Updated for new situation; added VC++ 5.0 info and new path strategies.
diff --git a/PC/readme.txt b/PC/readme.txt
index 9de151c..64ef8c6 100644
--- a/PC/readme.txt
+++ b/PC/readme.txt
@@ -15,26 +15,26 @@
 set up when Python starts.  To see the current Python library search

 path, start Python and enter "import sys" and "print sys.path".


-All PC ports except Windows 95/NT use this scheme to try to set up

-a search path:

-  1) If the Python executable (for example, py_dos.exe) is located

-     in a subdirectory of the Python root (..), then those library

-     files are used (../Lib) to generate the path.

-  2) Otherwise the environment variable PYTHONPATH is the search path.

-  3) Otherwise the directory "lib" in the directory of the executable

-     file is used to generate the path.

-  4) Otherwise, the current directory is used (not useful).

+All PC ports use this scheme to try to set up a module search path:


-The best installation strategy (except NT) is to put the Python

-executable in some convenient directory such as C:/python, and

-copy all library files and subdirectories (using XCOPY) to C:/python/lib.

-Then you don't need to set PYTHONPATH.  Otherwise, set the environment

-variable PYTHONPATH to your Python search path.  For example,

+  1) The script location; the current directory without script.

+  2) The PYTHONPATH variable, if set.

+  3) For Win32 platforms (NT/95), paths specified in the Registry.

+  4) Default directories lib, lib/win, lib/test, lib/tkinter;

+     these are searched relative to the environment variable

+     PYTHONHOME, if set, or relative to the executable and its

+     ancestors, if a landmark file (Lib/string.py) is found ,

+     or the current directory (not useful).

+  5) The directory containing the executable.


+The best installation strategy is to put the Python executable (and

+DLL, for Win32 platforms) in some convenient directory such as

+C:/python, and copy all library files and subdirectories (using XCOPY)

+to C:/python/lib.  Then you don't need to set PYTHONPATH.  Otherwise,

+set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to your Python search path.

+For example,

    set PYTHONPATH=.;d:\python\lib;d:\python\lib\win;d:\python\lib\dos_8x3


-Python for Windows 95/NT uses the same PYTHONPATH environment variable, plus

-the Python path recorded in the registry.


 There are several add-in modules to build Python programs which use

 the native Windows operating environment.  The ports here just make

 "QuickWin" and DOS Python versions which support a character-mode

@@ -53,7 +53,10 @@
             remove Python modules.


 testpy.py   A Python test program.  Run this to test your

-            Python port.  It should say "all tests OK".

+            Python port.  It should produce copious output,

+	    ending in a report on how many tests were OK, how many

+	    failed, and how many were skipped.  Don't worry about

+	    skipped tests (these test unavailable optional features).


 src         A subdirectory used only for VC++ version 1.5 Python

             source files.  See below.  The other compilers do not

@@ -65,7 +68,7 @@


 (For historic reasons this uses the filename "vc40"; it has been tested

-most recently with VC 4.2.  VC 5.x should be able to convert it.)

+most recently with VC 4.2.  See below for VC 5.x.)


 The distributed Makefile is vc40.mak.  This file is distributed with

 CRLF line separators, otherwise Developer Studio won't like it.  It

@@ -106,6 +109,30 @@
 Tkinter.py module must be on PYTHONPATH.  It is found in the

 Lib\tkinter subdirectory.


+Microsoft Visual C++ Version 5.x (Developer Studio)



+For Visual C++ 5.x (Developer Studio) the instructions are somewhat

+different again.  Three project files (*.dsp) and a workspace file

+(pcbuild.dsw) are provided in the subdirectory vc5x.  (These are the

+same three subprojects as discussed for VC++ 4.x.)


+To use these, create a new directory (I called it "pcbuild") in the

+Python source directory, and copy the files from vc5x there.  Then

+simply open the pcbuild.dsw workspace file with Developer Studio.

+Select the Debug configuration (use Set Active Configuration... in the

+Build menu) and build the python15 and python projects (in that

+order).  If you have Tcl/Tk 8.0 installed you can also try building

+the _tkinter project.  After testing you can try building the Release

+configuration -- you must build the Debug configuration first because

+the python15.lib file created by that phase is included in the python



+The distributed files are text files with CRLF line terminators.  You

+can rename the workspace file (pcbuild.dsw), but since it refers to

+the project files by name, you can't rename the individual project




 Additional files and subdirectories for 32-bit Windows


@@ -114,15 +141,17 @@

 python_nt.rc   Resource compiler input for python15.dll.


-dl_nt.c, getpath_nt.c, import_nt.c

+dl_nt.c, import_nt.c

                Additional sources used for 32-bit Windows features.


-main_nt.c      Source for python.exe.

+getpathp.c     Default sys.path calculations (for all PC platforms).


 dllbase_nt.txt A (manually maintained) list of base addresses for

                various DLLs, to avoid run-time relocation.


 _tkinter.def   The export definitions file for _tkinter.dll.

+	       (No longer needed; the /export:init_tkinter takes care

+	       of this.)


 make_nt.in     Include file for nmake-based builds (unsupported).