Issue #16612: Add "Argument Clinic", a compile-time preprocessor
for C files to generate argument parsing code.  (See PEP 436.)
diff --git a/Tools/clinic/ b/Tools/clinic/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a0050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/clinic/
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Argument Clinic
+# Copyright 2012-2013 by Larry Hastings.
+# Licensed to the PSF under a contributor agreement.
+import builtins
+import clinic
+from clinic import DSLParser
+import collections
+import inspect
+from test import support
+import unittest
+from unittest import TestCase
+class FakeConverter:
+    def __init__(self, name, args):
+ = name
+        self.args = args
+class FakeConverterFactory:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+    def __call__(self, name, default, **kwargs):
+        return FakeConverter(, kwargs)
+class FakeConvertersDict:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.used_converters = {}
+    def get(self, name, default):
+        return self.used_converters.setdefault(name, FakeConverterFactory(name))
+class FakeClinic:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.converters = FakeConvertersDict()
+        self.legacy_converters = FakeConvertersDict()
+        self.language = clinic.CLanguage()
+        self.filename = None
+        self.block_parser = clinic.BlockParser('', self.language)
+        self.modules = collections.OrderedDict()
+ = self
+ = "FakeClinic"
+    def is_directive(self, name):
+        return name == "module"
+    def directive(self, name, args):
+        self.called_directives[name] = args
+    _module_and_class = clinic.Clinic._module_and_class
+class ClinicGroupPermuterTest(TestCase):
+    def _test(self, l, m, r, output):
+        computed = clinic.permute_optional_groups(l, m, r)
+        self.assertEqual(output, computed)
+    def test_range(self):
+        self._test([['start']], ['stop'], [['step']],
+          (
+            ('stop',),
+            ('start', 'stop',),
+            ('start', 'stop', 'step',),
+          ))
+    def test_add_window(self):
+        self._test([['x', 'y']], ['ch'], [['attr']],
+          (
+            ('ch',),
+            ('ch', 'attr'),
+            ('x', 'y', 'ch',),
+            ('x', 'y', 'ch', 'attr'),
+          ))
+    def test_ludicrous(self):
+        self._test([['a1', 'a2', 'a3'], ['b1', 'b2']], ['c1'], [['d1', 'd2'], ['e1', 'e2', 'e3']],
+          (
+          ('c1',),
+          ('b1', 'b2', 'c1'),
+          ('b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'd1', 'd2'),
+          ('a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1'),
+          ('a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'd1', 'd2'),
+          ('a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1', 'e2', 'e3'),
+          ))
+    def test_right_only(self):
+        self._test([], [], [['a'],['b'],['c']],
+          (
+          (),
+          ('a',),
+          ('a', 'b'),
+          ('a', 'b', 'c')
+          ))
+    def test_have_left_options_but_required_is_empty(self):
+        def fn():
+            clinic.permute_optional_groups(['a'], [], [])
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, fn)
+class ClinicLinearFormatTest(TestCase):
+    def _test(self, input, output, **kwargs):
+        computed = clinic.linear_format(input, **kwargs)
+        self.assertEqual(output, computed)
+    def test_empty_strings(self):
+        self._test('', '')
+    def test_solo_newline(self):
+        self._test('\n', '\n')
+    def test_no_substitution(self):
+        self._test("""
+          abc
+          """, """
+          abc
+          """)
+    def test_empty_substitution(self):
+        self._test("""
+          abc
+          {name}
+          def
+          """, """
+          abc
+          def
+          """, name='')
+    def test_single_line_substitution(self):
+        self._test("""
+          abc
+          {name}
+          def
+          """, """
+          abc
+          GARGLE
+          def
+          """, name='GARGLE')
+    def test_multiline_substitution(self):
+        self._test("""
+          abc
+          {name}
+          def
+          """, """
+          abc
+          bingle
+          bungle
+          def
+          """, name='bingle\nbungle\n')
+class InertParser:
+    def __init__(self, clinic):
+        pass
+    def parse(self, block):
+        pass
+class CopyParser:
+    def __init__(self, clinic):
+        pass
+    def parse(self, block):
+        block.output = block.input
+class ClinicBlockParserTest(TestCase):
+    def _test(self, input, output):
+        language = clinic.CLanguage()
+        blocks = list(clinic.BlockParser(input, language))
+        writer = clinic.BlockPrinter(language)
+        for block in blocks:
+            writer.print_block(block)
+        output = writer.f.getvalue()
+        assert output == input, "output != input!\n\noutput " + repr(output) + "\n\n input " + repr(input)
+    def round_trip(self, input):
+        return self._test(input, input)
+    def test_round_trip_1(self):
+        self.round_trip("""
+    verbatim text here
+    lah dee dah
+    def test_round_trip_2(self):
+        self.round_trip("""
+    verbatim text here
+    lah dee dah
+/*[inert checksum: 7b18d017f89f61cf17d47f92749ea6930a3f1deb]*/
+    def _test_clinic(self, input, output):
+        language = clinic.CLanguage()
+        c = clinic.Clinic(language)
+        c.parsers['inert'] = InertParser(c)
+        c.parsers['copy'] = CopyParser(c)
+        computed = c.parse(input)
+        self.assertEqual(output, computed)
+    def test_clinic_1(self):
+        self._test_clinic("""
+    verbatim text here
+    lah dee dah
+/*[copy checksum: 03cfd743661f07975fa2f1220c5194cbaff48451]*/
+""", """
+    verbatim text here
+    lah dee dah
+/*[copy checksum: 7b18d017f89f61cf17d47f92749ea6930a3f1deb]*/
+class ClinicParserTest(TestCase):
+    def test_trivial(self):
+        parser = DSLParser(FakeClinic())
+        block = clinic.Block("module os\nos.access")
+        parser.parse(block)
+        module, function = block.signatures
+        self.assertEqual("access",
+        self.assertEqual("os",
+    def test_ignore_line(self):
+        block = self.parse("#\nmodule os\nos.access")
+        module, function = block.signatures
+        self.assertEqual("access",
+        self.assertEqual("os",
+    def test_param(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.access\n   path: int")
+        self.assertEqual("access",
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(function.parameters))
+        p = function.parameters['path']
+        self.assertEqual('path',
+        self.assertIsInstance(p.converter, clinic.int_converter)
+    def test_param_default(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.access\n    follow_symlinks: bool = True")
+        p = function.parameters['follow_symlinks']
+        self.assertEqual(True, p.default)
+    def test_param_no_docstring(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module os
+    follow_symlinks: bool = True
+    something_else: str""")
+        p = function.parameters['follow_symlinks']
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(function.parameters))
+        self.assertIsInstance(function.parameters['something_else'].converter, clinic.str_converter)
+    def disabled_test_converter_arguments(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.access\n    path: path_t(allow_fd=1)")
+        p = function.parameters['path']
+        self.assertEqual(1, p.converter.args['allow_fd'])
+    def test_param_docstring(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module os
+os.stat as os_stat_fn -> object(doc_default='stat_result')
+   path: str
+       Path to be examined""")
+        p = function.parameters['path']
+        self.assertEqual("Path to be examined", p.docstring)
+        self.assertEqual(function.return_converter.doc_default, 'stat_result')
+    def test_function_docstring(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module os
+os.stat as os_stat_fn
+   path: str
+       Path to be examined
+Perform a stat system call on the given path.""")
+        self.assertEqual("""
+Perform a stat system call on the given path.
+  path
+    Path to be examined
+""".strip(), function.docstring)
+    def test_explicit_parameters_in_docstring(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module foo
+  x: int
+     Documentation for x.
+  y: int
+This is the documentation for foo.
+Okay, we're done here.
+        self.assertEqual("""
+This is the documentation for foo.
+, y)
+  x
+    Documentation for x.
+Okay, we're done here.
+""".strip(), function.docstring)
+    def test_parser_regression_special_character_in_parameter_column_of_docstring_first_line(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module os
+    path: str
+This/used to break Clinic!
+        self.assertEqual("os.stat(path)\n\nThis/used to break Clinic!", function.docstring)
+    def test_c_name(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.stat as os_stat_fn")
+        self.assertEqual("os_stat_fn", function.c_basename)
+    def test_return_converter(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.stat -> int")
+        self.assertIsInstance(function.return_converter, clinic.int_return_converter)
+    def test_star(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module os\nos.access\n    *\n    follow_symlinks: bool = True")
+        p = function.parameters['follow_symlinks']
+        self.assertEqual(inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, p.kind)
+        self.assertEqual(0,
+    def test_group(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("module window\nwindow.border\n [\n ls : int\n ]\n /\n")
+        p = function.parameters['ls']
+        self.assertEqual(1,
+    def test_left_group(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module curses
+   [
+   y: int
+     Y-coordinate.
+   x: int
+     X-coordinate.
+   ]
+   ch: char
+     Character to add.
+   [
+   attr: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   ]
+   /
+        for name, group in (
+            ('y', -1), ('x', -1),
+            ('ch', 0),
+            ('attr', 1),
+            ):
+            p = function.parameters[name]
+            self.assertEqual(, group)
+            self.assertEqual(p.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
+        self.assertEqual(function.docstring.strip(), """
+curses.window.addch([y, x,] ch, [attr])
+  y
+    Y-coordinate.
+  x
+    X-coordinate.
+  ch
+    Character to add.
+  attr
+    Attributes for the character.
+            """.strip())
+    def test_nested_groups(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module curses
+   [
+   [
+   y1: int
+     Y-coordinate.
+   y2: int
+     Y-coordinate.
+   ]
+   x1: int
+     X-coordinate.
+   x2: int
+     X-coordinate.
+   ]
+   ch: char
+     Character to add.
+   [
+   attr1: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   attr2: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   attr3: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   [
+   attr4: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   attr5: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   attr6: long
+     Attributes for the character.
+   ]
+   ]
+   /
+        for name, group in (
+            ('y1', -2), ('y2', -2),
+            ('x1', -1), ('x2', -1),
+            ('ch', 0),
+            ('attr1', 1), ('attr2', 1), ('attr3', 1),
+            ('attr4', 2), ('attr5', 2), ('attr6', 2),
+            ):
+            p = function.parameters[name]
+            self.assertEqual(, group)
+            self.assertEqual(p.kind, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
+        self.assertEqual(function.docstring.strip(), """
+curses.window.imaginary([[y1, y2,] x1, x2,] ch, [attr1, attr2, attr3, [attr4, attr5, attr6]])
+  y1
+    Y-coordinate.
+  y2
+    Y-coordinate.
+  x1
+    X-coordinate.
+  x2
+    X-coordinate.
+  ch
+    Character to add.
+  attr1
+    Attributes for the character.
+  attr2
+    Attributes for the character.
+  attr3
+    Attributes for the character.
+  attr4
+    Attributes for the character.
+  attr5
+    Attributes for the character.
+  attr6
+    Attributes for the character.
+                """.strip())
+    def parse_function_should_fail(self, s):
+        with support.captured_stdout() as stdout:
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                self.parse_function(s)
+        return stdout.getvalue()
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__two_top_groups_on_left(self):
+        s = self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    [
+    group1 : int
+    ]
+    [
+    group2 : int
+    ]
+    param: int
+            """)
+        self.assertEqual(s,
+            ('Error on line 0:\n'
+            'Function two_top_groups_on_left has an unsupported group configuration. (Unexpected state 2)\n'))
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__two_top_groups_on_right(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    param: int
+    [
+    group1 : int
+    ]
+    [
+    group2 : int
+    ]
+            """)
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__parameter_after_group_on_right(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    param: int
+    [
+    [
+    group1 : int
+    ]
+    group2 : int
+    ]
+            """)
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__group_after_parameter_on_left(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    [
+    group2 : int
+    [
+    group1 : int
+    ]
+    ]
+    param: int
+            """)
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__empty_group_on_left(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    [
+    [
+    ]
+    group2 : int
+    ]
+    param: int
+            """)
+    def test_disallowed_grouping__empty_group_on_right(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    param: int
+    [
+    [
+    ]
+    group2 : int
+    ]
+            """)
+    def test_no_parameters(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module foo
+        self.assertEqual("Docstring\n\", function.docstring)
+        self.assertEqual(0, len(function.parameters))
+    def test_single_star(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    *
+    *
+    def test_parameters_required_after_star_without_initial_parameters_or_docstring(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    *
+    def test_parameters_required_after_star_without_initial_parameters_with_docstring(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    *
+Docstring here.
+    def test_parameters_required_after_star_with_initial_parameters_without_docstring(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    this: int
+    *
+    def test_parameters_required_after_star_with_initial_parameters_and_docstring(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    this: int
+    *
+    def test_single_slash(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    /
+    /
+    def test_mix_star_and_slash(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+   x: int
+   y: int
+   *
+   z: int
+   /
+    def test_parameters_not_permitted_after_slash_for_now(self):
+        self.parse_function_should_fail("""
+module foo
+    /
+    x: int
+    def test_function_not_at_column_0(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+  module foo
+    x: int
+      Nested docstring here, goeth.
+    *
+    y: str
+  Not at column 0!
+        self.assertEqual("""
+Not at column 0!
+, *, y)
+  x
+    Nested docstring here, goeth.
+""".strip(), function.docstring)
+    def test_parser_regression_special_character_in_parameter_column_of_docstring_first_line(self):
+        function = self.parse_function("""
+module os
+    path: str
+This/used to break Clinic!
+        self.assertEqual("This/used to break Clinic!\n\nos.stat(path)", function.docstring)
+    def test_directive(self):
+        c = FakeClinic()
+        parser = DSLParser(c)
+        parser.flag = False
+        parser.directives['setflag'] = lambda : setattr(parser, 'flag', True)
+        block = clinic.Block("setflag")
+        parser.parse(block)
+        self.assertTrue(parser.flag)
+    def test_legacy_converters(self):
+        block = self.parse('module os\nos.access\n   path: "s"')
+        module, function = block.signatures
+        self.assertIsInstance((function.parameters['path']).converter, clinic.str_converter)
+    def parse(self, text):
+        c = FakeClinic()
+        parser = DSLParser(c)
+        block = clinic.Block(text)
+        parser.parse(block)
+        return block
+    def parse_function(self, text):
+        block = self.parse(text)
+        s = block.signatures
+        assert len(s) == 2
+        assert isinstance(s[0], clinic.Module)
+        assert isinstance(s[1], clinic.Function)
+        return s[1]
+    def test_scaffolding(self):
+        # test repr on special values
+        self.assertEqual(repr(clinic.unspecified), '<Unspecified>')
+        self.assertEqual(repr(clinic.NULL), '<Null>')
+        # test that fail fails
+        with support.captured_stdout() as stdout:
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+      'The igloos are melting!', filename='clown.txt', line_number=69)
+        self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), 'Error in file "clown.txt" on line 69:\nThe igloos are melting!\n')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()