Robin Becker: The following patch seems to fix a module case bug in
1.6a2 caused by wrong return values in routine allcaps83.  [GvR: I
also changed the case for end-s>8 to return 0.]
diff --git a/Python/import.c b/Python/import.c
index c3f890b..f33f9a1 100644
--- a/Python/import.c
+++ b/Python/import.c
@@ -1035,15 +1035,15 @@
 	char *end = strchr(s, '\0');
 	if (dot != NULL) {
 		if (dot-s > 8)
-			return 1; /* More than 8 before '.' */
+			return 0; /* More than 8 before '.' */
 		if (end-dot > 4)
-			return 1; /* More than 3 after '.' */
+			return 0; /* More than 3 after '.' */
 		end = strchr(dot+1, '.');
 		if (end != NULL)
-			return 1; /* More than one dot  */
+			return 0; /* More than one dot  */
 	else if (end-s > 8)
-		return 1; /* More than 8 and no dot */
+		return 0; /* More than 8 and no dot */
 	while ((c = *s++)) {
 		if (islower(c))
 			return 0;