe = None):
-	d = getdebugger()
-	d.start(bottomframe)
-def startfromhere():
-	d = getdebugger()
-	try:
-		raise 'spam'
-	except:
-		frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_back
-	d.start(frame)
-def startfrombottom():
-	d = getdebugger()
-	d.start(_getbottomframe(), 1)
-def stop():
-	d = getdebugger()
-	d.stop()
-def cont():
-	sys.settrace(None)
-	d = getdebugger()
-	d.set_continue_without_debugger()
-def _getbottomframe():
-	try:
-		raise 'spam'
-	except:
-		pass
-	frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame
-	while 1:
-		if frame.f_code.co_name == 'mainloop' or frame.f_back is None:
-			break
-		frame = frame.f_back
-	return frame
-_debugger = None
-def getdebugger():
-	global _debugger
-	if _debugger is None:
-		_debugger = Debugger()
-	return _debugger
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f92ff..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-"""a simple python editor"""
-import W
-import Wtraceback
-from SpecialKeys import *
-import macfs
-import MacOS
-import Win
-import Res
-import Evt
-import os
-import imp
-import sys
-import string
-import marshal
-import regex
-_scriptuntitledcounter = 1
-_wordchars = string.letters + string.digits + "_"
-class Editor(W.Window):
-	def __init__(self, path = "", title = ""):
-		global _scriptuntitledcounter
-		if not path:
-			if title:
-				self.title = title
-			else:
-				self.title = "Untitled Script " + `_scriptuntitledcounter`
-				_scriptuntitledcounter = _scriptuntitledcounter + 1
-			text = ""
-			self._creator = W._signature
-		elif os.path.exists(path):
-			self.title = os.path.basename(path)
-			f = open(path, "rb")
-			text =
-			f.close()
-			fss = macfs.FSSpec(path)
-			self._creator, filetype = fss.GetCreatorType()
-		else:
-			raise IOError, "file '%s' does not exist" % path
-		self.path = path
-		self.settings = {}
-		if self.path:
-			self.readwindowsettings()
-		if self.settings.has_key("windowbounds"):
-			bounds = self.settings["windowbounds"]
-		else:
-			bounds = (500, 250)
-		if self.settings.has_key("fontsettings"):
-			self.fontsettings = self.settings["fontsettings"]
-		else:
-			self.fontsettings = ("Python-Sans", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0))
-		W.Window.__init__(self, bounds, self.title, minsize = (330, 120), tabbable = 0)
-		self.setupwidgets(text)
-		if self.settings.has_key("selection"):
-			selstart, selend = self.settings["selection"]
-			self.setselection(selstart, selend)
-		self.setinfotext()
-		self.globals = {}
-		self._buf = ""  # for write method
-		self.debugging = 0
-		self.profiling = 0
-		if self.settings.has_key("run_as_main"):
-			self.run_as_main = self.settings["run_as_main"]
-		else:
-			self.run_as_main = 0
-	def readwindowsettings(self):
-		try:
-			resref = Res.OpenResFile(self.path)
-		except Res.Error:
-			return
-		try:
-			Res.UseResFile(resref)
-			data = Res.Get1Resource('PyWS', 128)
-			self.settings = marshal.loads(
-		except:
-			pass
-		Res.CloseResFile(resref)
-	def writewindowsettings(self):
-		try:
-			resref = Res.OpenResFile(self.path)
-		except Res.Error:
-			Res.CreateResFile(self.path)
-			resref = Res.OpenResFile(self.path)
-		try:
-			data = Res.Resource(marshal.dumps(self.settings))
-			Res.UseResFile(resref)
-			try:
-				temp = Res.Get1Resource('PyWS', 128)
-				temp.RemoveResource()
-			except Res.Error:
-				pass
-			data.AddResource('PyWS', 128, "window settings")
-		finally:
-			Res.UpdateResFile(resref)
-			Res.CloseResFile(resref)
-	def getsettings(self):
-		self.settings = {}
-		self.settings["windowbounds"] = self.getbounds()
-		self.settings["selection"] = self.getselection()
-		self.settings["fontsettings"] = self.editgroup.editor.getfontsettings()
-		self.settings["run_as_main"] = self.run_as_main
-	def get(self):
-		return self.editgroup.editor.get()
-	def getselection(self):
-		return self.editgroup.editor.ted.WEGetSelection()
-	def setselection(self, selstart, selend):
-		self.editgroup.editor.setselection(selstart, selend)
-	def getfilename(self):
-		if self.path:
-			return self.path
-		return '<%s>' % self.title
-	def setupwidgets(self, text):
-		topbarheight = 24
-		popfieldwidth = 80
-		self.lastlineno = None
-		# make an editor
-		self.editgroup = W.Group((0, topbarheight + 1, 0, 0))
-		editor = W.PyEditor((0, 0, -15,-15), text, fontsettings = self.fontsettings, 
-				file = self.getfilename())
-		# make the widgets
-		self.popfield = ClassFinder((popfieldwidth - 17, -15, 16, 16), [], self.popselectline)
-		self.linefield = W.EditText((-1, -15, popfieldwidth - 15, 16), inset = (6, 2))
-		self.editgroup._barx = W.Scrollbar((popfieldwidth - 2, -15, -14, 16), editor.hscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.editgroup._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, 14, 16, -14), editor.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.editgroup.editor = editor	# add editor *after* scrollbars
-		self.editgroup.optionsmenu = W.PopupMenu((-15, -1, 16, 16), [])
-		self.editgroup.optionsmenu.bind('<click>', self.makeoptionsmenu)
-		self.hline = W.HorizontalLine((0, topbarheight, 0, 0))
-		self.infotext = W.TextBox((175, 6, -4, 14))
-		self.runbutton = W.Button((5, 4, 80, 16), "Run all",
-		self.runselbutton = W.Button((90, 4, 80, 16), "Run selection", self.runselection)
-		# bind some keys
-		editor.bind("cmdr", self.runbutton.push)
-		editor.bind("enter", self.runselbutton.push)
-		editor.bind("cmdj", self.domenu_gotoline)
-		editor.bind("cmdd", self.domenu_toggledebugger)
-		editor.bind("<idle>", self.updateselection)
-		editor.bind("cmde", searchengine.setfindstring)
-		editor.bind("cmdf",
-		editor.bind("cmdg", searchengine.findnext)
-		editor.bind("cmdshiftr", searchengine.replace)
-		editor.bind("cmdt", searchengine.replacefind)
-		self.linefield.bind("return", self.dolinefield)
-		self.linefield.bind("enter", self.dolinefield)
-		self.linefield.bind("tab", self.dolinefield)
-		# intercept clicks
-		editor.bind("<click>", self.clickeditor)
-		self.linefield.bind("<click>", self.clicklinefield)
-	def makeoptionsmenu(self):
-		menuitems = [('Font settingsŠ', self.domenu_fontsettings), 
-				('\0' + chr(self.run_as_main) + 'Run as __main__', self.domenu_toggle_run_as_main), 
-				('Modularize', self.domenu_modularize),
-				('Browse namespaceŠ', self.domenu_browsenamespace), 
-				'-']
-		if self.editgroup.editor._debugger:
-			menuitems = menuitems + [('Disable debugger', self.domenu_toggledebugger),
-				('Clear breakpoints', self.domenu_clearbreakpoints),
-				('Edit breakpointsŠ', self.domenu_editbreakpoints)]
-		else:
-			menuitems = menuitems + [('Enable debugger', self.domenu_toggledebugger)]
-		if self.profiling:
-			menuitems = menuitems + [('Disable profiler', self.domenu_toggleprofiler)]
-		else:
-			menuitems = menuitems + [('Enable profiler', self.domenu_toggleprofiler)]
-		self.editgroup.optionsmenu.set(menuitems)
-	def domenu_toggle_run_as_main(self):
-		self.run_as_main = not self.run_as_main
-		self.editgroup.editor.selchanged = 1
-	def showbreakpoints(self, onoff):
-		self.editgroup.editor.showbreakpoints(onoff)
-		self.debugging = onoff
-	def domenu_clearbreakpoints(self, *args):
-		self.editgroup.editor.clearbreakpoints()
-	def domenu_editbreakpoints(self, *args):
-		self.editgroup.editor.editbreakpoints()
-	def domenu_toggledebugger(self, *args):
-		if not self.debugging:
-			W.SetCursor('watch')
-		self.debugging = not self.debugging
-		self.editgroup.editor.togglebreakpoints()
-	def domenu_toggleprofiler(self, *args):
-		self.profiling = not self.profiling
-	def domenu_browsenamespace(self, *args):
-		import PyBrowser, W
-		W.SetCursor('watch')
-		globals, file = self.getenvironment()
-		modname = _filename_as_modname(self.title)
-		if not modname:
-			modname = self.title
-		PyBrowser.Browser(globals, "Object browser: " + modname)
-	def domenu_modularize(self, *args):
-		modname = _filename_as_modname(self.title)
-		if not modname:
-			raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t modularize ³%s²' % self.title
-		if self.path:
-			file = self.path
-		else:
-			file = self.title
-		if self.globals and not sys.modules.has_key(modname):
-			module = imp.new_module(modname)
-			for attr in self.globals.keys():
-				setattr(module,attr,self.globals[attr])
-			sys.modules[modname] = module
-			self.globals = {}
-	def domenu_fontsettings(self, *args):
-		import FontSettings
-		fontsettings = FontSettings.FontDialog(self.editgroup.editor.getfontsettings())
-		if fontsettings:
-			self.editgroup.editor.setfontsettings(fontsettings)
-	def clicklinefield(self):
-		if self._currentwidget <> self.linefield:
-			self.linefield.selectall()
-			return 1
-	def clickeditor(self):
-		if self._currentwidget <> self.editgroup.editor:
-			self.dolinefield()
-			return 1
-	def updateselection(self, force = 0):
-		sel = min(self.editgroup.editor.getselection())
-		lineno = self.editgroup.editor.offsettoline(sel)
-		if lineno <> self.lastlineno or force:
-			self.lastlineno = lineno
-			self.linefield.set(str(lineno + 1))
-			self.linefield.selview()
-	def dolinefield(self):
-		try:
-			lineno = string.atoi(self.linefield.get()) - 1
-			if lineno <> self.lastlineno:
-				self.editgroup.editor.selectline(lineno)
-				self.updateselection(1)
-		except:
-			self.updateselection(1)
-	def setinfotext(self):
-		if not hasattr(self, 'infotext'):
-			return
-		if self.path:
-			self.infotext.set(self.path)
-		else:
-			self.infotext.set("")
-	def close(self):
-		if self.editgroup.editor.changed:
-			import EasyDialogs
-			import Qd
-			Qd.InitCursor() # XXX should be done by dialog
-			save = EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel('Save window ³%s² before closing?' % self.title, 1)
-			if save > 0:
-				if self.domenu_save():
-					return 1
-			elif save < 0:
-				return 1
-		self.globals = None	     # XXX doesn't help... all globals leak :-(
-		W.Window.close(self)
-	def domenu_close(self, *args):
-		return self.close()
-	def domenu_save(self, *args):
-		if not self.path:
-			# Will call us recursively
-			return self.domenu_save_as()
-		data = self.editgroup.editor.get()
-		fp = open(self.path, 'wb')  # open file in binary mode, data has '\r' line-endings
-		fp.write(data)
-		fp.close()
-		fss = macfs.FSSpec(self.path)
-		fss.SetCreatorType(self._creator, 'TEXT')
-		self.getsettings()
-		self.writewindowsettings()
-		self.editgroup.editor.changed = 0
-		self.editgroup.editor.selchanged = 0
-		import linecache
-		if linecache.cache.has_key(self.path):
-			del linecache.cache[self.path]
-		import macostools
-		macostools.touched(self.path)
-	def can_save(self, menuitem):
-		return self.editgroup.editor.changed or self.editgroup.editor.selchanged
-	def domenu_save_as(self, *args):
-		fss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('Save as:', self.title)
-		if not ok: 
-			return 1
-		self.showbreakpoints(0)
-		self.path = fss.as_pathname()
-		self.setinfotext()
-		self.title = os.path.split(self.path)[-1]
-		self.wid.SetWTitle(self.title)
-		self.domenu_save()
-		self.editgroup.editor.setfile(self.getfilename())
-		app = W.getapplication()
-		app.makeopenwindowsmenu()
-		if hasattr(app, 'makescriptsmenu'):
-			app = W.getapplication()
-			fss, fss_changed = app.scriptsfolder.Resolve()
-			path = fss.as_pathname()
-			if path == self.path[:len(path)]:
-				W.getapplication().makescriptsmenu()
-	def domenu_gotoline(self, *args):
-		self.linefield.selectall()
-		self.linefield.selectall()
-	def domenu_selectline(self, *args):
-		self.editgroup.editor.expandselection()
-	def domenu_shiftleft(self, *args):
-		self.editgroup.editor.shiftleft()
-	def domenu_shiftright(self, *args):
-		self.editgroup.editor.shiftright()
-	def domenu_find(self, *args):
-	def domenu_entersearchstring(self, *args):
-		searchengine.setfindstring()
-	def domenu_replace(self, *args):
-		searchengine.replace()
-	def domenu_findnext(self, *args):
-		searchengine.findnext()
-	def domenu_replacefind(self, *args):
-		searchengine.replacefind()
-	def domenu_run(self, *args):
-		self.runbutton.push()
-	def domenu_runselection(self, *args):
-		self.runselbutton.push()
-	def run(self):
-		pytext = self.editgroup.editor.get()
-		globals, file = self.getenvironment()
-		if self.path:
-			cwd = os.getcwd()
-			os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.path) + ':')
-		else:
-			cwd = None
-		execstring(pytext, globals, globals, file, self.debugging, self.run_as_main, self.profiling)
-		if cwd:
-			os.chdir(cwd)
-	def runselection(self):
-		self._runselection()
-	def _runselection(self):
-		globals, file = self.getenvironment()
-		locals = globals
-		# select whole lines
-		self.editgroup.editor.expandselection()
-		# get lineno of first selected line
-		selstart, selend = self.editgroup.editor.getselection()
-		selstart, selend = min(selstart, selend), max(selstart, selend)
-		selfirstline = self.editgroup.editor.offsettoline(selstart)
-		alltext = self.editgroup.editor.get()
-		pytext = alltext[selstart:selend]
-		lines = string.split(pytext, '\r')
-		indent = getminindent(lines)
-		if indent == 1:
-			classname = ''
-			alllines = string.split(alltext, '\r')
-			identifieRE_match = _identifieRE.match
-			for i in range(selfirstline - 1, -1, -1):
-				line = alllines[i]
-				if line[:6] == 'class ':
-					classname = string.split(string.strip(line[6:]))[0]
-					classend = identifieRE_match(classname)
-					if classend < 1:
-						raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t find a class.'
-					classname = classname[:classend]
-					break
-				elif line and line[0] not in '\t#':
-					raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t find a class.'
-			else:
-				raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t find a class.'
-			if globals.has_key(classname):
-				locals = globals[classname].__dict__
-			else:
-				raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t find class ³%s².' % classname
-			for i in range(len(lines)):
-				lines[i] = lines[i][1:]
-			pytext = string.join(lines, '\r')
-		elif indent > 0:
-			raise W.AlertError, 'Can¹t run indented code.'
-		# add newlines to fool compile/exec: a traceback will give the right line number
-		pytext = selfirstline * '\r' + pytext
-		if self.path:
-			cwd = os.getcwd()
-			os.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.path) + ':')
-		else:
-			cwd = None
-		execstring(pytext, globals, locals, file, self.debugging, self.run_as_main, self.profiling)
-		if cwd:
-			os.chdir(cwd)
-	def getenvironment(self):
-		if self.path:
-			file = self.path
-			modname = _filename_as_modname(self.title)
-			if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
-				globals = sys.modules[modname].__dict__
-				self.globals = {}
-			else:
-				globals = self.globals
-		else:
-			file = '<%s>' % self.title
-			globals = self.globals
-		return globals, file
-	def write(self, stuff):
-		"""for use as stdout"""
-		self._buf = self._buf + stuff
-		if '\n' in self._buf:
-			self.flush()
-	def flush(self):
-		stuff = string.split(self._buf, '\n')
-		stuff = string.join(stuff, '\r')
-		end = self.editgroup.editor.ted.WEGetTextLength()
-		self.editgroup.editor.ted.WESetSelection(end, end)
-		self.editgroup.editor.ted.WEInsert(stuff, None, None)
-		self.editgroup.editor.updatescrollbars()
-		self._buf = ""
-		# ? optional:
-		#self.wid.SelectWindow()
-	def getclasslist(self):
-		from string import find, strip
-		editor = self.editgroup.editor
-		text = editor.get()
-		list = []
-		append = list.append
-		functag = "func"
-		classtag = "class"
-		methodtag = "method"
-		pos = -1
-		if text[:4] == 'def ':
-			append((pos + 4, functag))
-			pos = 4
-		while 1:
-			pos = find(text, '\rdef ', pos + 1)
-			if pos < 0:
-				break
-			append((pos + 5, functag))
-		pos = -1
-		if text[:6] == 'class ':
-			append((pos + 6, classtag))
-			pos = 6
-		while 1:
-			pos = find(text, '\rclass ', pos + 1)
-			if pos < 0:
-				break
-			append((pos + 7, classtag))
-		pos = 0
-		while 1:
-			pos = find(text, '\r\tdef ', pos + 1)
-			if pos < 0:
-				break
-			append((pos + 6, methodtag))
-		list.sort()
-		classlist = []
-		methodlistappend = None
-		offsetToLine = editor.ted.WEOffsetToLine
-		getLineRange = editor.ted.WEGetLineRange
-		append = classlist.append
-		identifieRE_match = _identifieRE.match
-		for pos, tag in list:
-			lineno = offsetToLine(pos)
-			lineStart, lineEnd = getLineRange(lineno)
-			line = strip(text[pos:lineEnd])
-			line = line[:identifieRE_match(line)]
-			if tag is functag:
-				append(("def " + line, lineno + 1))
-				methodlistappend = None
-			elif tag is classtag:
-				append(["class " + line])
-				methodlistappend = classlist[-1].append
-			elif methodlistappend and tag is methodtag:
-				methodlistappend(("def " + line, lineno + 1))
-		return classlist
-	def popselectline(self, lineno):
-		self.editgroup.editor.selectline(lineno - 1)
-	def selectline(self, lineno, charoffset = 0):
-		self.editgroup.editor.selectline(lineno - 1, charoffset)
-class Reporter(Editor):
-	def close(self):
-		self.globals = None
-		W.Window.close(self)
-	def domenu_run(self, *args):
-	def domenu_runselection(self, *args):
-		self.runselection()
-	def setupwidgets(self, text):
-		topbarheight = -1
-		popfieldwidth = 80
-		self.lastlineno = None
-		# make an editor
-		self.editgroup = W.Group((0, topbarheight + 1, 0, 0))
-		self.editgroup.editor = W.PyEditor((0, 0, -15,-15), text)
-		# make the widgets
-		self.editgroup._barx = W.Scrollbar((popfieldwidth-2, -15, -14, 16), self.editgroup.editor.hscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.editgroup._bary = W.Scrollbar((-15, -1, 16, -14), self.editgroup.editor.vscroll, max = 32767)
-		self.hline = W.HorizontalLine((0, -15, 0, 0))
-		# bind some keys
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmdr",
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("enter", self.runselection)
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmde", searchengine.setfindstring)
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmdf",
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmdg", searchengine.findnext)
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmdshiftr", searchengine.replace)
-		self.editgroup.editor.bind("cmdt", searchengine.replacefind)
-def _escape(where, what) : 
-	return string.join(string.split(where, what), '\\' + what)
-def _makewholewordpattern(word):
-	# first, escape special regex chars
-	for esc in "\\[].*^+$?":
-		word = _escape(word, esc)
-	import regex
-	notwordcharspat = '[^' + _wordchars + ']'
-	pattern = '\(' + word + '\)'
-	if word[0] in _wordchars:
-		pattern = notwordcharspat + pattern
-	if word[-1] in _wordchars:
-		pattern = pattern + notwordcharspat
-	return regex.compile(pattern)
-class SearchEngine:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.visible = 0
-		self.w = None
-		self.parms = {  "find": "",
-					"replace": "",
-					"wrap": 1,
-					"casesens": 1,
-					"wholeword": 1
-				}
-		import MacPrefs
-		prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath)
-		if prefs.searchengine:
-			self.parms["casesens"] = prefs.searchengine.casesens
-			self.parms["wrap"] = prefs.searchengine.wrap
-			self.parms["wholeword"] = prefs.searchengine.wholeword
-	def show(self):
-		self.visible = 1
-		if self.w:
-			self.w.wid.ShowWindow()
-			self.w.wid.SelectWindow()
-			self.w.find.edit.selectall()
-			return
-		self.w = W.Dialog((420, 150), "Find")
-		self.w.find = TitledEditText((10, 4, 300, 36), "Search for:")
-		self.w.replace = TitledEditText((10, 100, 300, 36), "Replace with:")
-		self.w.boxes = W.Group((10, 50, 300, 40))
-		self.w.boxes.casesens = W.CheckBox((0, 0, 100, 16), "Case sensitive")
-		self.w.boxes.wholeword = W.CheckBox((0, 20, 100, 16), "Whole word")
-		self.w.boxes.wrap = W.CheckBox((110, 0, 100, 16), "Wrap around")
-		self.buttons = [	("Find",		"cmdf",	 self.find), 
-					("Replace",	     "cmdr",	 self.replace), 
-					("Replace all",	 None,   self.replaceall), 
-					("Don¹t find",  "cmdd",	 self.dont), 
-					("Cancel",	      "cmd.",	 self.cancel)
-				]
-		for i in range(len(self.buttons)):
-			bounds = -90, 22 + i * 24, 80, 16
-			title, shortcut, callback = self.buttons[i]
-			self.w[title] = W.Button(bounds, title, callback)
-			if shortcut:
-				self.w.bind(shortcut, self.w[title].push)
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w["Don¹t find"])
-		self.w.find.edit.bind("<key>", self.key)
-		self.w.bind("<activate>", self.activate)
-		self.setparms()
-		self.w.find.edit.selectall()
-		self.checkbuttons()
-	def key(self, char, modifiers):
-		self.w.find.edit.key(char, modifiers)
-		self.checkbuttons()
-		return 1
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			self.checkbuttons()
-	def checkbuttons(self):
-		editor = findeditor(self)
-		if editor:
-			if self.w.find.get():
-				for title, cmd, call in self.buttons[:-2]:
-					self.w[title].enable(1)
-				self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w["Find"])
-			else:
-				for title, cmd, call in self.buttons[:-2]:
-					self.w[title].enable(0)
-				self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w["Don¹t find"])
-		else:
-			for title, cmd, call in self.buttons[:-2]:
-				self.w[title].enable(0)
-			self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w["Don¹t find"])
-	def find(self):
-		self.getparmsfromwindow()
-		if self.findnext():
-			self.hide()
-	def replace(self):
-		editor = findeditor(self)
-		if not editor:
-			return
-		if self.visible:
-			self.getparmsfromwindow()
-		text = editor.getselectedtext()
-		find = self.parms["find"]
-		if not self.parms["casesens"]:
-			find = string.lower(find)
-			text = string.lower(text)
-		if text == find:
-			self.hide()
-			editor.insert(self.parms["replace"])
-	def replaceall(self):
-		editor = findeditor(self)
-		if not editor:
-			return
-		if self.visible:
-			self.getparmsfromwindow()
-		W.SetCursor("watch")
-		find = self.parms["find"]
-		if not find:
-			return
-		findlen = len(find)
-		replace = self.parms["replace"]
-		replacelen = len(replace)
-		Text = editor.get()
-		if not self.parms["casesens"]:
-			find = string.lower(find)
-			text = string.lower(Text)
-		else:
-			text = Text
-		newtext = ""
-		pos = 0
-		counter = 0
-		while 1:
-			if self.parms["wholeword"]:
-				wholewordRE = _makewholewordpattern(find)
-, pos)
-				if wholewordRE.regs:
-					pos = wholewordRE.regs[1][0]
-				else:
-					pos = -1
-			else:
-				pos = string.find(text, find, pos)
-			if pos < 0:
-				break
-			counter = counter + 1
-			text = text[:pos] + replace + text[pos + findlen:]
-			Text = Text[:pos] + replace + Text[pos + findlen:]
-			pos = pos + replacelen
-		W.SetCursor("arrow")
-		if counter:
-			self.hide()
-			import EasyDialogs
-			import Res
-			editor.changed = 1
-			editor.selchanged = 1
-			editor.ted.WEUseText(Res.Resource(Text))
-			editor.ted.WECalText()
-			editor.SetPort()
-			Win.InvalRect(editor._bounds)
-			#editor.ted.WEUpdate(self.w.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
-			EasyDialogs.Message("Replaced %d occurrences" % counter)
-	def dont(self):
-		self.getparmsfromwindow()
-		self.hide()
-	def replacefind(self):
-		self.replace()
-		self.findnext()
-	def setfindstring(self):
-		editor = findeditor(self)
-		if not editor:
-			return
-		find = editor.getselectedtext()
-		if not find:
-			return
-		self.parms["find"] = find
-		if self.w:
-			self.w.find.edit.set(self.parms["find"])
-			self.w.find.edit.selectall()
-	def findnext(self):
-		editor = findeditor(self)
-		if not editor:
-			return
-		find = self.parms["find"]
-		if not find:
-			return
-		text = editor.get()
-		if not self.parms["casesens"]:
-			find = string.lower(find)
-			text = string.lower(text)
-		selstart, selend = editor.getselection()
-		selstart, selend = min(selstart, selend), max(selstart, selend)
-		if self.parms["wholeword"]:
-			wholewordRE = _makewholewordpattern(find)
-, selend)
-			if wholewordRE.regs:
-				pos = wholewordRE.regs[1][0]
-			else:
-				pos = -1
-		else:
-			pos = string.find(text, find, selend)
-		if pos >= 0:
-			editor.setselection(pos, pos + len(find))
-			return 1
-		elif self.parms["wrap"]:
-			if self.parms["wholeword"]:
-, 0)
-				if wholewordRE.regs:
-					pos = wholewordRE.regs[1][0]
-				else:
-					pos = -1
-			else:
-				pos = string.find(text, find)
-			if selstart > pos >= 0:
-				editor.setselection(pos, pos + len(find))
-				return 1
-	def setparms(self):
-		for key, value in self.parms.items():
-			try:
-				self.w[key].set(value)
-			except KeyError:
-				self.w.boxes[key].set(value)
-	def getparmsfromwindow(self):
-		if not self.w:
-			return
-		for key, value in self.parms.items():
-			try:
-				value = self.w[key].get()
-			except KeyError:
-				value = self.w.boxes[key].get()
-			self.parms[key] = value
-	def cancel(self):
-		self.hide()
-		self.setparms()
-	def hide(self):
-		if self.w:
-			self.w.wid.HideWindow()
-			self.visible = 0
-	def writeprefs(self):
-		import MacPrefs
-		self.getparmsfromwindow()
-		prefs = MacPrefs.GetPrefs(W.getapplication().preffilepath)
-		prefs.searchengine.casesens = self.parms["casesens"]
-		prefs.searchengine.wrap = self.parms["wrap"]
-		prefs.searchengine.wholeword = self.parms["wholeword"]
-class TitledEditText(W.Group):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title, text = ""):
-		W.Group.__init__(self, possize)
-		self.title = W.TextBox((0, 0, 0, 16), title)
-		self.edit = W.EditText((0, 16, 0, 0), text)
-	def set(self, value):
-		self.edit.set(value)
-	def get(self):
-		return self.edit.get()
-class ClassFinder(W.PopupWidget):
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		W.SetCursor("watch")
-		self.set(self._parentwindow.getclasslist())
-, point, modifiers)
-def getminindent(lines):
-	indent = -1
-	for line in lines:
-		stripped = string.strip(line)
-		if not stripped or stripped[0] == '#':
-			continue
-		if indent < 0 or line[:indent] <> indent * '\t':
-			indent = 0
-			for c in line:
-				if c <> '\t':
-					break
-				indent = indent + 1
-	return indent
-def getoptionkey():
-	return not not ord(Evt.GetKeys()[7]) & 0x04
-def execstring(pytext, globals, locals, filename = "<string>", debugging = 0, 
-			run_as_main = 0, profiling = 0):
-	if debugging:
-		import PyDebugger, bdb
-		BdbQuit = bdb.BdbQuit
-	else:
-		BdbQuit = 'BdbQuitDummyException'
-	pytext = string.split(pytext, '\r')
-	pytext = string.join(pytext, '\n') + '\n'
-	W.SetCursor("watch")
-	modname = os.path.basename(filename)
-	if modname[-3:] == '.py':
-		modname = modname[:-3]
-	if run_as_main:
-		globals['__name__'] = '__main__'
-	else:
-		globals['__name__'] = modname
-	globals['__file__'] = filename
-	sys.argv = [filename]
-	try:
-		code = compile(pytext, filename, "exec")
-	except:
-		tracebackwindow.traceback(1, filename)
-		return
-	try:
-		if debugging:
-			PyDebugger.startfromhere()
-		else:
-			MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
-		try:
-			if profiling:
-				import profile, ProfileBrowser
-				p = profile.Profile(ProfileBrowser.timer)
-				p.set_cmd(filename)
-				try:
-					p.runctx(code, globals, locals)
-				finally:
-					import pstats
-					stats = pstats.Stats(p)
-					ProfileBrowser.ProfileBrowser(stats)
-			else:
-				exec code in globals, locals
-		finally:
-			MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-	except W.AlertError, detail:
-		raise W.AlertError, detail
-	except (KeyboardInterrupt, BdbQuit):
-		pass
-	except:
-		if debugging:
-			sys.settrace(None)
-			PyDebugger.postmortem(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)
-			return
-		else:
-			tracebackwindow.traceback(1, filename)
-	if debugging:
-		sys.settrace(None)
-		PyDebugger.stop()
-_identifieRE = regex.compile("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*")
-def _filename_as_modname(fname):
-	if fname[-3:] == '.py':
-		mname = fname[:-3]
-		if _identifieRE.match(mname) == len(mname):
-			return mname
-def findeditor(topwindow, fromtop = 0):
-	wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-	if not fromtop:
-		if topwindow.w and wid == topwindow.w.wid:
-			wid = topwindow.w.wid.GetNextWindow()
-	if not wid:
-		return
-	window = W.getapplication()._windows[wid]
-	if not W.HasBaseClass(window, Editor):
-		return
-	return window.editgroup.editor
-searchengine = SearchEngine()
-tracebackwindow = Wtraceback.TraceBack()
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index 6503636..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-"""Module to analyze Python source code; for syntax coloring tools.
-	tags = fontify(pytext, searchfrom, searchto)
-The 'pytext' argument is a string containing Python source code.
-The (optional) arguments 'searchfrom' and 'searchto' may contain a slice in pytext. 
-The returned value is a lists of tuples, formatted like this:
-	[('keyword', 0, 6, None), ('keyword', 11, 17, None), ('comment', 23, 53, None), etc. ]
-The tuple contents are always like this:
-	(tag, startindex, endindex, sublist)
-tag is one of 'keyword', 'string', 'comment' or 'identifier'
-sublist is not used, hence always None. 
-# Based on by Mitchell S. Chapman,
-# which was modified by Zachary Roadhouse,
-# then un-Tk'd by Just van Rossum.
-# Many thanks for regular expression debugging & authoring are due to:
-#	Tim (the-incredib-ly y'rs) Peters and Cristian Tismer
-# So, who owns the copyright? ;-) How about this:
-# Copyright 1996-1997: 
-#	Mitchell S. Chapman,
-#	Zachary Roadhouse,
-#	Tim Peters,
-#	Just van Rossum
-__version__ = "0.3.1"
-import string, regex
-# First a little helper, since I don't like to repeat things. (Tismer speaking)
-import string
-def replace(where, what, with):
-	return string.join(string.split(where, what), with)
-# This list of keywords is taken from ref/node13.html of the
-# Python 1.3 HTML documentation. ("access" is intentionally omitted.)
-keywordsList = [
-	"del", "from", "lambda", "return",
-	"and", "elif", "global", "not", "try",
-	"break", "else", "if", "or", "while",
-	"class", "except", "import", "pass",
-	"continue", "finally", "in", "print",
-	"def", "for", "is", "raise"]
-# Build up a regular expression which will match anything
-# interesting, including multi-line triple-quoted strings.
-commentPat = "#.*"
-pat = "q[^\q\n]*\(\\\\[\000-\377][^\q\n]*\)*q"
-quotePat = replace(pat, "q", "'") + "\|" + replace(pat, 'q', '"')
-# Way to go, Tim!
-pat = """
-	qqq
-	[^\\q]*
-	\(
-		\(	\\\\[\000-\377]
-		\|	q
-			\(	\\\\[\000-\377]
-			\|	[^\\q]
-			\|	q
-				\(	\\\\[\000-\377]
-				\|	[^\\q]
-				\)
-			\)
-		\)
-		[^\\q]*
-	\)*
-	qqq
-pat = string.join(string.split(pat), '')	# get rid of whitespace
-tripleQuotePat = replace(pat, "q", "'") + "\|" + replace(pat, 'q', '"')
-# Build up a regular expression which matches all and only
-# Python keywords. This will let us skip the uninteresting
-# identifier references.
-# nonKeyPat identifies characters which may legally precede
-# a keyword pattern.
-nonKeyPat = "\(^\|[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\"']\)"
-keyPat = nonKeyPat + "\("
-for keyword in keywordsList:
-	keyPat = keyPat + keyword + "\|"
-keyPat = keyPat[:-2] + "\)" + nonKeyPat
-matchPat = keyPat + "\|" + commentPat + "\|" + tripleQuotePat + "\|" + quotePat
-matchRE = regex.compile(matchPat)
-idKeyPat = "[ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.]*"	# Ident w. leading whitespace.
-idRE = regex.compile(idKeyPat)
-def fontify(pytext, searchfrom = 0, searchto = None):
-	if searchto is None:
-		searchto = len(pytext)
-	# Cache a few attributes for quicker reference.
-	search =
-	group =
-	idSearch =
-	idGroup =
-	tags = []
-	tags_append = tags.append
-	commentTag = 'comment'
-	stringTag = 'string'
-	keywordTag = 'keyword'
-	identifierTag = 'identifier'
-	start = 0
-	end = searchfrom
-	while 1:
-		start = search(pytext, end)
-		if start < 0 or start >= searchto:
-			break	# EXIT LOOP
-		match = group(0)
-		end = start + len(match)
-		c = match[0]
-		if c not in "#'\"":
-			# Must have matched a keyword.
-			if start <> searchfrom:
-				# there's still a redundant char before and after it, strip!
-				match = match[1:-1]
-				start = start + 1
-			else:
-				# this is the first keyword in the text.
-				# Only a space at the end.
-				match = match[:-1]
-			end = end - 1
-			tags_append((keywordTag, start, end, None))
-			# If this was a defining keyword, look ahead to the
-			# following identifier.
-			if match in ["def", "class"]:
-				start = idSearch(pytext, end)
-				if start == end:
-					match = idGroup(0)
-					end = start + len(match)
-					tags_append((identifierTag, start, end, None))
-		elif c == "#":
-			tags_append((commentTag, start, end, None))
-		else:
-			tags_append((stringTag, start, end, None))
-	return tags
-def test(path):
-	f = open(path)
-	text =
-	f.close()
-	tags = fontify(text)
-	for tag, start, end, sublist in tags:
-		print tag, `text[start:end]`
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index dc75e4b..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-import string
-import sys
-import traceback
-	sys.ps1
-except AttributeError:
-	sys.ps1 = ">>> "
-	sys.ps2
-except AttributeError:
-	sys.ps2 = "... "
-def print_exc(limit=None, file=None):
-	if not file:
-		file = sys.stderr
-	# we're going to skip the outermost traceback object, we don't
-	# want people to see the line which excecuted their code.
-	tb = sys.exc_traceback
-	if tb:
-		tb = tb.tb_next
-	try:
-		sys.last_type = sys.exc_type
-		sys.last_value = sys.exc_value
-		sys.last_traceback = tb
-		traceback.print_exception(sys.last_type, sys.last_value, 
-					sys.last_traceback, limit, file)
-	except:
-		print '--- hola! ---'
-		traceback.print_exception(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, 
-					sys.exc_traceback, limit, file)
-class PyInteractive:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self._pybuf = ""
-	def executeline(self, stuff, out = None, env = None):
-		if env is None:
-			import __main__
-			env = __main__.__dict__
-		if out:
-			saveerr, saveout = sys.stderr, sys.stdout
-			sys.stderr = sys.stdout = out
-		try:
-			if self._pybuf:
-				self._pybuf = self._pybuf + '\n' + stuff
-			else:
-				self._pybuf = stuff
-			# Compile three times: as is, with \n, and with \n\n appended.
-			# If it compiles as is, it's complete.  If it compiles with
-			# one \n appended, we expect more.  If it doesn't compile
-			# either way, we compare the error we get when compiling with
-			# \n or \n\n appended.  If the errors are the same, the code
-			# is broken.  But if the errors are different, we expect more.
-			# Not intuitive; not even guaranteed to hold in future
-			# releases; but this matches the compiler's behavior in Python
-			# 1.4 and 1.5.
-			err = err1 = err2 = None
-			code = code1 = code2 = None
-			# quickly get out of here when the line is 'empty' or is a comment
-			stripped = string.strip(self._pybuf)
-			if not stripped or stripped[0] == '#':
-				self._pybuf = ''
-				sys.stdout.write(sys.ps1)
-				sys.stdout.flush()
-				return
-			try:
-				code = compile(self._pybuf, "<input>", "single")
-			except SyntaxError, err:
-				pass
-			except:
-				# OverflowError. More?
-				print_exc()
-				self._pybuf = ""
-				sys.stdout.write(sys.ps1)
-				sys.stdout.flush()
-				return
-			try:
-				code1 = compile(self._pybuf + "\n", "<input>", "single")
-			except SyntaxError, err1:
-				pass
-			try:
-				code2 = compile(self._pybuf + "\n\n", "<input>", "single")
-			except SyntaxError, err2:
-				pass
-			if code:
-				try:
-					exec code in env
-				except:
-					print_exc()
-				self._pybuf = ""
-			elif code1:
-				pass
-			elif err1 == err2 or (not stuff and self._pybuf):
-				print_exc()
-				self._pybuf = ""
-			if self._pybuf:
-				sys.stdout.write(sys.ps2)
-				sys.stdout.flush()
-			else:
-				sys.stdout.write(sys.ps1)
-				sys.stdout.flush()
-		finally:
-			if out:
-				sys.stderr, sys.stdout = saveerr, saveout
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index a7ee5d8..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-spacekey		= ' '
-returnkey 		= '\r'
-tabkey 		= '\t'
-enterkey 		= '\003'
-backspacekey 	= '\010'
-deletekey 		= '\177'
-helpkey 		= '\005'
-leftarrowkey 	= '\034'
-rightarrowkey 	= '\035'
-uparrowkey 		= '\036'
-downarrowkey 	= '\037'
-arrowkeys 		= [leftarrowkey, rightarrowkey, uparrowkey, downarrowkey]
-topkey 		= '\001'
-bottomkey 		= '\004'
-pageupkey 		= '\013'
-pagedownkey 	= '\014'
-scrollkeys 		= [topkey, bottomkey, pageupkey, pagedownkey]
-navigationkeys = arrowkeys + scrollkeys
-keycodes = {
-	"space"		: ' ',
-	"return"		: '\r',
-	"tab" 			: '\t',
-	"enter" 		: '\003',
-	"backspace"	: '\010',
-	"delete"		: '\177',
-	"help" 		: '\005',
-	"leftarrow"		: '\034',
-	"rightarrow" 	: '\035',
-	"uparrow" 		: '\036',
-	"downarrow"	: '\037',
-	"top" 			: '\001',
-	"bottom" 		: '\004',
-	"pageup" 		: '\013',
-	"pagedown" 	: '\014'
-keynames = {}
-for k, v in keycodes.items():
-	keynames[v] = k
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deleted file mode 100644
index 161ddd6..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-"""Widgets for the Macintosh. Built on top of FrameWork"""
-__version__ = "0.1"
-from Wbase import *
-from Wcontrols import *
-from Wtext import *
-from Wlist import *
-from Wwindows import *
-from Wmenus import *
-_application = None
-_signature = None
-AlertError = 'AlertError'
-def setapplication(app, sig):
-	global _application, _signature
-	_application = app
-	_signature = sig
-def getapplication():
-	if _application is None:
-		raise WidgetsError, 'W not properly initialized: unknown Application'
-	return _application
-def Message(text):
-	import EasyDialogs, Qd
-	Qd.InitCursor()
-	if text:
-		EasyDialogs.Message(text)
-	else:
-		EasyDialogs.Message('<Alert text not specified>')
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deleted file mode 100644
index 267d8ac..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-import FrameWork
-import Win
-import Qd
-import MacOS
-import Events
-import traceback
-from types import *
-import Menu; MenuToolbox = Menu; del Menu
-class Application(FrameWork.Application):
-	def __init__(self, signature = 'Pyth'):
-		import W
-		W.setapplication(self, signature)
-		FrameWork.Application.__init__(self)
-		self._suspended = 0
-		self.quitting = 0
-		self.debugger_quitting = 1
-		self.DebuggerQuit = 'DebuggerQuitDummyException'
-	def mainloop(self, mask = FrameWork.everyEvent, wait = 0):
-		import W
-		self.quitting = 0
-		saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-		try:
-			while not self.quitting:
-				try:
-					self.do1event(mask, wait)
-				except W.AlertError, detail:
-					MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-					W.Message(detail)
-				except self.DebuggerQuit:
-					MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-				except:
-					MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-					import PyEdit
-					PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
-		finally:
-			MacOS.EnableAppswitch(1)
-	def debugger_mainloop(self, mask = FrameWork.everyEvent, wait = 0):
-		import W
-		self.debugger_quitting = 0
-		saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-		try:
-			while not self.quitting and not self.debugger_quitting:
-				try:
-					self.do1event(mask, wait)
-				except W.AlertError, detail:
-					W.Message(detail)
-				except:
-					import PyEdit
-					PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback()
-		finally:
-			MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
-	def idle(self, event):
-		if not self._suspended:
-			if not self.do_frontWindowMethod("idle", event):
-				Qd.InitCursor()
-	def do_frontWindowMethod(self, attr, *args):
-		wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
-			window = self._windows[wid]
-			if hasattr(window, attr):
-				handler = getattr(window, attr)
-				apply(handler, args)
-				return 1
-	def appendwindow(self, wid, window):
-		self._windows[wid] = window
-		self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
-	def removewindow(self, wid):
-		del self._windows[wid]
-		self.makeopenwindowsmenu()
-	def do_key(self, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		ch = chr(message & FrameWork.charCodeMask)
-		rest = message & ~FrameWork.charCodeMask
-		wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if modifiers & FrameWork.cmdKey:
-			if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
-				self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
-			else:
-				self.checkmenus(None)
-			event = (what, ord(ch) | rest, when, where, modifiers)
-			result = MenuToolbox.MenuKey(ord(ch))
-			id = (result>>16) & 0xffff	# Hi word
-			item = result & 0xffff		# Lo word
-			if id:
-				self.do_rawmenu(id, item, None, event)
-				return	# here! we had a menukey! 
-			#else:
-			#	print "XXX Command-" +`ch`
-		# See whether the front window wants it
-		if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
-			window = self._windows[wid]
-			try:
-				do_char = window.do_char
-			except AttributeError:
-				do_char = self.do_char
-			do_char(ch, event)
-		# else it wasn't for us, sigh...
-	def do_inMenuBar(self, partcode, window, event):
-		Qd.InitCursor()
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		self.checkopenwindowsmenu()
-		wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
-			self.checkmenus(self._windows[wid])
-		else:
-			self.checkmenus(None)
-		result = MenuToolbox.MenuSelect(where)
-		id = (result>>16) & 0xffff	# Hi word
-		item = result & 0xffff		# Lo word
-		self.do_rawmenu(id, item, window, event)
-	def do_updateEvt(self, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		wid = Win.WhichWindow(message)
-		if wid and self._windows.has_key(wid):
-			window = self._windows[wid]
-			window.do_rawupdate(wid, event)
-		else:
-			if wid:
-				wid.HideWindow()
-				import sys
-				sys.stderr.write("XXX killed unknown (crashed?) Python window.\n")
-			else:
-				MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
-	def suspendresume(self, onoff):
-		pass
-	def do_suspendresume(self, event):
-		# Is this a good idea???
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		self._suspended = not message & 1
-		self.suspendresume(message & 1)
-		w = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if w:
-			# XXXX Incorrect, should stuff windowptr into message field
-			nev = (Events.activateEvt, w, when, where, message&1)
-			self.do_activateEvt(nev)
-	def checkopenwindowsmenu(self):
-		if self._openwindowscheckmark:
-, 0)
-		window = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if window:
-			for item, wid in self._openwindows.items():
-				if wid == window:
-					#self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.check(1)
-, 1)
-					self._openwindowscheckmark = item
-					break
-		else:
-			self._openwindowscheckmark = 0
-		#if self._openwindows:
-		#	self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(1)
-		#else:
-		#	self.pythonwindowsmenuitem.enable(0)
-	def checkmenus(self, window):
-		for item in self._menustocheck:
-			callback =[item.item-1][2]
-			if type(callback) <> StringType:
-				item.enable(1)
-			elif hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
-				if hasattr(window, "can_" + callback):
-					canhandler = getattr(window, "can_" + callback)
-					if canhandler(item):
-						item.enable(1)
-					else:
-						item.enable(0)
-				else:
-					item.enable(1)
-			else:
-				item.enable(0)
-	def makemenubar(self):
-		self.menubar = MenuBar(self)
-		FrameWork.AppleMenu(self.menubar, self.getabouttext(), self.do_about)
-		self.makeusermenus()
-	def scriptswalk(self, top, menu):
-		import os, macfs, string
-		try:
-			names = os.listdir(top)
-		except os.error:
-			FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, '(Scripts Folder not found)', None, None)
-			return
-		for name in names:
-			path = os.path.join(top, name)
-			name = string.strip(name)
-			if name[-3:] == '---':
-				menu.addseparator()
-			elif os.path.isdir(path):
-				submenu = FrameWork.SubMenu(menu, name)
-				self.scriptswalk(path, submenu)
-			else:
-				fss = macfs.FSSpec(path)
-				creator, type = fss.GetCreatorType()
-				if type == 'TEXT':
-					if name[-3:] == '.py':
-						name = name[:-3]
-					item = FrameWork.MenuItem(menu, name, None, self.domenu_script)
-					self._scripts[(, item.item)] = path
-	def domenu_script(self, id, item, window, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		path = self._scripts[(id, item)]
-		import os
-		if not os.path.exists(path):
-			self.makescriptsmenu()
-			import W
-			raise W.AlertError, "File not found."
-		if modifiers & FrameWork.optionKey:
-			self.openscript(path)
-		else:
-			import W, MacOS, sys
-			W.SetCursor("watch")
-			sys.argv = [path]
-			#cwd = os.getcwd()
-			#os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path) + ':')
-			try:
-				# xxx if there is a script window for this file,
-				# exec in that window's namespace.
-				# xxx what to do when it's not saved???
-				# promt to save?
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(0)
-				execfile(path, {'__name__': '__main__', '__file__': path})
-			except W.AlertError, detail:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-				raise W.AlertError, detail
-			except KeyboardInterrupt:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-			except:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-				import PyEdit
-				PyEdit.tracebackwindow.traceback(1)
-			else:
-				MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-			#os.chdir(cwd)
-	def openscript(self, filename, lineno = None, charoffset = 0):
-		import os, PyEdit, W
-		editor = self.getscript(filename)
-		if editor:
-		elif os.path.exists(filename):
-			editor = PyEdit.Editor(filename)
-		elif filename[-3:] == '.py':
-			import imp
-			modname = os.path.basename(filename)[:-3]
-			try:
-				f, filename, (suff, mode, dummy) = imp.find_module(modname)
-			except ImportError:
-				raise W.AlertError, "Can¹t find file for ³%s²" % modname
-			else:
-				f.close()
-			if suff == '.py':
-				self.openscript(filename, lineno, charoffset)
-				return
-			else:
-				raise W.AlertError, "Can¹t find file for ³%s²" % modname
-		else:
-			raise W.AlertError, "Can¹t find file Œ%s¹" % filename
-		if lineno is not None:
-			editor.selectline(lineno, charoffset)
-		return editor
-	def getscript(self, filename):
-		if filename[:1] == '<' and filename[-1:] == '>':
-			filename = filename[1:-1]
-		import string
-		lowpath = string.lower(filename)
-		for wid, window in self._windows.items():
-			if hasattr(window, "path") and lowpath == string.lower(window.path):
-				return window
-			elif hasattr(window, "path") and filename == wid.GetWTitle():
-				return window
-	def getprefs(self):
-		import MacPrefs
-		return MacPrefs.GetPrefs(self.preffilepath)
-class MenuBar(FrameWork.MenuBar):
-	possibleIDs = range(10, 256)
-	def getnextid(self):
-		id = self.possibleIDs[0]
-		del self.possibleIDs[0]
-		return id
-	def __init__(self, parent = None):
- = MenuToolbox.GetMenuBar()
-		MenuToolbox.ClearMenuBar()
-		self.menus = {}
-		self.parent = parent
-	def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
-		if self.menus.has_key(id):
-			self.menus[id].dispatch(id, item, window, event)
-	def delmenu(self, id):
-		MenuToolbox.DeleteMenu(id)
-		if id in self.possibleIDs:
-			print "XXX duplicate menu ID!", id
-		self.possibleIDs.append(id)
-class Menu(FrameWork.Menu):
-	def dispatch(self, id, item, window, event):
-		title, shortcut, callback, kind = self.items[item-1]
-		if type(callback) == StringType:
-			callback = self._getmenuhandler(callback)
-		if callback:
-			import W
-			W.CallbackCall(callback, 0, id, item, window, event)
-	def _getmenuhandler(self, callback):
-		menuhandler = None
-		wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if wid and
-			window =[wid]
-			if hasattr(window, "domenu_" + callback):
-				menuhandler = getattr(window, "domenu_" + callback)
-			elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
-				menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
-		elif hasattr(, "domenu_" + callback):
-			menuhandler = getattr(, "domenu_" + callback)
-		return menuhandler
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index bcd7789..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-import Qd
-import Win
-import QuickDraw
-import Evt
-import string
-from types import *
-from SpecialKeys import *
-import sys
-WidgetsError = "WidgetsError"
-DEBUG = 0
-class Widget:
-	_selectable = 0
-	def __init__(self, possize):
-		self._widgets = []
-		self._widgetsdict = {}
-		self._possize = possize
-		self._bounds = None
-		self._visible = 1
-		self._enabled = 0
-		self._selected = 0
-		self._activated = 0
-		self._callback = None
-		self._parent = None
-		self._parentwindow = None
-		self._bindings = {}
-		self._backcolor = None
-	def show(self, onoff):
-		self.SetPort()
-		self._visible = onoff
-		print 'Background'
-		if self._visible and self._backcolor:
-			penstate = Qd.GetPenState()
-			Qd.RGBForeColor(self._backcolor)
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-			Qd.RGBForeColor((0, 0, 0))
-			Qd.SetPenState(penstate)
-		for w in self._widgets:
-		if onoff:
-			self.draw()
-		else:
-			Qd.EraseRect(self._bounds)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			# draw your stuff here
-			pass
-	def getpossize(self):
-		return self._possize
-	def getbounds(self):
-		return self._bounds
-	def move(self, x, y = None):
-		"""absolute move"""
-		if y == None:
-			x, y = x
-		if type(self._possize) <> TupleType:
-			raise WidgetsError, "can't move widget with bounds function"
-		l, t, r, b = self._possize
-		self.resize(x, y, r, b)
-	def rmove(self, x, y = None):
-		"""relative move"""
-		if y == None:
-			x, y = x
-		if type(self._possize) <> TupleType:
-			raise WidgetsError, "can't move widget with bounds function"
-		l, t, r, b = self._possize
-		self.resize(l + x, t + y, r, b)
-	def resize(self, *args):
-		#print "yep.", args
-		if len(args) == 1:
-			if type(args[0]) == FunctionType or type(args[0]) == MethodType:
-				self._possize = args[0]
-			else:
-				apply(self.resize, args[0])
-		elif len(args) == 2:
-			self._possize = (0, 0) + args
-		elif len(args) == 4:
-			self._possize = args
-		else:
-			raise TypeError, "wrong number of arguments"
-		self._calcbounds()
-	def open(self):
-		self._calcbounds()
-	def close(self):
-		#print "xxx Closing Widget"
-		del self._callback
-		del self._possize
-		del self._bindings
-		del self._parent
-		del self._parentwindow
-	def bind(self, key, callback):
-		"""bind a key or an 'event' to a callback"""
-		if callback:
-			self._bindings[key] = callback
-		elif self._bindings.has_key(key):
-			del self._bindings[key]
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-		Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-	def _calcbounds(self):
-		oldbounds = self._bounds
-		pl, pt, pr, pb = self._parent._bounds
-		if callable(self._possize):
-			width = pr - pl
-			height = pb - pt
-			self._bounds = Qd.OffsetRect(self._possize(width, height), pl, pt)
-		else:
-			l, t, r, b = self._possize
-			if l < -1:
-				l = pr + l
-			else:
-				l = pl + l
-			if t < -1:
-				t = pb + t
-			else:
-				t = pt + t
-			if r > 1:
-				r = l + r
-			else:
-				r = pr + r
-			if b > 1:
-				b = t + b
-			else:
-				b = pb + b
-			self._bounds = (l, t, r, b)
-		if oldbounds and oldbounds <> self._bounds:
-			self.adjust(oldbounds)
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			w._calcbounds()
-	def test(self, point):
-		if Qd.PtInRect(point, self._bounds):
-			return 1
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		pass
-	def findwidget(self, point, onlyenabled = 1):
-		if self.test(point):
-			for w in self._widgets:
-				widget = w.findwidget(point)
-				if widget is not None:
-					return widget
-			if self._enabled or not onlyenabled:
-				return self
-	def forall(self, methodname, *args):
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			rv = apply(w.forall, (methodname,) + args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<" + methodname + ">"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<" + methodname + ">"]
-			rv = apply(callback, args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-		if hasattr(self, methodname):
-			method = getattr(self, methodname)
-			return apply(method, args)
-	def forall_butself(self, methodname, *args):
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			rv = apply(w.forall, (methodname,) + args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-	def forall_frombottom(self, methodname, *args):
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<" + methodname + ">"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<" + methodname + ">"]
-			rv = apply(callback, args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-		if hasattr(self, methodname):
-			method = getattr(self, methodname)
-			rv = apply(method, args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			rv = apply(w.forall_frombottom, (methodname,) + args)
-			if rv: 
-				return rv
-	def _addwidget(self, key, widget):
-		if widget in self._widgets:
-			raise ValueError, "duplicate widget"
-		if self._widgetsdict.has_key(key):
-			self._removewidget(key)
-		self._widgets.append(widget)
-		self._widgetsdict[key] = widget
-		widget._parent = self
-		self._setparentwindow(widget)
-		if self._parentwindow and self._parentwindow.wid:
-			widget.forall_frombottom("open")
-			Win.InvalRect(widget._bounds)
-	def _setparentwindow(self, widget):
-		widget._parentwindow = self._parentwindow
-		for w in widget._widgets:
-			self._setparentwindow(w)
-	def _removewidget(self, key):
-		if not self._widgetsdict.has_key(key):
-			raise KeyError, "no widget with key " + `key`
-		widget = self._widgetsdict[key]
-		for k in widget._widgetsdict.keys():
-			widget._removewidget(k)
-		if self._parentwindow._currentwidget == widget:
-			self._parentwindow._currentwidget = None
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.InvalRect(widget._bounds)
-		widget.close()
-		del self._widgetsdict[key]
-		self._widgets.remove(widget)
-	def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
-		if type(value) == InstanceType and HasBaseClass(value, Widget) and	\
-				attr not in ("_currentwidget", "_lastrollover", 
-					"_parent", "_parentwindow", "_defaultbutton"):
-			if hasattr(self, attr):
-				raise ValueError, "Can't replace existing attribute: " + attr
-			self._addwidget(attr, value)
-		self.__dict__[attr] = value
-	def __delattr__(self, attr):
-		if attr == "_widgetsdict":
-			raise AttributeError, "cannot delete attribute _widgetsdict"
-		if self._widgetsdict.has_key(attr):
-			self._removewidget(attr)
-			if self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
-				del self.__dict__[attr]
-		elif self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
-			del self.__dict__[attr]
-		else:
-			raise AttributeError, attr
-	def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-		self._addwidget(key, value)
-	def __getitem__(self, key):
-		if not self._widgetsdict.has_key(key):
-			raise KeyError, key
-		return self._widgetsdict[key]
-	def __delitem__(self, key):
-		self._removewidget(key)
-	def SetPort(self):
-		self._parentwindow.SetPort()
-	def __del__(self):
-		if DEBUG:
-			print "%s instance deleted" % self.__class__.__name__
-	def _drawbounds(self):
-		Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-class ClickableWidget(Widget):
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		pass
-	def enable(self, onoff):
-		self._enabled = onoff
-		self.SetPort()
-		self.draw()
-	def callback(self):
-		if self._callback:
-			return CallbackCall(self._callback, 1)
-class SelectableWidget(ClickableWidget):
-	_selectable = 1
-	def select(self, onoff, isclick = 0):
-		if onoff == self._selected:
-			return 1
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<select>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<select>"]
-			if callback(onoff):
-				return 1
-		self._selected = onoff
-		if onoff:
-			if self._parentwindow._currentwidget is not None:
-			self._parentwindow._currentwidget = self
-		else:
-			self._parentwindow._currentwidget = None
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		pass
-	def drawselframe(self, onoff):
-		if not self._parentwindow._hasselframes:
-			return
-		thickrect = Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -3, -3)
-		state = Qd.GetPenState()
-		Qd.PenSize(2, 2)
-		if onoff:
-			Qd.PenPat(
-		else:
-			Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.white)
-		Qd.FrameRect(thickrect)
-		Qd.SetPenState(state)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if self._selected:
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(oldbounds, -3, -3))
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -3, -3))
-		else:
-			Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-			Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-class _Line(Widget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, thickness = 1):
-		Widget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._thickness = thickness
-	def open(self):
-		self._calcbounds()
-		self.SetPort()
-		self.draw()
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			Qd.PaintRect(self._bounds)
-	def _drawbounds(self):
-		pass
-class HorizontalLine(_Line):
-	def _calcbounds(self):
-		Widget._calcbounds(self)
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		self._bounds = l, t, r, t + self._thickness
-class VerticalLine(_Line):
-	def _calcbounds(self):
-		Widget._calcbounds(self)
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		self._bounds = l, t, l + self._thickness, b
-class Frame(Widget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, pattern =, color = (0, 0, 0)):
-		Widget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._framepattern = pattern
-		self._framecolor = color
-	def setcolor(self, color):
-		self._framecolor = color
-		self.draw()
-	def setpattern(self, pattern):
-		self._framepattern = pattern
-		self.draw()
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			penstate = Qd.GetPenState()
-			Qd.PenPat(self._framepattern)
-			Qd.RGBForeColor(self._framecolor)
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-			Qd.RGBForeColor((0, 0, 0))
-			Qd.SetPenState(penstate)
-class Group(Widget): pass
-class HorizontalPanes(Widget):
-	_direction = 1
-	def __init__(self, possize, panesizes = None, gutter = 8):
-		ClickableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._panesizes = panesizes
-		self._gutter = gutter
-		self._enabled = 1
-		self.setuppanes()
-	def open(self):
-		self.installbounds()
-	def setuppanes(self):
-		panesizes = self._panesizes
-		total = 0
-		if panesizes is not None:
-			#if len(self._widgets) <> len(panesizes):
-			#	raise TypeError, 'number of widgets does not match number of panes'
-			for panesize in panesizes:
-				if not 0 < panesize < 1:
-					raise TypeError, 'pane sizes must be between 0 and 1, not including.'
-				total = total + panesize
-			if round(total, 4) <> 1.0:
-				raise TypeError, 'pane sizes must add up to 1'
-		else:
-			step = 1.0 / len(self._widgets)
-			panesizes = []
-			for i in range(len(self._widgets)):
-				panesizes.append(step)
-		current = 0
-		self._panesizes = []
-		self._gutters = []
-		for panesize in panesizes:
-			if current:
-				self._gutters.append(current)
-			self._panesizes.append(current, current + panesize)
-			current = current + panesize
-		self.makepanebounds()
-	def getpanesizes(self):
-		return map(lambda (fr, to): to-fr,  self._panesizes)
-	boundstemplate = "lambda width, height: (0, height * %s + %d, width, height * %s + %d)"
-	def makepanebounds(self):
-		halfgutter = self._gutter / 2
-		self._panebounds = []
-		for i in range(len(self._panesizes)):
-			panestart, paneend = self._panesizes[i]
-			boundsstring = self.boundstemplate % (`panestart`, panestart and halfgutter, 
-							`paneend`, (paneend <> 1.0) and -halfgutter)
-			self._panebounds.append(eval(boundsstring))
-	def installbounds(self):
-		#self.setuppanes()
-		for i in range(len(self._widgets)):
-			w = self._widgets[i]
-			w._possize = self._panebounds[i]
-			#if hasattr(w, "setuppanes"):
-			#	w.setuppanes()
-			if hasattr(w, "installbounds"):
-				w.installbounds()
-	def rollover(self, point, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			orgmouse = point[self._direction]
-			halfgutter = self._gutter / 2
-			l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-			if self._direction:
-				begin, end = t, b
-			else:
-				begin, end = l, r
-			i = self.findgutter(orgmouse, begin, end)
-			if i is None:
-				SetCursor("arrow")
-			else:
-				SetCursor(self._direction and 'vmover' or 'hmover')
-	def findgutter(self, orgmouse, begin, end):
-		tolerance = max(4, self._gutter) / 2
-		for i in range(len(self._gutters)):
-			pos = begin + (end - begin) * self._gutters[i]
-			if abs(orgmouse - pos) <= tolerance:
-				break
-		else:
-			return
-		return i
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		# what a mess...
-		orgmouse = point[self._direction]
-		halfgutter = self._gutter / 2
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		if self._direction:
-			begin, end = t, b
-		else:
-			begin, end = l, r
-		i = self.findgutter(orgmouse, begin, end)
-		if i is None:
-			return
-		pos = orgpos = begin + (end - begin) * self._gutters[i]	# init pos too, for fast click on border, bug done by Petr
-		minpos = self._panesizes[i][0]
-		maxpos = self._panesizes[i+1][1]
-		minpos = begin + (end - begin) * minpos + 64
-		maxpos = begin + (end - begin) * maxpos - 64
-		if minpos > orgpos and maxpos < orgpos:
-			return
-		#SetCursor("fist")
-		self.SetPort()
-		if self._direction:
-			rect = l, orgpos - 1, r, orgpos
-		else:
-			rect = orgpos - 1, t, orgpos, b
-		# track mouse --- XXX  move to separate method?
-		Qd.PenMode(QuickDraw.srcXor)
-		Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.gray)
-		Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-		lastpos = None
-		while Evt.Button():
-			pos = orgpos - orgmouse + Evt.GetMouse()[self._direction]
-			pos = max(pos, minpos)
-			pos = min(pos, maxpos)
-			if pos == lastpos:
-				continue
-			Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.gray)
-			Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-			if self._direction:
-				rect = l, pos - 1, r, pos
-			else:
-				rect = pos - 1, t, pos, b
-			Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.gray)
-			Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-			lastpos = pos
-		Qd.PaintRect(rect)
-		Qd.PenNormal()
-		SetCursor("watch")
-		newpos = (pos - begin) / float(end - begin)
-		self._gutters[i] = newpos
-		self._panesizes[i] = self._panesizes[i][0], newpos
-		self._panesizes[i+1] = newpos, self._panesizes[i+1][1]
-		self.makepanebounds()
-		self.installbounds()
-		self._calcbounds()
-class VerticalPanes(HorizontalPanes):
-	_direction = 0
-	boundstemplate = "lambda width, height: (width * %s + %d, 0, width * %s + %d, height)"
-# misc utils
-def CallbackCall(callback, mustfit, *args):
-	if type(callback) == FunctionType:
-		func = callback
-		maxargs = func.func_code.co_argcount
-	elif type(callback) == MethodType:
-		func = callback.im_func
-		maxargs = func.func_code.co_argcount - 1
-	else:
-		if callable(callback):
-			return apply(callback, args)
-		else:
-			raise TypeError, "uncallable callback object"
-	if func.func_defaults:
-		minargs = maxargs - len(func.func_defaults)
-	else:
-		minargs = maxargs
-	if minargs <= len(args) <= maxargs:
-		return apply(callback, args)
-	elif not mustfit and minargs == 0:
-		return callback()
-	else:
-		if mustfit:
-			raise TypeError, "callback accepts wrong number of arguments: " + `len(args)`
-		else:
-			raise TypeError, "callback accepts wrong number of arguments: 0 or " + `len(args)`
-def HasBaseClass(obj, class_):
-	try:
-		raise obj
-	except class_:
-		return 1
-	except:
-		pass
-	return 0
-_cursors = {
-	"watch"	: Qd.GetCursor(QuickDraw.watchCursor).data,
-	"arrow"	: Qd.qd.arrow,
-	"iBeam"	: Qd.GetCursor(QuickDraw.iBeamCursor).data,
-	"cross"	: Qd.GetCursor(QuickDraw.crossCursor).data,
-	"plus"		: Qd.GetCursor(QuickDraw.plusCursor).data,
-	"hand"	: Qd.GetCursor(468).data,
-	"fist"		: Qd.GetCursor(469).data,
-	"hmover"	: Qd.GetCursor(470).data,
-	"vmover"	: Qd.GetCursor(471).data
-def SetCursor(what):
-	Qd.SetCursor(_cursors[what])
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c3c395..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-import Ctl
-import Controls
-import Win
-import Wbase
-import Qd
-import Evt
-class ControlWidget(Wbase.ClickableWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = "Control", procID = 0, callback = None, value = 0, min = 0, max = 1):
-		Wbase.ClickableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._control = None
-		self._title = title
-		self._callback = callback
-		self._procID = procID
-		self._value = value
-		self._min = min
-		self._max = max
-		self._enabled = 1
-	def open(self):
-		self._calcbounds()
-		self._control = Ctl.NewControl(self._parentwindow.wid, 
-						self._bounds, 
-						self._title, 
-						1, 
-						self._value, 
-						self._min, 
-						self._max, 
-						self._procID, 
-						0)
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.ValidRect(self._bounds)
-		self.enable(self._enabled)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		self._control.HideControl()
-		self._control.MoveControl(self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
-		self._control.SizeControl(self._bounds[2] - self._bounds[0], self._bounds[3] - self._bounds[1])
-		if self._visible:
-			Qd.EraseRect(self._bounds)
-			self._control.ShowControl()
-			Win.ValidRect(self._bounds)
-	def close(self):
-		self._control.HideControl()
-		self._control = None
-		Wbase.ClickableWidget.close(self)
-	def enable(self, onoff):
-		if self._control and self._enabled <> onoff:
-			self._control.HiliteControl((not onoff) and 255)
-			self._enabled = onoff
-	def show(self, onoff):
-		self._visible = onoff
-		for w in self._widgets:
-		if onoff:
-			self._control.ShowControl()
-		else:
-			self._control.HideControl()
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		self._activated = onoff
-		if self._enabled:
-			self._control.HiliteControl((not onoff) and 255)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			self._control.Draw1Control()
-	def test(self, point):
-		ctltype, control = Ctl.FindControl(point, self._parentwindow.wid)
-		if self._enabled and control == self._control:
-			return 1
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		part = self._control.TrackControl(point)
-		if part:
-			if self._callback:
-				Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0)
-	def settitle(self, title):
-		if self._control:
-			self._control.SetControlTitle(title)
-		self._title = title
-	def gettitle(self):
-		return self._title
-class Button(ControlWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = "Button", callback = None):
-		procID = Controls.pushButProc | Controls.useWFont
-		ControlWidget.__init__(self, possize, title, procID, callback, 0, 0, 1)
-		self._isdefault = 0
-	def push(self):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		import time
-		self._control.HiliteControl(1)
-		time.sleep(0.1)
-		self._control.HiliteControl(0)
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0)
-	def enable(self, onoff):
-		if self._control and self._enabled <> onoff:
-			self._control.HiliteControl((not onoff) and 255)
-			self._enabled = onoff
-			if self._isdefault and self._visible:
-				self.SetPort()
-				self.drawfatframe(onoff)
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		self._activated = onoff
-		if self._enabled:
-			self._control.HiliteControl((not onoff) and 255)
-			if self._isdefault and self._visible:
-				self.SetPort()
-				self.drawfatframe(onoff)
-	def show(self, onoff):
-, onoff)
-		if self._isdefault:
-			self.drawfatframe(onoff and self._enabled)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			self._control.Draw1Control()
-			if self._isdefault and self._activated:
-				self.drawfatframe(self._enabled)
-	def drawfatframe(self, onoff):
-		state = Qd.GetPenState()
-		if onoff:
-			Qd.PenPat(
-		else:
-			Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.white)
-		fatrect = Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -4, -4)
-		Qd.PenSize(3, 3)
-		Qd.FrameRoundRect(fatrect, 16, 16)
-		Qd.SetPenState(state)
-	def _setdefault(self, onoff):
-		self._isdefault = onoff
-		if self._control:
-			self.SetPort()
-			self.drawfatframe(onoff)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		if self._isdefault:
-			old = Qd.InsetRect(oldbounds, -4, -4)
-			new = Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -4, -4)
-			Qd.EraseRect(old)
-			Win.InvalRect(old)
-			Win.InvalRect(new)
-		ControlWidget.adjust(self, oldbounds)
-class CheckBox(ControlWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = "Checkbox", callback = None, value = 0):
-		procID = Controls.checkBoxProc | Controls.useWFont
-		ControlWidget.__init__(self, possize, title, procID, callback, value, 0, 1)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		part = self._control.TrackControl(point)
-		if part:
-			self.toggle()
-			if self._callback:
-				Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, self.get())
-	def push(self):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		self.toggle()
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, self.get())
-	def toggle(self):
-		self.set(not self.get())
-	def set(self, value):
-		if self._control:
-			self._control.SetControlValue(value)
-		else:
-			self._value = value
-	def get(self):
-		if self._control:
-			return self._control.GetControlValue()
-		else:
-			return self._value
-class RadioButton(ControlWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = "Radiobutton", thebuttons, callback = None, value = 0):
-		procID = Controls.radioButProc | Controls.useWFont
-		ControlWidget.__init__(self, possize, title, procID, callback, value, 0, 1)
-		self.thebuttons = thebuttons
-		thebuttons.append(self)
-	def close(self):
-		self.thebuttons = None
-		ControlWidget.close(self)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		part = self._control.TrackControl(point)
-		if part:
-			self.set(1)
-			if self._callback:
-				Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, 1)
-	def push(self):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		self.set(1)
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, 1)
-	def set(self, value):
-		for button in self.thebuttons:
-			if button._control:
-				button._control.SetControlValue(button == self)
-			else:
-				button._value = (button == self)
-	def get(self):
-		if self._control:
-			return self._control.GetControlValue()
-		else:
-			return self._value
-class Scrollbar(ControlWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, callback = None, value = 0, min = 0, max = 0):
-		procID = Controls.scrollBarProc
-		ControlWidget.__init__(self, possize, "", procID, callback, value, min, max)
-	# interface
-	def set(self, value):
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, value)
-	def up(self):
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, '+')
-	def down(self):
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, '-')
-	def pageup(self):
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, '++')
-	def pagedown(self):
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, '--')
-	def setmin(self, min):
-		self._control.SetControlMinimum(min)
-	def setmax(self, min):
-		self._control.SetControlMinimum(max)
-	def getmin(self):
-		return self._control.GetControlMinimum()
-	def getmax(self):
-		return self._control.GetControlMinimum()
-	# internals
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		# custom TrackControl. A mousedown in a scrollbar arrow or page area should
-		# generate _control hits as long as the mouse is a) down, b) still in the same part
-		part = self._control.TestControl(point)
-		if Controls.inUpButton <= part <= Controls.inPageDown:	
-			self._control.HiliteControl(part)
-			self._hit(part)
-			oldpart = part
-			while Evt.StillDown():
-				part = self._control.TestControl(point)
-				if part == oldpart:
-					self._control.HiliteControl(part)
-					self._hit(part)
-				else:
-					self._control.HiliteControl(0)
-				self.SetPort()
-				point = Evt.GetMouse()
-			self._control.HiliteControl(0)
-		elif part == Controls.inThumb:
-			part = self._control.TrackControl(point)
-			if part:
-				self._hit(part)
-	def _hit(self, part):
-		if part == Controls.inThumb:
-			value = self._control.GetControlValue()
-		elif part == Controls.inUpButton:
-			value = "+"
-		elif part == Controls.inDownButton:
-			value = "-"
-		elif part == Controls.inPageUp:
-			value = "++"
-		elif part == Controls.inPageDown:
-			value = "--"
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 1, value)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			self._control.Draw1Control()
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-		self._control.HideControl()
-		self._control.MoveControl(self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1])
-		self._control.SizeControl(self._bounds[2] - self._bounds[0], self._bounds[3] - self._bounds[1])
-		if self._visible:
-			Qd.EraseRect(self._bounds)
-			if self._activated:
-				self._control.ShowControl()
-			else:
-				Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-			Win.ValidRect(self._bounds)
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		self._activated = onoff
-		if self._visible:
-			if onoff:
-				self._control.ShowControl()
-			else:
-				self._control.HideControl()
-				self.draw(None)
-				Win.ValidRect(self._bounds)
-	def set(self, value):
-		if self._control:
-			self._control.SetControlValue(value)
-		else:
-			self._value = value
-	def get(self):
-		if self._control:
-			return self._control.GetControlValue()
-		else:
-			return self._value
-def _scalebarvalue(absmin, absmax, curmin, curmax):
-	if curmin <= absmin and curmax >= absmax:
-		return None
-	if curmin <= absmin:
-		return 0
-	if curmax >= absmax:
-		return 32767
-	perc = float(curmin-absmin) / float((absmax - absmin) - (curmax - curmin))
-	return int(perc*32767)
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index b954255..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-import W
-from types import *
-import string
-import Wdialogs
-testDict1 = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
-testDict2 = {3:3,4:4, 'testDict1':testDict1, 6:6, 7:7}
-testDict3 = {3:3,4:4, 'testDict2':testDict2, 'testDict1':testDict1, 6:6, 7:7}
-import Wdialogs
-a = Wdialogs.Ask('xxx', 'default text', ['font', 'typografie', 'lettertonwerpen', 'huisstijl'])
-def Message(text, button = "OK"):
-	w = W.ModalDialog((300, 100))
-	w.button = W.Button((-90, -30, 80, 16), button, w.close)
-	w.message = W.TextBox((10, 10, -10, -40), text)
-	w.setdefaultbutton(w.button)
-def Ask(question, defaulttext = "", selections = []):
-	d = _Ask(question, defaulttext, selections)
-	return d.rv
-class _Ask:
-	#	selections is a list of possible for selections
-	def __init__(self, question, defaulttext, selections):
-		self.selections = []
-		for s in selections:
-			self.selections.append(string.lower(s))
-		self.selections.sort()
-		self.w = W.ModalDialog((300, 120))
-		self.w.button1 = W.Button((-90, -30, 80, 16), "OK", self.button1hit)
-		self.w.button2 = W.Button((-180, -30, 80, 16), "Cancel", self.button2hit)
-		self.w.question = W.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 30), question)
-		self.w.input = W.EditText((10, 40, -10, 20), defaulttext, self.processInput)
-		self.rv = None
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.button1)
-		self.w.bind("cmd.", self.w.button2.push)
-	def processInput(self, key, modifiers):	# Process user input to match a selection
-		pos = self.w.input.getselection()
-		input = string.lower(self.w.input.get()[0:pos[1]])
-		if len(input):
-			for t in self.selections:
-				if input == t[0:pos[0]]:
-					self.w.input.set(t)
-					self.w.input.setselection(pos[0], pos[1])
-					return
-		self.w.input.set(input)
-		self.w.input.setselection(pos[1], pos[1])
-	def button1hit(self):
-		self.rv = self.w.input.get()
-		self.w.close()
-	def button2hit(self):
-		self.w.close()
-class _AskYesNo:
-	def __init__(self, question, cancelFlag= 0):
-		if cancelFlag:
-			size = 190, 80
-		else:	size = 150, 80
-		self.w = W.ModalDialog(size)
-		self.w.yes = W.Button((10, -36, 50, 24), 'Yes', self.yes)
-		if cancelFlag:
-			self.w.cancel = W.Button((70, -36, -70, 24), "Cancel", self.cancel)	
- = W.Button((-60, -36, -10, 24), 'No',
-		self.w.question = W.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 30), question)
-		self.rv = None
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.yes)
-		if cancelFlag:
-			self.w.bind("cmd.", self.w.cancel)
-		else:	self.w.bind("cmd.",
-	def yes(self):
-		self.rv = 1
-		self.w.close()
-	def no(self):
-		self.rv = 0
-		self.w.close()
-	def cancel(self):
-		self.rv = -1
-		self.w.close()
-def AskYesNo(question):
-	d = _AskYesNo(question, 0)
-	return d.rv
-def AskYesCancelNo(question):
-	d = _AskYesNo(question, 1)
-	return d.rv
-class CallBackButton(W.Button):
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		part = self._control.TrackControl(point)
-		if part:
-			if self._callback:
-				self._callback(self.dict)
-	def push(self):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		import time
-		self._control.HiliteControl(1)
-		time.sleep(0.1)
-		self._control.HiliteControl(0)
-		if self._callback:
-			self._callback(self.dict)
-class EditDictionary:			# Auto layout editor of dictionary
-	def __init__(self, dictionary, title = 'Dictionary Editor'):
-		self.leading = 20
-		self.d = dictionary
-		keys = self.d.keys()
-		windowSize = 400, len(keys) * self.leading + 100
-		self.w = w = W.ModalDialog(windowSize)
-		y = 2 * self.leading
-		theFont = fontsettings = ('Geneva', 0, 10, (0,0,0))
-		keys.sort()
-		for key in keys:
-			if type(key) == StringType:
-				label = key
-			else:	label = `key`
-			if type(self.d[key]) == StringType:
-				value = self.d[key]
-			else:
-				value = `self.d[key]`		# Just show the value
-			if type(self.d[key]) == DictType:	# Make a button
-				button = w[label] = CallBackButton((110, y, 50, 18), label, self.pushDict)
-				button.dict = self.d[key]
-			else:
-				w['k_' + label] = W.TextBox((10, y, 200, 18), label, fontsettings = theFont)
-				w[label] = W.EditText((110, y, -10, 18), value, fontsettings = theFont)
-			y = y + self.leading
-		w._name = W.TextBox((10, 4, 100, 10), title)
-		w._ok = W.Button((-160, -36, 60, 24), "OK", self.ok)
-		w._cancel = W.Button((-80, -36, 60, 24), "Cancel", self.cancel)
-		w.setdefaultbutton(self.w._ok)
-		self.rv = None	# Return value
-	def pushDict(self, dict):
-		EditDictionary(dict)
-	def popDict(self):
-		self.w.close()
-	def ok(self):
-		self.rv = 1
-		for key in self.d.keys():
-			if type(key) == StringType:
-				label = key
-			else:	label = `key`
-			if type(self.d[key]) == StringType or self.d[key] == None:
-				self.d[key] = self.w[label].get()
-			else:	
-				try:
-					self.d[key] = eval(self.w[label].get())
-				except:
-					pass
-		self.popDict()
-	def cancel(self):
-		self.rv = 0
-		self.popDict()
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index efd7cb9..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-"""grid utility for widgets"""
-class Grid:
-	def __init__(self, 	ncol = None, 
-				minncol = None,
-				maxncol = None,
-				colwidth = None, 
-				mincolwidth = None, 
-				maxcolwidth = None, 
-				width = None, 
-				minwidth = None, 
-				maxwidth = None, 
-				vgrid = 8, 
-				gutter = 10,
-				leftmargin = None,
-				rightmargin = None,
-				topmargin = None,
-				bottommargin = None
-				):
-		if leftmargin == None:
-			leftmargin = gutter
-		if rightmargin == None:
-			rightmargin = gutter
-		if topmargin == None:
-			topmargin = vgrid
-		if bottommargin == None:
-			bottommargin = vgrid
-	def getbounds(self, width, height, bounds):
-		xxx
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 028e878..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-import Wbase
-import Scrap
-from SpecialKeys import *
-import string
-import Evt
-import Events
-import Qd
-import Win
-class List(Wbase.SelectableWidget):
-	LDEF_ID = 0
-	def __init__(self, possize, items = None, callback = None, flags = 0, cols = 1):
-		if items is None:
-			items = []
-		self.items = items
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._selected = 0
-		self._enabled = 1
-		self._list = None
-		self._cols = cols
-		self._callback = callback
-		self._flags = flags
-		self.lasttyping = ""
-		self.lasttime = Evt.TickCount()
-		self.timelimit = 30
-		self.setitems(items)
-		self.drawingmode = 0
-	def open(self):
-		self.setdrawingmode(0)
-		self.createlist()
-		self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def createlist(self):
-		import List
-		self._calcbounds()
-		self.SetPort()
-		rect = self._bounds
-		rect = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-16, rect[3]-1
-		self._list = List.LNew(rect, (0, 0, self._cols, 0), (0, 0), self.LDEF_ID, self._parentwindow.wid,
-					0, 1, 0, 1)
-		if self.drawingmode:
-			self._list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
-		self._list.selFlags = self._flags
-		self.setitems(self.items)
-		if hasattr(self, "_sel"):
-			self.setselection(self._sel)
-			del self._sel
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if self._selected:
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(oldbounds, -3, -3))
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -3, -3))
-		else:
-			Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-			Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-		if oldbounds[:2] == self._bounds[:2]:
-			# list still has the same upper/left coordinates, use LSize
-			l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-			width = r - l - 17
-			height = b - t - 2
-			self._list.LSize(width, height)
-			# now *why* deosn't the list manager recalc the cellrect???
-			l, t, r, b = self._list.LRect((0,0))
-			cellheight = b - t
-			self._list.LCellSize((width, cellheight))
-		else:
-			# oh well, sice the list manager doesn't have a LMove call,
-			# we have to make the list all over again...
-			sel = self.getselection()
-			topcell = self.gettopcell()
-			self._list = None
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			self.createlist()
-			self.setselection(sel)
-			self.settopcell(topcell)
-			self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def close(self):
-		self._list = None
-		self._callback = None
-		self.items[:] = []
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.close(self)
-	def set(self, items):
-		self.setitems(items)
-	def setitems(self, items):
-		self.items = items
-		the_list = self._list
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			return
-		self.setdrawingmode(0)
-		topcell = self.gettopcell()
-		the_list.LDelRow(0, 1)
-		the_list.LAddRow(len(self.items), 0)
-		self_itemrepr = self.itemrepr
-		set_cell = the_list.LSetCell
-		for i in range(len(items)):
-			set_cell(self_itemrepr(items[i]), (0, i))
-		self.settopcell(topcell)
-		self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		isdoubleclick = self._list.LClick(point, modifiers)
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, isdoubleclick)
-		return 1
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		sel = self.getselection()
-		newselection = []
-		if char == uparrowkey:
-			if len(sel) >= 1 and min(sel) > 0:
-				newselection = [min(sel) - 1]
-			else:
-				newselection = [0]
-		elif char == downarrowkey:
-			if len(sel) >= 1 and max(sel) < (len(self.items) - 1):
-					newselection = [max(sel) + 1]
-			else:
-				newselection = [len(self.items) - 1]
-		else:
-			modifiers = 0
-			if (self.lasttime + self.timelimit) < Evt.TickCount():
-				self.lasttyping = ""
-			self.lasttyping = self.lasttyping + string.lower(char)
-			self.lasttime = Evt.TickCount()
-			i = self.findmatch(self.lasttyping)
-			newselection = [i]
-		if modifiers & Events.shiftKey:
-			newselection = newselection + sel
-		self.setselection(newselection)
-		self._list.LAutoScroll()
-, -1), 0)
-	def findmatch(self, tag):
-		lower = string.lower
-		items = self.items
-		taglen = len(tag)
-		match = '\377' * 100
-		match_i = -1
-		for i in range(len(items)):
-			item = lower(str(items[i]))
-			if tag <= item < match:
-				match = item
-				match_i = i
-		if match_i >= 0:
-			return match_i
-		else:
-			return len(items) - 1
-	def domenu_copy(self, *args):
-		sel = self.getselection()
-		selitems = []
-		for i in sel:
-			selitems.append(str(self.items[i]))
-		text = string.join(selitems, '\r')
-		if text:
-			Scrap.ZeroScrap()
-			Scrap.PutScrap('TEXT', text)
-	def can_copy(self, *args):
-		return len(self.getselection()) <> 0
-	def domenu_selectall(self, *args):
-		self.selectall()
-	def selectall(self):
-		self.setselection(range(len(self.items)))
-		self._list.LAutoScroll()
-, -1), 0)
-	def getselection(self):
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			if hasattr(self, "_sel"):
-				return self._sel
-			return []
-		items = []
-		point = (0,0)
-		while 1:
-			ok, point = self._list.LGetSelect(1, point)
-			if not ok:
-				break
-			items.append(point[1])
-			point = point[0], point[1]+1
-		return items
-	def setselection(self, selection):
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			self._sel = selection
-			return
-		set_sel = self._list.LSetSelect
-		for i in range(len(self.items)):
-			if i in selection:
-				set_sel(1, (0, i))
-			else:
-				set_sel(0, (0, i))
-		self._list.LAutoScroll()
-	def getselectedobjects(self):
-		sel = self.getselection()
-		objects = []
-		for i in sel:
-			objects.append(self.items[i])
-		return objects
-	def setselectedobjects(self, objects):
-		sel = []
-		for o in objects:
-			try:
-				sel.append(self.items.index(o))
-			except:
-				pass
-		self.setselection(sel)
-	def gettopcell(self):
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		t = t + 1
-		cl, ct, cr, cb = self._list.LRect((0, 0))
-		cellheight = cb - ct
-		return (t - ct) / cellheight
-	def settopcell(self, topcell):
-		top = self.gettopcell()
-		diff = topcell - top
-		self._list.LScroll(0, diff)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			if not visRgn:
-				visRgn = self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn
-			self._list.LUpdate(visRgn)
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-			if self._selected and self._activated:
-				self.drawselframe(1)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if self._selected:
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(oldbounds, -3, -3))
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -3, -3))
-		else:
-			Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-			Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-		if oldbounds[:2] == self._bounds[:2]:
-			# list still has the same upper/left coordinates, use LSize
-			l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-			width = r - l - 17
-			height = b - t - 2
-			self._list.LSize(width, height)
-			# now *why* deosn't the list manager recalc the cellrect???
-			l, t, r, b = self._list.LRect((0,0))
-			cellheight = b - t
-			self._list.LCellSize((width, cellheight))
-		else:
-			# oh well, sice the list manager doesn't have a LMove call,
-			# we have to make the list all over again...
-			sel = self.getselection()
-			topcell = self.gettopcell()
-			self._list = None
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			self.createlist()
-			self.setselection(sel)
-			self.settopcell(topcell)
-			self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def select(self, onoff, isclick = 0):
-		if, onoff):
-			return
-		self.SetPort()
-		self.drawselframe(onoff)
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		self._activated = onoff
-		if self._visible:
-			self._list.LActivate(onoff)
-			if self._selected:
-				self.drawselframe(onoff)
-	def get(self):
-		return self.items
-	def itemrepr(self, item):
-		return str(item)[:255]
-	def __getitem__(self, index):
-		return self.items[index]
-	def __setitem__(self, index, item):
-		if self._parent and self._list:
-			self._list.LSetCell(self.itemrepr(item), (0, index))
-		self.items[index] = item
-	def __delitem__(self, index):
-		if self._parent and self._list:
-			self._list.LDelRow(1, index)
-		del self.items[index]
-	def __getslice__(self, a, b):
-		return self.items[a:b]
-	def __delslice__(self, a, b):
-		if b-a:
-			if self._parent and self._list:
-				self._list.LDelRow(b-a, a)
-			del self.items[a:b]
-	def __setslice__(self, a, b, items):
-		if self._parent and self._list:
-			l = len(items)
-			the_list = self._list
-			self.setdrawingmode(0)
-			if b-a:
-				if b > len(self.items):
-					# fix for new 1.5 "feature" where b is sys.maxint instead of len(self)...
-					# LDelRow doesn't like maxint.
-					b = len(self.items)
-				the_list.LDelRow(b-a, a)
-			the_list.LAddRow(l, a)
-			self_itemrepr = self.itemrepr
-			set_cell = the_list.LSetCell
-			for i in range(len(items)):
-				set_cell(self_itemrepr(items[i]), (0, i + a))
-			self.items[a:b] = items
-			self.setdrawingmode(1)
-		else:
-			self.items[a:b] = items
-	def __len__(self):
-		return len(self.items)
-	def append(self, item):
-		if self._parent and self._list:
-			index = len(self.items)
-			self._list.LAddRow(1, index)
-			self._list.LSetCell(self.itemrepr(item), (0, index))
-		self.items.append(item)
-	def remove(self, item):
-		index = self.items.index(item)
-		self.__delitem__(index)
-	def index(self, item):
-		return self.items.index(item)
-	def insert(self, index, item):
-		if index < 0:
-			index = 0
-		if self._parent and self._list:
-			self._list.LAddRow(1, index)
-			self._list.LSetCell(self.itemrepr(item), (0, index))
-		self.items.insert(index, item)
-	def setdrawingmode(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			self.drawingmode = self.drawingmode - 1
-			if self.drawingmode == 0 and self._list is not None:
-				self._list.LSetDrawingMode(1)
-				if self._visible:
-					bounds = l, t, r, b = Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, 1, 1)
-					cl, ct, cr, cb = self._list.LRect((0, len(self.items)-1))
-					if cb < b:
-						self.SetPort()
-						Qd.EraseRect((l, cb, cr, b))
-					self._list.LUpdate(self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
-					Win.ValidRect(bounds)
-		else:
-			if self.drawingmode == 0 and self._list is not None:
-				self._list.LSetDrawingMode(0)
-			self.drawingmode = self.drawingmode + 1
-class MultiList(List):
-	def setitems(self, items):
-		self.items = items
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			return
-		self._list.LDelRow(0, 1)
-		self.setdrawingmode(0)
-		self._list.LAddRow(len(self.items), 0)
-		self_itemrepr = self.itemrepr
-		set_cell = self._list.LSetCell
-		for i in range(len(items)):
-			row = items[i]
-			for j in range(len(row)):
-				item = row[j]
-				set_cell(self_itemrepr(item), (j, i))
-		self.setdrawingmode(1)
-	def getselection(self):
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			if hasattr(self, "_sel"):
-				return self._sel
-			return []
-		items = []
-		point = (0,0)
-		while 1:
-			ok, point = self._list.LGetSelect(1, point)
-			if not ok:
-				break
-			items.append(point[1])
-			point = point[0], point[1]+1
-		return items
-	def setselection(self, selection):
-		if not self._parent or not self._list:
-			self._sel = selection
-			return
-		set_sel = self._list.LSetSelect
-		for i in range(len(self.items)):
-			if i in selection:
-				set_sel(1, (0, i))
-			else:
-				set_sel(0, (0, i))
-		#self._list.LAutoScroll()
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 350e036..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import FrameWork
-import Qd
-import Wbase
-from types import *
-import WFrameWorkPatch
-_arrowright = Qd.GetPicture(472)
-_arrowdown = Qd.GetPicture(473)
-class PopupWidget(Wbase.ClickableWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, items = [], callback = None):
-		Wbase.Widget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._items = items
-		self._itemsdict = {}
-		self._callback = callback
-		self._enabled = 1
-	def close(self):
-		Wbase.Widget.close(self)
-		self._items = None
-		self._itemsdict = {}
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-			l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-			l = l + 2
-			t = t + 3
-			pictframe = (l, t, l + 10, t + 10)
-			Qd.DrawPicture(_arrowright, pictframe)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
- = FrameWork.Menu(self._parentwindow.parent.menubar, 'Foo', -1)
-		self._additems(self._items,
-		self.SetPort()
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		l, t = Qd.LocalToGlobal((l+1, t+1))
-		Wbase.SetCursor("arrow")
-		reply =, l, 1)
-		if reply:
-			id = (reply & 0xffff0000) >> 16
-			item = reply & 0xffff
-			self._menu_callback(id, item)
-		self._emptymenu()
-	def set(self, items):
-		self._items = items
-	def _additems(self, items, menu):
-		from FrameWork import SubMenu, MenuItem
-		menu_id =
-		for item in items:
-			if item == "-":
-				menu.addseparator()
-				continue
-			elif type(item) == ListType:
-				submenu = SubMenu(menu, item[0])
-				self._additems(item[1:], submenu)
-				continue
-			elif type(item) == StringType:
-				menuitemtext = object = item
-			elif type(item) == TupleType and len(item) == 2:
-				menuitemtext, object = item
-			else:
-				raise WidgetsError, "illegal itemlist for popup menu"
-			if menuitemtext[:1] == '\0':
-				check = ord(menuitemtext[1])
-				menuitemtext = menuitemtext[2:]
-			else:
-				check = 0
-			menuitem = MenuItem(menu, menuitemtext, None, None)
-			if check:
-				menuitem.check(1)
-			self._itemsdict[(menu_id, menuitem.item)] = object
-	def _emptymenu(self):
-		menus = self._parentwindow.parent.menubar.menus
-		for id, item in self._itemsdict.keys():
-			if menus.has_key(id):
- = menus[id]
-		self._itemsdict = {}
-	def _menu_callback(self, id, item):
-		thing = self._itemsdict[(id, item)]
-		if callable(thing):
-			thing()
-		elif self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, thing)
-class PopupMenu(PopupWidget):
-	def open(self):
-		self._calcbounds()
- = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self._parentwindow.parent.menubar, 'Foo', -1)
-		self._additems(self._items,
-	def close(self):
-		self._emptymenu()
-		Wbase.Widget.close(self)
-		self._items = None
-		self._itemsdict = {}
- = None
-	def set(self, items):
-		if self._itemsdict:
-			self._emptymenu()
- = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(self._parentwindow.parent.menubar, 'Foo', -1)
-		self._items = items
-		self._additems(self._items,
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		self.SetPort()
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		l, t = Qd.LocalToGlobal((l+1, t+1))
-		Wbase.SetCursor("arrow")
-		reply =, l, 1)
-		if reply:
-			id = (reply & 0xffff0000) >> 16
-			item = reply & 0xffff
-			self._menu_callback(id, item)
-class FontMenu(PopupMenu):
-	menu = None
-	def __init__(self, possize, callback):
-		PopupMenu.__init__(self, possize)
-		makefontmenu()
-		self._callback = callback
-		self._enabled = 1
-	def open(self):
-		self._calcbounds()
-	def close(self):
-		pass
-	def set(self):
-		raise Wbase.WidgetsError, "can't change font menu widget"
-	def _menu_callback(self, id, item):
-		fontname =
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, fontname)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		makefontmenu()
-		return, point, modifiers)
-def makefontmenu():
-	if is not None:
-		return
-	import W
- = WFrameWorkPatch.Menu(W.getapplication().menubar, 'Foo', -1)
-	W.SetCursor('watch')
-	for i in range(, 0, -1):
-def _getfontlist():
-	import Res
-	fontnames = []
-	for i in range(1, Res.CountResources('FOND') + 1):
-		r = Res.GetIndResource('FOND', i)
-		fontnames.append(r.GetResInfo()[2])
-	return fontnames
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index adfdadb..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import Qd
-import Win
-import Qt, QuickTime
-import W
-import macfs
-import Evt, Events
-_moviesinitialized = 0
-def EnterMovies():
-	global _moviesinitialized
-	if not _moviesinitialized:
-		Qt.EnterMovies()
-		_moviesinitialized = 1
-class Movie(W.Widget):
-	def __init__(self, possize):
-		EnterMovies()
- = None
-		self.running = 0
-		W.Widget.__init__(self, possize)
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-		Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-		self.calcmoviebox()
-	def set(self, path_or_fss, start = 0):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if
-			#Win.InvalRect(
-			Qd.PaintRect(
-		if type(path_or_fss) == type(''):
-			path = path_or_fss
-			fss = macfs.FSSpec(path)
-		else:
-			path = path_or_fss.as_pathname()
-			fss = path_or_fss
-		self.movietitle = os.path.basename(path)
-		movieResRef = Qt.OpenMovieFile(fss, 1)
-, dummy = Qt.NewMovieFromFile(movieResRef, QuickTime.newMovieActive)
-		self.moviebox =
-		self.calcmoviebox()
-		Qd.ObscureCursor()	# XXX does this work at all?
-		if start:
-			self.running = 1
-		else:
-			self.running = 0
-	def get(self):
-		return
-	def getmovietitle(self):
-		return self.movietitle
-	def start(self):
-		if
-			Qd.ObscureCursor()
-			self.running = 1
-	def stop(self):
-		if
-			self.running = 0
-	def rewind(self):
-		if
-	def calcmoviebox(self):
-		if not
-			return
-		ml, mt, mr, mb = self.moviebox
-		wl, wt, wr, wb = widgetbox = self._bounds
-		mheight = mb - mt
-		mwidth = mr - ml
-		wheight = wb - wt
-		wwidth = wr - wl
-		if (mheight * 2 < wheight) and (mwidth * 2 < wwidth):
-			scale = 2
-		elif mheight > wheight or mwidth > wwidth:
-			scale = min(float(wheight) / mheight, float(wwidth) / mwidth)
-		else:
-			scale = 1
-		mwidth, mheight = mwidth * scale, mheight * scale
-		ml, mt = wl + (wwidth - mwidth) / 2, wt + (wheight - mheight) / 2
-		mr, mb = ml + mwidth, mt + mheight
-, mt, mr, mb))
-	def idle(self, *args):
-		if
-			if not and self.running:
-				Qd.ObscureCursor()
-				while 1:
-					gotone, event = Evt.EventAvail(Events.everyEvent)
-					if gotone or
-						break
-			elif self.running:
-				box =
-				self.SetPort()
-				Win.InvalRect(box)
- = None
-				self.running = 0
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			Qd.PaintRect(self._bounds)
-			if
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2654cc3..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,882 +0,0 @@
-import Qd
-import TE
-import Fm
-import waste
-import WASTEconst
-import Res
-import Evt
-import Events
-import Scrap
-import string
-import Win
-import Wbase
-import Wcontrols
-from SpecialKeys import *
-import PyFontify
-from types import *
-import Fonts
-import TextEdit
-class TextBox(Wbase.Widget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, text = "", align = TextEdit.teJustLeft, 
-				fontsettings = ("Monaco", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)),
-				backcolor = (0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)
-				):
-		Wbase.Widget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self.fontsettings = fontsettings
-		self.text = text
-		self.align = align
-		self.backcolor = backcolor	# Settings of editor added by Petr 9/7/97
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			(font, style, size, color) = self.fontsettings
-			fontid = GetFNum(font)
-			savestate = Qd.GetPenState()
-			Qd.TextFont(fontid)
-			Qd.TextFace(style)
-			Qd.TextSize(size)
-			Qd.RGBForeColor(color)
-			Qd.RGBBackColor(self.backcolor)		# Added by Petr 9/7/97
-			TE.TETextBox(self.text, self._bounds, self.align)
-			Qd.RGBBackColor((0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff))	# Reset color Added by Petr 9/7/97
-			Qd.SetPenState(savestate)
-	def get(self):
-		return self.text
-	def set(self, text):
-		self.text = text
-		if self._parentwindow and self._parentwindow.wid:
-			self.SetPort()
-			self.draw()
-class ScrollWidget:
-	# to be overridden
-	def getscrollbarvalues(self):
-		return None, None
-	# internal method
-	def updatescrollbars(self):
-		vx, vy = self.getscrollbarvalues()
-		if self._parent._barx:
-			if vx <> None:
-				self._parent._barx.enable(1)
-				self._parent._barx.set(vx)
-			else:
-				self._parent._barx.enable(0)
-		if self._parent._bary:
-			if vy <> None:
-				self._parent._bary.enable(1)
-				self._parent._bary.set(vy)
-			else:
-				self._parent._bary.enable(0)
-UNDOLABELS = [	# Indexed by WEGetUndoInfo() value
-	None, "", "typing", "Cut", "Paste", "Clear", "Drag", "Style"]
-class EditText(Wbase.SelectableWidget, ScrollWidget):
-	def __init__(self, possize, text = "", 
-				callback = None, inset = (3, 3), 
-				fontsettings = ("Python-Sans", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)),
-				readonly = 0):
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self.temptext = text
-		self.ted = None
-		self.selection = None
-		self._callback = callback
-		self.changed = 0
-		self.selchanged = 0
-		self._selected = 0
-		self._enabled = 1
-		self.wrap = 1
-		self.readonly = readonly
-		self.fontsettings = fontsettings
-		if type(inset) <> TupleType:
-			self.inset = (inset, inset)
-		else:
-			self.inset = inset
-	def open(self):
-		if not hasattr(self._parent, "_barx"):
-			self._parent._barx = None
-		if not hasattr(self._parent, "_bary"):
-			self._parent._bary = None
-		self._calcbounds()
-		self.SetPort()
-		viewrect, destrect = self._calctextbounds()
-		flags = self._getflags()
-		self.ted = waste.WENew(destrect, viewrect, flags)
-		self.ted.WEInstallTabHooks()
-		self.ted.WESetAlignment(WASTEconst.weFlushLeft)
-		self.setfontsettings(self.fontsettings)
-		self.ted.WEUseText(Res.Resource(self.temptext))
-		self.ted.WECalText()
-		if self.selection:
-			self.setselection(self.selection[0], self.selection[1])
-			self.selection = None
-		else:
-			self.selview()
-		self.temptext = None
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.bind("pageup", self.scrollpageup)
-		self.bind("pagedown", self.scrollpagedown)
-		self.bind("top", self.scrolltop)
-		self.bind("bottom", self.scrollbottom)
-		self.selchanged = 0
-	def close(self):
-		self._parent._barx = None
-		self._parent._bary = None
-		self.ted = None
-		self.temptext = None
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.close(self)
-	def getfontsettings(self):
-		import Res
-		(font, style, size, color) = self.ted.WEGetRunInfo(0)[4]
-		font = GetFName(font)
-		return (font, style, size, color)
-	def setfontsettings(self, (font, style, size, color)):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if type(font) <> StringType:
-			font = GetFName(font)
-		self.fontsettings = (font, style, size, color)
-		fontid = GetFNum(font)
-		readonly = self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFReadOnly, -1)
-		if readonly:
-			self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFReadOnly, 0)
-		self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFInhibitRecal, 1)
-		selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(0, self.ted.WEGetTextLength())
-		self.ted.WESetStyle(WASTEconst.weDoFace, (0, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0)))
-		self.ted.WESetStyle(WASTEconst.weDoFace | 
-					WASTEconst.weDoColor | 
-					WASTEconst.weDoFont | 
-					WASTEconst.weDoSize, 
-					(fontid, style, size, color))
-		self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFInhibitRecal, 0)
-		self.ted.WECalText()
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selend)
-		if readonly:
-			self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFReadOnly, 1)
-		viewrect = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-		Qd.EraseRect(viewrect)
-		self.ted.WEUpdate(self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def adjust(self, oldbounds):
-		self.SetPort()
-		if self._selected and self._parentwindow._hasselframes:
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(oldbounds, -3, -3))
-			Win.InvalRect(Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, -3, -3))
-		else:
-			Win.InvalRect(oldbounds)
-			Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-		viewrect, destrect = self._calctextbounds()
-		self.ted.WESetViewRect(viewrect)
-		self.ted.WESetDestRect(destrect)
-		if self.wrap:
-			self.ted.WECalText()
-		if self.ted.WEGetDestRect()[3] < viewrect[1]:
-			self.selview()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	# interface -----------------------
-	# selection stuff
-	def selview(self):
-		self.ted.WESelView()
-	def selectall(self):
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(0, self.ted.WEGetTextLength())
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def selectline(self, lineno, charoffset = 0):
-		newselstart, newselend = self.ted.WEGetLineRange(lineno)
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(newselstart + charoffset, newselend)
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def getselection(self):
-		if self.ted:
-			return self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		else:
-			return self.selection
-	def setselection(self, selstart, selend):
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		if self.ted:
-			self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selend)
-			self.ted.WESelView()
-			self.updatescrollbars()
-		else:
-			self.selection = selstart, selend
-	def offsettoline(self, offset):
-		return self.ted.WEOffsetToLine(offset)
-	def countlines(self):
-		return self.ted.WECountLines()
-	def getselectedtext(self):
-		selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		return self.ted.WEGetText().data[selstart:selend]
-	def expandselection(self):
-		oldselstart, oldselend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		selstart, selend = min(oldselstart, oldselend), max(oldselstart, oldselend)
-		if selstart <> selend and chr(self.ted.WEGetChar(selend-1)) == '\r':
-			selend = selend - 1
-		newselstart, dummy = self.ted.WEFindLine(selstart, 0)
-		dummy, newselend = self.ted.WEFindLine(selend, 0)
-		if oldselstart <> newselstart or  oldselend <> newselend:
-			self.ted.WESetSelection(newselstart, newselend)
-			self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.selchanged = 1
-	def insert(self, text):
-		self.ted.WEInsert(text, None, None)
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-	def shiftleft(self):
-		self.expandselection()
-		selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		selstart, selend = min(selstart, selend), max(selstart, selend)
-		snippet = self.getselectedtext()
-		lines = string.split(snippet, '\r')
-		for i in range(len(lines)):
-			if lines[i][:1] == '\t':
-				lines[i] = lines[i][1:]
-		snippet = string.join(lines, '\r')
-		self.insert(snippet)
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selstart + len(snippet))
-	def shiftright(self):
-		self.expandselection()
-		selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		selstart, selend = min(selstart, selend), max(selstart, selend)
-		snippet = self.getselectedtext()
-		lines = string.split(snippet, '\r')
-		for i in range(len(lines) - 1):
-			lines[i] = '\t' + lines[i]
-		snippet = string.join(lines, '\r')
-		self.insert(snippet)
-		self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selstart + len(snippet))
-	# text
-	def set(self, text):
-		if not self.ted:
-			self.temptext = text
-		else:
-			self.ted.WEUseText(Res.Resource(text))
-			self.ted.WECalText()
-			self.SetPort()
-			viewrect, destrect = self._calctextbounds()
-			self.ted.WESetViewRect(viewrect)
-			self.ted.WESetDestRect(destrect)
-			rgn = Qd.NewRgn()
-			Qd.RectRgn(rgn, viewrect)
-			Qd.EraseRect(viewrect)
-			self.draw(rgn)
-			#Win.InvalRect(self.ted.WEGetViewRect())
-			self.updatescrollbars()
-	def get(self):
-		if not self._parent:
-			return self.temptext
-		else:
-			return self.ted.WEGetText().data
-	# events
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		if self._enabled and not modifiers & Events.cmdKey or char in arrowkeys:
-			self.ted.WEKey(ord(char), modifiers)
-			if char not in navigationkeys:
-				self.changed = 1
-			if char not in scrollkeys:
-				self.selchanged = 1
-			self.updatescrollbars()
-			if self._callback:
-				Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, char, modifiers)
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		self.ted.WEClick(point, modifiers, Evt.TickCount())
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		return 1
-	def idle(self):
-		self.SetPort()
-		self.ted.WEIdle()
-	def rollover(self, point, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			Wbase.SetCursor("iBeam")
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		self._activated = onoff
-		if self._selected and self._visible:
-			if onoff:
-				self.ted.WEActivate()
-			else:
-				self.ted.WEDeactivate()
-			if self._selected:
-				self.drawselframe(onoff)
-	def select(self, onoff, isclick = 0):
-		if, onoff):
-			return
-		self.SetPort()
-		if onoff:
-			self.ted.WEActivate()
-			if self._parentwindow._tabbable and not isclick:
-				self.selectall()
-		else:
-			self.ted.WEDeactivate()
-		self.drawselframe(onoff)
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			if not visRgn:
-				visRgn = self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn
-			self.ted.WEUpdate(visRgn)
-			if self._selected and self._activated:
-				self.drawselframe(1)
-			Qd.FrameRect(self._bounds)
-	# scrolling
-	def scrollpageup(self):
-		if self._parent._bary and self._parent._bary._enabled:
-			self.vscroll("++")
-	def scrollpagedown(self):
-		if self._parent._bary and self._parent._bary._enabled:
-			self.vscroll("--")
-	def scrolltop(self):
-		if self._parent._bary and self._parent._bary._enabled:
-			self.vscroll(0)
-		if self._parent._barx and self._parent._barx._enabled:
-			self.hscroll(0)
-	def scrollbottom(self):
-		if self._parent._bary and self._parent._bary._enabled:
-			self.vscroll(32767)
-	# menu handlers
-	def domenu_copy(self, *args):
-		selbegin, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		if selbegin == selend:
-			return
-		Scrap.ZeroScrap()
-		self.ted.WECopy()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def domenu_cut(self, *args):
-		selbegin, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		if selbegin == selend:
-			return
-		Scrap.ZeroScrap()
-		self.ted.WECut()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.selview()
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, "", None)
-	def domenu_paste(self, *args):
-		if not self.ted.WECanPaste():
-			return
-		self.selview()
-		self.ted.WEPaste()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, "", None)
-	def domenu_clear(self, *args):
-		self.ted.WEDelete()
-		self.selview()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, "", None)
-	def domenu_undo(self, *args):
-		which, redo = self.ted.WEGetUndoInfo()
-		if not which: 
-			return
-		self.ted.WEUndo()
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-		self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		if self._callback:
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(self._callback, 0, "", None)
-	def can_undo(self, menuitem):
-		which, redo = self.ted.WEGetUndoInfo()
-		which = UNDOLABELS[which]
-		if which == None: 
-			return None
-		if redo:
-			which = "Redo "+which
-		else:
-			which = "Undo "+which
-		menuitem.settext(which)
-		return 1
-	def domenu_selectall(self, *args):
-		self.selectall()
-	# private
-	def getscrollbarvalues(self):
-		dr = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-		vr = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-		vx = Wcontrols._scalebarvalue(dr[0], dr[2], vr[0], vr[2])
-		vy = Wcontrols._scalebarvalue(dr[1], dr[3], vr[1], vr[3])
-		return vx, vy
-	def vscroll(self, value):
-		lineheight = self.ted.WEGetHeight(0, 1)
-		dr = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-		vr = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-		destheight = dr[3] - dr[1]
-		viewheight = vr[3] - vr[1]
-		viewoffset = maxdelta = vr[1] - dr[1]
-		mindelta = vr[3] - dr[3]
-		if value == "+":
-			delta = lineheight
-		elif value == "-":
-			delta = - lineheight
-		elif value == "++":
-			delta = viewheight - lineheight
-		elif value == "--":
-			delta = lineheight - viewheight
-		else:	# in thumb
-			cur = (32767 * viewoffset) / (destheight - viewheight)
-			delta = (cur-value)*(destheight - viewheight)/32767
-			if abs(delta - viewoffset) <=2:
-				# compensate for irritating rounding error
-				delta = viewoffset
-		delta = min(maxdelta, delta)
-		delta = max(mindelta, delta)
-		self.ted.WEScroll(0, delta)
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def hscroll(self, value):
-		dr = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-		vr = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-		destwidth = dr[2] - dr[0]
-		viewwidth = vr[2] - vr[0]
-		viewoffset = maxdelta = vr[0] - dr[0]
-		mindelta = vr[2] - dr[2]
-		if value == "+":
-			delta = 32
-		elif value == "-":
-			delta = - 32
-		elif value == "++":
-			delta = 0.5 * (vr[2] - vr[0])
-		elif value == "--":
-			delta = 0.5 * (vr[0] - vr[2])
-		else:	# in thumb
-			cur = (32767 * viewoffset) / (destwidth - viewwidth)
-			delta = (cur-value)*(destwidth - viewwidth)/32767
-			if abs(delta - viewoffset) <=2:
-				# compensate for irritating rounding error
-				delta = viewoffset
-		delta = min(maxdelta, delta)
-		delta = max(mindelta, delta)
-		self.ted.WEScroll(delta, 0)
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	# some internals
-	def _getflags(self):
-		flags = WASTEconst.weDoAutoScroll | WASTEconst.weDoMonoStyled | \
-				WASTEconst.weDoUndo
-		if self.readonly:
-			flags = flags | WASTEconst.weDoReadOnly
-		return flags
-	def _getviewrect(self):
-		return Qd.InsetRect(self._bounds, self.inset[0], self.inset[1])
-	def _calctextbounds(self):
-		viewrect = l, t, r, b = self._getviewrect()
-		if self.ted:
-			dl, dt, dr, db = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-			vl, vt, vr, vb = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-			yshift = t - vt
-			if (db - dt) < (b - t):
-				destrect = viewrect
-			else:
-				destrect = l, dt + yshift, r, db + yshift
-		else:
-			destrect = viewrect
-		return viewrect, destrect
-class TextEditor(EditText):
-	def __init__(self, possize, text = "", callback = None, wrap = 1, inset = (4, 4),
-				fontsettings = ("Python-Sans", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)),
-				readonly = 0):
-		EditText.__init__(self, possize, text, callback, inset, fontsettings, readonly)
-		self.wrap = wrap
-	def _getflags(self):
-		flags = WASTEconst.weDoAutoScroll | WASTEconst.weDoMonoStyled | \
-				WASTEconst.weDoOutlineHilite
-		if self.readonly:
-			flags = flags | WASTEconst.weDoReadOnly
-		else:
-			flags = flags | WASTEconst.weDoUndo
-		return flags
-	def _getviewrect(self):
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		return (l + 5, t + 2, r, b - 2)
-	def _calctextbounds(self):
-		if self.wrap:
-			return EditText._calctextbounds(self)
-		else:
-			viewrect = l, t, r, b = self._getviewrect()
-			if self.ted:
-				dl, dt, dr, db = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-				vl, vt, vr, vb = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-				xshift = l - vl
-				yshift = t - vt
-				if (db - dt) < (b - t):
-					yshift = t - dt
-				destrect = (dl + xshift, dt + yshift, dr + xshift, db + yshift)
-			else:
-				destrect = (l, t, r + 5000, b)
-			return viewrect, destrect
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._visible:
-			if not visRgn:
-				visRgn = self._parentwindow.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn
-			self.ted.WEUpdate(visRgn)
-			if self._selected and self._activated:
-				self.drawselframe(1)
-class PyEditor(TextEditor):
-	def __init__(self, possize, text = "", callback = None, inset = (4, 4),
-				fontsettings = ("Python-Sans", 0, 9, (0, 0, 0)),
-				readonly = 0,
-				debugger = None,
-				file = ''):
-		TextEditor.__init__(self, possize, text, callback, 0, inset, fontsettings, readonly)
-		self.bind("cmd[", self.shiftleft)
-		self.bind("cmd]", self.shiftright)
-		self.file = file	# only for debugger reference
-		self._debugger = debugger
-		if debugger:
-			debugger.register_editor(self, self.file)
-	def setfile(self, file):
-		self.file = file
-	def set(self, text, file = ''):
-		oldfile = self.file
-		self.file = file
-		if self._debugger:
-			self._debugger.unregister_editor(self, oldfile)
-			self._debugger.register_editor(self, file)
-		TextEditor.set(self, text)
-	def close(self):
-		if self._debugger:
-			self._debugger.unregister_editor(self, self.file)
-			self._debugger = None
-		TextEditor.close(self)		
-	def click(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self._enabled:
-			return
-		if self._debugger and self.pt_in_breaks(point):
-			self.breakhit(point, modifiers)
-		elif self._debugger:
-			bl, bt, br, bb = self._getbreakrect()
-			Qd.EraseRect((bl, bt, br-1, bb))
-, point, modifiers)
-			self.drawbreakpoints()
-		else:
-, point, modifiers)
-			if self.ted.WEGetClickCount() >= 3:
-				# select block with our indent
-				lines = string.split(self.get(), '\r')
-				selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-				lineno = self.ted.WEOffsetToLine(selstart)
-				tabs = 0
-				line = lines[lineno]
-				while line[tabs:] and line[tabs] == '\t':
-					tabs = tabs + 1
-				tabstag = '\t' * tabs
-				fromline = 0
-				toline = len(lines)
-				if tabs:
-					for i in range(lineno - 1, -1, -1):
-						line = lines[i]
-						if line[:tabs] <> tabstag:
-							fromline = i + 1
-							break
-					for i in range(lineno + 1, toline):
-						line = lines[i]
-						if line[:tabs] <> tabstag:
-							toline = i - 1
-							break
-				selstart, dummy = self.ted.WEGetLineRange(fromline)
-				dummy, selend = self.ted.WEGetLineRange(toline)
-				self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selend)
-	def breakhit(self, point, modifiers):
-		if not self.file:
-			return
-		offset, edge = self.ted.WEGetOffset(point)
-		lineno = self.ted.WEOffsetToLine(offset) + 1
-		if edge < 0:
-			self._debugger.clear_breaks_above(self.file, lineno)
-		else:
-			self._debugger.clear_breaks_above(self.file, self.countlines())
-			self._debugger.toggle_break(self.file, lineno)
-	def key(self, char, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		if modifiers & Events.cmdKey and not char in arrowkeys:
-			return
-		if char == '\r':
-			selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-			selstart, selend = min(selstart, selend), max(selstart, selend)
-			lastchar = chr(self.ted.WEGetChar(selstart-1))
-			if lastchar <> '\r' and selstart:
-				pos, dummy = self.ted.WEFindLine(selstart, 0)
-				lineres = Res.Resource('')
-				self.ted.WECopyRange(pos, selstart, lineres, None, None)
-				line = + '\n'
-				tabcount = self.extratabs(line)
-				self.ted.WEKey(ord('\r'), 0)
-				for i in range(tabcount):
-					self.ted.WEKey(ord('\t'), 0)
-			else:
-				self.ted.WEKey(ord('\r'), 0)
-		elif char in ')]}':
-			self.ted.WEKey(ord(char), modifiers)
-			self.balanceparens(char)
-		else:
-			self.ted.WEKey(ord(char), modifiers)
-		if char not in navigationkeys:
-			self.changed = 1
-		self.selchanged = 1
-		self.updatescrollbars()
-	def balanceparens(self, char):
-		if char == ')':
-			target = '('
-		elif char == ']':
-			target = '['
-		elif char == '}':
-			target = '{'
-		recursionlevel = 1
-		selstart, selend = self.ted.WEGetSelection()
-		count = min(selstart, selend) - 2
-		mincount = max(0, count - 2048)
-		lastquote = None
-		while count > mincount:
-			testchar = chr(self.ted.WEGetChar(count))
-			if testchar in "\"'" and chr(self.ted.WEGetChar(count - 1)) <> '\\':
-				if lastquote == testchar:
-					recursionlevel = recursionlevel - 1
-					lastquote = None
-				elif not lastquote:
-					recursionlevel = recursionlevel + 1
-					lastquote = testchar
-			elif not lastquote and testchar == char:
-				recursionlevel = recursionlevel + 1
-			elif not lastquote and testchar == target:
-				recursionlevel = recursionlevel - 1
-				if recursionlevel == 0:
-					import time
-					autoscroll = self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFAutoScroll, -1)
-					if autoscroll:
-						self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFAutoScroll, 0)
-					self.ted.WESetSelection(count, count + 1)
-					time.sleep(0.2)
-					self.ted.WESetSelection(selstart, selend)
-					if autoscroll:
-						self.ted.WEFeatureFlag(WASTEconst.weFAutoScroll, 1)
-					break
-			count = count - 1
-	def extratabs(self, line):
-		tabcount = 0
-		for c in line:
-			if c <> '\t':
-				break
-			tabcount = tabcount + 1
-		last = 0
-		cleanline = ''
-		tags = PyFontify.fontify(line)
-		# strip comments and strings
-		for tag, start, end, sublist in tags:
-			if tag in ('string', 'comment'):
-				cleanline = cleanline + line[last:start]
-				last = end
-		cleanline = cleanline + line[last:]
-		cleanline = string.strip(cleanline)
-		if cleanline and cleanline[-1] == ':':
-			tabcount = tabcount + 1
-		else:
-			for open, close in (('(', ')'), ('[', ']'), ('{', '}')):
-				count = string.count(cleanline, open)
-				if count and count <> string.count(cleanline, close):
-					tabcount = tabcount + 2
-					break
-		return tabcount
-	def rollover(self, point, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			if self._debugger and self.pt_in_breaks(point):
-				Wbase.SetCursor("arrow")
-			else:
-				Wbase.SetCursor("iBeam")
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		TextEditor.draw(self, visRgn)
-		if self._debugger:
-			self.drawbreakpoints()
-	def showbreakpoints(self, onoff):
-		if (not not self._debugger) <> onoff:
-			if onoff:
-				import PyDebugger
-				self._debugger = PyDebugger.getdebugger()
-				self._debugger.register_editor(self, self.file)
-			elif self._debugger:
-				self._debugger.unregister_editor(self, self.file)
-				self._debugger = None
-			self.adjust(self._bounds)
-	def togglebreakpoints(self):
-		self.showbreakpoints(not self._debugger)
-	def clearbreakpoints(self):
-		if self.file:
-			self._debugger.clear_all_file_breaks(self.file)
-	def editbreakpoints(self):
-		if self._debugger:
-			self._debugger.edit_breaks()
-			self._debugger.breaksviewer.selectfile(self.file)
-	def drawbreakpoints(self, eraseall = 0):
-		breakrect = bl, bt, br, bb = self._getbreakrect()
-		br = br - 1
-		self.SetPort()
-		Qd.PenPat(Qd.qd.gray)
-		Qd.PaintRect((br, bt, br + 1, bb))
-		Qd.PenNormal()
-		self._parentwindow.tempcliprect(breakrect)
-		Qd.RGBForeColor((0xffff, 0, 0))
-		try:
-			lasttop = bt
-			self_ted = self.ted
-			Qd_PaintOval = Qd.PaintOval
-			Qd_EraseRect = Qd.EraseRect
-			for lineno in self._debugger.get_file_breaks(self.file):
-				start, end = self_ted.WEGetLineRange(lineno - 1)
-				if lineno <> self_ted.WEOffsetToLine(start) + 1:
-					# breakpoints beyond our text: erase rest, and back out
-					Qd_EraseRect((bl, lasttop, br, bb))
-					break
-				(x, y), h = self_ted.WEGetPoint(start, 0)
-				bottom = y + h
-				#print y, (lasttop, bottom)
-				if bottom > lasttop:
-					Qd_EraseRect((bl, lasttop, br, y + h * eraseall))
-					lasttop = bottom
-				redbullet = bl + 2, y + 3, bl + 8, y + 9
-				Qd_PaintOval(redbullet)
-			else:
-				Qd_EraseRect((bl, lasttop, br, bb))
-			Qd.RGBForeColor((0, 0, 0))
-		finally:
-			self._parentwindow.restoreclip()
-	def updatescrollbars(self):
-		if self._debugger:
-			self.drawbreakpoints(1)
-		TextEditor.updatescrollbars(self)
-	def pt_in_breaks(self, point):
-		return Qd.PtInRect(point, self._getbreakrect())
-	def _getbreakrect(self):
-		if self._debugger:
-			l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-			return (l+1, t+1, l + 12, b-1)
-		else:
-			return (0, 0, 0, 0)
-	def _getviewrect(self):
-		l, t, r, b = self._bounds
-		if self._debugger:
-			return (l + 17, t + 2, r, b - 2)
-		else:
-			return (l + 5, t + 2, r, b - 2)
-	def _calctextbounds(self):
-		viewrect = l, t, r, b = self._getviewrect()
-		if self.ted:
-			dl, dt, dr, db = self.ted.WEGetDestRect()
-			vl, vt, vr, vb = self.ted.WEGetViewRect()
-			xshift = l - vl
-			yshift = t - vt
-			if (db - dt) < (b - t):
-				yshift = t - dt
-			destrect = (dl + xshift, dt + yshift, dr + xshift, db + yshift)
-		else:
-			destrect = (l, t, r + 5000, b)
-		return viewrect, destrect
-def GetFNum(font):
-	if font <> 'Chicago':
-		fontid = Fm.GetFNum(font)
-		if fontid == 0:
-			fontid = Fonts.monaco
-	else:
-		fontid = 0
-	return fontid
-def GetFName(fontid):
-	try:
-		res = Res.GetResource('FOND', fontid)
-	except Res.Error:
-		fontname = 'Monaco'
-	else:
-		fontname = res.GetResInfo()[2]
-	return fontname
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5804cd7..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-import traceback
-import sys
-import W
-import os
-import types
-class TraceList(W.List):
-	LDEF_ID = 468
-	def createlist(self):
-		import List
-		self._calcbounds()
-		self.SetPort()
-		rect = self._bounds
-		rect = rect[0]+1, rect[1]+1, rect[2]-16, rect[3]-1
-		self._list = List.LNew(rect, (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 28), self.LDEF_ID, self._parentwindow.wid,
-					0, 1, 0, 1)
-		self.set(self.items)
-class TraceBack:
-	def __init__(self, title = "Traceback"):
-		app = W.getapplication()  # checks if W is properly initialized
-		self.title = title
-		self.w = None
-		self.closed = 1
-		self.start = 0
-		self.lastwindowtitle = ""
-		self.bounds = (360, 298)
-	def traceback(self, start = 0, lastwindowtitle = ""):
-		try:
-			self.lastwindowtitle = lastwindowtitle
-			self.start = start
-			self.type, self.value, self.tb = sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback
-			if self.type is not SyntaxError:
-				if type(self.type) == types.ClassType:
-					errortext = self.type.__name__
-				else:
-					errortext = str(self.type)
-				value = str(self.value)
-				if self.value and value:
-					errortext = errortext + ": " + value
-				self.w.text.set(errortext)
-				self.buildtblist()
-				self.w.list.set(self.textlist)
-				self.w.list.setselection([len(self.textlist) - 1])
-				self.w.wid.SelectWindow()
-				self.closed = 0
-			else:
-				self.syntaxerror()
-		except:
-			traceback.print_exc()
-	def syntaxerror(self):
-		try:
-			value, (filename, lineno, charno, line) = self.value
-		except:
-			filename = ""
-			lineno = None
-			value = self.value
-		if not filename and self.lastwindowtitle:
-			filename = self.lastwindowtitle
-		elif not filename:
-			filename = "<unknown>"
-		if filename and os.path.exists(filename):
-			filename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
-		if lineno:
-			charno = charno - 1
-			text = value + '\rFile: "' + str(filename) + '", line ' + str(lineno) + '\r\r' + line[:charno] + "€" + line[charno:-1]
-		else:
-			text = value + '\rFile: "' + str(filename) + '"'
-		self.syntaxdialog = W.ModalDialog((360, 120), "Syntax Error")
-		self.syntaxdialog.text = W.TextBox((10, 10, -10, -40), text)
-		self.syntaxdialog.cancel = W.Button((-190, -32, 80, 16), "Cancel", self.syntaxclose)
-		self.syntaxdialog.edit = W.Button((-100, -32, 80, 16), "Edit", self.syntaxedit)
-		self.syntaxdialog.setdefaultbutton(self.syntaxdialog.edit)
-		self.syntaxdialog.bind("cmd.", self.syntaxdialog.cancel.push)
-	def syntaxclose(self):
-		self.syntaxdialog.close()
-		del self.syntaxdialog
-	def syntaxedit(self):
-		try:
-			value, (filename, lineno, charno, line) = self.value
-		except:
-			filename = ""
-			lineno = None
-		if not filename and self.lastwindowtitle:
-			filename = self.lastwindowtitle
-		elif not filename:
-			filename = "<unknown>"
-		self.syntaxclose()
-		if lineno:
-			W.getapplication().openscript(filename, lineno, charno - 1)
-		else:
-			W.getapplication().openscript(filename)
-	def show(self):
-		if self.closed:
-			self.setupwidgets()
-		else:
-			self.w.wid.ShowWindow()
-			self.w.wid.SelectWindow()
-	def close(self):
-		self.bounds = self.w.getbounds()
-		self.closed = 1
-		self.type, self.value, self.tb = None, None, None
-		self.tblist = None
-	def activate(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			if self.closed:
-				self.traceback()
-			self.closed = 0
-			self.checkbuttons()
-	def setupwidgets(self):
-		self.w = W.Window(self.bounds, self.title, minsize = (316, 168))
-		self.w.text = W.TextBox((10, 10, -10, 30))
-		self.w.tbtitle = W.TextBox((10, 40, -10, 10), "Traceback (innermost last):")
-		self.w.list = TraceList((10, 60, -10, -40), callback = self.listhit)
-		self.w.editbutton = W.Button((10, -30, 60, 16), "Edit", self.edit)
-		self.w.editbutton.enable(0)
-		self.w.browselocalsbutton = W.Button((80, -30, 100, 16), "Browse localsŠ", self.browselocals)
-		self.w.browselocalsbutton.enable(0)
-		self.w.postmortembutton = W.Button((190, -30, 100, 16), "Post mortemŠ", self.postmortem)
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.editbutton)
-		self.w.bind("cmdb", self.w.browselocalsbutton.push)
-		self.w.bind("<close>", self.close)
-		self.w.bind("<activate>", self.activate)
-	def buildtblist(self):
-		tb = self.tb
-		for i in range(self.start):
-			if tb.tb_next is None:
-				break
-			tb = tb.tb_next
-		self.tblist = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
-		self.textlist = []
-		for filename, lineno, func, line in self.tblist:
-			tbline = ""
-			if os.path.exists(filename):
-				filename = os.path.split(filename)[1]
-				tbline = 'File "' + filename + '", line ' + `lineno` + ', in ' + func
-			else:
-				tbline = 'File "' + filename + '", line ' + `lineno` + ', in ' + func
-			if line:
-				tbline = tbline + '\r      ' + line
-			self.textlist.append(tbline[:255])
-	def edit(self):
-		sel = self.w.list.getselection()
-		for i in sel:
-			filename, lineno, func, line = self.tblist[i]
-			W.getapplication().openscript(filename, lineno)
-	def browselocals(self):
-		sel = self.w.list.getselection()
-		for i in sel:
-			tb = self.tb
-			for j in range(i + self.start):
-				tb = tb.tb_next
-			self.browse(tb.tb_frame.f_locals)
-	def browse(self, object):
-		import PyBrowser
-		PyBrowser.Browser(object)
-	def postmortem(self):
-		import PyDebugger
-		PyDebugger.postmortem(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
-	def listhit(self, isdbl):
-		if isdbl:
-			self.w.editbutton.push()
-		else:
-			self.checkbuttons()
-	def checkbuttons(self):
-		havefile = len(self.w.list.getselection()) > 0
-		self.w.editbutton.enable(havefile)
-		self.w.browselocalsbutton.enable(havefile)
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(havefile and self.w.editbutton or self.w.postmortembutton)
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
deleted file mode 100644
index c488810..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/IDELib/Widgets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-import Qd
-import Win
-import Evt
-import Fm
-import FrameWork
-import Windows
-import Events
-import Wbase
-import Wlist
-import Dlg
-import MacOS
-import Menu
-import struct
-from types import *
-from SpecialKeys import *
-class Window(FrameWork.Window, Wbase.SelectableWidget):
-	windowkind = Windows.documentProc
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = "", minsize = None, maxsize = None, tabbable = 1, show = 1):
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.__init__(self, possize)
-		self._globalbounds = l, t, r, b = self.getwindowbounds(possize, minsize)
-		self._bounds = (0, 0, r - l, b - t)
-		self._tabchain = []
-		self._currentwidget = None
-		self.title = title
-		self._parentwindow = self
-		self._tabbable = tabbable
-		self._defaultbutton = None
-		self._drawwidgetbounds = 0
-		self._show = show
-		self._lastrollover = None
-		if minsize:
-			self._hasgrowbox = 1
-			self.windowkind = self.windowkind | 8
-			l, t = minsize
-			if maxsize:
-				r, b = maxsize[0] + 1, maxsize[1] + 1
-			else:
-				r, b = 32000, 32000
-			self.growlimit = (l, t, r, b)
-		else:
-			self._hasgrowbox = 0
-			if self.windowkind == 0 or self.windowkind >=8:
-				self.windowkind = self.windowkind | 4
-		import W
-		if not W._application:
-			raise W.WidgetsError, 'W not properly initialized: unknown Application'
-		FrameWork.Window.__init__(self, W._application)
-	def gettitle(self):
-		return self.title
-	def settitle(self, title):
-		self.title = title
-		if self.wid:
-			self.wid.SetWTitle(title)
-	def getwindowbounds(self, size, minsize = None):
-		return windowbounds(size, minsize)	
-	def getcurrentwidget(self):
-		return self._currentwidget
-	def show(self, onoff):
-		if onoff:
-			self.wid.ShowWindow()
-		else:
-			self.wid.HideWindow()
-	def isvisible(self):
-		return self.wid.IsWindowVisible()
-	def getbounds(self):
-		if 0:	#self.isvisible():
-			self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
-			self._globalbounds = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
-		return self._globalbounds
-	def select(self):
-		self.wid.SelectWindow()
-	def open(self):
-		self.wid = Win.NewCWindow(self._globalbounds, self.title, self._show,
-			self.windowkind, -1, 1, 0)
-		self.SetPort()
-		fnum = Fm.GetFNum("Python-Sans")
-		if fnum == 0:
-			fnum = Fm.GetFNum("Geneva")
-		Qd.TextFont(fnum)	# XXX font&size from a function?
-		Qd.TextSize(9)	# XXX font&size from a function?
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<open>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<open>"]
-			callback()
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			w.forall_frombottom("open")
-		self._maketabchain()
-		if self._tabchain:
-			self._tabchain[0].select(1)
-		if self._tabbable:
-			self.bind('tab', self.nextwidget)
-			self.bind('shifttab', self.previouswidget)
-		self.do_postopen()
-	def close(self):
-		if not self.wid:
-			return	# we are already closed
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<close>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<close>"]
-			rv = callback()
-			if rv:
-				return rv
-		#for key in self._widgetsdict.keys():
-		#	self._removewidget(key)
-		self.forall_butself("close")
-		Wbase.SelectableWidget.close(self)
-		self._tabchain = []
-		self._currentwidget = None
-		self.wid.HideWindow()
-		self.do_postclose()
-	def domenu_close(self, *args):
-		self.close()
-	def move(self, x, y = None):
-		"""absolute move"""
-		if y == None:
-			x, y = x
-		self.wid.MoveWindow(x, y, 0)
-	def resize(self, x, y = None):
-		if y == None:
-			x, y = x
-		if self._hasgrowbox:
-			self.SetPort()
-			Win.InvalRect(self.getgrowrect())
-		self.wid.SizeWindow(x, y, 1)
-		self._calcbounds()
-	def test(self, point):
-		return 1
-	def draw(self, visRgn = None):
-		if self._hasgrowbox:
-			self.tempcliprect(self.getgrowrect())
-			self.wid.DrawGrowIcon()
-			self.restoreclip()
-	def idle(self, *args):
-		self.SetPort()
-		point = Evt.GetMouse()
-		widget = self.findwidget(point, 0)
-		if widget is not None and hasattr(widget, "rollover"):
-			if 1:	#self._lastrollover <> widget:
-				if self._lastrollover:
-					self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 0)
-				self._lastrollover = widget
-				self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 1)
-		else:
-			if self._lastrollover:
-				self._lastrollover.rollover(point, 0)
-			self._lastrollover = None
-			Wbase.SetCursor("arrow")
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<idle>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<idle>"]
-			if callback():
-				return
-		if self._currentwidget is not None and hasattr(self._currentwidget, "idle"):
-			if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key("<idle>"):
-				callback = self._currentwidget._bindings["<idle>"]
-				if callback():
-					return
-			self._currentwidget.idle()
-	def xxx___select(self, widget):
-		if self._currentwidget == widget:
-			return
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<select>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<select>"]
-			if callback(widget):
-				return
-		if widget is None:
-			if self._currentwidget is not None:
-		elif type(widget) == InstanceType and widget._selectable:
-		elif widget == -1 or widget == 1:
-			if len(self._tabchain) <= 1:
-				return
-			temp = self._tabchain[(self._tabchain.index(self._currentwidget) + widget) % len(self._tabchain)]
-		else:
-			raise TypeError, "Widget is not selectable"
-	def setdefaultbutton(self, newdefaultbutton = None, *keys):
-		if newdefaultbutton == self._defaultbutton:
-			return
-		if self._defaultbutton:
-			self._defaultbutton._setdefault(0)
-		if not newdefaultbutton:
-			self.bind("return", None)
-			self.bind("enter", None)
-			return
-		import Wcontrols
-		if not Wbase.HasBaseClass(newdefaultbutton, Wcontrols.Button):
-			raise TypeError, "widget is not a button"
-		self._defaultbutton = newdefaultbutton
-		self._defaultbutton._setdefault(1)
-		if not keys:
-			self.bind("return", self._defaultbutton.push)
-			self.bind("enter", self._defaultbutton.push)
-		else:
-			for key in keys:
-				self.bind(key, self._defaultbutton.push)
-	def nextwidget(self):
-		self.xxx___select(1)
-	def previouswidget(self):
-		self.xxx___select(-1)
-	def drawwidgetbounds(self, onoff):
-		self._drawwidgetbounds = onoff
-		self.SetPort()
-		Win.InvalRect(self._bounds)
-	def _drawbounds(self):
-		pass
-	def _maketabchain(self):
-		# XXX This has to change, it's no good when we are adding or deleting widgets.
-		# XXX Perhaps we shouldn't keep a "tabchain" at all.
-		self._hasselframes = 0
-		self._collectselectablewidgets(self._widgets)
-		if self._hasselframes and len(self._tabchain) > 1:
-			self._hasselframes = 1
-		else:
-			self._hasselframes = 0
-	def _collectselectablewidgets(self, widgets):
-		for w in widgets:
-			if w._selectable:
-				self._tabchain.append(w)
-				if Wbase.HasBaseClass(w, Wlist.List):
-					self._hasselframes = 1
-			self._collectselectablewidgets(w._widgets)
-	def _calcbounds(self):
-		self._possize = self.wid.GetWindowPort().portRect[2:]
-		w, h = self._possize
-		self._bounds = (0, 0, w, h)
-		self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
-		l, t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
-		self._globalbounds = l, t, l + w, t + h
-		for w in self._widgets:
-			w._calcbounds()
-	# FrameWork override methods
-	def do_inDrag(self, partcode, window, event):
-		where = event[3]
-		self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
-		was_l, was_t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
-		window.DragWindow(where, self.draglimit)
-		self.wid.GetWindowContentRgn(scratchRegion)
-		is_l, is_t, r, b = GetRgnBounds(scratchRegion)
-		self._globalbounds = Qd.OffsetRect(self._globalbounds, 
-					is_l - was_l, is_t - was_t)
-	def do_char(self, char, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		key = char
-		if keynames.has_key(key):
-			key = keynames[char]
-		if modifiers & Events.shiftKey:
-			key = 'shift' + key
-		if modifiers & Events.cmdKey:
-			key = 'cmd' + key
-		if modifiers & Events.controlKey:
-			key = 'control' + key
-		if self._bindings.has_key("<key>"):
-			callback = self._bindings["<key>"]
-			if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event):
-				return
-		if self._bindings.has_key(key):
-			callback = self._bindings[key]
-			Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event)
-		elif self._currentwidget is not None:
-			if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key(key):
-				callback = self._currentwidget._bindings[key]
-				Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event)
-			else:
-				if self._currentwidget._bindings.has_key("<key>"):
-					callback = self._currentwidget._bindings["<key>"]
-					if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, char, event):
-						return
-				self._currentwidget.key(char, event)
-	def do_contentclick(self, point, modifiers, event):
-		widget = self.findwidget(point)
-		if widget is not None:
-			if self._bindings.has_key("<click>"):
-				callback = self._bindings["<click>"]
-				if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, point, modifiers):
-					return
-			if widget._bindings.has_key("<click>"):
-				callback = widget._bindings["<click>"]
-				if Wbase.CallbackCall(callback, 0, point, modifiers):
-					return
-			if widget._selectable:
-, 1)
-, modifiers)
-	def do_update(self, window, event):
-		Qd.EraseRgn(window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
-		self.forall("draw", window.GetWindowPort().visRgn)
-		if self._drawwidgetbounds:
-			self.forall("_drawbounds")
-	def do_activate(self, onoff, event):
-		if not onoff:
-			if self._lastrollover:
-				self._lastrollover.rollover((0, 0), 0)
-				self._lastrollover = None
-		self.SetPort()
-		self.forall("activate", onoff)
-		self.draw()
-	def do_postresize(self, width, height, window):
-		Win.InvalRect(self.getgrowrect())
-		self._calcbounds()
-	# utilities
-	def tempcliprect(self, tempcliprect):
-		tempclip = Qd.NewRgn()
-		Qd.RectRgn(tempclip, tempcliprect)
-		self.tempclip(tempclip)
-	def tempclip(self, tempclip):
-		if hasattr(self, "saveclip"):
-			raise Wbase.WidgetsError, "already have saveclip"
-		self.saveclip = Qd.NewRgn()
-		Qd.GetClip(self.saveclip)
-		Qd.SectRgn(self.wid.GetWindowPort().visRgn, tempclip, tempclip)
-		Qd.SetClip(tempclip)
-	def restoreclip(self):
-		Qd.SetClip(self.saveclip)
-		del self.saveclip
-	def getgrowrect(self):
-		l, t, r, b = self.wid.GetWindowPort().portRect
-		return (r - 15, b - 15, r, b)
-	def has_key(self, key):
-		return self._widgetsdict.has_key(key)
-	def __getattr__(self, attr):
-		global _successcount, _failcount, _magiccount
-		if self._widgetsdict.has_key(attr):
-			_successcount = _successcount + 1
-			return self._widgetsdict[attr]
-		if self._currentwidget is None or (attr[:7] <> 'domenu_' and 
-				attr[:4] <> 'can_' and attr <> 'insert'):
-			_failcount = _failcount + 1
-			raise AttributeError, attr
-		# special case: if a domenu_xxx, can_xxx or insert method is asked for, 
-		# see if the active widget supports it
-		_magiccount = _magiccount + 1
-		return getattr(self._currentwidget, attr)
-_successcount = 0
-_failcount = 0
-_magiccount = 0
-class Dialog(Window):
-	windowkind = Windows.movableDBoxProc
-	# this __init__ seems redundant, but it's not: it has less args
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = ""):
-		Window.__init__(self, possize, title)
-	def can_close(self, *args):
-		return 0
-	def getwindowbounds(self, size, minsize = None):
-		screenbounds = sl, st, sr, sb = Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds
-		w, h = size
-		l = sl + (sr - sl - w) / 2
-		t = st + (sb - st - h) / 3
-		return l, t, l + w, t + h
-class ModalDialog(Dialog):
-	def __init__(self, possize, title = ""):
-		Dialog.__init__(self, possize, title)
-		if title:
-			self.windowkind = Windows.movableDBoxProc
-		else:
-			self.windowkind = Windows.dBoxProc
-	def open(self):
-		import W
-		if not W._application:
-			raise W.WidgetsError, 'W not properly initialized: unknown Application'
- = W._application
-		self.done = 0
-		Menu.HiliteMenu(0)
-		self.mainloop()
-	def close(self):
-		if not self.wid:
-			return	# we are already closed
-		self.done = 1
-		del
-		Dialog.close(self)
-	def mainloop(self):
-		saveyield = MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-		while not self.done:
-			#self.do1event()
-			self.do1event(	Events.keyDownMask + 
-						Events.autoKeyMask + 
-						Events.activMask + 
-						Events.updateMask + 
-						Events.mDownMask +
-						Events.mUpMask, 
-						10)
-		MacOS.EnableAppswitch(saveyield)
-	def do1event(self, mask = Events.everyEvent, wait = 0):
-		ok, event =, wait)
-		if Dlg.IsDialogEvent(event):
-			if
-				return
-		if ok:
-			self.dispatch(event)
-		else:
-	def do_keyDown(self, event):
-		self.do_key(event)
-	def do_autoKey(self, event):
-		if not event[-1] & Events.cmdKey:
-			self.do_key(event)
-	def do_key(self, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		w = Win.FrontWindow()
-		if w <> self.wid:
-			return
-		c = chr(message & Events.charCodeMask)
-		if modifiers & Events.cmdKey:
-			result = Menu.MenuKey(ord(c))
-			id = (result>>16) & 0xffff	# Hi word
-			item = result & 0xffff		# Lo word
-			if id:
-, item, None, event)
-				return
-		self.do_char(c, event)
-	def do_mouseDown(self, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		partcode, wid = Win.FindWindow(where)
-		#
-		# Find the correct name.
-		#
-		if FrameWork.partname.has_key(partcode):
-			name = "do_" + FrameWork.partname[partcode]
-		else:
-			name = "do_%d" % partcode
-		if name == "do_inDesk":
-			MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
-			return
-		if wid == self.wid:
-			try:
-				handler = getattr(self, name)
-			except AttributeError:
-				handler =
-		else:
-			#MacOS.HandleEvent(event)
-			return		
-		handler(partcode, wid, event)
-	def dispatch(self, event):
-		(what, message, when, where, modifiers) = event
-		if FrameWork.eventname.has_key(what):
-			name = "do_" + FrameWork.eventname[what]
-		else:
-			name = "do_%d" % what
-		try:
-			handler = getattr(self, name)
-		except AttributeError:
-			try:
-				handler = getattr(, name)
-			except AttributeError:
-				handler =
-		handler(event)
-def FrontWindowInsert(stuff):
-	if not stuff:
-		return
-	if type(stuff) <> StringType:
-		raise TypeError, 'string expected'
-	import W
-	app = W.getapplication()
-	wid = Win.FrontWindow()
-	if wid and app._windows.has_key(wid):
-		window = app._windows[wid]
-		if hasattr(window, "insert"):
-			try:
-				window.insert(stuff)
-				return
-			except:
-				pass
-	import EasyDialogs
-	if EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel(
-			"Can¹t find window or widget to insert text into; copy to clipboard instead?", 
-			1) == 1:
-		import Scrap
-		Scrap.ZeroScrap()
-		Scrap.PutScrap('TEXT', stuff)
-# not quite based on the same function in FrameWork	
-_windowcounter = 0
-def getnextwindowpos():
-	global _windowcounter
-	rows = 8
-	l = 4 * (rows + 1 - (_windowcounter % rows) + _windowcounter / rows)
-	t = 44 + 20 * (_windowcounter % rows)
-	_windowcounter = _windowcounter + 1
-	return l, t
-def windowbounds(preferredsize, minsize = None):
-	"Return sensible window bounds"
-	global _windowcounter
-	if len(preferredsize) == 4:
-		bounds = l, t, r, b = preferredsize
-		union = Qd.UnionRect(bounds, Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds)
-		if union == Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds:
-			return bounds
-		else:
-			preferredsize = r - l, b - t
-	if not minsize:
-		minsize = preferredsize
-	minwidth, minheight = minsize
-	width, height = preferredsize
-	sl, st, sr, sb = screenbounds = Qd.InsetRect(Qd.qd.screenBits.bounds, 4, 4)
-	l, t = getnextwindowpos()
-	if (l + width) > sr:
-		_windowcounter = 0
-		l, t = getnextwindowpos()
-	r = l + width
-	b = t + height
-	if (t + height) > sb:
-		b = sb
-		if (b - t) < minheight:
-			b = t + minheight
-	return l, t, r, b
-scratchRegion = Qd.NewRgn()
-# util -- move somewhere convenient???
-def GetRgnBounds(the_Rgn):
-	(t, l, b, r) = struct.unpack("hhhh",[2:10])
-	return (l, t, r, b)
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1a94a6..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# copyright 1997 Just van Rossum, Letterror.
-# keep this (__main__) as clean as possible, since we are using 
-# it like the "normal" interpreter.
-__version__ = '0.9b1'
-def init():
-	import sys
-	import MacOS
-	if sys.version[:5] == '1.5a3':
-		def MyEnableAppswitch(yield, 
-				table = {-1:0, 0:-1, 1:1}, 
-				EnableAppswitch = MacOS.EnableAppswitch):
-			return table[EnableAppswitch(table[yield])]
-		MacOS.EnableAppswitch = MyEnableAppswitch
-	MacOS.EnableAppswitch(-1)
-	import Qd, QuickDraw
-	Qd.SetCursor(Qd.GetCursor(QuickDraw.watchCursor).data)
-	import os
-	# kludge to keep stdwin's out the door...
-	import string
-	for i in range(len(sys.path)):
-		path = sys.path[i]
-		if string.find(path, 'stdwin') > 0:
-			del sys.path[i]
-			break
-	try:
-		import SpecialKeys	# if this succeeds, we should have everything we need inside the applet.
-		del SpecialKeys
-	except ImportError:
-		# personal hack for me
-		wherearewe = os.getcwd()
-		import Res, macfs
-		if os.path.exists(os.path.join(wherearewe, 'IDELib')):
-			sys.path.append(os.path.join(wherearewe, ':IDELib'))
-			sys.path.append(os.path.join(wherearewe, ':IDELib:Widgets'))
-			Res.FSpOpenResFile(macfs.FSSpec(os.path.join(wherearewe, ':IDELib:Resources:Widgets.rsrc')), 1)
-			Res.FSpOpenResFile(macfs.FSSpec(os.path.join(wherearewe, 'PythonIDE.rsrc')), 1)
-		else:
-			oneback = os.path.split(wherearewe)[0]
-			sys.path.append(os.path.join(oneback, ':Fog:Widgets'))
-			Res.FSpOpenResFile(macfs.FSSpec(os.path.join(oneback, ':Fog:Resources:Widgets.rsrc')), 1)
-			Res.FSpOpenResFile(macfs.FSSpec(os.path.join(wherearewe, 'PythonIDE.rsrc')), 1)
-del init
-##import trace
-import PythonIDEMain
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/PythonIDE.rsrc b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/PythonIDE.rsrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8088e..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/PythonIDE.rsrc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  Hold option to open a script\302\212" "b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  Hold option to open a script\302\212"
deleted file mode 100644
index 062c64c..0000000
--- "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  Hold option to open a script\302\212"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-"Hold the option key to open a script instead of running it."
-import W
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  separator --- b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  separator ---
deleted file mode 100644
index a24dcd7..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/  separator ---
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-A separator ends with '---'
diff --git "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Remove .pyc files\302\212" "b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Remove .pyc files\302\212"
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f52d5..0000000
--- "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Remove .pyc files\302\212"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import macfs
-def walk(top):
-	names = os.listdir(top)
-	for name in names:
-		path = os.path.join(top, name)
-		if os.path.isdir(path):
-			walk(path)
-		else:
-			if path[-4:] == '.pyc' and os.path.exists(path[:-1]):
-				print "deleting:", path
-				os.remove(path)
-			elif path[-4:] == '.pyc':
-				print "!!! ------ .pyc file without .py file:", path
-fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Select the starting folder:')
-if ok:
-	walk(fss.as_pathname())
diff --git "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Toolbox Assistant\302\212" "b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Toolbox Assistant\302\212"
deleted file mode 100644
index e55c00a..0000000
--- "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Hack/Toolbox Assistant\302\212"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import aetools
-import Standard_Suite
-import Required_Suite
-import MacOS
-import W
-class Toolbox(aetools.TalkTo, Standard_Suite.Standard_Suite):
-	def LookupTopic(self, _object, _attributes={}, **_arguments):
-		_code = 'DanR'
-		_subcode = 'REF '
-		#aetools.keysubst(_arguments, self._argmap_OpenURL)
-		_arguments['----'] = _object
-		_reply, _arguments, _attributes = self.send(_code, _subcode,
-				_arguments, _attributes)
-		if _arguments.has_key('errn'):
-			raise MacOS.Error, aetools.decodeerror(_arguments)
-		# XXXX Optionally decode result
-		if _arguments.has_key('----'):
-			return _arguments['----']
-class ToolboxAssi:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.talker = Toolbox('ALTV')
-		self.w = W.Window((200, 100), "Toolbox Assistant")
-		self.w.button = W.Button((-94, -32, 80, 16), "Lookup", self.lookup)
-		self.w.prompt = W.TextBox((10, 8, -10, 15), "Enter topic:")
-		self.w.edit = W.EditText((10, 24, -10, 20))
-		self.w.setdefaultbutton(self.w.button)
-	def lookup(self):
-		lookup = self.w.edit.get()
-		try:
-			self.talker.LookupTopic(lookup)
-		except MacOS.Error, detail:
-			if type(detail) == type(()):
-				if detail[0] == -609:
-					self.talker.start()
-					try:
-						self.talker.LookupTopic(lookup)
-						return
-					except MacOS.Error:
-						pass
-			W.Message("Requested topic not found.")
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert
+++ /dev/null
diff --git "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert file name\302\212" "b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert file name\302\212"
deleted file mode 100644
index 7632f8e..0000000
--- "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert file name\302\212"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import macfs
-fss, ok = macfs.StandardGetFile()
-if ok:
-	import W
-	W.FrontWindowInsert('"%s"' % fss.as_pathname())
diff --git "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert folder name\302\212" "b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert folder name\302\212"
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9e06b..0000000
--- "a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/Scripts/Insert folder name\302\212"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import macfs
-fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory()
-if ok:
-	import W
-	W.FrontWindowInsert('"%s"' % fss.as_pathname())
diff --git a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/ b/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/
deleted file mode 100644
index c45c686..0000000
--- a/Mac/Contrib/PyIDE-src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "$Id$"
-import sys
-from time import time
-class Trace:
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.dispatch = {
-			'call': self.trace_dispatch_call,
-			'return': self.trace_dispatch_return,
-			'exception': self.trace_dispatch_exception,
-			}
-		self.curframe = None
-		self.depth = -1
-		self.stdout = sys.stdout
-	def run(self, cmd, globals = None, locals = None):
-		if globals is None:
-			import __main__
-			globals = __main__.__dict__
-		if locals is None:
-			locals = globals
-		sys.setprofile(self.trace_dispatch)
-		try:
-			exec cmd in globals, locals
-		finally:
-			sys.setprofile(None)
-	def runcall(self, func, *args):
-		sys.setprofile(self.trace_dispatch)
-		try:
-			apply(func, args)
-		finally:
-			sys.setprofile(None)
-	def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
-		curstdout = sys.stdout
-		sys.stdout = self.stdout
-		self.dispatch[event](frame, arg)
-		sys.stdout = curstdout
-	def trace_dispatch_call(self, frame, arg):
-		self.depth = self.depth + 1
-		self.curframe = frame
-		code = frame.f_code
-		funcname = code.co_name
-		if not funcname:
-			funcname = '<lambda>'
-		filename = code.co_filename
-		lineno = frame.f_lineno
-		if lineno == -1:
-			code = code.co_code
-			if ord(code[0]) == 127:	# SET_LINENO
-				lineno = ord(code[1]) | ord(code[2]) << 8
-		pframe = frame.f_back
-		if pframe:
-			plineno = ' (%d)' % pframe.f_lineno
-		else:
-			plineno = ''
-		print '%s> %s:%d %s%s' % (' '*self.depth,filename,lineno,funcname,plineno)
-		frame.f_locals['__start_time'] = time()
-	def trace_dispatch_return(self, frame, arg):
-		try:
-			t = frame.f_locals['__start_time']
-		except KeyError:
-			t = ''
-		else:
-			t = ' [%.4f]' % (time() - t)
-		funcname = frame.f_code.co_name
-		self.curframe = frame.f_back
-		if not funcname:
-			funcname = '<lambda>'
-		filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
-		print '%s< %s:%d %s%s' % (' '*self.depth,filename,frame.f_lineno,funcname,t)
-		self.depth = self.depth - 1
-	def trace_dispatch_exception(self, frame, arg):
-		t = ''
-		if frame is not self.curframe:
-			try:
-				t = frame.f_locals['__start_time']
-			except KeyError:
-				pass
-			else:
-				t = ' [%.4f]' % (time() - t)
-			self.depth = self.depth - 1
-			self.curframe = frame
-		funcname = frame.f_code.co_name
-		if not funcname:
-			funcname = '<lambda>'
-		filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
-		print '%sE %s:%d %s%s' % (' '*(self.depth+1),filename,frame.f_lineno,funcname,t)
-	def set_trace(self):
-		try:
-			raise 'xyzzy'
-		except:
-			frame = sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame
-		while frame.f_code.co_name != 'set_trace':
-			frame = frame.f_back
-		d = 0
-		while frame:
-			d = d + 1
-			frame = frame.f_back
-		self.depth = d
-		sys.setprofile(self.trace_dispatch)
-def run(cmd, globals = None, locals = None):
-	Trace().run(cmd, globals, locals)
-def runcall(*func_args):
-	apply(Trace().runcall, funcargs)
-def set_trace():
-	Trace().set_trace()
-def unset_trace():
-	sys.setprofile(None)