Issue #19858:  pickletools.optimize() now aware of the MEMOIZE opcode, can
produce more compact result and no longer produces invalid output if input
data contains MEMOIZE opcodes together with PUT or BINPUT opcodes.
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 71c2aa1..6b86723 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -2282,40 +2282,61 @@
 def optimize(p):
     'Optimize a pickle string by removing unused PUT opcodes'
-    not_a_put = object()
-    gets = { not_a_put }    # set of args used by a GET opcode
-    opcodes = []            # (startpos, stoppos, putid)
+    put = 'PUT'
+    get = 'GET'
+    oldids = set()          # set of all PUT ids
+    newids = {}             # set of ids used by a GET opcode
+    opcodes = []            # (op, idx) or (pos, end_pos)
     proto = 0
+    protoheader = b''
     for opcode, arg, pos, end_pos in _genops(p, yield_end_pos=True):
         if 'PUT' in
-            opcodes.append((pos, end_pos, arg))
+            oldids.add(arg)
+            opcodes.append((put, arg))
+        elif == 'MEMOIZE':
+            idx = len(oldids)
+            oldids.add(idx)
+            opcodes.append((put, idx))
         elif 'FRAME' in
-        else:
-            if 'GET' in
-                gets.add(arg)
-            elif == 'PROTO':
-                assert pos == 0, pos
+        elif 'GET' in
+            if opcode.proto > proto:
+                proto = opcode.proto
+            newids[arg] = None
+            opcodes.append((get, arg))
+        elif == 'PROTO':
+            if arg > proto:
                 proto = arg
-            opcodes.append((pos, end_pos, not_a_put))
-            prevpos, prevarg = pos, None
+            if pos == 0:
+                protoheader = p[pos: end_pos]
+            else:
+                opcodes.append((pos, end_pos))
+        else:
+            opcodes.append((pos, end_pos))
+    del oldids
     # Copy the opcodes except for PUTS without a corresponding GET
     out = io.BytesIO()
-    opcodes = iter(opcodes)
-    if proto >= 2:
-        # Write the PROTO header before any framing
-        start, stop, _ = next(opcodes)
-        out.write(p[start:stop])
-    buf = pickle._Framer(out.write)
+    # Write the PROTO header before any framing
+    out.write(protoheader)
+    pickler = pickle._Pickler(out, proto)
     if proto >= 4:
-        buf.start_framing()
-    for start, stop, putid in opcodes:
-        if putid in gets:
-            buf.commit_frame()
-            buf.write(p[start:stop])
-    if proto >= 4:
-        buf.end_framing()
+        pickler.framer.start_framing()
+    idx = 0
+    for op, arg in opcodes:
+        if op is put:
+            if arg not in newids:
+                continue
+            data = pickler.put(idx)
+            newids[arg] = idx
+            idx += 1
+        elif op is get:
+            data = pickler.get(newids[arg])
+        else:
+            data = p[op:arg]
+        pickler.framer.commit_frame()
+        pickler.write(data)
+    pickler.framer.end_framing()
     return out.getvalue()