First cut at documentation for imaplib.  Based on original documentation by
Piers Lauders.
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+% Based on HTML documentation by Piers Lauders <>;
+% converted by Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>.
+% The imaplib module was written by Piers Lauders.
+\section{Standard Module \module{imaplib}}
+This module defines a class, \class{IMAP4}, which encapsulates a
+connection to an IMAP4 server and implements the IMAP4rev1 client
+protocol as defined in \rfc{2060}. It is backward compatible with
+IMAP4 (\rfc{1730}) servers, but note that the \samp{STATUS} command is
+not supported in IMAP4.
+A single class is provided by the \code{imaplib} module:
+\begin{classdesc}{IMAP4}{\optional{host\optional{, port}}}
+This class implements the actual IMAP4 protocol.  The connection is
+created and protocol version (IMAP4 or IMAP4rev1) is determined when
+the instance is initialized.
+If \var{host} is not specified, \code{''} (the local host) is used.
+If \var{port} is omitted, the standard IMAP4 port (143) is used.
+Two exceptions are defined as attributes of the \class{IMAP4} class:
+Exception raised on any errors.  The reason for the exception is
+passed to the constructor as a string.
+IMAP4 server errors cause this exception to be raised.  This is a
+sub-class of \exception{IMAP4.error}.  Note that closing the instance
+and instantiating a new one will usually allow recovery from this
+The following utility functions are defined:
+  Converts an IMAP4 INTERNALDATE string to Coordinated Universal
+  Time. Returns a \module{time} module tuple.
+  Converts an integer into a string representation using characters
+  from the set [\code{A} .. \code{P}].
+  Converts an IMAP4 \samp{FLAGS} response to a tuple of individual
+  flags.
+  Converts a \module{time} module tuple to an IMAP4
+  \samp{INTERNALDATE} representation.  Returns a string in the form:
+  \code{"DD-Mmm-YYYY HH:MM:SS +HHMM"} (including double-quotes).
+\subsection{IMAP4 Objects}
+All IMAP4rev1 commands are represented by methods of the same name,
+either upper-case or lower-case.
+Each command returns a tuple: \code{(}\var{type}, \code{[}\var{data},
+...\code{])} where \var{type} is usually \code{'OK'} or \code{'NO'},
+and \var{data} is either the text from the command response, or
+mandated results from the command.
+An \class{IMAP4} instance has the following methods:
+\begin{methoddesc}{append}{mailbox, flags, date_time, message}
+  Append message to named mailbox. 
+  Authenticate command --- requires response processing. This is
+  currently unimplemented, and raises an exception. 
+  Checkpoint mailbox on server. 
+  Close currently selected mailbox. Deleted messages are removed from
+  writable mailbox. This is the recommended command before
+  \samp{LOGOUT}.
+\begin{methoddesc}{copy}{message_set, new_mailbox}
+  Copy \var{message_set} messages onto end of \var{new_mailbox}. 
+  Create new mailbox named \var{mailbox}.
+  Delete old mailbox named \var{mailbox}.
+  Permanently remove deleted items from selected mailbox. Generates an
+  \samp{EXPUNGE} response for each deleted message. Returned data
+  contains a list of \samp{EXPUNGE} message numbers in order
+  received.
+\begin{methoddesc}{fetch}{message_set, message_parts}
+  Fetch (parts of) messages. Returned data are tuples of message part
+  envelope and data.
+\begin{methoddesc}{list}{directory='""', pattern='*'}
+  List mailbox names in directory matching pattern. Returned data contains a
+  list of \samp{LIST} responses.
+\begin{methoddesc}{login}{user, password}
+  Identify the client using a plaintext password.
+  Shutdown connection to server. Returns server \samp{BYE} response.
+\begin{methoddesc}{lsub}{directory='""', pattern='*'}
+  List subscribed mailbox names in directory matching
+  pattern. Returned data are tuples of message part envelope and data.
+  Prompt server for an update. Returned data is \code{None} if no new
+  messages, else value of \samp{RECENT} response.
+\begin{methoddesc}{rename}{oldmailbox, newmailbox}
+  Rename mailbox named \var{oldmailbox} to \var{newmailbox}.
+  Return data for response \var{code} if received, or
+  \code{None}. Returns the given code, instead of the usual type.
+\begin{methoddesc}{search}{charset, criteria}
+  Search mailbox for matching messages. Returned data contains a space
+  separated list of matching message numbers.
+\begin{methoddesc}{select}{\optional{mailbox\optional{, readonly}}}
+  Select a mailbox. Returned data is the count of messages in
+  \var{mailbox} (\samp{EXISTS} response).  The default \var{mailbox}
+  is \code{'INBOX'}.  If the \var{readonly} flag is set, modifications
+  to the mailbox are not allowed.
+\begin{methoddesc}{status}{mailbox, names}
+  Request named status conditions for \var{mailbox}. 
+\begin{methoddesc}{store}{message_set, command, flag_list}
+  Alters flag dispositions for messages in mailbox.
+  Subscribe to new mailbox.
+\begin{methoddesc}{uid}{command, args}
+  Execute command args with messages identified by UID, rather than
+  message number. Returns response appropriate to command.
+  Unsubscribe from old mailbox.
+\begin{methoddesc}{xatom}{name\optional{, arg1\optional{, arg2}}}
+  Allow simple extension commands notified by server in
+  \samp{CAPABILITY} response.
+\class{IMAP4} instances have a variable \member{PROTOCOL_VERSION} that
+is set to the most recent supported protocol in the \samp{CAPABILITY}
+Finally, \class{IMAP4} instances have a variable debug which can be
+set to an integer to turn on debugging.  Values greater than 3 trace
+each command.
+\subsection{IMAP4 Example}
+Here is a minimal example (without error checking) that opens a
+mailbox and retrieves and prints all messages:
+import getpass, imaplib, string
+M = imaplib.IMAP4()
+M.LOGIN(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
+typ, data = M.SEARCH(None, 'ALL')
+for num in string.split(data[0]):
+    typ, data - M.FETCH(num, '(RFC822)')
+    print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1])
+Note that IMAP4 message numbers change as the mailbox changes, so it
+is highly advisable to use UIDs instead, with the UID command.
+At the end of the module, there is a test section that contains a more
+extensive example of usage.
+\seetext{Documents describing the protocol, and sources and binaries
+for servers implementing it, can all be found at the University of
+Washington's \emph{IMAP Information Center}
diff --git a/Doc/libimaplib.tex b/Doc/libimaplib.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cb4bb3
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+% Based on HTML documentation by Piers Lauders <>;
+% converted by Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>.
+% The imaplib module was written by Piers Lauders.
+\section{Standard Module \module{imaplib}}
+This module defines a class, \class{IMAP4}, which encapsulates a
+connection to an IMAP4 server and implements the IMAP4rev1 client
+protocol as defined in \rfc{2060}. It is backward compatible with
+IMAP4 (\rfc{1730}) servers, but note that the \samp{STATUS} command is
+not supported in IMAP4.
+A single class is provided by the \code{imaplib} module:
+\begin{classdesc}{IMAP4}{\optional{host\optional{, port}}}
+This class implements the actual IMAP4 protocol.  The connection is
+created and protocol version (IMAP4 or IMAP4rev1) is determined when
+the instance is initialized.
+If \var{host} is not specified, \code{''} (the local host) is used.
+If \var{port} is omitted, the standard IMAP4 port (143) is used.
+Two exceptions are defined as attributes of the \class{IMAP4} class:
+Exception raised on any errors.  The reason for the exception is
+passed to the constructor as a string.
+IMAP4 server errors cause this exception to be raised.  This is a
+sub-class of \exception{IMAP4.error}.  Note that closing the instance
+and instantiating a new one will usually allow recovery from this
+The following utility functions are defined:
+  Converts an IMAP4 INTERNALDATE string to Coordinated Universal
+  Time. Returns a \module{time} module tuple.
+  Converts an integer into a string representation using characters
+  from the set [\code{A} .. \code{P}].
+  Converts an IMAP4 \samp{FLAGS} response to a tuple of individual
+  flags.
+  Converts a \module{time} module tuple to an IMAP4
+  \samp{INTERNALDATE} representation.  Returns a string in the form:
+  \code{"DD-Mmm-YYYY HH:MM:SS +HHMM"} (including double-quotes).
+\subsection{IMAP4 Objects}
+All IMAP4rev1 commands are represented by methods of the same name,
+either upper-case or lower-case.
+Each command returns a tuple: \code{(}\var{type}, \code{[}\var{data},
+...\code{])} where \var{type} is usually \code{'OK'} or \code{'NO'},
+and \var{data} is either the text from the command response, or
+mandated results from the command.
+An \class{IMAP4} instance has the following methods:
+\begin{methoddesc}{append}{mailbox, flags, date_time, message}
+  Append message to named mailbox. 
+  Authenticate command --- requires response processing. This is
+  currently unimplemented, and raises an exception. 
+  Checkpoint mailbox on server. 
+  Close currently selected mailbox. Deleted messages are removed from
+  writable mailbox. This is the recommended command before
+  \samp{LOGOUT}.
+\begin{methoddesc}{copy}{message_set, new_mailbox}
+  Copy \var{message_set} messages onto end of \var{new_mailbox}. 
+  Create new mailbox named \var{mailbox}.
+  Delete old mailbox named \var{mailbox}.
+  Permanently remove deleted items from selected mailbox. Generates an
+  \samp{EXPUNGE} response for each deleted message. Returned data
+  contains a list of \samp{EXPUNGE} message numbers in order
+  received.
+\begin{methoddesc}{fetch}{message_set, message_parts}
+  Fetch (parts of) messages. Returned data are tuples of message part
+  envelope and data.
+\begin{methoddesc}{list}{directory='""', pattern='*'}
+  List mailbox names in directory matching pattern. Returned data contains a
+  list of \samp{LIST} responses.
+\begin{methoddesc}{login}{user, password}
+  Identify the client using a plaintext password.
+  Shutdown connection to server. Returns server \samp{BYE} response.
+\begin{methoddesc}{lsub}{directory='""', pattern='*'}
+  List subscribed mailbox names in directory matching
+  pattern. Returned data are tuples of message part envelope and data.
+  Prompt server for an update. Returned data is \code{None} if no new
+  messages, else value of \samp{RECENT} response.
+\begin{methoddesc}{rename}{oldmailbox, newmailbox}
+  Rename mailbox named \var{oldmailbox} to \var{newmailbox}.
+  Return data for response \var{code} if received, or
+  \code{None}. Returns the given code, instead of the usual type.
+\begin{methoddesc}{search}{charset, criteria}
+  Search mailbox for matching messages. Returned data contains a space
+  separated list of matching message numbers.
+\begin{methoddesc}{select}{\optional{mailbox\optional{, readonly}}}
+  Select a mailbox. Returned data is the count of messages in
+  \var{mailbox} (\samp{EXISTS} response).  The default \var{mailbox}
+  is \code{'INBOX'}.  If the \var{readonly} flag is set, modifications
+  to the mailbox are not allowed.
+\begin{methoddesc}{status}{mailbox, names}
+  Request named status conditions for \var{mailbox}. 
+\begin{methoddesc}{store}{message_set, command, flag_list}
+  Alters flag dispositions for messages in mailbox.
+  Subscribe to new mailbox.
+\begin{methoddesc}{uid}{command, args}
+  Execute command args with messages identified by UID, rather than
+  message number. Returns response appropriate to command.
+  Unsubscribe from old mailbox.
+\begin{methoddesc}{xatom}{name\optional{, arg1\optional{, arg2}}}
+  Allow simple extension commands notified by server in
+  \samp{CAPABILITY} response.
+\class{IMAP4} instances have a variable \member{PROTOCOL_VERSION} that
+is set to the most recent supported protocol in the \samp{CAPABILITY}
+Finally, \class{IMAP4} instances have a variable debug which can be
+set to an integer to turn on debugging.  Values greater than 3 trace
+each command.
+\subsection{IMAP4 Example}
+Here is a minimal example (without error checking) that opens a
+mailbox and retrieves and prints all messages:
+import getpass, imaplib, string
+M = imaplib.IMAP4()
+M.LOGIN(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
+typ, data = M.SEARCH(None, 'ALL')
+for num in string.split(data[0]):
+    typ, data - M.FETCH(num, '(RFC822)')
+    print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1])
+Note that IMAP4 message numbers change as the mailbox changes, so it
+is highly advisable to use UIDs instead, with the UID command.
+At the end of the module, there is a test section that contains a more
+extensive example of usage.
+\seetext{Documents describing the protocol, and sources and binaries
+for servers implementing it, can all be found at the University of
+Washington's \emph{IMAP Information Center}