Issue #19673: Add pathlib to the stdlib as a provisional module (PEP 428).
diff --git a/Lib/test/ b/Lib/test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c0c430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1639 @@
+import collections
+import io
+import os
+import errno
+import pathlib
+import pickle
+import shutil
+import socket
+import stat
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from test import support
+TESTFN = support.TESTFN
+    import grp, pwd
+except ImportError:
+    grp = pwd = None
+class _BaseFlavourTest(object):
+    def _check_parse_parts(self, arg, expected):
+        f = self.flavour.parse_parts
+        sep = self.flavour.sep
+        altsep = self.flavour.altsep
+        actual = f([x.replace('/', sep) for x in arg])
+        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+        if altsep:
+            actual = f([x.replace('/', altsep) for x in arg])
+            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+    def test_parse_parts_common(self):
+        check = self._check_parse_parts
+        sep = self.flavour.sep
+        # Unanchored parts
+        check([],                   ('', '', []))
+        check(['a'],                ('', '', ['a']))
+        check(['a/'],               ('', '', ['a']))
+        check(['a', 'b'],           ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
+        # Expansion
+        check(['a/b'],              ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
+        check(['a/b/'],             ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
+        check(['a', 'b/c', 'd'],    ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
+        # Collapsing and stripping excess slashes
+        check(['a', 'b//c', 'd'],   ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
+        check(['a', 'b/c/', 'd'],   ('', '', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
+        # Eliminating standalone dots
+        check(['.'],                ('', '', []))
+        check(['.', '.', 'b'],      ('', '', ['b']))
+        check(['a', '.', 'b'],      ('', '', ['a', 'b']))
+        check(['a', '.', '.'],      ('', '', ['a']))
+        # The first part is anchored
+        check(['/a/b'],             ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
+        check(['/a', 'b'],          ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
+        check(['/a/', 'b'],         ('', sep, [sep, 'a', 'b']))
+        # Ignoring parts before an anchored part
+        check(['a', '/b', 'c'],     ('', sep, [sep, 'b', 'c']))
+        check(['a', '/b', '/c'],    ('', sep, [sep, 'c']))
+class PosixFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    flavour = pathlib._posix_flavour
+    def test_parse_parts(self):
+        check = self._check_parse_parts
+        # Collapsing of excess leading slashes, except for the double-slash
+        # special case.
+        check(['//a', 'b'],             ('', '//', ['//', 'a', 'b']))
+        check(['///a', 'b'],            ('', '/', ['/', 'a', 'b']))
+        check(['////a', 'b'],           ('', '/', ['/', 'a', 'b']))
+        # Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially
+        check(['c:a'],                  ('', '', ['c:a']))
+        check(['c:\\a'],                ('', '', ['c:\\a']))
+        check(['\\a'],                  ('', '', ['\\a']))
+    def test_splitroot(self):
+        f = self.flavour.splitroot
+        self.assertEqual(f(''), ('', '', ''))
+        self.assertEqual(f('a'), ('', '', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('a/b'), ('', '', 'a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('a/b/'), ('', '', 'a/b/'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('/a'), ('', '/', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('/a/b'), ('', '/', 'a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('/a/b/'), ('', '/', 'a/b/'))
+        # The root is collapsed when there are redundant slashes
+        # except when there are exactly two leading slashes, which
+        # is a special case in POSIX.
+        self.assertEqual(f('//a'), ('', '//', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('///a'), ('', '/', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('///a/b'), ('', '/', 'a/b'))
+        # Paths which look like NT paths aren't treated specially
+        self.assertEqual(f('c:/a/b'), ('', '', 'c:/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\/a/b'), ('', '', '\\/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\a\\b'), ('', '', '\\a\\b'))
+class NTFlavourTest(_BaseFlavourTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    flavour = pathlib._windows_flavour
+    def test_parse_parts(self):
+        check = self._check_parse_parts
+        # First part is anchored
+        check(['c:'],                   ('c:', '', ['c:']))
+        check(['c:\\'],                 ('c:', '\\', ['c:\\']))
+        check(['\\'],                   ('', '\\', ['\\']))
+        check(['c:a'],                  ('c:', '', ['c:', 'a']))
+        check(['c:\\a'],                ('c:', '\\', ['c:\\', 'a']))
+        check(['\\a'],                  ('', '\\', ['\\', 'a']))
+        # UNC paths
+        check(['\\\\a\\b'],             ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\']))
+        check(['\\\\a\\b\\'],           ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\']))
+        check(['\\\\a\\b\\c'],          ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ['\\\\a\\b\\', 'c']))
+        # Second part is anchored, so that the first part is ignored
+        check(['a', 'Z:b', 'c'],        ('Z:', '', ['Z:', 'b', 'c']))
+        check(['a', 'Z:\\b', 'c'],      ('Z:', '\\', ['Z:\\', 'b', 'c']))
+        check(['a', '\\b', 'c'],        ('', '\\', ['\\', 'b', 'c']))
+        # UNC paths
+        check(['a', '\\\\b\\c', 'd'],   ('\\\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
+        # Collapsing and stripping excess slashes
+        check(['a', 'Z:\\\\b\\\\c\\', 'd\\'], ('Z:', '\\', ['Z:\\', 'b', 'c', 'd']))
+        # UNC paths
+        check(['a', '\\\\b\\c\\\\', 'd'], ('\\\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
+        # Extended paths
+        check(['\\\\?\\c:\\'],          ('\\\\?\\c:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\c:\\']))
+        check(['\\\\?\\c:\\a'],         ('\\\\?\\c:', '\\', ['\\\\?\\c:\\', 'a']))
+        # Extended UNC paths (format is "\\?\UNC\server\share")
+        check(['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c'],     ('\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c\\']))
+        check(['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c\\d'],  ('\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c', '\\', ['\\\\?\\UNC\\b\\c\\', 'd']))
+    def test_splitroot(self):
+        f = self.flavour.splitroot
+        self.assertEqual(f(''), ('', '', ''))
+        self.assertEqual(f('a'), ('', '', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('a\\b'), ('', '', 'a\\b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\a'), ('', '\\', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\a\\b'), ('', '\\', 'a\\b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('c:a\\b'), ('c:', '', 'a\\b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('c:\\a\\b'), ('c:', '\\', 'a\\b'))
+        # Redundant slashes in the root are collapsed
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a'), ('', '\\', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\\\a/b'), ('', '\\', 'a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('c:\\\\a'), ('c:', '\\', 'a'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('c:\\\\\\a/b'), ('c:', '\\', 'a/b'))
+        # Valid UNC paths
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ''))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b\\'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', ''))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a\\b\\c\\d'), ('\\\\a\\b', '\\', 'c\\d'))
+        # These are non-UNC paths (according to and test_ntpath)
+        # However, says such paths are invalid, so it's
+        # difficult to know what the right semantics are
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\\\a\\b'), ('', '\\', 'a\\b'))
+        self.assertEqual(f('\\\\a'), ('', '\\', 'a'))
+# Tests for the pure classes
+class _BasePurePathTest(object):
+    # keys are canonical paths, values are list of tuples of arguments
+    # supposed to produce equal paths
+    equivalences = {
+        'a/b': [
+            ('a', 'b'), ('a/', 'b'), ('a', 'b/'), ('a/', 'b/'),
+            ('a/b/',), ('a//b',), ('a//b//',),
+            # empty components get removed
+            ('', 'a', 'b'), ('a', '', 'b'), ('a', 'b', ''),
+            ],
+        '/b/c/d': [
+            ('a', '/b/c', 'd'), ('a', '///b//c', 'd/'),
+            ('/a', '/b/c', 'd'),
+            # empty components get removed
+            ('/', 'b', '', 'c/d'), ('/', '', 'b/c/d'), ('', '/b/c/d'),
+            ],
+    }
+    def setUp(self):
+        p = self.cls('a')
+        self.flavour = p._flavour
+        self.sep = self.flavour.sep
+        self.altsep = self.flavour.altsep
+    def test_constructor_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a')
+        self.assertIsInstance(p, P)
+        P('a', 'b', 'c')
+        P('/a', 'b', 'c')
+        P('a/b/c')
+        P('/a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(P(P('a')), P('a'))
+        self.assertEqual(P(P('a'), 'b'), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P(P('a'), P('b')), P('a/b'))
+    def test_join_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b')
+        pp = p.joinpath('c')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c'))
+        self.assertIs(type(pp), type(p))
+        pp = p.joinpath('c', 'd')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c/d'))
+        pp = p.joinpath(P('c'))
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c'))
+        pp = p.joinpath('/c')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
+    def test_div_common(self):
+        # Basically the same as joinpath()
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b')
+        pp = p / 'c'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c'))
+        self.assertIs(type(pp), type(p))
+        pp = p / 'c/d'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c/d'))
+        pp = p / 'c' / 'd'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c/d'))
+        pp = 'c' / p / 'd'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('c/a/b/d'))
+        pp = p / P('c')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('a/b/c'))
+        pp = p/ '/c'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
+    def _check_str(self, expected, args):
+        p = self.cls(*args)
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), expected.replace('/', self.sep))
+    def test_str_common(self):
+        # Canonicalized paths roundtrip
+        for pathstr in ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', '/', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'):
+            self._check_str(pathstr, (pathstr,))
+        # Special case for the empty path
+        self._check_str('.', ('',))
+        # Other tests for str() are in test_equivalences()
+    def test_as_posix_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        for pathstr in ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', '/', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'):
+            self.assertEqual(P(pathstr).as_posix(), pathstr)
+        # Other tests for as_posix() are in test_equivalences()
+    def test_as_bytes_common(self):
+        sep = os.fsencode(self.sep)
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(bytes(P('a/b')), b'a' + sep + b'b')
+    def test_as_uri_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            P('a').as_uri()
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            P().as_uri()
+    def test_repr_common(self):
+        for pathstr in ('a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c', '/', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'):
+            p = self.cls(pathstr)
+            clsname = p.__class__.__name__
+            r = repr(p)
+            # The repr() is in the form ClassName("forward-slashes path")
+            self.assertTrue(r.startswith(clsname + '('), r)
+            self.assertTrue(r.endswith(')'), r)
+            inner = r[len(clsname) + 1 : -1]
+            self.assertEqual(eval(inner), p.as_posix())
+            # The repr() roundtrips
+            q = eval(r, pathlib.__dict__)
+            self.assertIs(q.__class__, p.__class__)
+            self.assertEqual(q, p)
+            self.assertEqual(repr(q), r)
+    def test_eq_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b'), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b'), P('a', 'b'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('a/b'), P('a'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('a/b'), P('/a/b'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('a/b'), P())
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('/a/b'), P('/'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P(), P('/'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P(), "")
+        self.assertNotEqual(P(), {})
+        self.assertNotEqual(P(), int)
+    def test_match_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a').match, '')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('a').match, '.')
+        # Simple relative pattern
+        self.assertTrue(P('').match(''))
+        self.assertTrue(P('a/').match(''))
+        self.assertTrue(P('/a/').match(''))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match(''))
+        self.assertFalse(P('b/py').match(''))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/').match(''))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match(''))
+        # Wilcard relative pattern
+        self.assertTrue(P('').match('*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('a/').match('*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('/a/').match('*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('b.pyc').match('*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('b./py').match('*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('*.py'))
+        # Multi-part relative pattern
+        self.assertTrue(P('ab/').match('a*/*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('/d/ab/').match('a*/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('a*/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/dab/').match('a*/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('ab/').match('a*/*.py'))
+        # Absolute pattern
+        self.assertTrue(P('/').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('a/').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/a/').match('/*.py'))
+        # Multi-part absolute pattern
+        self.assertTrue(P('/a/').match('/a/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/').match('/a/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/a/b/').match('/a/*.py'))
+    def test_ordering_common(self):
+        # Ordering is tuple-alike
+        def assertLess(a, b):
+            self.assertLess(a, b)
+            self.assertGreater(b, a)
+        P = self.cls
+        a = P('a')
+        b = P('a/b')
+        c = P('abc')
+        d = P('b')
+        assertLess(a, b)
+        assertLess(a, c)
+        assertLess(a, d)
+        assertLess(b, c)
+        assertLess(c, d)
+        P = self.cls
+        a = P('/a')
+        b = P('/a/b')
+        c = P('/abc')
+        d = P('/b')
+        assertLess(a, b)
+        assertLess(a, c)
+        assertLess(a, d)
+        assertLess(b, c)
+        assertLess(c, d)
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            P() < {}
+    def test_parts_common(self):
+        # `parts` returns a tuple
+        sep = self.sep
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b')
+        parts =
+        self.assertEqual(parts, ('a', 'b'))
+        # The object gets reused
+        self.assertIs(parts,
+        # When the path is absolute, the anchor is a separate part
+        p = P('/a/b')
+        parts =
+        self.assertEqual(parts, (sep, 'a', 'b'))
+    def test_equivalences(self):
+        for k, tuples in self.equivalences.items():
+            canon = k.replace('/', self.sep)
+            posix = k.replace(self.sep, '/')
+            if canon != posix:
+                tuples = tuples + [
+                    tuple(part.replace('/', self.sep) for part in t)
+                    for t in tuples
+                    ]
+                tuples.append((posix, ))
+            pcanon = self.cls(canon)
+            for t in tuples:
+                p = self.cls(*t)
+                self.assertEqual(p, pcanon, "failed with args {}".format(t))
+                self.assertEqual(hash(p), hash(pcanon))
+                self.assertEqual(str(p), canon)
+                self.assertEqual(p.as_posix(), posix)
+    def test_parent_common(self):
+        # Relative
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent, P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent, P('a'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent, P())
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent.parent, P())
+        # Anchored
+        p = P('/a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent, P('/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent, P('/a'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent, P('/'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent.parent, P('/'))
+    def test_parents_common(self):
+        # Relative
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b/c')
+        par = p.parents
+        self.assertEqual(len(par), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(par[0], P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[1], P('a'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[2], P('.'))
+        self.assertEqual(list(par), [P('a/b'), P('a'), P('.')])
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[-1]
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[3]
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            par[0] = p
+        # Anchored
+        p = P('/a/b/c')
+        par = p.parents
+        self.assertEqual(len(par), 3)
+        self.assertEqual(par[0], P('/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[1], P('/a'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[2], P('/'))
+        self.assertEqual(list(par), [P('/a/b'), P('/a'), P('/')])
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[3]
+    def test_drive_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').drive, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').drive, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('').drive, '')
+    def test_root_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        sep = self.sep
+        self.assertEqual(P('').root, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').root, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').root, sep)
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').root, sep)
+    def test_anchor_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        sep = self.sep
+        self.assertEqual(P('').anchor, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').anchor, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').anchor, sep)
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').anchor, sep)
+    def test_name_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('.').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').name, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').name, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b/.').name, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/').name, '')
+    def test_suffix_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('.').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('..').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b/.').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').suffix, '.py')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/').suffix, '.py')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hgrc').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/.hgrc').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hg.rc').suffix, '.rc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/.hg.rc').suffix, '.rc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b.tar.gz').suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b.tar.gz').suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffix, '')
+    def test_suffixes_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('.').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b/.').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').suffixes, ['.py'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/').suffixes, ['.py'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hgrc').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/.hgrc').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hg.rc').suffixes, ['.rc'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/.hg.rc').suffixes, ['.rc'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b.tar.gz').suffixes, ['.tar', '.gz'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b.tar.gz').suffixes, ['.tar', '.gz'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffixes, [])
+    def test_stem_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('.').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('..').stem, '..')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').stem, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').stem, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hgrc').stem, '.hgrc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/.hg.rc').stem, '.hg')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b.tar.gz').stem, 'b.tar')
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').stem,
+                         'Some name. Ending with a dot.')
+    def test_with_name_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').with_name('d.xml'), P('a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').with_name('d.xml'), P('/a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').with_name('d.xml'), P('a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/').with_name('d.xml'), P('/a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/Dot ending.').with_name('d.xml'), P('a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/Dot ending.').with_name('d.xml'), P('/a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('').with_name, 'd.xml')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('.').with_name, 'd.xml')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('/').with_name, 'd.xml')
+    def test_with_suffix_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('/a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('/a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('').with_suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('.').with_suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('/').with_suffix, '.gz')
+    def test_relative_to_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('a/b')
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.relative_to)
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P()), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('a')), P('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('a/b')), P())
+        # With several args
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to('a', 'b'), P())
+        # Unrelated paths
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a'))
+        p = P('/a/b')
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('/')), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('/a')), P('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('/a/b')), P())
+        # Unrelated paths
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P())
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a'))
+    def test_pickling_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('/a/b')
+        for proto in range(0, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
+            dumped = pickle.dumps(p, proto)
+            pp = pickle.loads(dumped)
+            self.assertIs(pp.__class__, p.__class__)
+            self.assertEqual(pp, p)
+            self.assertEqual(hash(pp), hash(p))
+            self.assertEqual(str(pp), str(p))
+class PurePosixPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.PurePosixPath
+    def test_root(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b').root, '/')
+        self.assertEqual(P('///a/b').root, '/')
+        # POSIX special case for two leading slashes
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b').root, '//')
+    def test_eq(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('a/b'), P('A/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a'), P('///a'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('/a'), P('//a'))
+    def test_as_uri(self):
+        from urllib.parse import quote_from_bytes
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('/').as_uri(), 'file:///')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b.c').as_uri(), 'file:///a/b.c')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b%#c').as_uri(), 'file:///a/b%25%23c')
+        self.assertEqual(P('/a/b\xe9').as_uri(),
+                         'file:///a/b' + quote_from_bytes(os.fsencode('\xe9')))
+    def test_match(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('a.PY'))
+    def test_is_absolute(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertFalse(P().is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('/a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('/a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a/b').is_absolute())
+    def test_is_reserved(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertIs(False, P('').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/foo/bar').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/dev/con/PRN/NUL').is_reserved())
+    def test_join(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('//a')
+        pp = p.joinpath('b')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('//a/b'))
+        pp = P('/a').joinpath('//c')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('//c'))
+        pp = P('//a').joinpath('/c')
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
+    def test_div(self):
+        # Basically the same as joinpath()
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('//a')
+        pp = p / 'b'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('//a/b'))
+        pp = P('/a') / '//c'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('//c'))
+        pp = P('//a') / '/c'
+        self.assertEqual(pp, P('/c'))
+class PureWindowsPathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.PureWindowsPath
+    equivalences = _BasePurePathTest.equivalences.copy()
+    equivalences.update({
+        'c:a': [ ('c:', 'a'), ('c:', 'a/'), ('/', 'c:', 'a') ],
+        'c:/a': [
+            ('c:/', 'a'), ('c:', '/', 'a'), ('c:', '/a'),
+            ('/z', 'c:/', 'a'), ('//x/y', 'c:/', 'a'),
+            ],
+        '//a/b/': [ ('//a/b',) ],
+        '//a/b/c': [
+            ('//a/b', 'c'), ('//a/b/', 'c'),
+            ],
+    })
+    def test_str(self):
+        p = self.cls('a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), 'a\\b\\c')
+        p = self.cls('c:/a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), 'c:\\a\\b\\c')
+        p = self.cls('//a/b')
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), '\\\\a\\b\\')
+        p = self.cls('//a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), '\\\\a\\b\\c')
+        p = self.cls('//a/b/c/d')
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), '\\\\a\\b\\c\\d')
+    def test_eq(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('c:a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('c:', 'a', 'b'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('d:a/b'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('c:a/b'), P('c:/a/b'))
+        self.assertNotEqual(P('/a/b'), P('c:/a/b'))
+        # Case-insensitivity
+        self.assertEqual(P('a/B'), P('A/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('C:a/B'), P('c:A/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('//Some/SHARE/a/B'), P('//somE/share/A/b'))
+    def test_as_uri(self):
+        from urllib.parse import quote_from_bytes
+        P = self.cls
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            P('/a/b').as_uri()
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            P('c:a/b').as_uri()
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').as_uri(), 'file:///c:/')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b.c').as_uri(), 'file:///c:/a/b.c')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b%#c').as_uri(), 'file:///c:/a/b%25%23c')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b\xe9').as_uri(), 'file:///c:/a/b%C3%A9')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//some/share/').as_uri(), 'file://some/share/')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//some/share/a/b.c').as_uri(),
+                         'file://some/share/a/b.c')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//some/share/a/b%#c\xe9').as_uri(),
+                         'file://some/share/a/b%25%23c%C3%A9')
+    def test_match_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        # Absolute patterns
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/').match('c:*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/').match('c:/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('d:/').match('c:/*.py'))  # wrong drive
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('c:*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('c:/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('').match('c:/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/').match('c:*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('/').match('c:/*.py'))
+        # UNC patterns
+        self.assertTrue(P('//some/share/').match('/*.py'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('//some/share/').match('//some/share/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('//other/share/').match('//some/share/*.py'))
+        self.assertFalse(P('//some/share/a/').match('//some/share/*.py'))
+        # Case-insensitivity
+        self.assertTrue(P('').match('b.PY'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/a/B.Py').match('C:/A/*.pY'))
+        self.assertTrue(P('//Some/Share/B.Py').match('//somE/sharE/*.pY'))
+    def test_ordering_common(self):
+        # Case-insensitivity
+        def assertOrderedEqual(a, b):
+            self.assertLessEqual(a, b)
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(b, a)
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('c:A/b')
+        q = P('C:a/B')
+        assertOrderedEqual(p, q)
+        self.assertFalse(p < q)
+        self.assertFalse(p > q)
+        p = P('//some/Share/A/b')
+        q = P('//Some/SHARE/a/B')
+        assertOrderedEqual(p, q)
+        self.assertFalse(p < q)
+        self.assertFalse(p > q)
+    def test_parts(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('c:a/b')
+        parts =
+        self.assertEqual(parts, ('c:', 'a', 'b'))
+        p = P('c:/a/b')
+        parts =
+        self.assertEqual(parts, ('c:\\', 'a', 'b'))
+        p = P('//a/b/c/d')
+        parts =
+        self.assertEqual(parts, ('\\\\a\\b\\', 'c', 'd'))
+    def test_parent(self):
+        # Anchored
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('z:a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent, P('z:a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent, P('z:a'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent, P('z:'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent.parent, P('z:'))
+        p = P('z:/a/b/c')
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent, P('z:/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent, P('z:/a'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent, P('z:/'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent.parent, P('z:/'))
+        p = P('//a/b/c/d')
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent, P('//a/b/c'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent, P('//a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.parent.parent.parent, P('//a/b'))
+    def test_parents(self):
+        # Anchored
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('z:a/b/')
+        par = p.parents
+        self.assertEqual(len(par), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(par[0], P('z:a'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[1], P('z:'))
+        self.assertEqual(list(par), [P('z:a'), P('z:')])
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[2]
+        p = P('z:/a/b/')
+        par = p.parents
+        self.assertEqual(len(par), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(par[0], P('z:/a'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[1], P('z:/'))
+        self.assertEqual(list(par), [P('z:/a'), P('z:/')])
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[2]
+        p = P('//a/b/c/d')
+        par = p.parents
+        self.assertEqual(len(par), 2)
+        self.assertEqual(par[0], P('//a/b/c'))
+        self.assertEqual(par[1], P('//a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(list(par), [P('//a/b/c'), P('//a/b')])
+        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
+            par[2]
+    def test_drive(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').drive, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').drive, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').drive, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b/').drive, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b').drive, '\\\\a\\b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/').drive, '\\\\a\\b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/c/d').drive, '\\\\a\\b')
+    def test_root(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').root, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').root, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').root, '\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b/').root, '\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b').root, '\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/').root, '\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/c/d').root, '\\')
+    def test_anchor(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').anchor, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').anchor, 'c:')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').anchor, 'c:\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b/').anchor, 'c:\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b').anchor, '\\\\a\\b\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/').anchor, '\\\\a\\b\\')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//a/b/c/d').anchor, '\\\\a\\b\\')
+    def test_name(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').name, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').name, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').name, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').name, 'b')
+    def test_suffix(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').suffix, '.py')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/').suffix, '.py')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hgrc').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/.hgrc').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hg.rc').suffix, '.rc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/.hg.rc').suffix, '.rc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b.tar.gz').suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b.tar.gz').suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').suffix, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').suffix, '')
+    def test_suffixes(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').suffixes, ['.py'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/').suffixes, ['.py'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hgrc').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/.hgrc').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hg.rc').suffixes, ['.rc'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/.hg.rc').suffixes, ['.rc'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b.tar.gz').suffixes, ['.tar', '.gz'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b.tar.gz').suffixes, ['.tar', '.gz'])
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('//').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffixes, [])
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').suffixes, [])
+    def test_stem(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:.').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:..').stem, '..')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/').stem, '')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').stem, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').stem, 'b')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hgrc').stem, '.hgrc')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/.hg.rc').stem, '.hg')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b.tar.gz').stem, 'b.tar')
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/Some name. Ending with a dot.').stem,
+                         'Some name. Ending with a dot.')
+    def test_with_name(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').with_name('d.xml'), P('c:a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').with_name('d.xml'), P('c:/a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/Dot ending.').with_name('d.xml'), P('c:a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/Dot ending.').with_name('d.xml'), P('c:/a/d.xml'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('c:').with_name, 'd.xml')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('c:/').with_name, 'd.xml')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('//My/Share').with_name, 'd.xml')
+    def test_with_suffix(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/b').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:/a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertEqual(P('c:/a/').with_suffix('.gz'), P('c:/a/b.gz'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('').with_suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('.').with_suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('/').with_suffix, '.gz')
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, P('//My/Share').with_suffix, '.gz')
+    def test_relative_to(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('c:a/b')
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:')), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:a')), P('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:a/b')), P())
+        # Unrelated paths
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P())
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('d:'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('a'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:a/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/a'))
+        p = P('c:/a/b')
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:')), P('/a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:/')), P('a/b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:/a')), P('b'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('c:/a/b')), P())
+        # Unrelated paths
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/a/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:a'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('d:'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('d:/'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('//c/a'))
+        # UNC paths
+        p = P('//a/b/c/d')
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('//a/b')), P('c/d'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('//a/b/c')), P('d'))
+        self.assertEqual(p.relative_to(P('//a/b/c/d')), P())
+        # Unrelated paths
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('/a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('c:/a/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('//z/b/c'))
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.relative_to, P('//a/z/c'))
+    def test_is_absolute(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        # Under NT, only paths with both a drive and a root are absolute
+        self.assertFalse(P().is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('/a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('/a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('c:').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('c:a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertFalse(P('c:a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/a').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('c:/a/b/').is_absolute())
+        # UNC paths are absolute by definition
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a/b').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a/b/').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a/b/c').is_absolute())
+        self.assertTrue(P('//a/b/c/d').is_absolute())
+    def test_is_reserved(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        self.assertIs(False, P('').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/foo/bar').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('con').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('NUL').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('NUL.txt').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('com1').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('bar.com9').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('lpt1').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(True, P('').is_reserved())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('bar.lpt9').is_reserved())
+        # Only the last component matters
+        self.assertIs(False, P('c:/NUL/con/baz').is_reserved())
+        # UNC paths are never reserved
+        self.assertIs(False, P('//my/share/nul/con/aux').is_reserved())
+class PurePathTest(_BasePurePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.PurePath
+    def test_concrete_class(self):
+        p = self.cls('a')
+        self.assertIs(type(p),
+            pathlib.PureWindowsPath if == 'nt' else pathlib.PurePosixPath)
+    def test_different_flavours_unequal(self):
+        p = pathlib.PurePosixPath('a')
+        q = pathlib.PureWindowsPath('a')
+        self.assertNotEqual(p, q)
+    def test_different_flavours_unordered(self):
+        p = pathlib.PurePosixPath('a')
+        q = pathlib.PureWindowsPath('a')
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            p < q
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            p <= q
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            p > q
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            p >= q
+# Tests for the concrete classes
+# Make sure any symbolic links in the base test path are resolved
+BASE = os.path.realpath(TESTFN)
+join = lambda *x: os.path.join(BASE, *x)
+rel_join = lambda *x: os.path.join(TESTFN, *x)
+def symlink_skip_reason():
+    if not pathlib.supports_symlinks:
+        return "no system support for symlinks"
+    try:
+        os.symlink(__file__, BASE)
+    except OSError as e:
+        return str(e)
+    else:
+        support.unlink(BASE)
+    return None
+symlink_skip_reason = symlink_skip_reason()
+only_nt = unittest.skipIf( != 'nt',
+                          'test requires a Windows-compatible system')
+only_posix = unittest.skipIf( == 'nt',
+                             'test requires a POSIX-compatible system')
+with_symlinks = unittest.skipIf(symlink_skip_reason, symlink_skip_reason)
+class PosixPathAsPureTest(PurePosixPathTest):
+    cls = pathlib.PosixPath
+class WindowsPathAsPureTest(PureWindowsPathTest):
+    cls = pathlib.WindowsPath
+class _BasePathTest(object):
+    """Tests for the FS-accessing functionalities of the Path classes."""
+    # (BASE)
+    #  |
+    #  |-- dirA/
+    #       |-- linkC -> "../dirB"
+    #  |-- dirB/
+    #  |    |-- fileB
+    #       |-- linkD -> "../dirB"
+    #  |-- dirC/
+    #  |    |-- fileC
+    #  |    |-- fileD
+    #  |-- fileA
+    #  |-- linkA -> "fileA"
+    #  |-- linkB -> "dirB"
+    #
+    def setUp(self):
+        os.mkdir(BASE)
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, BASE)
+        os.mkdir(join('dirA'))
+        os.mkdir(join('dirB'))
+        os.mkdir(join('dirC'))
+        os.mkdir(join('dirC', 'dirD'))
+        with open(join('fileA'), 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(b"this is file A\n")
+        with open(join('dirB', 'fileB'), 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(b"this is file B\n")
+        with open(join('dirC', 'fileC'), 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(b"this is file C\n")
+        with open(join('dirC', 'dirD', 'fileD'), 'wb') as f:
+            f.write(b"this is file D\n")
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            if == 'nt':
+                # Workaround for
+                def dirlink(src, dest):
+                    os.symlink(src, dest, target_is_directory=True)
+            else:
+                def dirlink(src, dest):
+                    os.symlink(src, dest)
+            # Relative symlinks
+            os.symlink('fileA', join('linkA'))
+            os.symlink('non-existing', join('brokenLink'))
+            dirlink('dirB', join('linkB'))
+            dirlink(os.path.join('..', 'dirB'), join('dirA', 'linkC'))
+            # This one goes upwards but doesn't create a loop
+            dirlink(os.path.join('..', 'dirB'), join('dirB', 'linkD'))
+    def assertSame(self, path_a, path_b):
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(str(path_a), str(path_b)),
+                        "%r and %r don't point to the same file" %
+                        (path_a, path_b))
+    def assertFileNotFound(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError) as cm:
+            func(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
+    def _test_cwd(self, p):
+        q = self.cls(os.getcwd())
+        self.assertEqual(p, q)
+        self.assertEqual(str(p), str(q))
+        self.assertIs(type(p), type(q))
+        self.assertTrue(p.is_absolute())
+    def test_cwd(self):
+        p = self.cls.cwd()
+        self._test_cwd(p)
+    def test_empty_path(self):
+        # The empty path points to '.'
+        p = self.cls('')
+        self.assertEqual(p.stat(), os.stat('.'))
+    def test_exists(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        self.assertIs(True, p.exists())
+        self.assertIs(True, (p / 'dirA').exists())
+        self.assertIs(True, (p / 'fileA').exists())
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            self.assertIs(True, (p / 'linkA').exists())
+            self.assertIs(True, (p / 'linkB').exists())
+        self.assertIs(False, (p / 'foo').exists())
+        self.assertIs(False, P('/xyzzy').exists())
+    def test_open_common(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE)
+        with (p / 'fileA').open('r') as f:
+            self.assertIsInstance(f, io.TextIOBase)
+            self.assertEqual(, "this is file A\n")
+        with (p / 'fileA').open('rb') as f:
+            self.assertIsInstance(f, io.BufferedIOBase)
+            self.assertEqual(, b"this is file A")
+        with (p / 'fileA').open('rb', buffering=0) as f:
+            self.assertIsInstance(f, io.RawIOBase)
+            self.assertEqual(, b"this is file A")
+    def test_iterdir(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        it = p.iterdir()
+        paths = set(it)
+        expected = ['dirA', 'dirB', 'dirC', 'fileA']
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            expected += ['linkA', 'linkB', 'brokenLink']
+        self.assertEqual(paths, { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
+    @with_symlinks
+    def test_iterdir_symlink(self):
+        # __iter__ on a symlink to a directory
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE, 'linkB')
+        paths = set(p.iterdir())
+        expected = { P(BASE, 'linkB', q) for q in ['fileB', 'linkD'] }
+        self.assertEqual(paths, expected)
+    def test_iterdir_nodir(self):
+        # __iter__ on something that is not a directory
+        p = self.cls(BASE, 'fileA')
+        with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
+            next(p.iterdir())
+        # ENOENT or EINVAL under Windows, ENOTDIR otherwise
+        # (see issue #12802)
+        self.assertIn(cm.exception.errno, (errno.ENOTDIR,
+                                           errno.ENOENT, errno.EINVAL))
+    def test_glob_common(self):
+        def _check(glob, expected):
+            self.assertEqual(set(glob), { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        it = p.glob("fileA")
+        self.assertIsInstance(it, collections.Iterator)
+        _check(it, ["fileA"])
+        _check(p.glob("fileB"), [])
+        _check(p.glob("dir*/file*"), ["dirB/fileB", "dirC/fileC"])
+        if symlink_skip_reason:
+            _check(p.glob("*A"), ['dirA', 'fileA'])
+        else:
+            _check(p.glob("*A"), ['dirA', 'fileA', 'linkA'])
+        if symlink_skip_reason:
+            _check(p.glob("*B/*"), ['dirB/fileB'])
+        else:
+            _check(p.glob("*B/*"), ['dirB/fileB', 'dirB/linkD',
+                                    'linkB/fileB', 'linkB/linkD'])
+        if symlink_skip_reason:
+            _check(p.glob("*/fileB"), ['dirB/fileB'])
+        else:
+            _check(p.glob("*/fileB"), ['dirB/fileB', 'linkB/fileB'])
+    def test_rglob_common(self):
+        def _check(glob, expected):
+            self.assertEqual(set(glob), { P(BASE, q) for q in expected })
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        it = p.rglob("fileA")
+        self.assertIsInstance(it, collections.Iterator)
+        # XXX cannot test because of symlink loops in the test setup
+        #_check(it, ["fileA"])
+        #_check(p.rglob("fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
+        #_check(p.rglob("*/fileA"), [""])
+        #_check(p.rglob("*/fileB"), ["dirB/fileB"])
+        #_check(p.rglob("file*"), ["fileA", "dirB/fileB"])
+        # No symlink loops here
+        p = P(BASE, "dirC")
+        _check(p.rglob("file*"), ["dirC/fileC", "dirC/dirD/fileD"])
+        _check(p.rglob("*/*"), ["dirC/dirD/fileD"])
+    def test_glob_dotdot(self):
+        # ".." is not special in globs
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("..")), { P(BASE, "..") })
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("dirA/../file*")), { P(BASE, "dirA/../fileA") })
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("../xyzzy")), set())
+    def _check_resolve_relative(self, p, expected):
+        q = p.resolve()
+        self.assertEqual(q, expected)
+    def _check_resolve_absolute(self, p, expected):
+        q = p.resolve()
+        self.assertEqual(q, expected)
+    @with_symlinks
+    def test_resolve_common(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE, 'foo')
+        with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
+            p.resolve()
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
+        # These are all relative symlinks
+        p = P(BASE, 'dirB', 'fileB')
+        self._check_resolve_relative(p, p)
+        p = P(BASE, 'linkA')
+        self._check_resolve_relative(p, P(BASE, 'fileA'))
+        p = P(BASE, 'dirA', 'linkC', 'fileB')
+        self._check_resolve_relative(p, P(BASE, 'dirB', 'fileB'))
+        p = P(BASE, 'dirB', 'linkD', 'fileB')
+        self._check_resolve_relative(p, P(BASE, 'dirB', 'fileB'))
+        # Now create absolute symlinks
+        d = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-dirD')
+        self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, d)
+        os.symlink(os.path.join(d), join('dirA', 'linkX'))
+        os.symlink(join('dirB'), os.path.join(d, 'linkY'))
+        p = P(BASE, 'dirA', 'linkX', 'linkY', 'fileB')
+        self._check_resolve_absolute(p, P(BASE, 'dirB', 'fileB'))
+    def test_with(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE)
+        it = p.iterdir()
+        it2 = p.iterdir()
+        next(it2)
+        with p:
+            pass
+        # I/O operation on closed path
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, next, it)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, next, it2)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.resolve)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.absolute)
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.__enter__)
+    def test_chmod(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        mode = p.stat().st_mode
+        # Clear writable bit
+        new_mode = mode & ~0o222
+        p.chmod(new_mode)
+        self.assertEqual(p.stat().st_mode, new_mode)
+        # Set writable bit
+        new_mode = mode | 0o222
+        p.chmod(new_mode)
+        self.assertEqual(p.stat().st_mode, new_mode)
+    # XXX also need a test for lchmod
+    def test_stat(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        st = p.stat()
+        self.assertEqual(p.stat(), st)
+        # Change file mode by flipping write bit
+        p.chmod(st.st_mode ^ 0o222)
+        self.addCleanup(p.chmod, st.st_mode)
+        self.assertNotEqual(p.stat(), st)
+    @with_symlinks
+    def test_lstat(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE)/ 'linkA'
+        st = p.stat()
+        self.assertNotEqual(st, p.lstat())
+    def test_lstat_nosymlink(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        st = p.stat()
+        self.assertEqual(st, p.lstat())
+    @unittest.skipUnless(pwd, "the pwd module is needed for this test")
+    def test_owner(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        uid = p.stat().st_uid
+        name = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
+        self.assertEqual(name, p.owner())
+    @unittest.skipUnless(grp, "the grp module is needed for this test")
+    def test_group(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        gid = p.stat().st_gid
+        name = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name
+        self.assertEqual(name,
+    def test_unlink(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'fileA'
+        p.unlink()
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.stat)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.unlink)
+    def test_rmdir(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE) / 'dirA'
+        for q in p.iterdir():
+            q.unlink()
+        p.rmdir()
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.stat)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.unlink)
+    def test_rename(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        p = P / 'fileA'
+        size = p.stat().st_size
+        # Renaming to another path
+        q = P / 'dirA' / 'fileAA'
+        p.rename(q)
+        self.assertEqual(q.stat().st_size, size)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.stat)
+        # Renaming to a str of a relative path
+        r = rel_join('fileAAA')
+        q.rename(r)
+        self.assertEqual(os.stat(r).st_size, size)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(q.stat)
+    def test_replace(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        p = P / 'fileA'
+        size = p.stat().st_size
+        # Replacing a non-existing path
+        q = P / 'dirA' / 'fileAA'
+        p.replace(q)
+        self.assertEqual(q.stat().st_size, size)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(p.stat)
+        # Replacing another (existing) path
+        r = rel_join('dirB', 'fileB')
+        q.replace(r)
+        self.assertEqual(os.stat(r).st_size, size)
+        self.assertFileNotFound(q.stat)
+    def test_touch_common(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        p = P / 'newfileA'
+        self.assertFalse(p.exists())
+        p.touch()
+        self.assertTrue(p.exists())
+        old_mtime = p.stat().st_mtime
+        # Rewind the mtime sufficiently far in the past to work around
+        # filesystem-specific timestamp granularity.
+        os.utime(str(p), (old_mtime - 10, old_mtime - 10))
+        # The file mtime is refreshed by calling touch() again
+        p.touch()
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(p.stat().st_mtime, old_mtime)
+        p = P / 'newfileB'
+        self.assertFalse(p.exists())
+        p.touch(mode=0o700, exist_ok=False)
+        self.assertTrue(p.exists())
+        self.assertRaises(OSError, p.touch, exist_ok=False)
+    def test_mkdir(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        p = P / 'newdirA'
+        self.assertFalse(p.exists())
+        p.mkdir()
+        self.assertTrue(p.exists())
+        self.assertTrue(p.is_dir())
+        with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
+            p.mkdir()
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.EEXIST)
+        # XXX test `mode` arg
+    def test_mkdir_parents(self):
+        # Creating a chain of directories
+        p = self.cls(BASE, 'newdirB', 'newdirC')
+        self.assertFalse(p.exists())
+        with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
+            p.mkdir()
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.ENOENT)
+        p.mkdir(parents=True)
+        self.assertTrue(p.exists())
+        self.assertTrue(p.is_dir())
+        with self.assertRaises(OSError) as cm:
+            p.mkdir(parents=True)
+        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errno, errno.EEXIST)
+        # XXX test `mode` arg
+    @with_symlinks
+    def test_symlink_to(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        target = P / 'fileA'
+        # Symlinking a path target
+        link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAA'
+        link.symlink_to(target)
+        self.assertEqual(link.stat(), target.stat())
+        self.assertNotEqual(link.lstat(), target.stat())
+        # Symlinking a str target
+        link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAAA'
+        link.symlink_to(str(target))
+        self.assertEqual(link.stat(), target.stat())
+        self.assertNotEqual(link.lstat(), target.stat())
+        self.assertFalse(link.is_dir())
+        # Symlinking to a directory
+        target = P / 'dirB'
+        link = P / 'dirA' / 'linkAAAA'
+        link.symlink_to(target, target_is_directory=True)
+        self.assertEqual(link.stat(), target.stat())
+        self.assertNotEqual(link.lstat(), target.stat())
+        self.assertTrue(link.is_dir())
+        self.assertTrue(list(link.iterdir()))
+    def test_is_dir(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertTrue((P / 'dirA').is_dir())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_dir())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_dir())
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            self.assertFalse((P / 'linkA').is_dir())
+            self.assertTrue((P / 'linkB').is_dir())
+            self.assertFalse((P/ 'brokenLink').is_dir())
+    def test_is_file(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertTrue((P / 'fileA').is_file())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_file())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_file())
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            self.assertTrue((P / 'linkA').is_file())
+            self.assertFalse((P / 'linkB').is_file())
+            self.assertFalse((P/ 'brokenLink').is_file())
+    def test_is_symlink(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_symlink())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_symlink())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_symlink())
+        if not symlink_skip_reason:
+            self.assertTrue((P / 'linkA').is_symlink())
+            self.assertTrue((P / 'linkB').is_symlink())
+            self.assertTrue((P/ 'brokenLink').is_symlink())
+    def test_is_fifo_false(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_fifo())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_fifo())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_fifo())
+    @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, "mkfifo"), "os.mkfifo() required")
+    def test_is_fifo_true(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE, 'myfifo')
+        os.mkfifo(str(P))
+        self.assertTrue(P.is_fifo())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_socket())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_file())
+    def test_is_socket_false(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_socket())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_socket())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_socket())
+    @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(socket, "AF_UNIX"), "Unix sockets required")
+    def test_is_socket_true(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE, 'mysock')
+        sock = socket.socket(socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.AF_UNIX)
+        self.addCleanup(sock.close)
+        sock.bind(str(P))
+        self.assertTrue(P.is_socket())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_fifo())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_file())
+    def test_is_block_device_false(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_block_device())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_block_device())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_block_device())
+    def test_is_char_device_false(self):
+        P = self.cls(BASE)
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'fileA').is_char_device())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'dirA').is_char_device())
+        self.assertFalse((P / 'non-existing').is_char_device())
+    def test_is_char_device_true(self):
+        # Under Unix, /dev/null should generally be a char device
+        P = self.cls('/dev/null')
+        if not P.exists():
+            self.skipTest("/dev/null required")
+        self.assertTrue(P.is_char_device())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_block_device())
+        self.assertFalse(P.is_file())
+    def test_pickling_common(self):
+        p = self.cls(BASE, 'fileA')
+        for proto in range(0, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
+            dumped = pickle.dumps(p, proto)
+            pp = pickle.loads(dumped)
+            self.assertEqual(pp.stat(), p.stat())
+    def test_parts_interning(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P('/usr/bin/foo')
+        q = P('/usr/local/bin')
+        # 'usr'
+        self.assertIs([1],[1])
+        # 'bin'
+        self.assertIs([2],[3])
+class PathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.Path
+    def test_concrete_class(self):
+        p = self.cls('a')
+        self.assertIs(type(p),
+            pathlib.WindowsPath if == 'nt' else pathlib.PosixPath)
+    def test_unsupported_flavour(self):
+        if == 'nt':
+            self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pathlib.PosixPath)
+        else:
+            self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, pathlib.WindowsPath)
+class PosixPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.PosixPath
+    def _check_symlink_loop(self, *args):
+        path = self.cls(*args)
+        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
+            print(path.resolve())
+    def test_open_mode(self):
+        old_mask = os.umask(0)
+        self.addCleanup(os.umask, old_mask)
+        p = self.cls(BASE)
+        with (p / 'new_file').open('wb'):
+            pass
+        st = os.stat(join('new_file'))
+        self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o666)
+        os.umask(0o022)
+        with (p / 'other_new_file').open('wb'):
+            pass
+        st = os.stat(join('other_new_file'))
+        self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o644)
+    def test_touch_mode(self):
+        old_mask = os.umask(0)
+        self.addCleanup(os.umask, old_mask)
+        p = self.cls(BASE)
+        (p / 'new_file').touch()
+        st = os.stat(join('new_file'))
+        self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o666)
+        os.umask(0o022)
+        (p / 'other_new_file').touch()
+        st = os.stat(join('other_new_file'))
+        self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o644)
+        (p / 'masked_new_file').touch(mode=0o750)
+        st = os.stat(join('masked_new_file'))
+        self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode), 0o750)
+    @with_symlinks
+    def test_resolve_loop(self):
+        # Loop detection for broken symlinks under POSIX
+        P = self.cls
+        # Loops with relative symlinks
+        os.symlink('linkX/inside', join('linkX'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkX')
+        os.symlink('linkY', join('linkY'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkY')
+        os.symlink('linkZ/../linkZ', join('linkZ'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkZ')
+        # Loops with absolute symlinks
+        os.symlink(join('linkU/inside'), join('linkU'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkU')
+        os.symlink(join('linkV'), join('linkV'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkV')
+        os.symlink(join('linkW/../linkW'), join('linkW'))
+        self._check_symlink_loop(BASE, 'linkW')
+    def test_glob(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("FILEa")), set())
+    def test_rglob(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE, "dirC")
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.rglob("FILEd")), set())
+class WindowsPathTest(_BasePathTest, unittest.TestCase):
+    cls = pathlib.WindowsPath
+    def test_glob(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE)
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.glob("FILEa")), { P(BASE, "fileA") })
+    def test_rglob(self):
+        P = self.cls
+        p = P(BASE, "dirC")
+        self.assertEqual(set(p.rglob("FILEd")), { P(BASE, "dirC/dirD/fileD") })
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()