Issue #19553: PEP 453 - "make install" and "make altinstall" now install or
upgrade pip by default, using the bundled pip provided by the new ensurepip
module.  A new configure option, --with-ensurepip[=upgrade|install|no], is
available to override the default ensurepip "--upgrade" option.  The option
can also be set with "make [alt]install ENSUREPIP=[upgrade|install\no]".
diff --git a/ b/
index 02f481e..14b3aef 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4767,6 +4767,21 @@
+# ensurepip option
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ensurepip)
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with(out)-ensurepip=@<:@=upgrade@:>@],
+        ["install" or "upgrade" using bundled pip])],
+    [],
+    [with_ensurepip=upgrade])
+    [yes|upgrade],[ENSUREPIP=upgrade],
+    [install],[ENSUREPIP=install],
+    [no],[ENSUREPIP=no],
+    [AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-ensurepip=upgrade|install|no])])
 # generate output files
 AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile.pre Modules/Setup.config Misc/python.pc Misc/
 AC_CONFIG_FILES([Modules/ld_so_aix], [chmod +x Modules/ld_so_aix])