SMTP client by The Dragon De Monsyne <>.
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
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index 0000000..cf229f3
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+++ b/Lib/
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+"""SMTP Client class.
+Author: The Dragon De Monsyne <>
+(This was modified from the Python 1.5 library HTTP lib.)
+This should follow RFC 821. (it dosen't do esmtp (yet))
+>>> import smtplib
+>>> s=smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
+>>> print
+This is Sendmail version 8.8.4
+    HELO    EHLO    MAIL    RCPT    DATA
+    RSET    NOOP    QUIT    HELP    VRFY
+    EXPN    VERB    ETRN    DSN
+For more info use "HELP <topic>".
+To report bugs in the implementation send email to
+For local information send email to Postmaster at your site.
+End of HELP info
+>>> s.putcmd("vrfy","someone@here")
+>>> s.getreply()
+(250, "Somebody OverHere <>")
+>>> s.quit()
+import socket
+import string,re
+# used for exceptions 
+SMTPSenderRefused="Sender address refused"
+SMTPRecipientsRefused="All Recipients refused"
+SMTPDataError="Error transmoitting message data"
+class SMTP:
+    """This class manages a connection to an SMTP server."""
+    def __init__(self, host = '', port = 0):
+        """Initialize a new instance.
+        If specified, `host' is the name of the remote host to which
+        to connect.  If specified, `port' specifies the port to which
+        to connect.  By default, smtplib.SMTP_PORT is used.
+        """
+        self.debuglevel = 0
+        self.file = None
+	self.helo_resp = None
+        if host: self.connect(host, port)
+    def set_debuglevel(self, debuglevel):
+        """Set the debug output level.
+        A non-false value results in debug messages for connection and
+        for all messages sent to and received from the server.
+        """
+        self.debuglevel = debuglevel
+    def connect(self, host='localhost', port = 0):
+        """Connect to a host on a given port.
+        Note:  This method is automatically invoked by __init__,
+        if a host is specified during instantiation.
+        """
+        if not port:
+            i = string.find(host, ':')
+            if i >= 0:
+                host, port = host[:i], host[i+1:]
+                try: port = string.atoi(port)
+                except string.atoi_error:
+                    raise socket.error, "nonnumeric port"
+        if not port: port = SMTP_PORT
+        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'connect:', (host, port)
+        self.sock.connect(host, port)
+	(code,msg)=self.getreply()
+	if self.debuglevel >0 : print "connect:", msg
+	return msg
+    def send(self, str):
+        """Send `str' to the server."""
+        if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'send:', `str`
+        self.sock.send(str)
+    def putcmd(self, cmd, args=""):
+        """Send a command to the server.
+        """
+        str = '%s %s%s' % (cmd, args, CRLF)
+        self.send(str)
+    def getreply(self):
+        """Get a reply from the server.
+        Returns a tuple consisting of:
+        - server response code (e.g. '250', or such, if all goes well)
+          Note: returns -1 if it can't read responce code.
+        - server response string corresponding to response code
+		(note : multiline responces converted to a single, multiline 
+                 string)
+        """
+        resp=[]
+	self.file = self.sock.makefile('rb')
+	while 1:
+            line = self.file.readline()
+            if self.debuglevel > 0: print 'reply:', `line`
+	    resp.append(string.strip(line[4:]))
+	    code=line[:3]
+	    #check if multiline resp
+	    if line[3:4]!="-":
+                break
+        try:
+            errcode = string.atoi(code)
+        except(ValueError):
+	    errcode = -1
+	errmsg = string.join(resp,"\n")
+	if self.debuglevel > 0: 
+           print 'reply: retcode (%s); Msg: %s' % (errcode,errmsg)
+        return errcode, errmsg
+    def docmd(self, cmd, args=""):
+	""" Send a command, and return it's responce code """
+	self.putcmd(cmd,args)
+	(code,msg)=self.getreply()
+	return code
+# std smtp commands
+    def helo(self, name=''):
+        """ SMTP 'helo' command. Hostname to send for this command  
+        defaults to the FQDN of the local host """
+	name=string.strip(name)
+	if len(name)==0:
+		name=socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
+	self.putcmd("helo",name)
+	(code,msg)=self.getreply()
+	self.helo_resp=msg
+	return code
+    def help(self):
+        """ SMTP 'help' command. Returns help text from server """
+	self.putcmd("help")
+	(code,msg)=self.getreply()
+	return msg
+    def rset(self):
+        """ SMTP 'rset' command. Resets session. """
+	code=self.docmd("rset")
+	return code
+    def noop(self):
+        """ SMTP 'noop' command. Dosen't do anything :> """
+	code=self.docmd("noop")
+	return code
+    def mail(self,sender):
+        """ SMTP 'mail' command. Begins mail xfer session. """
+        self.putcmd("mail","from: %s" % sender)
+	return self.getreply()
+    def rcpt(self,recip):
+        """ SMTP 'rcpt' command. Indicates 1 recipient for this mail. """
+	self.putcmd("rcpt","to: %s" % recip)
+	return self.getreply()
+    def data(self,msg):
+        """ SMTP 'DATA' command. Sends message data to server. 
+            Automatically quotes lines beginning with a period per rfc821 """
+	#quote periods in msg according to RFC821
+        # ps, I don't know why I have to do it this way... doing: 
+	# quotepat=re.compile(r"^[.]",re.M)
+	# msg=re.sub(quotepat,"..",msg)
+        # should work, but it dosen't (it doubles the number of any   
+        # contiguous series of .'s at the beginning of a line, 
+        # instead of just adding one. )
+	quotepat=re.compile(r"^[.]+",re.M)
+        def m(pat):
+          return "."
+	msg=re.sub(quotepat,m,msg)
+	self.putcmd("data")
+	(code,repl)=self.getreply()
+	if self.debuglevel >0 : print "data:", (code,repl)
+	if code <> 354:
+	    return -1
+	else:
+	    self.send(msg)
+	    self.send("\n.\n")
+	    (code,msg)=self.getreply()
+	    if self.debuglevel >0 : print "data:", (code,msg)
+            return code
+#some usefull methods
+    def sendmail(self,from_addr,to_addrs,msg):
+        """ This command performs an entire mail transaction. 
+	    The arguments are: 
+               - from_addr : The address sending this mail.
+               - to_addrs :  a list of addresses to send this mail to
+               - msg : the message to send. 
+	This method will return normally if the mail is accepted for at
+        least one recipiant .Otherwise it will throw an exception (either
+        SMTPSenderRefused,SMTPRecipientsRefused, or SMTPDataError)
+	That is, if this method does not throw an excception, then someone 
+        should get your mail.
+  	It returns a dictionary , with one entry for each recipient that 
+        was refused. 
+        example:
+         >>> import smtplib
+         >>> s=smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
+         >>> tolist= [ "",
+         ...           "",
+         ...           "",
+         ...           ""]
+         >>> msg = '''
+         ... From:
+         ... Subject: testin'...
+         ...
+         ... This is a test '''
+         >>> s.sendmail("",tolist,msg)
+         { "" : ( 550 ,"User unknown" ) }
+         >>> s.quit()
+         In the above example, the message was accepted for delivery to three 
+         of the four addresses, and one was rejected, with the error code 550.
+         If all addresses are accepted, then the method will return an
+         empty dictionary.  
+         """
+	if not self.helo_resp:
+	    self.helo()
+        (code,resp)=self.mail(from_addr)
+        if code <>250:
+	    self.rset()
+	    raise SMTPSenderRefused
+	senderrs={}
+        for each in to_addrs:
+	    (code,resp)=self.rcpt(each)
+	    if (code <> 250) and (code <> 251):
+                senderr[each]=(code,resp)
+        if len(senderrs)==len(to_addrs):
+	    #th' server refused all our recipients
+            self.rset()
+            raise SMTPRecipientsRefused
+	if code <>250 :
+            self.rset()
+	    raise SMTPDataError
+        #if we got here then somebody got our mail
+	return senderrs         
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the connection to the SMTP server."""
+        if self.file:
+            self.file.close()
+        self.file = None
+        if self.sock:
+            self.sock.close()
+        self.sock = None
+    def quit(self):
+	self.docmd("quit")
+	self.close()