Add .hgeol file for the Mercurial EOL extension.
diff --git a/.hgeol b/.hgeol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743fd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.hgeol
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+** = native
+**.bat  = CRLF
+**.def  = CRLF
+**.dsp  = CRLF
+**.dsw  = CRLF
+**.mak  = CRLF
+**.mk   = CRLF
+**.rc   = CRLF
+**.sln  = CRLF
+**.vcproj  = CRLF
+**.vsprops = CRLF
+**.aif  = BIN
+**.au   = BIN
+**.bmp  = BIN
+**.db   = BIN
+**.exe  = BIN
+**.icns = BIN
+**.gif  = BIN
+**.ico  = BIN
+**.info = BIN
+**.jpg  = BIN
+**.pck  = BIN
+**.png  = BIN
+**.psd  = BIN
+**.tar  = BIN
+**.xar  = BIN
+**.zip  = BIN
+Lib/email/test/data/msg_26.txt = BIN
+Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* = BIN
+native = LF
\ No newline at end of file