Relax the rules for using 'from ... import *' and exec in the presence
of nested functions.  Either is allowed in a function if it contains
no defs or lambdas or the defs and lambdas it contains have no free
variables.  If a function is itself nested and has free variables,
either is illegal.

Revise the symtable to use a PySymtableEntryObject, which holds all
the revelent information for a scope, rather than using a bunch of
st_cur_XXX pointers in the symtable struct.  The changes simplify the
internal management of the current symtable scope and of the stack.

Added new C source file: Python/symtable.c.  (Does the Windows build
process need to be updated?)

As part of these changes, the initial _symtable module interface
introduced in 2.1a2 is replaced.  A dictionary of
PySymtableEntryObjects are returned.
diff --git a/Python/symtable.c b/Python/symtable.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dc0272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Python/symtable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "symtable.h"
+#include "graminit.h"
+#include "structmember.h"
+PyObject *
+PySymtableEntry_New(struct symtable *st, char *name, int type, int lineno)
+	PySymtableEntryObject *ste = NULL;
+	PyObject *k, *v;
+	k = PyInt_FromLong(st->st_nscopes++);
+	if (k == NULL)
+		goto fail;
+	v = PyDict_GetItem(st->st_symbols, k);
+	if (v) /* XXX could check that name, type, lineno match */
+	    return v;
+	ste = (PySymtableEntryObject *)PyObject_New(PySymtableEntryObject,
+						    &PySymtableEntry_Type);
+	ste->ste_table = st;
+	ste->ste_id = k;
+	v = PyString_FromString(name);
+	if (v == NULL)
+		goto fail;
+	ste->ste_name = v;
+	v = PyDict_New();
+	if (v == NULL)
+	    goto fail;
+	ste->ste_symbols = v;
+	v = PyList_New(0);
+	if (v == NULL)
+	    goto fail;
+	ste->ste_varnames = v;
+	v = PyList_New(0);
+	if (v == NULL)
+	    goto fail;
+	ste->ste_children = v;
+	ste->ste_optimized = 1;
+	ste->ste_lineno = lineno;
+	switch (type) {
+	case funcdef:
+	case lambdef:
+		ste->ste_type = TYPE_FUNCTION;
+		break;
+	case classdef:
+		ste->ste_type = TYPE_CLASS;
+		break;
+	case single_input:
+	case eval_input:
+	case file_input:
+		ste->ste_type = TYPE_MODULE;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (st->st_cur == NULL)
+		ste->ste_nested = 0;
+	else if (st->st_cur->ste_nested 
+		 || st->st_cur->ste_type == TYPE_FUNCTION)
+		ste->ste_nested = 1;
+	else
+		ste->ste_nested = 0;
+	ste->ste_child_free = 0;
+	if (PyDict_SetItem(st->st_symbols, ste->ste_id, (PyObject *)ste) < 0)
+	    goto fail;
+	return (PyObject *)ste;
+ fail:
+	Py_XDECREF(ste);
+	return NULL;
+static PyObject *
+ste_repr(PySymtableEntryObject *ste)
+	char buf[256];
+	sprintf(buf, "<symtable entry %.100s(%ld), line %d>",
+		PyString_AS_STRING(ste->ste_name),
+		PyInt_AS_LONG(ste->ste_id),
+		ste->ste_lineno);
+	return PyString_FromString(buf);
+static void
+ste_dealloc(PySymtableEntryObject *ste)
+	ste->ste_table = NULL;
+	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_id);
+	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_name);
+	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_symbols);
+	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_varnames);
+	Py_XDECREF(ste->ste_children);
+	PyObject_Del(ste);
+#define OFF(x) offsetof(PySymtableEntryObject, x)
+static struct memberlist ste_memberlist[] = {
+	{"id",       T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_id), READONLY},
+	{"name",     T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_name), READONLY},
+	{"symbols",  T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_symbols), READONLY},
+	{"varnames", T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_varnames), READONLY},
+	{"children", T_OBJECT, OFF(ste_children), READONLY},
+	{"type",     T_INT,    OFF(ste_type), READONLY},
+	{"lineno",   T_INT,    OFF(ste_lineno), READONLY},
+	{"optimized",T_INT,    OFF(ste_optimized), READONLY},
+	{"nested",   T_INT,    OFF(ste_nested), READONLY},
+	{NULL}
+static PyObject *
+ste_getattr(PySymtableEntryObject *ste, char *name)
+	return PyMember_Get((char *)ste, ste_memberlist, name);
+PyTypeObject PySymtableEntry_Type = {
+	PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type)
+	0,
+	"symtable entry",
+	sizeof(PySymtableEntryObject),
+	0,
+	(destructor)ste_dealloc,                /* tp_dealloc */
+	0,                                      /* tp_print */
+	(getattrfunc)ste_getattr,               /* tp_getattr */
+	0,					/* tp_setattr */
+	0,			                /* tp_compare */
+	(reprfunc)ste_repr,			/* tp_repr */
+	0,					/* tp_as_number */
+	0,			                /* tp_as_sequence */
+	0,					/* tp_as_mapping */
+	0,					/* tp_hash */
+	0,					/* tp_call */
+	0,					/* tp_str */
+	0,					/* tp_getattro */
+	0,					/* tp_setattro */
+	0,					/* tp_as_buffer */
+	Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,	                /* tp_flags */
+ 	0,					/* tp_doc */