Made the core toolbox modules carbon-compatible using the new greylist feature of bgen: non-carbon methods are still included in non-carbon MacPython. The issue of backward compatibility of Python code is still open.
Macmodule and macosmodule have also been carbonified. Some functionality is still missing there.
diff --git a/Mac/Modules/macfsmodule.c b/Mac/Modules/macfsmodule.c
index 0db4022..13dde93 100644
--- a/Mac/Modules/macfsmodule.c
+++ b/Mac/Modules/macfsmodule.c
@@ -713,6 +713,7 @@
 	return Py_BuildValue("Oii", newmfssobject(&fss), (int)isfolder, (int)wasaliased);
 static PyObject *
 mfs_StandardGetFile(self, args)
 	PyObject *self;	/* Not used */
@@ -803,6 +804,7 @@
 	return (PyObject *)newmfssobject(&ospec);
 static PyObject *
 mfs_FSSpec(self, args)
@@ -950,11 +952,13 @@
 static struct PyMethodDef mfs_methods[] = {
 	{"ResolveAliasFile",	mfs_ResolveAliasFile,	1},
 	{"StandardGetFile",		mfs_StandardGetFile,	1},
 	{"PromptGetFile",		mfs_PromptGetFile,		1},
 	{"StandardPutFile",		mfs_StandardPutFile,	1},
 	{"GetDirectory",		mfs_GetDirectory,		1},
 	{"SetFolder",			mfs_SetFolder,			1},
 	{"FSSpec",				mfs_FSSpec,				1},
 	{"RawFSSpec",			mfs_RawFSSpec,			1},
 	{"RawAlias",			mfs_RawAlias,			1},