Added CRLF for Notepad.
diff --git a/PC/example_nt/readme.txt b/PC/example_nt/readme.txt
index 206ac2e..1424882 100644
--- a/PC/example_nt/readme.txt
+++ b/PC/example_nt/readme.txt
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
-Example Python extension for Windows NT
-This directory contains everything you need to build a Python
-extension module using Microsoft VC++ 4.x ("Developer Studio"), except
-for the Python distribution.  It has been tested most recently with
-version 4.2.
-The "example_nt" subdirectory should be an immediate subdirectory of
-the Python source directory -- a direct sibling of Include and PC, in
-particular, which are referenced as "..\Include" and "..\PC".  In
-other words, it should *not* be used "as is".  Copy or move it up one
-level or you will regret it!  (This is done to keep all the PC
-specific files inside the PC subdirectory of the distribution, where
-they belong.)
-It is also assumed that the build results of Python are in the
-directory ..\vc40.  In particular, the python15.lib file is referred
-to as "..\vc40\python15.lib".
-In order to use the example project from Developer Studio, use the
-"File->Open Workspace..." dialog (*not* the "File->Open..." dialog!).
-Change the pattern to "*.mak" and select the file "example.mak".  Now
-choose "File->Save All" and the othe project files will be created.
-In order to check that everything is set up right, try building:
-choose "Build->Build example.dll".  This creates all intermediate and
-result files in a subdirectory which is called either Debug or Release
-depending on which configuration you have chosen (as distributed,
-Debug is selected as the default configuration).
-Once the build has succeeded, test the resulting DLL.  In a DOS
-command window, chdir to that directory.  You should now be able to
-repeat the following session "(C>" is the DOS prompt, ">>>" is the
-Python prompt):
-	C> ..\..\vc40\python.exe
-	>>> import example
-	>>>
-	Hello, world
-	>>>
-Creating the project
-There are two ways to use this example to create a project for your
-own module.  First, choose a name ("spam" is always a winner :-) and
-create a directory for it.  Copy your C sources into it.  Note that
-the module source file name does not necessarily have to match the
-module name, but the "init" function name should match the module name
--- i.e. you can only import a module "spam" if its init function is
-called "initspam()", and it should call Py_InitModule with the string
-"spam" as its first argument.  By convention, it lives in a file
-called "spam.c" or "spammodule.c".  The output file should be called
-"spam.dll" or "spam.pyd" (the latter is supported to avoid confusion
-with a system library "spam.dll" to which your module could be a
-Python interface).
-Now your options are:
-1) Clone example.mak.  Start by copying example_nt\example.mak to
-spam\spam.mak.  Do a global edit on spam.mak, replacing all
-occurrences of the string "example" by "spam", and all occurrences of
-"DEP_CPP_EXAMP" by something like "DEP_CPP_SPAM".  You can now use
-this makefile to create a project file by opening it as a workspace
-(you have to change the pattern to *.mak first).
-2) Create a brand new project; instructions are below.
-In both cases, copy example_nt\example.def to spam\spam.def, and edit
-spam\spam.def so its second line contains the string "initspam".  If
-you created a new project yourself, add the file spam.def to the
-project now.
-You are now all set to build your extension, unless it requires other
-external libraries, include files, etc.  See Python's Extending and
-Embedding manual for instructions on how to write an extension.
-Creating a brand new project
-If you don't feel comfortable with editing Makefiles, you can create a
-brand new project from scratch easily.
-Use the "File->New..." dialog to create a new Project Workspace.
-Select Dynamic-Link Library, enter the name ("spam"), and make sure
-the "Location" is set to the spam directory you have created (which
-should be a direct subdirectory of the Python build tree).  Select
-Win32 as the platform (in my version, this is the only choice).  Click
-Now open the "Build->Settings..." dialog.  (Impressive, isn't it?  :-)
-You only need to change a few settings.  Make sure you have both the
-Debug and the Release configuration selected when you make the first
-change.  Select the "C/C++" tab.  Choose the "Preprocessor" category
-in the popup menu at the top.  Type the following text in the entry
-box labeled "Addditional include directories:"
-	..\Include,..\PC
-You must also change the run-time library.  This must be done
-separately for the Release and Debug configurations.  Choose the "Code
-Generation" category in the C/C++ tab.  In the box labeled "Use
-run-time library", choose "Multithreaded DLL" for the Release
-configuration, and "Debug Multithreaded DLL" for the Debug
-configuration.  That's all.
-You should now first create the file spam.def as instructed in the
-previous section.
-Now chose the "Insert->Files into Project..." dialog.  Set the pattern
-to *.* and select both spam.c and spam.def and click OK.  (Inserting
-them one by one is fine too.)  Using the same dialog, choose the file
-..\vc40\python15.lib and insert it into the project.
+Example Python extension for Windows NT



+This directory contains everything you need to build a Python

+extension module using Microsoft VC++ 4.x ("Developer Studio"), except

+for the Python distribution.  It has been tested most recently with

+version 4.2.


+The "example_nt" subdirectory should be an immediate subdirectory of

+the Python source directory -- a direct sibling of Include and PC, in

+particular, which are referenced as "..\Include" and "..\PC".  In

+other words, it should *not* be used "as is".  Copy or move it up one

+level or you will regret it!  (This is done to keep all the PC

+specific files inside the PC subdirectory of the distribution, where

+they belong.)


+It is also assumed that the build results of Python are in the

+directory ..\vc40.  In particular, the python15.lib file is referred

+to as "..\vc40\python15.lib".


+In order to use the example project from Developer Studio, use the

+"File->Open Workspace..." dialog (*not* the "File->Open..." dialog!).

+Change the pattern to "*.mak" and select the file "example.mak".  Now

+choose "File->Save All" and the othe project files will be created.


+In order to check that everything is set up right, try building:

+choose "Build->Build example.dll".  This creates all intermediate and

+result files in a subdirectory which is called either Debug or Release

+depending on which configuration you have chosen (as distributed,

+Debug is selected as the default configuration).


+Once the build has succeeded, test the resulting DLL.  In a DOS

+command window, chdir to that directory.  You should now be able to

+repeat the following session "(C>" is the DOS prompt, ">>>" is the

+Python prompt):


+	C> ..\..\vc40\python.exe

+	>>> import example

+	>>>

+	Hello, world

+	>>>



+Creating the project



+There are two ways to use this example to create a project for your

+own module.  First, choose a name ("spam" is always a winner :-) and

+create a directory for it.  Copy your C sources into it.  Note that

+the module source file name does not necessarily have to match the

+module name, but the "init" function name should match the module name

+-- i.e. you can only import a module "spam" if its init function is

+called "initspam()", and it should call Py_InitModule with the string

+"spam" as its first argument.  By convention, it lives in a file

+called "spam.c" or "spammodule.c".  The output file should be called

+"spam.dll" or "spam.pyd" (the latter is supported to avoid confusion

+with a system library "spam.dll" to which your module could be a

+Python interface).


+Now your options are:


+1) Clone example.mak.  Start by copying example_nt\example.mak to

+spam\spam.mak.  Do a global edit on spam.mak, replacing all

+occurrences of the string "example" by "spam", and all occurrences of

+"DEP_CPP_EXAMP" by something like "DEP_CPP_SPAM".  You can now use

+this makefile to create a project file by opening it as a workspace

+(you have to change the pattern to *.mak first).


+2) Create a brand new project; instructions are below.


+In both cases, copy example_nt\example.def to spam\spam.def, and edit

+spam\spam.def so its second line contains the string "initspam".  If

+you created a new project yourself, add the file spam.def to the

+project now.


+You are now all set to build your extension, unless it requires other

+external libraries, include files, etc.  See Python's Extending and

+Embedding manual for instructions on how to write an extension.



+Creating a brand new project



+If you don't feel comfortable with editing Makefiles, you can create a

+brand new project from scratch easily.


+Use the "File->New..." dialog to create a new Project Workspace.

+Select Dynamic-Link Library, enter the name ("spam"), and make sure

+the "Location" is set to the spam directory you have created (which

+should be a direct subdirectory of the Python build tree).  Select

+Win32 as the platform (in my version, this is the only choice).  Click



+Now open the "Build->Settings..." dialog.  (Impressive, isn't it?  :-)

+You only need to change a few settings.  Make sure you have both the

+Debug and the Release configuration selected when you make the first

+change.  Select the "C/C++" tab.  Choose the "Preprocessor" category

+in the popup menu at the top.  Type the following text in the entry

+box labeled "Addditional include directories:"


+	..\Include,..\PC


+You must also change the run-time library.  This must be done

+separately for the Release and Debug configurations.  Choose the "Code

+Generation" category in the C/C++ tab.  In the box labeled "Use

+run-time library", choose "Multithreaded DLL" for the Release

+configuration, and "Debug Multithreaded DLL" for the Debug

+configuration.  That's all.


+You should now first create the file spam.def as instructed in the

+previous section.


+Now chose the "Insert->Files into Project..." dialog.  Set the pattern

+to *.* and select both spam.c and spam.def and click OK.  (Inserting

+them one by one is fine too.)  Using the same dialog, choose the file

+..\vc40\python15.lib and insert it into the project.