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+:mod:`time` --- Time access and conversions
+.. module:: time
+   :synopsis: Time access and conversions.
+This module provides various time-related functions. For related
+functionality, see also the :mod:`datetime` and :mod:`calendar` modules.
+Although this module is always available,
+not all functions are available on all platforms.  Most of the functions
+defined in this module call platform C library functions with the same name.  It
+may sometimes be helpful to consult the platform documentation, because the
+semantics of these functions varies among platforms.
+An explanation of some terminology and conventions is in order.
+  .. index:: single: epoch
+* The :dfn:`epoch` is the point where the time starts.  On January 1st of that
+  year, at 0 hours, the "time since the epoch" is zero.  For Unix, the epoch is
+  1970.  To find out what the epoch is, look at ``gmtime(0)``.
+  .. index:: single: Year 2038
+* The functions in this module do not handle dates and times before the epoch or
+  far in the future.  The cut-off point in the future is determined by the C
+  library; for Unix, it is typically in 2038.
+  .. index::
+     single: Year 2000
+     single: Y2K
+* **Year 2000 (Y2K) issues**:  Python depends on the platform's C library, which
+  generally doesn't have year 2000 issues, since all dates and times are
+  represented internally as seconds since the epoch.  Functions accepting a
+  :class:`struct_time` (see below) generally require a 4-digit year.  For backward
+  compatibility, 2-digit years are supported if the module variable
+  ``accept2dyear`` is a non-zero integer; this variable is initialized to ``1``
+  unless the environment variable :envvar:`PYTHONY2K` is set to a non-empty
+  string, in which case it is initialized to ``0``.  Thus, you can set
+  :envvar:`PYTHONY2K` to a non-empty string in the environment to require 4-digit
+  years for all year input.  When 2-digit years are accepted, they are converted
+  according to the POSIX or X/Open standard: values 69-99 are mapped to 1969-1999,
+  and values 0--68 are mapped to 2000--2068. Values 100--1899 are always illegal.
+  Note that this is new as of Python 1.5.2(a2); earlier versions, up to Python
+  1.5.1 and 1.5.2a1, would add 1900 to year values below 1900.
+  .. index::
+     single: UTC
+     single: Coordinated Universal Time
+     single: Greenwich Mean Time
+* UTC is Coordinated Universal Time (formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time, or
+  GMT).  The acronym UTC is not a mistake but a compromise between English and
+  French.
+  .. index:: single: Daylight Saving Time
+* DST is Daylight Saving Time, an adjustment of the timezone by (usually) one
+  hour during part of the year.  DST rules are magic (determined by local law) and
+  can change from year to year.  The C library has a table containing the local
+  rules (often it is read from a system file for flexibility) and is the only
+  source of True Wisdom in this respect.
+* The precision of the various real-time functions may be less than suggested by
+  the units in which their value or argument is expressed. E.g. on most Unix
+  systems, the clock "ticks" only 50 or 100 times a second, and on the Mac, times
+  are only accurate to whole seconds.
+* On the other hand, the precision of :func:`time` and :func:`sleep` is better
+  than their Unix equivalents: times are expressed as floating point numbers,
+  :func:`time` returns the most accurate time available (using Unix
+  :cfunc:`gettimeofday` where available), and :func:`sleep` will accept a time
+  with a nonzero fraction (Unix :cfunc:`select` is used to implement this, where
+  available).
+* The time value as returned by :func:`gmtime`, :func:`localtime`, and
+  :func:`strptime`, and accepted by :func:`asctime`, :func:`mktime` and
+  :func:`strftime`, is a sequence of 9 integers.  The return values of
+  :func:`gmtime`, :func:`localtime`, and :func:`strptime` also offer attribute
+  names for individual fields.
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | Index | Attribute        | Values                       |
+  +=======+==================+==============================+
+  | 0     | :attr:`tm_year`  | (for example, 1993)          |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 1     | :attr:`tm_mon`   | range [1,12]                 |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 2     | :attr:`tm_mday`  | range [1,31]                 |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 3     | :attr:`tm_hour`  | range [0,23]                 |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 4     | :attr:`tm_min`   | range [0,59]                 |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 5     | :attr:`tm_sec`   | range [0,61]; see **(1)** in |
+  |       |                  | :func:`strftime` description |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 6     | :attr:`tm_wday`  | range [0,6], Monday is 0     |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 7     | :attr:`tm_yday`  | range [1,366]                |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  | 8     | :attr:`tm_isdst` | 0, 1 or -1; see below        |
+  +-------+------------------+------------------------------+
+  Note that unlike the C structure, the month value is a range of 1-12, not 0-11.
+  A year value will be handled as described under "Year 2000 (Y2K) issues" above.
+  A ``-1`` argument as the daylight savings flag, passed to :func:`mktime` will
+  usually result in the correct daylight savings state to be filled in.
+  When a tuple with an incorrect length is passed to a function expecting a
+  :class:`struct_time`, or having elements of the wrong type, a :exc:`TypeError`
+  is raised.
+  .. versionchanged:: 2.2
+     The time value sequence was changed from a tuple to a :class:`struct_time`, with
+     the addition of attribute names for the fields.
+The module defines the following functions and data items:
+.. data:: accept2dyear
+   Boolean value indicating whether two-digit year values will be accepted.  This
+   is true by default, but will be set to false if the environment variable
+   :envvar:`PYTHONY2K` has been set to a non-empty string.  It may also be modified
+   at run time.
+.. data:: altzone
+   The offset of the local DST timezone, in seconds west of UTC, if one is defined.
+   This is negative if the local DST timezone is east of UTC (as in Western Europe,
+   including the UK).  Only use this if ``daylight`` is nonzero.
+.. function:: asctime([t])
+   Convert a tuple or :class:`struct_time` representing a time as returned by
+   :func:`gmtime` or :func:`localtime` to a 24-character string of the following
+   form: ``'Sun Jun 20 23:21:05 1993'``.  If *t* is not provided, the current time
+   as returned by :func:`localtime` is used. Locale information is not used by
+   :func:`asctime`.
+   .. note::
+      Unlike the C function of the same name, there is no trailing newline.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+      Allowed *t* to be omitted.
+.. function:: clock()
+   .. index::
+      single: CPU time
+      single: processor time
+      single: benchmarking
+   On Unix, return the current processor time as a floating point number expressed
+   in seconds.  The precision, and in fact the very definition of the meaning of
+   "processor time", depends on that of the C function of the same name, but in any
+   case, this is the function to use for benchmarking Python or timing algorithms.
+   On Windows, this function returns wall-clock seconds elapsed since the first
+   call to this function, as a floating point number, based on the Win32 function
+   :cfunc:`QueryPerformanceCounter`. The resolution is typically better than one
+   microsecond.
+.. function:: ctime([secs])
+   Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a string representing
+   local time. If *secs* is not provided or :const:`None`, the current time as
+   returned by :func:`time` is used.  ``ctime(secs)`` is equivalent to
+   ``asctime(localtime(secs))``. Locale information is not used by :func:`ctime`.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
+.. data:: daylight
+   Nonzero if a DST timezone is defined.
+.. function:: gmtime([secs])
+   Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a :class:`struct_time` in
+   UTC in which the dst flag is always zero.  If *secs* is not provided or
+   :const:`None`, the current time as returned by :func:`time` is used.  Fractions
+   of a second are ignored.  See above for a description of the
+   :class:`struct_time` object. See :func:`calendar.timegm` for the inverse of this
+   function.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
+.. function:: localtime([secs])
+   Like :func:`gmtime` but converts to local time.  If *secs* is not provided or
+   :const:`None`, the current time as returned by :func:`time` is used.  The dst
+   flag is set to ``1`` when DST applies to the given time.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+      Allowed *secs* to be omitted.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+      If *secs* is :const:`None`, the current time is used.
+.. function:: mktime(t)
+   This is the inverse function of :func:`localtime`.  Its argument is the
+   :class:`struct_time` or full 9-tuple (since the dst flag is needed; use ``-1``
+   as the dst flag if it is unknown) which expresses the time in *local* time, not
+   UTC.  It returns a floating point number, for compatibility with :func:`time`.
+   If the input value cannot be represented as a valid time, either
+   :exc:`OverflowError` or :exc:`ValueError` will be raised (which depends on
+   whether the invalid value is caught by Python or the underlying C libraries).
+   The earliest date for which it can generate a time is platform-dependent.
+.. function:: sleep(secs)
+   Suspend execution for the given number of seconds.  The argument may be a
+   floating point number to indicate a more precise sleep time. The actual
+   suspension time may be less than that requested because any caught signal will
+   terminate the :func:`sleep` following execution of that signal's catching
+   routine.  Also, the suspension time may be longer than requested by an arbitrary
+   amount because of the scheduling of other activity in the system.
+.. function:: strftime(format[, t])
+   Convert a tuple or :class:`struct_time` representing a time as returned by
+   :func:`gmtime` or :func:`localtime` to a string as specified by the *format*
+   argument.  If *t* is not provided, the current time as returned by
+   :func:`localtime` is used.  *format* must be a string.  :exc:`ValueError` is
+   raised if any field in *t* is outside of the allowed range.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.1
+      Allowed *t* to be omitted.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.4
+      :exc:`ValueError` raised if a field in *t* is out of range.
+   .. versionchanged:: 2.5
+      0 is now a legal argument for any position in the time tuple; if it is normally
+      illegal the value is forced to a correct one..
+   The following directives can be embedded in the *format* string. They are shown
+   without the optional field width and precision specification, and are replaced
+   by the indicated characters in the :func:`strftime` result:
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | Directive | Meaning                        | Notes |
+   +===========+================================+=======+
+   | ``%a``    | Locale's abbreviated weekday   |       |
+   |           | name.                          |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%A``    | Locale's full weekday name.    |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%b``    | Locale's abbreviated month     |       |
+   |           | name.                          |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%B``    | Locale's full month name.      |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%c``    | Locale's appropriate date and  |       |
+   |           | time representation.           |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%d``    | Day of the month as a decimal  |       |
+   |           | number [01,31].                |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%H``    | Hour (24-hour clock) as a      |       |
+   |           | decimal number [00,23].        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%I``    | Hour (12-hour clock) as a      |       |
+   |           | decimal number [01,12].        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%j``    | Day of the year as a decimal   |       |
+   |           | number [001,366].              |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%m``    | Month as a decimal number      |       |
+   |           | [01,12].                       |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%M``    | Minute as a decimal number     |       |
+   |           | [00,59].                       |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%p``    | Locale's equivalent of either  | \(1)  |
+   |           | AM or PM.                      |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%S``    | Second as a decimal number     | \(2)  |
+   |           | [00,61].                       |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%U``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
+   |           | (Sunday as the first day of    |       |
+   |           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
+   |           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
+   |           | year preceding the first       |       |
+   |           | Sunday are considered to be in |       |
+   |           | week 0.                        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%w``    | Weekday as a decimal number    |       |
+   |           | [0(Sunday),6].                 |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%W``    | Week number of the year        | \(3)  |
+   |           | (Monday as the first day of    |       |
+   |           | the week) as a decimal number  |       |
+   |           | [00,53].  All days in a new    |       |
+   |           | year preceding the first       |       |
+   |           | Monday are considered to be in |       |
+   |           | week 0.                        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%x``    | Locale's appropriate date      |       |
+   |           | representation.                |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%X``    | Locale's appropriate time      |       |
+   |           | representation.                |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%y``    | Year without century as a      |       |
+   |           | decimal number [00,99].        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%Y``    | Year with century as a decimal |       |
+   |           | number.                        |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%Z``    | Time zone name (no characters  |       |
+   |           | if no time zone exists).       |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   | ``%%``    | A literal ``'%'`` character.   |       |
+   +-----------+--------------------------------+-------+
+   Notes:
+   (1)
+      When used with the :func:`strptime` function, the ``%p`` directive only affects
+      the output hour field if the ``%I`` directive is used to parse the hour.
+   (2)
+      The range really is ``0`` to ``61``; this accounts for leap seconds and the
+      (very rare) double leap seconds.
+   (3)
+      When used with the :func:`strptime` function, ``%U`` and ``%W`` are only used in
+      calculations when the day of the week and the year are specified.
+   Here is an example, a format for dates compatible with that specified  in the
+   :rfc:`2822` Internet email standard.  [#]_ ::
+      >>> from time import gmtime, strftime
+      >>> strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime())
+      'Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:17:15 +0000'
+   Additional directives may be supported on certain platforms, but only the ones
+   listed here have a meaning standardized by ANSI C.
+   On some platforms, an optional field width and precision specification can
+   immediately follow the initial ``'%'`` of a directive in the following order;
+   this is also not portable. The field width is normally 2 except for ``%j`` where
+   it is 3.
+.. function:: strptime(string[, format])
+   Parse a string representing a time according to a format.  The return  value is
+   a :class:`struct_time` as returned by :func:`gmtime` or :func:`localtime`.
+   The *format* parameter uses the same directives as those used by
+   :func:`strftime`; it defaults to ``"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"`` which matches the
+   formatting returned by :func:`ctime`. If *string* cannot be parsed according to
+   *format*, or if it has excess data after parsing, :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
+   The default values used to fill in any missing data when more accurate values
+   cannot be inferred are ``(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1)``.
+   For example::
+      >>> import time
+      >>> time.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
+      (2000, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0, 3, 335, -1)
+   Support for the ``%Z`` directive is based on the values contained in ``tzname``
+   and whether ``daylight`` is true.  Because of this, it is platform-specific
+   except for recognizing UTC and GMT which are always known (and are considered to
+   be non-daylight savings timezones).
+   Only the directives specified in the documentation are supported.  Because
+   ``strftime()`` is implemented per platform it can sometimes offer more
+   directives than those listed.  But ``strptime()`` is independent of any platform
+   and thus does not necessarily support all directives available that are not
+   documented as supported.
+.. data:: struct_time
+   The type of the time value sequence returned by :func:`gmtime`,
+   :func:`localtime`, and :func:`strptime`.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.2
+.. function:: time()
+   Return the time as a floating point number expressed in seconds since the epoch,
+   in UTC.  Note that even though the time is always returned as a floating point
+   number, not all systems provide time with a better precision than 1 second.
+   While this function normally returns non-decreasing values, it can return a
+   lower value than a previous call if the system clock has been set back between
+   the two calls.
+.. data:: timezone
+   The offset of the local (non-DST) timezone, in seconds west of UTC (negative in
+   most of Western Europe, positive in the US, zero in the UK).
+.. data:: tzname
+   A tuple of two strings: the first is the name of the local non-DST timezone, the
+   second is the name of the local DST timezone.  If no DST timezone is defined,
+   the second string should not be used.
+.. function:: tzset()
+   Resets the time conversion rules used by the library routines. The environment
+   variable :envvar:`TZ` specifies how this is done.
+   .. versionadded:: 2.3
+   Availability: Unix.
+   .. note::
+      Although in many cases, changing the :envvar:`TZ` environment variable may
+      affect the output of functions like :func:`localtime` without calling
+      :func:`tzset`, this behavior should not be relied on.
+      The :envvar:`TZ` environment variable should contain no whitespace.
+   The standard format of the :envvar:`TZ` environment variable is (whitespace
+   added for clarity)::
+      std offset [dst [offset [,start[/time], end[/time]]]]
+   Where the components are:
+   ``std`` and ``dst``
+      Three or more alphanumerics giving the timezone abbreviations. These will be
+      propagated into time.tzname
+   ``offset``
+      The offset has the form: ``± hh[:mm[:ss]]``. This indicates the value
+      added the local time to arrive at UTC.  If preceded by a '-', the timezone
+      is east of the Prime Meridian; otherwise, it is west. If no offset follows
+      dst, summer time is assumed to be one hour ahead of standard time.
+   ``start[/time], end[/time]``
+      Indicates when to change to and back from DST. The format of the
+      start and end dates are one of the following:
+      :samp:`J{n}`
+         The Julian day *n* (1 <= *n* <= 365). Leap days are not counted, so in
+         all years February 28 is day 59 and March 1 is day 60.
+      :samp:`{n}`
+         The zero-based Julian day (0 <= *n* <= 365). Leap days are counted, and
+         it is possible to refer to February 29.
+      :samp:`M{m}.{n}.{d}`
+         The *d*'th day (0 <= *d* <= 6) or week *n* of month *m* of the year (1
+         <= *n* <= 5, 1 <= *m* <= 12, where week 5 means "the last *d* day in
+         month *m*" which may occur in either the fourth or the fifth
+         week). Week 1 is the first week in which the *d*'th day occurs. Day
+         zero is Sunday.
+      ``time`` has the same format as ``offset`` except that no leading sign
+      ('-' or '+') is allowed. The default, if time is not given, is 02:00:00.
+   ::
+      >>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'EST+05EDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0'
+      >>> time.tzset()
+      >>> time.strftime('%X %x %Z')
+      '02:07:36 05/08/03 EDT'
+      >>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'AEST-10AEDT-11,M10.5.0,M3.5.0'
+      >>> time.tzset()
+      >>> time.strftime('%X %x %Z')
+      '16:08:12 05/08/03 AEST'
+   On many Unix systems (including \*BSD, Linux, Solaris, and Darwin), it is more
+   convenient to use the system's zoneinfo (:manpage:`tzfile(5)`)  database to
+   specify the timezone rules. To do this, set the  :envvar:`TZ` environment
+   variable to the path of the required timezone  datafile, relative to the root of
+   the systems 'zoneinfo' timezone database, usually located at
+   :file:`/usr/share/zoneinfo`. For example,  ``'US/Eastern'``,
+   ``'Australia/Melbourne'``, ``'Egypt'`` or  ``'Europe/Amsterdam'``. ::
+      >>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Eastern'
+      >>> time.tzset()
+      >>> time.tzname
+      ('EST', 'EDT')
+      >>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'Egypt'
+      >>> time.tzset()
+      >>> time.tzname
+      ('EET', 'EEST')
+.. seealso::
+   Module :mod:`datetime`
+      More object-oriented interface to dates and times.
+   Module :mod:`locale`
+      Internationalization services.  The locale settings can affect the return values
+      for some of  the functions in the :mod:`time` module.
+   Module :mod:`calendar`
+      General calendar-related functions.   :func:`timegm` is the inverse of
+      :func:`gmtime` from this module.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] The use of ``%Z`` is now deprecated, but the ``%z`` escape that expands to the
+   preferred  hour/minute offset is not supported by all ANSI C libraries. Also, a
+   strict reading of the original 1982 :rfc:`822` standard calls for a two-digit
+   year (%y rather than %Y), but practice moved to 4-digit years long before the
+   year 2000.  The 4-digit year has been mandated by :rfc:`2822`, which obsoletes
+   :rfc:`822`.