Clarify the os.fspath() documentation.
diff --git a/Doc/library/os.rst b/Doc/library/os.rst
index deabaeb..3dca86e 100644
--- a/Doc/library/os.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/os.rst
@@ -188,11 +188,12 @@
 .. function:: fspath(path)
-   Return the string representation of the path.
+   Return the file system representation of the path.
    If :class:`str` or :class:`bytes` is passed in, it is returned unchanged;
-   otherwise, the result of calling ``type(path).__fspath__`` is returned, or an
-   exception is raised.
+   otherwise, the result of calling ``type(path).__fspath__`` is returned
+   (which is represented by :class:`os.PathLike`). All other types raise a
+   :exc:`TypeError`.
 .. function:: getenv(key, default=None)