#1858: re-apply patch for this, adding the missing files
diff --git a/Doc/distutils/packageindex.rst b/Doc/distutils/packageindex.rst
index 8242012..ef81d64 100644
--- a/Doc/distutils/packageindex.rst
+++ b/Doc/distutils/packageindex.rst
@@ -55,11 +55,40 @@
 The format of the :file:`.pypirc` file is as follows::
-   [server-login]
+   [distutils]
+   index-servers =
+     pypi
+   [pypi]
    repository: <repository-url>
    username: <username>
    password: <password>
 *repository* can be omitted and defaults to ``http://www.python.org/pypi``.
+If you want to define another server a new section can be created::
+   [distutils]
+   index-servers =
+     pypi
+     other
+   [pypi]
+   repository: <repository-url>
+   username: <username>
+   password: <password>
+   [other]
+   repository: http://example.com/pypi
+   username: <username>
+   password: <password>
+The command can then be called with the -r option::
+   python setup.py register -r http://example.com/pypi
+Or even with the section name::
+   python setup.py register -r other