#12586: add provisional email policy with new header parsing and folding.

When the new policies are used (and only when the new policies are explicitly
used) headers turn into objects that have attributes based on their parsed
values, and can be set using objects that encapsulate the values, as well as
set directly from unicode strings.  The folding algorithm then takes care of
encoding unicode where needed, and folding according to the highest level
syntactic objects.

With this patch only date and time headers are parsed as anything other than
unstructured, but that is all the helper methods in the existing API handle.
I do plan to add more parsers, and complete the set specified in the RFC
before the package becomes stable.
diff --git a/Lib/test/test_email/test_policy.py b/Lib/test/test_email/test_policy.py
index 07925a7..45a7666 100644
--- a/Lib/test/test_email/test_policy.py
+++ b/Lib/test/test_email/test_policy.py
@@ -5,49 +5,70 @@
 import email.policy
 import email.parser
 import email.generator
+from email import _headerregistry
+def make_defaults(base_defaults, differences):
+    defaults = base_defaults.copy()
+    defaults.update(differences)
+    return defaults
 class PolicyAPITests(unittest.TestCase):
     longMessage = True
-    # These default values are the ones set on email.policy.default.
-    # If any of these defaults change, the docs must be updated.
-    policy_defaults = {
+    # Base default values.
+    compat32_defaults = {
         'max_line_length':          78,
         'linesep':                  '\n',
         'cte_type':                 '8bit',
         'raise_on_defect':          False,
+    # These default values are the ones set on email.policy.default.
+    # If any of these defaults change, the docs must be updated.
+    policy_defaults = compat32_defaults.copy()
+    policy_defaults.update({
+        'raise_on_defect':          False,
+        'header_factory':           email.policy.EmailPolicy.header_factory,
+        'refold_source':            'long',
+        })
-    # For each policy under test, we give here the values of the attributes
-    # that are different from the defaults for that policy.
+    # For each policy under test, we give here what we expect the defaults to
+    # be for that policy.  The second argument to make defaults is the
+    # difference between the base defaults and that for the particular policy.
+    new_policy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
     policies = {
-        email.policy.Compat32(): {},
-        email.policy.compat32: {},
-        email.policy.default: {},
-        email.policy.SMTP: {'linesep': '\r\n'},
-        email.policy.HTTP: {'linesep': '\r\n', 'max_line_length': None},
-        email.policy.strict: {'raise_on_defect': True},
+        email.policy.compat32: make_defaults(compat32_defaults, {}),
+        email.policy.default: make_defaults(policy_defaults, {}),
+        email.policy.SMTP: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+                                         {'linesep': '\r\n'}),
+        email.policy.HTTP: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+                                         {'linesep': '\r\n',
+                                          'max_line_length': None}),
+        email.policy.strict: make_defaults(policy_defaults,
+                                           {'raise_on_defect': True}),
+        new_policy: make_defaults(policy_defaults, {}),
+    # Creating a new policy creates a new header factory.  There is a test
+    # later that proves this.
+    policies[new_policy]['header_factory'] = new_policy.header_factory
     def test_defaults(self):
-        for policy, changed_defaults in self.policies.items():
-            expected = self.policy_defaults.copy()
-            expected.update(changed_defaults)
+        for policy, expected in self.policies.items():
             for attr, value in expected.items():
                 self.assertEqual(getattr(policy, attr), value,
                                 ("change {} docs/docstrings if defaults have "
     def test_all_attributes_covered(self):
-        for attr in dir(email.policy.default):
-            if (attr.startswith('_') or
-               isinstance(getattr(email.policy.Policy, attr),
-                          types.FunctionType)):
-                continue
-            else:
-                self.assertIn(attr, self.policy_defaults,
-                              "{} is not fully tested".format(attr))
+        for policy, expected in self.policies.items():
+            for attr in dir(policy):
+                if (attr.startswith('_') or
+                        isinstance(getattr(email.policy.EmailPolicy, attr),
+                              types.FunctionType)):
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.assertIn(attr, expected,
+                                  "{} is not fully tested".format(attr))
     def test_abc(self):
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
@@ -62,18 +83,20 @@
             self.assertIn(method, msg)
     def test_policy_is_immutable(self):
-        for policy in self.policies:
-            for attr in self.policy_defaults:
+        for policy, defaults in self.policies.items():
+            for attr in defaults:
                 with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, attr+".*read-only"):
                     setattr(policy, attr, None)
             with self.assertRaisesRegex(AttributeError, 'no attribute.*foo'):
                 policy.foo = None
-    def test_set_policy_attrs_when_calledl(self):
-        testattrdict = { attr: None for attr in self.policy_defaults }
-        for policyclass in self.policies:
+    def test_set_policy_attrs_when_cloned(self):
+        # None of the attributes has a default value of None, so we set them
+        # all to None in the clone call and check that it worked.
+        for policyclass, defaults in self.policies.items():
+            testattrdict = {attr: None for attr in defaults}
             policy = policyclass.clone(**testattrdict)
-            for attr in self.policy_defaults:
+            for attr in defaults:
                 self.assertIsNone(getattr(policy, attr))
     def test_reject_non_policy_keyword_when_called(self):
@@ -105,7 +128,7 @@
                 self.defects = []
         obj = Dummy()
         defect = object()
-        policy = email.policy.Compat32()
+        policy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
         policy.register_defect(obj, defect)
         self.assertEqual(obj.defects, [defect])
         defect2 = object()
@@ -134,7 +157,7 @@
         email.policy.default.handle_defect(foo, defect2)
         self.assertEqual(foo.defects, [defect1, defect2])
-    class MyPolicy(email.policy.Compat32):
+    class MyPolicy(email.policy.EmailPolicy):
         defects = None
         def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
             super().__init__(*args, defects=[], **kw)
@@ -159,6 +182,49 @@
         self.assertEqual(my_policy.defects, [defect1, defect2])
         self.assertEqual(foo.defects, [])
+    def test_default_header_factory(self):
+        h = email.policy.default.header_factory('Test', 'test')
+        self.assertEqual(h.name, 'Test')
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.BaseHeader)
+    class Foo:
+        parse = _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader.parse
+    def test_each_Policy_gets_unique_factory(self):
+        policy1 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+        policy2 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+        policy1.header_factory.map_to_type('foo', self.Foo)
+        h = policy1.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+        self.assertNotIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+        h = policy2.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+        self.assertNotIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, _headerregistry.UnstructuredHeader)
+    def test_clone_copies_factory(self):
+        policy1 = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+        policy2 = policy1.clone()
+        policy1.header_factory.map_to_type('foo', self.Foo)
+        h = policy1.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+        h = policy2.header_factory('foo', 'test')
+        self.assertIsInstance(h, self.Foo)
+    def test_new_factory_overrides_default(self):
+        mypolicy = email.policy.EmailPolicy()
+        myfactory = mypolicy.header_factory
+        newpolicy = mypolicy + email.policy.strict
+        self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory, myfactory)
+        newpolicy = email.policy.strict + mypolicy
+        self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory, myfactory)
+    def test_adding_default_policies_preserves_default_factory(self):
+        newpolicy = email.policy.default + email.policy.strict
+        self.assertEqual(newpolicy.header_factory,
+                         email.policy.EmailPolicy.header_factory)
+        self.assertEqual(newpolicy.__dict__, {'raise_on_defect': True})
     # XXX: Need subclassing tests.
     # For adding subclassed objects, make sure the usual rules apply (subclass
     # wins), but that the order still works (right overrides left).