Duplicated description about the illegal continue usage can be found in nearly the same place.
They are same, so keep the original one and remove the later-added one.
diff --git a/Doc/ref/ref7.tex b/Doc/ref/ref7.tex
index ddabca0..0306079 100644
--- a/Doc/ref/ref7.tex
+++ b/Doc/ref/ref7.tex
@@ -287,11 +287,8 @@
 it is re-raised at the end of the \keyword{finally} clause.
 If the \keyword{finally} clause raises another exception or
 executes a \keyword{return} or \keyword{break} statement, the saved
-exception is lost.  A \keyword{continue} statement is illegal in the
-\keyword{finally} clause.  (The reason is a problem with the current
-implementation -- this restriction may be lifted in the future).  The
-exception information is not available to the program during execution of
-the \keyword{finally} clause.
+exception is lost.  The exception information is not available to the
+program during execution of the \keyword{finally} clause.
 When a \keyword{return}, \keyword{break} or \keyword{continue} statement is