Fix issue1628205: Socket file objects returned by socket.socket.makefile() now
properly handles EINTR within the read, readline, write & flush methods.
The socket.sendall() method now properly handles interrupted system calls.
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 48c58fb..54758ae 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -362,6 +362,10 @@
 - Issue #4660: If a multiprocessing.JoinableQueue.put() was preempted, it was
   possible to get a spurious 'task_done() called too many times' error.
+- Issue #1628205: Socket file objects returned by socket.socket.makefile() now
+  properly handles EINTR within the read, readline, write & flush methods.
+  The socket.sendall() method now properly handles interrupted system calls.
 - Issue #6595: The Decimal constructor now allows arbitrary Unicode
   decimal digits in input, as recommended by the standard.  Previously
   it was restricted to accepting [0-9].