New tool Vfix: truncate the right edge of 'grey' type images to make
the scanline width a multiple of 4.

VFile: use gl.gversion() to distinguish 4.0.1 and 4.0.5 Indigos;
truncate width and height to multiples of packfactor.

Vinfo: add -t to descriptive comment; print '!' after packfactor for
files that should be fixed with Vfix.
3 files changed
tree: 828f9610da877829ce435041b8d80ee0dc154054
  1. Demo/
  2. Doc/
  3. Grammar/
  4. Include/
  5. Lib/
  6. Mac/
  7. Modules/
  8. Objects/
  9. Parser/
  10. Python/
  11. Tools/