Raise InvalidOperation if exponents of zeros are clamped during exact
conversion in the Decimal constructor. Exact here refers to the
representation and not to the value (clamping does not change the value).
diff --git a/Modules/_decimal/tests/deccheck.py b/Modules/_decimal/tests/deccheck.py
index aefbed6..c8da4d0 100644
--- a/Modules/_decimal/tests/deccheck.py
+++ b/Modules/_decimal/tests/deccheck.py
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
     dec = maxcontext.create_decimal(value)
     if maxcontext.flags[P.Inexact] or \
        maxcontext.flags[P.Rounded] or \
+       maxcontext.flags[P.Clamped] or \
         return context.p._raise_error(P.InvalidOperation)
     if maxcontext.flags[P.FloatOperation]: