In unpackevent, get the direct object (----) before asking for missed parameters.
The documentation is unclear on this, but the old implementation caused problems
with Default Folder.
diff --git a/Mac/Lib/lib-toolbox/ b/Mac/Lib/lib-toolbox/
index dde82b5..792cb72 100644
--- a/Mac/Lib/lib-toolbox/
+++ b/Mac/Lib/lib-toolbox/
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@
 def unpackevent(ae):
 	parameters = {}
+	try:
+		dirobj = ae.AEGetParamDesc('----', '****')
+	except AE.Error:
+		pass
+	else:
+		parameters['----'] = unpack(dirobj)
+		del dirobj
 	while 1:
 		key = missed(ae)
 		if not key: break