Oops, this file is very outdated. Removed.
diff --git a/Mac/OSX/README.macosx.txt b/Mac/OSX/README.macosx.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 560ce66..0000000
--- a/Mac/OSX/README.macosx.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
---- README.macosx ---
-[1] You need to build Python for macosx. The latest release (2.1b2)
-   builds out of the box for macosx -- use:
-	configure --with-dyld --with-suffix=.x
-   ( get the latest version -- you'll have to fix the build process
-     to get earlier versions to build.)
-[2] You need a copy of Apple's Universal Interfaces CIncludes.
-  The Carbon.framework include files on macosx are not as backwards
-  compatible as the ones in Universal Interfaces. For example 
-  UI has a Windows.h file that includes MacWindows.h, while 
-  Carbon.framework only has MacWindows.h 
-  ( actually, it's: HIToolbox.framework/Headers/MacWindows.h )
-  Until macpython sources are converted to be more Carbon compliant
-  you need to get a copy of Universal Interfaces (downloadable from
-  Apple's web site if you don't have a copy. If you have Metrowerks
-  Compiler, there is probably a copy on your CD. ) 
-[3] If your are building from patches, you need to download the cvs
-    distribution and apply the patches. ( The "If" is there because I
-    may eventually package this up in a separate patched distribution.)
- cvs -d:pserver:ropython@pythoncvs.oratrix.nl:/hosts/mm/CVSREMOTE login
- Password: geheim
- cvs -d:pserver:ropython@pythoncvs.oratrix.nl:/hosts/mm/CVSREMOTE co python/Mac
-    The normal macpython distributions have classic-mac line endings.
-    macosx gnu tools want unix line endings. Getting sources from
-    the cvs server avoids having to do a bunch of conversions on 
-    the source files.
-    New files (go in python/Mac/Modules/ directory)
-	README.macosx (this file)
-	Makefile  (makefile also creates a dummy .h file)
-	Carbonmodule.c
-    Patched files:
-	python/Mac/Python/macglue.c
-	python/Mac/Modules/Win/Winmodule.c
-[4]  There are two lines you have to edit in the Makefile to point to
-     Universal Interfaces CIncludes  and the Python source distribution.
-     (eventually, disutils will be used to find the Python sources.
-      eventually, macpython sources will use the more modern headers.)
-# Point this to the directory with the Universal Interfaces CIncludes:
-UINCLUDE=	/Local/Carbon/Universal.Interfaces/CIncludes/
-# Point this to your python source directory:
-PYTHONHOME=	/Users/sdm7g/Src/Python-2.1a2/
-	After changing those lines, you can type "make" .
-    "-undefined warning" is used rather than "-undefined supress" --
-    and there are always some undefined symbols that are resolved 
-    in the main python module. If there is something *REALLY* 
-    unresolved (or often the problem is multiple definitions) 
-    you will get an error on importing Carbonmodule.so. 
-[5] Installation is manual for now.
-   If you want to run it out of the python/Mac/Modules directory, you
-    need to copy it to /usr/local/lib/python2.1/site-packages/ 
-    ( or whatever is the appropriate directory on your machine )
-[6] All of the toolbox modules are built into a single container module
-   named Carbon. All of the other modules are in the Carbon namespace:
-    i.e. Carbon.Win. You can do a "from Carbon import *", however all
-    modules get put into sys.modules under their own name, so once 
-    Carbon has been imported, statements like "import Win" will work --
-     there is no Winmodule.so file, but import will find 'Win' in the
-    sys.modules cache before it tries to match a filename. 
-These are the modules currently linked:
-Python 2.1a2 (#1, 02/12/01, 19:49:54) 
-[GCC Apple DevKit-based CPP 5.0] on Darwin1.2
-Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
->>> import Carbon
->>> dir(Carbon)
-['AE', 'App', 'Cm', 'ColorPicker', 'Ctl', 'Dlg', 'Drag', 'Evt', 'Fm', 'HtmlRender', 'Icn', 'List', 'Menu', 'Qd', 'Qdoffs', 'Res', 'Scrap', 'Snd', 'TE', 'Win', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'macfs']
-A simple test:
->>> import Snd
->>> Snd.SysBeep( 100 )
-The main one missing is macosmodule, which has some functions for handling
-resource forks of files, file types and creators, and how and whether
-MacPython handles events or your script does. Some of these functions 
-require others in Python/macmain.c, which may drag in other symbols, either
-undefined or multiply defined ( because there is a unix-Python implementation
-parallel to the macpython one. ) It's likely that we will need (or at least
-want) new macosx implementations of some of these functions. 
-If you're interested in trying to add them, there is an additional target
-in the Makefile "make Experimental", which compiles and links with the 
-$(XXX) modules:  currently just macosmodule.c  and macmain.c -- you 
-can add others to try to resolve undefined symbols or edit the files 
-to remove some symbols or functions. 
--- Steve Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU> 