Changes for older Win platforms by Jim Ahlstrom
diff --git a/PC/readme.txt b/PC/readme.txt
index cdfc0a5..5cee8fd 100644
--- a/PC/readme.txt
+++ b/PC/readme.txt
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 to C:/python/lib.  Then you don't need to set PYTHONPATH.  Otherwise,

 set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to your Python search path.

 For example,

-   set PYTHONPATH=.;d:\python\lib;d:\python\lib\win;d:\python\lib\dos_8x3

+   set PYTHONPATH=.;d:\python\lib;d:\python\lib\win;d:\python\lib\dos-8x3


 There are several add-in modules to build Python programs which use

 the native Windows operating environment.  The ports here just make