bpo-30167: Prevent site.main() exception if PYTHONSTARTUP is set. (GH-6731)

Before Python 3.6, os.path.abspath(None) used to report an AttributeError which was properly caught inside site.abs_paths, making it ignore __main__, one of sys.modules, which has __file__ and __cached__ set to None. With 3.6, os.path.abspath(None) raises TypeError instead which site.abs_path was not expecting.  This resulted in an uncaught exception if a user had PYTHONSTARTUP set and the application called site.main() which a number of third-party programs do.
diff --git a/Lib/site.py b/Lib/site.py
index 950e703..4595244 100644
--- a/Lib/site.py
+++ b/Lib/site.py
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
             continue   # don't mess with a PEP 302-supplied __file__
             m.__file__ = os.path.abspath(m.__file__)
-        except (AttributeError, OSError):
+        except (AttributeError, OSError, TypeError):
             m.__cached__ = os.path.abspath(m.__cached__)
-        except (AttributeError, OSError):
+        except (AttributeError, OSError, TypeError):