The samplesort-vs-mergesort #-of-comparisons comparisons were captured
before %sort was introduced.  Redid them (the numbers change, but the
conclusions don't).  Also did the samplesort counts with the released
2.2.1, as they're slightly different under the last CVS 2.3 samplesort
(some higher, some lower -- CVS had been changed to stop doing the
special-case business on recursive samplesort calls).
diff --git a/Objects/listsort.txt b/Objects/listsort.txt
index 906b803..545ce51 100644
--- a/Objects/listsort.txt
+++ b/Objects/listsort.txt
@@ -95,31 +95,31 @@
   below that, it's either astronomically lucky, or is finding exploitable
   structure in the data.
-      n   lg(n!)    *sort     3sort    +sort    ~sort     !sort
--------  -------   ------  --------  -------  -------  --------
-  32768   444255   453084    453604    32908   130484    469132  samplesort
-                   449235     33019    33016   188720     65534  timsort
-                    0.86%  1273.77%   -0.33%  -30.86%   615.86%  %ch from timsort
+      n   lg(n!)    *sort     3sort    +sort   %sort    ~sort     !sort
+-------  -------   ------  --------  -------  ------  -------  --------
+  32768   444255   453096   453614    32908   452871   130491    469141  old
+                   449235    33019    33016    51328   188720     65534  new
+                    0.86% 1273.80%   -0.33%  782.31%  -30.85%   615.87%  %ch from new
-  65536   954037   973111    970464    65686   260019   1004597
-                   963924     65767    65802   377634    131070
-                    0.95%  1375.61%   -0.18%  -31.15%   666.46%
+  65536   954037   972699   981940    65686   973104   260029   1004607
+                   963714    65824    65809   103409   377634    131070
+                    0.93% 1391.77%   -0.19%  841.02%  -31.14%   666.47%
- 131072  2039137  2100019   2102708   131232   555035   2161268
-                  2058863    131422   131363   755476    262142
-                    2.00%  1499.97%   -0.10%  -26.53%   724.46%
+ 131072  2039137  2101881  2091491   131232  2092894   554790   2161379
+                  2059092   131413   131362   209130   755476    262142
+                    2.08% 1491.54%   -0.10%  900.76%  -26.56%   724.51%
- 262144  4340409  4461471   4442796   262314  1107826   4584316
-                  4380148    262446   262466  1511174    524286
-                    1.86%  1592.84%   -0.06%  -26.69%   774.39%
+ 262144  4340409  4464460  4403233   262314  4445884  1107842   4584560
+                  4380687   262440   262460   421998  1511174    524286
+                    1.91% 1577.81%   -0.06%  953.53%  -26.69%   774.44%
- 524288  9205096  9448146   9368681   524468  2218562   9691553
-                  9285454    524576   524626  3022584   1048574
-                    1.75%  1685.95%   -0.03%  -26.60%   824.26%
+ 524288  9205096 9453356   9408463   524468  9441930  2218577   9692015
+                 9285709    524581   524634   848590  3022584   1048574
+                   1.81%  1693.52%   -0.03% 1012.66%  -26.60%   824.30%
-1048576 19458756 19950541  20307955  1048766  4430616  20433371
-                 19621100   1048854  1048933  6045418   2097150
-                    1.68%  1836.20%   -0.02%  -26.71%   874.34%
+1048576 19458756 19950272 19838588  1048766 19912134  4430649  20434212
+                 19621118  1048960  1048942  1715806  6045418   2097150
+                    1.68% 1791.26%   -0.02% 1060.51%  -26.71%   874.38%
   Discussion of cases:
@@ -132,10 +132,10 @@
   quicksort does about 39% more compares than the limit, and the median-of-3
   variant about 19% more.
-  3sort and !sort:  No contest; there's structure in this data, but not of
-  the specific kinds samplesort special-cases.  Note that structure in !sort
-  wasn't put there on purpose -- it was crafted as a worst case for a
-  previous quicksort implementation.  That timsort nails it came as a
+  3sort, %sort, and !sort:  No contest; there's structure in this data, but
+  not of the specific kinds samplesort special-cases.  Note that structure
+  in !sort wasn't put there on purpose -- it was crafted as a worst case for
+  a previous quicksort implementation.  That timsort nails it came as a
   surprise to me (although it's obvious in retrospect).
   +sort:  samplesort special-cases this data, and does a few less compares