Whitespace normalization, via reindent.py.
diff --git a/Demo/tkinter/guido/AttrDialog.py b/Demo/tkinter/guido/AttrDialog.py
index 4878cb5..86333ad 100755
--- a/Demo/tkinter/guido/AttrDialog.py
+++ b/Demo/tkinter/guido/AttrDialog.py
@@ -16,437 +16,437 @@
 class Option:
-	varclass = StringVar		# May be overridden
+    varclass = StringVar            # May be overridden
-	def __init__(self, dialog, option):
-		self.dialog = dialog
-		self.option = option
-		self.master = dialog.top
-		self.default, self.klass = dialog.options[option]
-		self.var = self.varclass(self.master)
-		self.frame = Frame(self.master)
-		self.frame.pack(fill=X)
-		self.label = Label(self.frame, text=(option + ":"))
-		self.label.pack(side=LEFT)
-		self.update()
-		self.addoption()
+    def __init__(self, dialog, option):
+        self.dialog = dialog
+        self.option = option
+        self.master = dialog.top
+        self.default, self.klass = dialog.options[option]
+        self.var = self.varclass(self.master)
+        self.frame = Frame(self.master)
+        self.frame.pack(fill=X)
+        self.label = Label(self.frame, text=(option + ":"))
+        self.label.pack(side=LEFT)
+        self.update()
+        self.addoption()
-	def refresh(self):
-		self.dialog.refresh()
-		self.update()
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.dialog.refresh()
+        self.update()
-	def update(self):
-		try:
-			self.current = self.dialog.current[self.option]
-		except KeyError:
-			self.current = self.default
-		self.var.set(self.current)
+    def update(self):
+        try:
+            self.current = self.dialog.current[self.option]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.current = self.default
+        self.var.set(self.current)
-	def set(self, e=None):		# Should be overridden
-		pass
+    def set(self, e=None):          # Should be overridden
+        pass
 class BooleanOption(Option):
-	varclass = BooleanVar
+    varclass = BooleanVar
-	def addoption(self):
-		self.button = Checkbutton(self.frame,
-					 text='on/off',
-					 onvalue=1,
-					 offvalue=0,
-					 variable=self.var,
-					 relief=RAISED,
-					 borderwidth=2,
-					 command=self.set)
-		self.button.pack(side=RIGHT)
+    def addoption(self):
+        self.button = Checkbutton(self.frame,
+                                 text='on/off',
+                                 onvalue=1,
+                                 offvalue=0,
+                                 variable=self.var,
+                                 relief=RAISED,
+                                 borderwidth=2,
+                                 command=self.set)
+        self.button.pack(side=RIGHT)
 class EnumOption(Option):
-	def addoption(self):
-		self.button = Menubutton(self.frame,
-					 textvariable=self.var,
-					 relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2)
-		self.button.pack(side=RIGHT)
-		self.menu = Menu(self.button)
-		self.button['menu'] = self.menu
-		for v in self.dialog.classes[self.klass]:
-			self.menu.add_radiobutton(
-			    label=v,
-			    variable=self.var,
-			    value=v,
-			    command=self.set)
+    def addoption(self):
+        self.button = Menubutton(self.frame,
+                                 textvariable=self.var,
+                                 relief=RAISED, borderwidth=2)
+        self.button.pack(side=RIGHT)
+        self.menu = Menu(self.button)
+        self.button['menu'] = self.menu
+        for v in self.dialog.classes[self.klass]:
+            self.menu.add_radiobutton(
+                label=v,
+                variable=self.var,
+                value=v,
+                command=self.set)
 class StringOption(Option):
-	def addoption(self):
-		self.entry = Entry(self.frame,
-				   textvariable=self.var,
-				   width=10,
-				   relief=SUNKEN,
-				   borderwidth=2)
-		self.entry.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X, expand=1)
-		self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.set)
+    def addoption(self):
+        self.entry = Entry(self.frame,
+                           textvariable=self.var,
+                           width=10,
+                           relief=SUNKEN,
+                           borderwidth=2)
+        self.entry.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=X, expand=1)
+        self.entry.bind('<Return>', self.set)
 class ReadonlyOption(Option):
-	def addoption(self):
-		self.label = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.var,
-				   anchor=E)
-		self.label.pack(side=RIGHT)
+    def addoption(self):
+        self.label = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.var,
+                           anchor=E)
+        self.label.pack(side=RIGHT)
 class Dialog:
-	def __init__(self, master):
-		self.master = master
-		self.fixclasses()
-		self.refresh()
-		self.top = Toplevel(self.master)
-		self.top.title(self.__class__.__name__)
-		self.top.minsize(1, 1)
-		self.addchoices()
+    def __init__(self, master):
+        self.master = master
+        self.fixclasses()
+        self.refresh()
+        self.top = Toplevel(self.master)
+        self.top.title(self.__class__.__name__)
+        self.top.minsize(1, 1)
+        self.addchoices()
-	def refresh(self): pass		# Must override
+    def refresh(self): pass         # Must override
-	def fixclasses(self): pass	# May override
+    def fixclasses(self): pass      # May override
-	def addchoices(self):
-		self.choices = {}
-		list = []
-		for k, dc in self.options.items():
-			list.append((k, dc))
-		list.sort()
-		for k, (d, c) in list:
-			try:
-				cl = self.classes[c]
-			except KeyError:
-				cl = 'unknown'
-			if type(cl) == TupleType:
-				cl = self.enumoption
-			elif cl == 'boolean':
-				cl = self.booleanoption
-			elif cl == 'readonly':
-				cl = self.readonlyoption
-			else:
-				cl = self.stringoption
-			self.choices[k] = cl(self, k)
+    def addchoices(self):
+        self.choices = {}
+        list = []
+        for k, dc in self.options.items():
+            list.append((k, dc))
+        list.sort()
+        for k, (d, c) in list:
+            try:
+                cl = self.classes[c]
+            except KeyError:
+                cl = 'unknown'
+            if type(cl) == TupleType:
+                cl = self.enumoption
+            elif cl == 'boolean':
+                cl = self.booleanoption
+            elif cl == 'readonly':
+                cl = self.readonlyoption
+            else:
+                cl = self.stringoption
+            self.choices[k] = cl(self, k)
-	# Must override:
-	options = {}
-	classes = {}
+    # Must override:
+    options = {}
+    classes = {}
-	# May override:
-	booleanoption = BooleanOption
-	stringoption = StringOption
-	enumoption = EnumOption
-	readonlyoption = ReadonlyOption
+    # May override:
+    booleanoption = BooleanOption
+    stringoption = StringOption
+    enumoption = EnumOption
+    readonlyoption = ReadonlyOption
 class PackDialog(Dialog):
-	def __init__(self, widget):
-		self.widget = widget
-		Dialog.__init__(self, widget)
+    def __init__(self, widget):
+        self.widget = widget
+        Dialog.__init__(self, widget)
-	def refresh(self):
-		self.current = self.widget.info()
-		self.current['.class'] = self.widget.winfo_class()
-		self.current['.name'] = self.widget._w
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.current = self.widget.info()
+        self.current['.class'] = self.widget.winfo_class()
+        self.current['.name'] = self.widget._w
-	class packoption: # Mix-in class
-		def set(self, e=None):
-			self.current = self.var.get()
-			try:
-				apply(self.dialog.widget.pack, (),
-				      {self.option: self.current})
-			except TclError, msg:
-				print msg
-				self.refresh()
+    class packoption: # Mix-in class
+        def set(self, e=None):
+            self.current = self.var.get()
+            try:
+                apply(self.dialog.widget.pack, (),
+                      {self.option: self.current})
+            except TclError, msg:
+                print msg
+                self.refresh()
-	class booleanoption(packoption, BooleanOption): pass
-	class enumoption(packoption, EnumOption): pass
-	class stringoption(packoption, StringOption): pass
-	class readonlyoption(packoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
+    class booleanoption(packoption, BooleanOption): pass
+    class enumoption(packoption, EnumOption): pass
+    class stringoption(packoption, StringOption): pass
+    class readonlyoption(packoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
-	options = {
-		'.class': (None, 'Class'),
-		'.name': (None, 'Name'),
-		'after': (None, 'Widget'),
-		'anchor': ('center', 'Anchor'),
-		'before': (None, 'Widget'),
-		'expand': ('no', 'Boolean'),
-		'fill': ('none', 'Fill'),
-		'in': (None, 'Widget'),
-		'ipadx': (0, 'Pad'),
-		'ipady': (0, 'Pad'),
-		'padx': (0, 'Pad'),
-		'pady': (0, 'Pad'),
-		'side': ('top', 'Side'),
-		}
+    options = {
+            '.class': (None, 'Class'),
+            '.name': (None, 'Name'),
+            'after': (None, 'Widget'),
+            'anchor': ('center', 'Anchor'),
+            'before': (None, 'Widget'),
+            'expand': ('no', 'Boolean'),
+            'fill': ('none', 'Fill'),
+            'in': (None, 'Widget'),
+            'ipadx': (0, 'Pad'),
+            'ipady': (0, 'Pad'),
+            'padx': (0, 'Pad'),
+            'pady': (0, 'Pad'),
+            'side': ('top', 'Side'),
+            }
-	classes = {
-		'Anchor': (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER),
-		'Boolean': 'boolean',
-		'Class': 'readonly',
-		'Expand': 'boolean',
-		'Fill': (NONE, X, Y, BOTH),
-		'Name': 'readonly',
-		'Pad': 'pixel',
-		'Side': (TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT),
-		'Widget': 'readonly',
-		}
+    classes = {
+            'Anchor': (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER),
+            'Boolean': 'boolean',
+            'Class': 'readonly',
+            'Expand': 'boolean',
+            'Fill': (NONE, X, Y, BOTH),
+            'Name': 'readonly',
+            'Pad': 'pixel',
+            'Side': (TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT),
+            'Widget': 'readonly',
+            }
 class RemotePackDialog(PackDialog):
-	def __init__(self, master, app, widget):
-		self.master = master
-		self.app = app
-		self.widget = widget
-		self.refresh()
-		self.top = Toplevel(self.master)
-		self.top.title(self.app + ' PackDialog')
-		self.top.minsize(1, 1)
-		self.addchoices()
+    def __init__(self, master, app, widget):
+        self.master = master
+        self.app = app
+        self.widget = widget
+        self.refresh()
+        self.top = Toplevel(self.master)
+        self.top.title(self.app + ' PackDialog')
+        self.top.minsize(1, 1)
+        self.addchoices()
-	def refresh(self):
-		try:
-			words = self.master.tk.splitlist(
-				self.master.send(self.app,
-						 'pack',
-						 'info',
-						 self.widget))
-		except TclError, msg:
-			print msg
-			return
-		dict = {}
-		for i in range(0, len(words), 2):
-			key = words[i][1:]
-			value = words[i+1]
-			dict[key] = value
-		dict['.class'] = self.master.send(self.app,
-						  'winfo',
-						  'class',
-						  self.widget)
-		dict['.name'] = self.widget
-		self.current = dict
+    def refresh(self):
+        try:
+            words = self.master.tk.splitlist(
+                    self.master.send(self.app,
+                                     'pack',
+                                     'info',
+                                     self.widget))
+        except TclError, msg:
+            print msg
+            return
+        dict = {}
+        for i in range(0, len(words), 2):
+            key = words[i][1:]
+            value = words[i+1]
+            dict[key] = value
+        dict['.class'] = self.master.send(self.app,
+                                          'winfo',
+                                          'class',
+                                          self.widget)
+        dict['.name'] = self.widget
+        self.current = dict
-	class remotepackoption: # Mix-in class
-		def set(self, e=None):
-			self.current = self.var.get()
-			try:
-				self.dialog.master.send(
-					self.dialog.app,
-					'pack',
-					'config',
-					self.dialog.widget,
-					'-'+self.option,
-					self.dialog.master.tk.merge(
-						self.current))
-			except TclError, msg:
-				print msg
-				self.refresh()
+    class remotepackoption: # Mix-in class
+        def set(self, e=None):
+            self.current = self.var.get()
+            try:
+                self.dialog.master.send(
+                        self.dialog.app,
+                        'pack',
+                        'config',
+                        self.dialog.widget,
+                        '-'+self.option,
+                        self.dialog.master.tk.merge(
+                                self.current))
+            except TclError, msg:
+                print msg
+                self.refresh()
-	class booleanoption(remotepackoption, BooleanOption): pass
-	class enumoption(remotepackoption, EnumOption): pass
-	class stringoption(remotepackoption, StringOption): pass
-	class readonlyoption(remotepackoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
+    class booleanoption(remotepackoption, BooleanOption): pass
+    class enumoption(remotepackoption, EnumOption): pass
+    class stringoption(remotepackoption, StringOption): pass
+    class readonlyoption(remotepackoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
 class WidgetDialog(Dialog):
-	def __init__(self, widget):
-		self.widget = widget
-		self.klass = widget.winfo_class()
-		Dialog.__init__(self, widget)
+    def __init__(self, widget):
+        self.widget = widget
+        self.klass = widget.winfo_class()
+        Dialog.__init__(self, widget)
-	def fixclasses(self):
-		if self.addclasses.has_key(self.klass):
-			classes = {}
-			for c in (self.classes,
-				  self.addclasses[self.klass]):
-				for k in c.keys():
-					classes[k] = c[k]
-			self.classes = classes
+    def fixclasses(self):
+        if self.addclasses.has_key(self.klass):
+            classes = {}
+            for c in (self.classes,
+                      self.addclasses[self.klass]):
+                for k in c.keys():
+                    classes[k] = c[k]
+            self.classes = classes
-	def refresh(self):
-		self.configuration = self.widget.config()
-		self.update()
-		self.current['.class'] = self.widget.winfo_class()
-		self.current['.name'] = self.widget._w
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.configuration = self.widget.config()
+        self.update()
+        self.current['.class'] = self.widget.winfo_class()
+        self.current['.name'] = self.widget._w
-	def update(self):
-		self.current = {}
-		self.options = {}
-		for k, v in self.configuration.items():
-			if len(v) > 4:
-				self.current[k] = v[4]
-				self.options[k] = v[3], v[2] # default, klass
-		self.options['.class'] = (None, 'Class')
-		self.options['.name'] = (None, 'Name')
+    def update(self):
+        self.current = {}
+        self.options = {}
+        for k, v in self.configuration.items():
+            if len(v) > 4:
+                self.current[k] = v[4]
+                self.options[k] = v[3], v[2] # default, klass
+        self.options['.class'] = (None, 'Class')
+        self.options['.name'] = (None, 'Name')
-	class widgetoption: # Mix-in class
-		def set(self, e=None):
-			self.current = self.var.get()
-			try:
-				self.dialog.widget[self.option] = self.current
-			except TclError, msg:
-				print msg
-				self.refresh()
+    class widgetoption: # Mix-in class
+        def set(self, e=None):
+            self.current = self.var.get()
+            try:
+                self.dialog.widget[self.option] = self.current
+            except TclError, msg:
+                print msg
+                self.refresh()
-	class booleanoption(widgetoption, BooleanOption): pass
-	class enumoption(widgetoption, EnumOption): pass
-	class stringoption(widgetoption, StringOption): pass
-	class readonlyoption(widgetoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
+    class booleanoption(widgetoption, BooleanOption): pass
+    class enumoption(widgetoption, EnumOption): pass
+    class stringoption(widgetoption, StringOption): pass
+    class readonlyoption(widgetoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
-	# Universal classes
-	classes = {
-		'Anchor': (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER),
-		'Aspect': 'integer',
-		'Background': 'color',
-		'Bitmap': 'bitmap',
-		'BorderWidth': 'pixel',
-		'Class': 'readonly',
-		'CloseEnough': 'double',
-		'Command': 'command',
-		'Confine': 'boolean',
-		'Cursor': 'cursor',
-		'CursorWidth': 'pixel',
-		'DisabledForeground': 'color',
-		'ExportSelection': 'boolean',
-		'Font': 'font',
-		'Foreground': 'color',
-		'From': 'integer',
-		'Geometry': 'geometry',
-		'Height': 'pixel',
-		'InsertWidth': 'time',
-		'Justify': (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT),
-		'Label': 'string',
-		'Length': 'pixel',
-		'MenuName': 'widget',
-		'Name': 'readonly',
-		'OffTime': 'time',
-		'OnTime': 'time',
-		'Pad': 'pixel',
-		'RepeatDelay': 'time',
-		'RepeatInterval': 'time',
-		'ScrollCommand': 'command',
-		'ScrollIncrement': 'pixel',
-		'ScrollRegion': 'rectangle',
-		'ShowValue': 'boolean',
-		'SetGrid': 'boolean',
-		'Sliderforeground': 'color',
-		'SliderLength': 'pixel',
-		'Text': 'string',
-		'TickInterval': 'integer',
-		'To': 'integer',
-		'Underline': 'index',
-		'Variable': 'variable',
-		'Value': 'string',
-		'Width': 'pixel',
-		'Wrap': (NONE, CHAR, WORD),
-		}
+    # Universal classes
+    classes = {
+            'Anchor': (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, CENTER),
+            'Aspect': 'integer',
+            'Background': 'color',
+            'Bitmap': 'bitmap',
+            'BorderWidth': 'pixel',
+            'Class': 'readonly',
+            'CloseEnough': 'double',
+            'Command': 'command',
+            'Confine': 'boolean',
+            'Cursor': 'cursor',
+            'CursorWidth': 'pixel',
+            'DisabledForeground': 'color',
+            'ExportSelection': 'boolean',
+            'Font': 'font',
+            'Foreground': 'color',
+            'From': 'integer',
+            'Geometry': 'geometry',
+            'Height': 'pixel',
+            'InsertWidth': 'time',
+            'Justify': (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT),
+            'Label': 'string',
+            'Length': 'pixel',
+            'MenuName': 'widget',
+            'Name': 'readonly',
+            'OffTime': 'time',
+            'OnTime': 'time',
+            'Orient': (HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL),
+            'Pad': 'pixel',
+            'Relief': (RAISED, SUNKEN, FLAT, RIDGE, GROOVE),
+            'RepeatDelay': 'time',
+            'RepeatInterval': 'time',
+            'ScrollCommand': 'command',
+            'ScrollIncrement': 'pixel',
+            'ScrollRegion': 'rectangle',
+            'ShowValue': 'boolean',
+            'SetGrid': 'boolean',
+            'Sliderforeground': 'color',
+            'SliderLength': 'pixel',
+            'Text': 'string',
+            'TickInterval': 'integer',
+            'To': 'integer',
+            'Underline': 'index',
+            'Variable': 'variable',
+            'Value': 'string',
+            'Width': 'pixel',
+            'Wrap': (NONE, CHAR, WORD),
+            }
-	# Classes that (may) differ per widget type
-	_tristate = {'State': (NORMAL, ACTIVE, DISABLED)}
-	_bistate = {'State': (NORMAL, DISABLED)}
-	addclasses = {
-		'Button': _tristate,
-		'Radiobutton': _tristate,
-		'Checkbutton': _tristate,
-		'Entry': _bistate,
-		'Text': _bistate,
-		'Menubutton': _tristate,
-		'Slider': _bistate,
-		}
+    # Classes that (may) differ per widget type
+    _tristate = {'State': (NORMAL, ACTIVE, DISABLED)}
+    _bistate = {'State': (NORMAL, DISABLED)}
+    addclasses = {
+            'Button': _tristate,
+            'Radiobutton': _tristate,
+            'Checkbutton': _tristate,
+            'Entry': _bistate,
+            'Text': _bistate,
+            'Menubutton': _tristate,
+            'Slider': _bistate,
+            }
 class RemoteWidgetDialog(WidgetDialog):
-	def __init__(self, master, app, widget):
-		self.app = app
-		self.widget = widget
-		self.klass = master.send(self.app,
-					 'winfo',
-					 'class',
-					 self.widget)
-		Dialog.__init__(self, master)
+    def __init__(self, master, app, widget):
+        self.app = app
+        self.widget = widget
+        self.klass = master.send(self.app,
+                                 'winfo',
+                                 'class',
+                                 self.widget)
+        Dialog.__init__(self, master)
-	def refresh(self):
-		try:
-			items = self.master.tk.splitlist(
-				self.master.send(self.app,
-						 self.widget,
-						 'config'))
-		except TclError, msg:
-			print msg
-			return
-		dict = {}
-		for item in items:
-			words = self.master.tk.splitlist(item)
-			key = words[0][1:]
-			value = (key,) + words[1:]
-			dict[key] = value
-		self.configuration = dict
-		self.update()
-		self.current['.class'] = self.klass
-		self.current['.name'] = self.widget
+    def refresh(self):
+        try:
+            items = self.master.tk.splitlist(
+                    self.master.send(self.app,
+                                     self.widget,
+                                     'config'))
+        except TclError, msg:
+            print msg
+            return
+        dict = {}
+        for item in items:
+            words = self.master.tk.splitlist(item)
+            key = words[0][1:]
+            value = (key,) + words[1:]
+            dict[key] = value
+        self.configuration = dict
+        self.update()
+        self.current['.class'] = self.klass
+        self.current['.name'] = self.widget
-	class remotewidgetoption: # Mix-in class
-		def set(self, e=None):
-			self.current = self.var.get()
-			try:
-				self.dialog.master.send(
-					self.dialog.app,
-					self.dialog.widget,
-					'config',
-					'-'+self.option,
-					self.current)
-			except TclError, msg:
-				print msg
-				self.refresh()
+    class remotewidgetoption: # Mix-in class
+        def set(self, e=None):
+            self.current = self.var.get()
+            try:
+                self.dialog.master.send(
+                        self.dialog.app,
+                        self.dialog.widget,
+                        'config',
+                        '-'+self.option,
+                        self.current)
+            except TclError, msg:
+                print msg
+                self.refresh()
-	class booleanoption(remotewidgetoption, BooleanOption): pass
-	class enumoption(remotewidgetoption, EnumOption): pass
-	class stringoption(remotewidgetoption, StringOption): pass
-	class readonlyoption(remotewidgetoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
+    class booleanoption(remotewidgetoption, BooleanOption): pass
+    class enumoption(remotewidgetoption, EnumOption): pass
+    class stringoption(remotewidgetoption, StringOption): pass
+    class readonlyoption(remotewidgetoption, ReadonlyOption): pass
 def test():
-	import sys
-	root = Tk()
-	root.minsize(1, 1)
-	if sys.argv[1:]:
-		remotetest(root, sys.argv[1])
-	else:
-		frame = Frame(root, name='frame')
-		frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
-		button = Button(frame, name='button', text='button')
-		button.pack(expand=1)
-		canvas = Canvas(frame, name='canvas')
-		canvas.pack()
-		fpd = PackDialog(frame)
-		fwd = WidgetDialog(frame)
-		bpd = PackDialog(button)
-		bwd = WidgetDialog(button)
-		cpd = PackDialog(canvas)
-		cwd = WidgetDialog(canvas)
-	root.mainloop()
+    import sys
+    root = Tk()
+    root.minsize(1, 1)
+    if sys.argv[1:]:
+        remotetest(root, sys.argv[1])
+    else:
+        frame = Frame(root, name='frame')
+        frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
+        button = Button(frame, name='button', text='button')
+        button.pack(expand=1)
+        canvas = Canvas(frame, name='canvas')
+        canvas.pack()
+        fpd = PackDialog(frame)
+        fwd = WidgetDialog(frame)
+        bpd = PackDialog(button)
+        bwd = WidgetDialog(button)
+        cpd = PackDialog(canvas)
+        cwd = WidgetDialog(canvas)
+    root.mainloop()
 def remotetest(root, app):
-	from listtree import listtree
-	list = listtree(root, app)
-	list.bind('<Any-Double-1>', opendialogs)
-	list.app = app			# Pass it on to handler
+    from listtree import listtree
+    list = listtree(root, app)
+    list.bind('<Any-Double-1>', opendialogs)
+    list.app = app                  # Pass it on to handler
 def opendialogs(e):
-	import string
-	list = e.widget
-	sel = list.curselection()
-	for i in sel:
-		item = list.get(i)
-		widget = string.split(item)[0]
-		RemoteWidgetDialog(list, list.app, widget)
-		if widget == '.': continue
-		try:
-			RemotePackDialog(list, list.app, widget)
-		except TclError, msg:
-			print msg
+    import string
+    list = e.widget
+    sel = list.curselection()
+    for i in sel:
+        item = list.get(i)
+        widget = string.split(item)[0]
+        RemoteWidgetDialog(list, list.app, widget)
+        if widget == '.': continue
+        try:
+            RemotePackDialog(list, list.app, widget)
+        except TclError, msg:
+            print msg