* config.c: Added audioop to lists.
* Makefile: change default source directory
* socketmodule.c: added getsockname and getpeername
* bltinmodule.c: corrected typo in type() error message
* Added new built-in functions str() and repr(): repr(x) == `x`;
  str(x) == x if x is a string, otherwise str(x) == repr(x).
* Added joinfields to stropmodule.c (string.join calls joinfields now)
4 files changed
tree: b4e565a58d410ad3a60ffbe11f94c2567b14365d
  1. Demo/
  2. Doc/
  3. Grammar/
  4. Include/
  5. Lib/
  6. Mac/
  7. Modules/
  8. Objects/
  9. Parser/
  10. Python/
  11. Tools/