Application and elaboration of patch #103305 to fix core dumps when
del'ing func.func_dict. I took the opportunity to also clean up some
other nits with the code, namely core dumps when del'ing func_defaults
and KeyError instead of AttributeError when del'ing a non-existant
function attribute.
func_memberlist: Move func_dict and __dict__ into here instead of
special casing them in the setattro and getattro methods. I don't
remember why I took them out of here before I first uploaded the PEP
232 patch. :/
func_getattro(): No need to special case __dict__/func_dict since
their now in the func_memberlist and PyMember_Get() should Do The
Right Thing (i.e. transforms NULL values into Py_None).
func_setattro(): Document the intended behavior of del'ing or setting
to None one of the special func_* attributes. I.e.:
func_code - can only be set to a code object. It can't be del'd
or set to None.
func_defaults - can be del'd. Can only be set to None or a tuple.
func_dict - can be del'd. Can only be set to None or a
Fix core dumps and incorrect exceptions as described above. Also, if
we're del'ing an arbitrary function attribute but func_dict is NULL,
don't create func_dict before discovering that we'll get an
AttributeError anyway.
1 file changed