Add not_ and __not__.
diff --git a/Modules/operator.c b/Modules/operator.c
index 14a7aaf..4e9111d 100644
--- a/Modules/operator.c
+++ b/Modules/operator.c
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
 spam1(op_inv           , PyNumber_Invert)
 spam2(op_lshift        , PyNumber_Lshift)
 spam2(op_rshift        , PyNumber_Rshift)
+spami(op_not_          , PyObject_Not)
 spam2(op_and_          , PyNumber_And)
 spam2(op_xor           , PyNumber_Xor)
 spam2(op_or_           , PyNumber_Or)
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@
 spam2(inv,__inv__, "inv(o) -- Return the inverse of o.")
 spam2(lshift,__lshift__, "lshift(a, b) -- Return a shifted left by b.")
 spam2(rshift,__rshift__, "rshift(a, b) -- Return a shifted right by b.")
+spam2(not_,__not__, "not_(o) -- Return 0 if o is true, and 1 otherwise.")
 spam2(and_,__and__, "and_(a, b) -- Return the bitwise and of a and b.")
 spam2(xor,__xor__, "xor(a, b) -- Return the bitwise exclusive-or of a and b.")
 spam2(or_,__or__, "or_(a, b) -- Return the bitwise or of a and b.")