Switch more function arguments docs to new-style.
diff --git a/Doc/library/py_compile.rst b/Doc/library/py_compile.rst
index 0891862..c4f7229 100644
--- a/Doc/library/py_compile.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/py_compile.rst
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
    Exception raised when an error occurs while attempting to compile the file.
-.. function:: compile(file[, cfile[, dfile[, doraise]]])
+.. function:: compile(file, cfile=None, dfile=None, doraise=False)
    Compile a source file to byte-code and write out the byte-code cache  file.  The
    source code is loaded from the file name *file*.  The  byte-code is written to
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
    written to ``sys.stderr``, but no exception is raised.
-.. function:: main([args])
+.. function:: main(args=None)
    Compile several source files.  The files named in *args* (or on the command
-   line, if *args* is not specified) are compiled and the resulting bytecode is
+   line, if *args* is ``None``) are compiled and the resulting bytecode is
    cached in the normal manner.  This function does not search a directory
    structure to locate source files; it only compiles files named explicitly.